Ages 70+

Is there a group for women ages 70+? Or do I fit into this group?

Boise, Idaho


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,245 Member
    Are you looking for the 50+ thread?

    If so, open the 50+ thread, scroll to the bottom of the page to where it says "Leave Comment " and type in the box under "Leave Comment "
  • mlpatrick335
    mlpatrick335 Posts: 9 Member
    I’m way past 50 here. Looking for more motivation. I’ve lost my momentum. I’ve gained 6 pounds. I know it’s a mind over matter thing. I know what to do but every day there are excuses that make me think I’ll begin again tomorrow. That has lead to many tomorrows.
    Any ideas to get me going again?

  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    nickylou40 wrote: »
    I'm in my 80's and could definitely be part of a group of over 70 - .
    Does anyone know how to actually start such a group?

    And today I am fighting the urge to overeat. Will wait until time for dinner and eat only healthy food and healthy portions.

    Nicky S.

    Nicky, I think we just have! About overeating.... I find if I keep sweets and carbohydrates down to an absolute minimum, that my appetite stays under better control. If I have trouble with hunger before dinner, I eat some protein, like hard boiled eggs, to hold me over.

    Do you know how to bookmark this thread? It's helpful so you can easily find it and see if there are any new posts.
  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 3,178 Member
    Protein is my appetite driver, too. I don't have a bad problem with sweets or chips or fries, but I can sure down a cup or so of nuts fast if I get "snacky".
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    Corina1143 wrote: »
    Protein is my appetite driver, too. I don't have a bad problem with sweets or chips or fries, but I can sure down a cup or so of nuts fast if I get "snacky".

    Hi, Corina. I've tried different combinations of food and just now have started eating only meats, fruits, vegetables and a small amount of raw nuts. It's working too. I've only been back from my cruise for a week and have already lost what I gained (and I really let myself go wild and ate a lot!) I think I got all the splurge eating out of my system for a while. BTW, the cruise was my reward for all the hard work I'd done over the past 2 years and losing 66 pounds.

    Sugars and carbs don't hold my hunger for very long but proteins do. Also, I practice time restricted eating... eating only twice a day at noon and 6 PM. I drink water except for 2 cups of coffee in the morning (down from3).

    What is your eating regimen?
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,486 Member
    hi I am 61 but my husband is 73 my problem is crisps an a odd ti..much wine all can add me as a friend to keep on track as I aim to hit my targets this year so far so good so if I can do it with a new puppy. husband with cancer and a few other stressful issues them you can. Good luck all
  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 3,178 Member
    edited February 21
    nickylou40 wrote: »
    I'm in my 80's and could definitely be part of a group of over 70 - .
    Does anyone know how to actually start such a group?
    And today I am fighting the urge to overeat. Will wait until time for dinner and eat only healthy food and healthy portions.

    Nicky S.

    I like your attitude.
    Tomorrow I WILL do better. I will eat enough to nourish my body without going overboard.
  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 3,178 Member
    edited February 21
    My eating is the polar opposite of a regimen. One day I'll eat mostly veggies for 800 calories, next day fast food all day for 2000 calories. No Discipline at all. I have every bit as big a problem with undereating as with overeating, cause I'm so hungry the next day I have no restraint at all. Today’s a "eat all of everything" day.
  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 3,178 Member
    annliz23 wrote: »
    hi I am 61 but my husband is 73 my problem is crisps an a odd ti..much wine all can add me as a friend to keep on track as I aim to hit my targets this year so far so good so if I can do it with a new puppy. husband with cancer and a few other stressful issues them you can. Good luck all

    Hi Ann Liz. I'm here to eat for health more than weight loss. I've lost a lot over the years. Still a little overweight. Need to lose 10 pounds, would like to lose 20. 🙃
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    Corina1143 wrote: »
    My eating is the polar opposite of a regimen. One day I'll eat mostly veggies for 800 calories, next day fast food all day for 2000 calories. No Discipline at all. I have every bit as big a problem with undereating as with overeating, cause I'm so hungry the next day I have no restraint at all. Today’s a "eat all of everything" day.

    Corina, I'm not saying I have this eating thing licked but keeping my appetite under control is my aim. I find that sugar and high carbohydrate foods trigger my appetite (and I have no restraint then) so I have to stay away from them. My first meal is a big salad around noon and the second is meat and veggies between 6-8 PM. All whole foods. Fruits and nuts are considered treats, and I only have them occasionally.

