

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,038 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka - I can change the stride length on the new pedometer, and I lengthened it since I have long legs, I think it was pre-set at 24". Maybe make it smaller? Suggestions welcome!


    Measure your stride length and enter that number.

    You'll have to Google it because I forget if it is from the tips of toes to tips of toes or toes to heels.

    You measure it by walking on a long piece of paper in wet feet or on muddy ground.

    Or you measure a distance of 240 inches and count how many paces it takes you.

    Make sure you've got space before and after so you can get into a natural stride during the section you are measuring.

    M in Oz

    This article explains


    Measure Your Stride With Just 10 Steps

    Your pedometer likely comes with an instruction manual which includes directions on how to measure your stride. Most pedometers suggest that you take 10 steps, measure the distance from start to finish, and divide by 10. The result is your stride length. Very fast. Very simple. And... kind of accurate... but I’ll talk about that a bit later.

    But first, let’s just try it. I’ve found that sidewalks are the easiest surface to use for this type of measurement. They’re flat, level and each of those lines running across the width of the sidewalk can be your starting point. Stand with both feet just behind a line, then take 10 normal-sized steps. Place a coin, rock or other marker at the tip of your 10th step, then use a tape measure to measure from your starting line to your finish point.

    Even better, do this several times and average the results.


    And there are other methods here:

    Or here:

    Or here:

    This last one provides several good methods and then adds a height chart where for females: height in inches multiplied by 0.413 equals stride length. When you use your height to determine your stride length, you get a rough estimate that isn't personalized but it might be a good place to start.

    So for me, my height is 65 or 66 inches ... so about 27 inches.

    If I'm not mistaken, @SophieRosieMom you're taller so yours would be 28 or 29 inches.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,038 Member
    Finished this jigsaw puzzle week... weirdly fun. Wood pieces, instead of cardboard, and totally wiggly. Different and very swirly pieces, to say the least. Haven't done a puzzle in years. All Michele's fault. :smiley:

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,611 Member
    Good Tuesday,
    Head woke me up a little early this morning. Water with electrolytes hopefully will help. Forgot to send stats to Lanette yesterday. Up .3 lbs. No biggie, but I know why so just need to fix. Not enough movement, short on water, carry out pizza, and slight increase in calories. Just walking will help.

    I love all the house updates. Inspiring! I still want my master bath done, but once again on back burner for another project. Smaller ones I could do....handles on kitchen cabinets, new stool cushions, changing the upholstery on the dining room chairs (they are so 1990s). The other big one is changing the carpet but would rather hold off that until bathroom done. No need to get construction yuck in new carpet. The other issue is new carpet doesn't last as long as the old stuff. Most of the carpet is from 1991. Three rooms have newer carpets (2005ish) and they too need replaced. I don't fret, just make list;)

    Puzzles, crossstitch, coloring, writing, crafting....what a talented and inspiring group of ladies. I have finished book three of the Stillman Lake series. That is the fifth book of the year! I haven't read this much in years and missed it.

    Off to get ready for work.
    Welcome to the new ladies!
    Healing thoughts to injured or illnesses among us.
    Make the best choice you can in the moment. Even 10 steps is better than none!

    Kylia in Ohio
  • ATnowornever
    ATnowornever Posts: 389 Member
    edited February 13
    Machka9 wrote: »
    At the botanical gardens ...



    Machka in Oz

    @Machka9 What a beautiful place! 🌴

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,458 Member
    edited February 13
    Claire in the UK ( @misssixtea ) - Welcome, glad you're here! Come back and join in any conversation you like... There are always lots swirling around...

    Barbara - Proud of you for reading and not feeling you must respond. So now, the question is, can you just respond to just a few? 🙃😀😂 I shouldn't poke, I just hate to watch you stress to catch up and respond to all when we genuinely do know how much you care already.

    Heather - I do hope your son's friend can get the needed transplant, it sounds terrifying for all concerned. Hope it gets your son off the dime to get his will done as well. It's such a gift to those who love you if the worst happens, and I hope it never does.

    Machka - I thought you might like that one, considering your coloring page choices. It's only about 300 pieces, but it was tough to put together! I struggle with spatial awareness anyway, and the wood ones come close to shading over into 3D. I think it's a really good mental exercise for me. And not expensive. Just had to keep a towel thrown over it at night to keep Egg from pushing the loose pieces onto the floor! 🐈‍⬛😹🖤

    Tracey - The kids are on the move right now, not completed yet. In Lubbock last night.. halfway between tonight, somewhere in Oklahoma. They start each morning between 11 and noon and end it about four years later, as John doesn't drive, just Soraya. They'll be here late tomorrow afternoon, so I didn't even have to change my acupuncture appointment! :smiley:

    Lanette - Yes, the last time they were here, they looked at several apartments in the area they were interested in, up around Fayetteville. It's very much a college town (University of Arkansas) and John lived at the south edge of it five years ago, so he's familiar with the area. They found an apartment that offers a $99 deposit for veterans (they both are disabled vets, she's Navy, he's Air Force).

    Rosemarie - Thank you... I don't write poetry often but was inspired by one I posted on Facebook from someone else. It's nice to finally have the mental time and space to be able to write again.

    More in a minute...
    Love from Lisa in AR
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,080 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Machka I have Tailor's bunions too. My shoes never fit quite right.

    Claire, welcome!

    Heather our hearts go out to your son and his friend.

    We are expecting a sprinkling of snow today. My dad has a dermatologist appointment, so I will drive. Hope there's no ice.

    I'm thinking about a mocha latte later. The caffeine will help my head deal with the changing weather. Self-care for migraines.

    I "liked" a guy on a dating site last night, and he "liked" me back. Now I have to decide whether I'm just window shopping, or ready to pay for the site so I can message him. Hmm. Am I ready to date again? I feel like my grieving is under control. But I don't know about leaving my dad alone for long. Either way it's a pleasant daydream. I never posted a photo on that site. That would be the next step. Hmm. I wanted a new hobby!

    Well you ladies have a magnificent day! Happy pancakes!

    Annie in Delaware
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,458 Member
    Good morning, my chickens, from the frosty early hours of a sunny winter day in the Arkansas River Valley,

    Woke up soooo congested and sinusy I could barely draw in a deep breath, but time, tissue and coffee are helping clear things up a bit. TMI, sorry. And yuck.

    I'm such a big, fat procrastinator that now I have to do the cleaning today and whatever else needs doing tomorrow morning before I go to acupuncture. Wore myself out yesterday on making dinner and making cookies that were a complete failure (dinner was fine).

    For the cookies, I tried out a "healthy recipe" and used almond butter for the first time, and old-fashioned oats buzzed up in the mini-food processor to turn them into a rough oat flour, and maple syrup. Seriously could have used the mixture to repair any holes in the wall. Stickiest, most horrible cookie dough I've ever made.

    The first pan of cookies came out exactly like they went in, and were completely inedible! So I creamed brown sugar, butter, vanilla and egg and slowly added the mix back into it, one sticky glob at a time... they're cookies now, and vaguely edible, and Corey liked them, but I wouldn't eat 'em on a bet. Not necessarily a bad thing, but still, I hate it when things don't work.

    Along with writing a bit again, and baking, I've been working on my refrigerator mural again. Like so many large pieces (both in writing fiction and in art, oddly enough), it's largely deciding what it's going to be all on its own. It's OK, I'm almost beginning to like it. There is lots more to do, as I'm still only doing one color or color blend at a time, at most two or three a day, but that's OK, it may yet make sense.

    So looking forward to seeing the kids tomorrow! Hope their journey across isn't too exhausting. I've done those drives so many times in my life, but only in my later years was I willing to do it in easy stages. They are, without doubt, the oldest young people I've ever known.

    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,080 Member
    Lisa one time I was asked to join a cookie exchange among the higher-ups at work. I made healthy cookies, sort of like what you described. They all made fancy high sugar cookies and were very competitive about it. I was quite embarrassed. That was when I thought I could cook if I really wanted to do it.

    Annie in Delaware
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :)Rosemarie, for many years I have written down every cent that I spend (just like logging every bite and swallow of the food I eat). The act of writing it down and seeing it on paper has helped me be more mindful of how I spend my money. Because of that, I am a very intentional shopper and spend money only after careful and thoughtful reflection. I don't "go shopping" for recreation. I ask myself questions about every purchase I make and don't buy things impulsively. I don't keep a budget or a spreadsheet.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,904 Member
    Machka - I can change the stride length on the new pedometer, and I lengthened it since I have long legs, I think it was pre-set at 24". Maybe make it smaller? Suggestions welcome!


    Measure out 25 feet, then walk your normal stride the length of it and count your steps (25 ft to 100 ft, longer is better) then divide the 25 (or whatever length you measured out) by the number of steps you took (L/S=step length for algebra geeks! Lol). This will give you your stride. To be more accurate multiply the length you walked by12 to get inches then do the formula again and multiply the result by 12 to get the foot measure ((25Feet X 12Inches)/ Steps walked)times 12 inches = average step length. Example to make it easier? ((50F*12inches)/steps)=(600/30 steps=20 inches)/12inches=step length of 1.5 ft. @Machka did I do that right? LOL

    Long time no Algebra! LOL

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,904 Member
    Today is:h48qlkk38oze.png
    Tortellini sounds like something ET would eat! LOL. ET culture? Maybe my name would be: Atirvr?? Lol (RVrita backwards!) What’s Yours?
