
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,576 Member
    edited February 14
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) Making a will is important. Looking at it every few years and updating is important, too, since things change. I've known situations of of spouses or partners tossed out of their homes by adult children because adequate wills were not in place. Our will provides that everything will go to the survivor of the two of us, provisions for bequests to others apply only after the second one dies. My parents had a similar plan. After my father died, my mother updated the will much to the surprise of my father's sister who assumed that she'd get nothing and that my mother would write her out. We don't have much to leave to anyone but having a will allows the person of our choice to get into our house and bank accounts and sell or distribute our stuff with greater ease than would be the case without a will.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    Barbie- that's what I told my neighbor. As long as a Community Property Agreement is in place and recorded in this state, everything goes to the surviving spouse and the Will of the deceased is no longer in force. The surviving spouse can choose to honor the wishes of the deceased as far as bequeathing property or $$ to others, or may need to do things differently as time goes on and circumstances change.

    As Lisa mentioned, the cost isn't that much compared to the peace of mind once it's done.

    SW WA State

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Oh, and I now have 3 grands with learner permits!
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,192 Member
    @Kylia. Kylia in Ohio
    RVRita- I would be ailyk... Not sure what ailyk.. stands for…?
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,596 Member
    edited February 14
    Lanette - they took two phials of blood. Auto immune markers, plus iron, vit d, etc. I didn’t get to sleep until 3 am last night, (very damp here) with more than I should painkillers. Ugh. The nap I surrendered to this afternoon was bliss. Best sleep I've had in ages.
    DDIL called in on their way home from her parents to collect the house key we keep. She had forgotten to take hers and my son is in London. :p
    Some lovely new scissors arrived from Amazon. You can never have enough sharp scissors. I've thrown away a few pairs of useless ones. With the craft things the girls do, they have to be sharp.

    Lisa - Thinking of you and your reunion. <3
    Could Corey put all the yard art in one specific place and erect a screen around it? Or plant bamboo? I always think one pile looks better than several.
    As you have read my book, you know that I too had a horror of looking poor. :# I used to scrutinise my face to see if I had that pinched poor look. There was a lot of poverty when I was young in the fifties, after the war, and we were just teetering on the edge, taking in lodgers etc. Money was a source of friction between my parents. Unusually for the time, my mother went back to full-time work when my little brother was two and a half.

    Lanette - I have a vivid fantasy life too, though mine consists of several properties with different styles. We watch a lot of antique and auction programmes, so we decide if we would have the object in our house, or, which of our properties it would look good in. I have a Manchester industrial loft, a Paris apartment, and a sleek modern penthouse. John has a traditional English country house.
    Meanwhile I just declutter our space as I can. John has far too many clothes. They are neatly stored, but he doesn't wear a third of it. At least they are behind doors. I like a very pared down look to the house. His study I leave alone, but it pains me a bit. I do want to get rid of more books. Old travel guides etc. He is fairly tidy, for a man, but doesn't see messy bits. Shelves with random bits on. Ugh!

    I can smell the delicious dinner he is cooking. Only two and a half hours to go!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,192 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Got new Hoka Challengers!

    I bought my previous ones almost exactly 4 years ago, and they were well worn. It was time.

    This time I went with the wide version of my size because of my bunions, and I chose black. I could have gone with a really light blue/white colour scheme, but I don't wear white shoes, especially not running shoes!!


    Aside from the blister I got yesterday, my feet are happy again. :)

    Machka in Oz

    I also have a tailor bunion on my right foot along with a regular bunion. My left foot, I had the tailor bunion removed but still have a bunion near the big toe. So I looked up the HOKA challengers you have and found they are close to or over $200 American. I think they are worth it if they do last 4 years! I’ve been getting New Balance X-tra wide but they wear out within a year. I put a pair of these in my Save for Later list on Amazon.

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,225 Member
    You probably tried jacket pockets. But if there's a hole in the pocket the watch might be down inside the lining. Just a thought!

    No word on my aunt today.