    I don't allow myself fast food or anything "artificial" (fake food from boxes). I just tell myself, "It's a no".
  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 3,178 Member
    edited February 21
    Hi, Niki
    I lost 60 pounds about 2004, gained 20 back, had some health problems, lost 30 thru illness in March and April of this year, kept it going for 15 or so more. I'm 7-8 pounds from 24.99 bmi, which is my goal for now. I'd also like to really "fit" in my new size 10 clothes I've been buying. They're just a bit too snug.
    I'm 74.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    nsk1951 wrote: »
    Hello, I've been following this thread since I saw the first post on January 18, but was reluctant to jump in. Now it seems that it's caught a few people who are coming back on a regular basis, and that encourages me to jump on board as well.

    I'm going to turn 79 next month. I've been on MFP, off and on, since about 2012, under two previous profile names. When I first began sharing on these boards, my goal had been to lose 100 pounds. I did manage to lose about 60 pounds before my weight loss stopped. It was a hard fought battle and gave me a lot of self knowledge that has helped me keep most of that loss gone. In the past year I've had health issues and have gained back some of that loss. That's what I'm working on now ... to get back to the low weight I was before I stopped losing weight. I feel it is an important piece of the puzzle to better overall health for me to be as trim as I can healthfully achieve.

    More about my 'plan and approach' if you current posters welcome me in.

    A BIG WELCOME TO THIS NEW GROUP! I can relate to everything you said. After losing 66 pounds over 2 years, I was very disheartened to put back 35 over the course of just a few months (so easy to do)... but I'm back on track now and have dropped 5 pounds in the past 10 days. This is not a vanity project for me. My life literally depends on it. At 77, I have a lot of health conditions that would improve through weight loss and a healthy diet. I'd like to live at least 10 more years and have a good quality of life during that time, and I know I'm the only one who can make it happen and it's my mission.

    Sometimes it's harder to start "all over" again because losing weight isn't easy. Like you said, it's a hard fought battle, but you can do it. I'll be interested in following your progress.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    Corina1143 wrote: »
    Hi, Niki
    I lost 60 pounds about 2004, gained 20 back, had some health problems, lost 30 thru illness in March and April of this year, kept it going for 15 or so more. I'm 7-8 pounds from 24.99 bmi, which is my goal for now. I'd also like to really "fit" in my new size 10 clothes I've been buying. They're just a bit too snug.
    I'm 74.

    I can't imagine fitting into a 10..... Good for you!
  • allisoncreekranch
    allisoncreekranch Posts: 1 Member
    This is definitely a group for me. I am 75 and hoping/planning to lose about 25 pounds. My intentions always seem good but my motivation falls off the wagon!!!
  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 3,178 Member
    edited February 22
    Welcome to the club Allison.
    I prelogged last night. I said I would have scrambled eggs for breakfast. I had biscuits and gravy. I said I would have a turkey burger on low-cal healthy bread for lunch. I had a fast food burger. I know what I should eat. But I know what I like!
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,299 Member
    I'm feeling hopeful as I read through the new comments. Hopeful that this will become a favorite go-to thread; one we all benefit from being a part of.
    Thanks to everyone who responded to my post.

    I can relate to Allison about good intentions. Also to Corina when she planned one food and ended up eating another one. And Barb, who said her weight loss effort is not a vanity project.

    I just wanted to mention a tip, in case anyone needs it; of how to quickly find this thread again because if you haven't saved the thread it becomes very difficult to find it again later. Bookmark it and it will then give you a notification when a post has been made. I use both a desk top computer and my phone to go onto MFP. Bookmarking is the same either way, click on the little flag type icon at the top of the page, where the thread name appears. It will turn blue to signify you have bookmarked it. As for finding it again, that works a bit differently based on which device you are on. But in either case you need to be in the Community section of MFP. On a desktop device, a bell appears on the top line and when you click on it, it shows which threads you have bookmarked have posts. Click the one you want to go to. On a phone device, at the top of the Community page, click on your profile icon for the dropdown that will show Bookmarks .. click on that and it will take you to the threads that you can then select.
    If this is confusing, let me know and I'll try to explain it better.