    Annie in Delaware
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,517 Member
    Heather, Pip, and Kylia ~ What wonderful Valentine Day surprises.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,192 Member
    Today is a busy day!. dimi4a7bpaw0.jpeg
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 966 Member
    edited February 14
    kevrit wrote: »

    It is indeed frustrating, especially now that the battery on the watch is dead and my phone no longer can connect to it. The last report showed the low battery level, so I know it can’t be anywhere else but the RV b/c the phone connects by Bluetooth.

    Thanks for the suggestions!


    This is indeed frustrating. I have found many misplaced items in the refrigerator. You mentioned groceries. Maybe it fell off when you were putting those away.

    Tina in CA

    Edit: Just read that you checked already.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,991 Member
    Hello again..
    I went from a house to a condo with less than 800 sq ft,I left alot with Tom and bought stuff used and some new but over the last 7yrs ive collected alot of junk mostly papers.. im turning into my dad..
    Will have to turn that around..
    How wonderful ,to you lovebirds that got beautiful 💐, and breakfast ,and lovely presents..well deserved one and all..
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,138 Member

    Kylia - I only have carpet in one room here. I will probably get rid of it at some point. The next project here I hope is the levelling of one corner, when that’s done I need to do the bathroom and flooring.
    What I’ll probably end up doing next is the living room. I have the plan, just need money and time to execute.

    Debbie - he could do the laundry himself. I know if he’s like my husband he would go without first though.
    I do laundry every Sunday. Usually 2 loads. I wash sheets and towels at some other point during the week.
    What does DH buy everyday?

    Well I went for my bone density scan today after class. Then my friend who just moved stopped in and we went to Walmart and grabbed junk food for supper.
    She brought Jeb with her, as soon as Rodger left for work he got up on the couch with me and had a nap.
    Tracey in Edmonton

    I would love to replace all the carpets in the house. Our problem isn't the cost, it is the process. Having to remove all the furniture in every room. We have done the living room once, years ago, but it needs it again. We need to do all the bedrooms but those will be such a chore to clean out(especially my sewing room and dh's room-they are little rooms but SO much stuff in them)
    We replaced the carpet with lamenent in the hall and have plans to do it in the other hall and kitchen. Maybe this summer(dh said that the past two summers)-had to do the one hall because one of the cats wouldn't stop peeing on it. We even changed the carpet, painting the wood underneath before putting the new carpet in but I guess he could still smell it.

    Dh has done his own laundry a couple times-and has complained about it each time. Same with doing dishes. Usually I get laundry done every week, not sure what happened that I skipped it this week. Focusing on all the nebulizer treatments I guess, or just skipped my mind. Doing less pee pads, thankfully so maybe that is part of it too.

    Dh shops for groceries for his mom almost daily. Thankfully the new Asian store right in town has most of the things she wants. She always seems to want something.
    He also goes to Grocery Outlet-always looking for deals on cat food- Deals on cat stuff is online, in the stores, which ever ones we go in.
    We go to Black Friday and Falling Prices now that they are local.
    He shops online for his mom and for himself-lately stuff for the 3D printers, including another new one.
    Hope he sells a lot at these next two shows.

    Is the bone density test just a scan with a machine- I need to ask my doctor again for one for me.
    I tried a few years ago but she said I wasn't old enough, even though both parents have/had Osteo.
    Dad's was worse than moms. I will be 62 next month so should be able to get one now.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :)Carol in GA I don't write down each individual item from the grocery store, Costco, or Walmart unless they fit into a special category like clothing or yard supplies or pet food or something with its own category. Everything else is "groceries/household" but because of that I can address all the "stuff" I buy. Just like eating junk food and having to log it in my food diary, buying "junk" at the store requires that I notice it and admit what I'm doing.

    :) I used to do all the laundry until my spine surgery in 2016 when Jake had to do it because I couldn't be on my feet for long enough and we needed clean towels every day and clean sheets every other day. He found out he liked being in charge of "doing" the laundry but not the folding and putting away. Now he does the laundry and I fold and put things away. Nobody every runs out of clean underwear because we own enough for longer than a week. It's a simple solution.

    :) Yesterday Annie, the puppy, chewed up two of Jake's paperback books from the bottom shelf in the bedroom bookcase so we solved the problem by moving all the books from the shelf to another location. We also found out that both the books are available in hardback from the library so the problem is solved.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA