❤️⭐️February Daily Weigh-in and Logging Challenge⭐️❤️



  • judefit1
    judefit1 Posts: 735 Member
    Jude, 66 YO, 5' 2". Highest weight 165, lowest 115. Looking to change my relationship to food to one that's healthy and sustainable.

    February goals:
    * pay attention to my nutrition to make sure I'm eating the correct calories and nutrients
    * continue to weigh/track/log as I did in January- it's working well for me

    SW: 138.6
    GW: 136ish
    Actual: 134.2
    Total Loss: 4.4 lbs
    Happy with this result, see you in March!

    week 1:
    2/1: 138.6
    2/2: 139.2
    2/3: 138.6
    2/4: 138.6
    2/5: 137.2
    2/6: 137.2
    2/7: 136.8
    week 2:
    2/8: 136.8
    2/9: 136.8
    2/10: 136.8
    2/11: 136.8
    2/12: 136.8
    2/13: 136.8
    2/14: 136.2
    week 3:
    2/15: 136.2
    2/16: 137.0
    2/17: 136.2
    2/18: 136.2
    2/19: 135.0
    2/20: 135.0
    2/21: 136.2
    week 4:
    2/22: 136.2
    2/23: 135.0
    2/24: 137.0
    2/25: 135.0
    2/26: 134.2
    2/27: 135.0
    2/28: 134.2
    2/29: 134.2
  • WhiskeyDeltaKilo
    WhiskeyDeltaKilo Posts: 58 Member
    Last day of February. I kept my part of the bargain. Haven't lost a damn pound. Off to find something that works.
  • Rh1aB1a
    Rh1aB1a Posts: 290 Member

    1. 159.4 <3
    2. 159.0 <3
    3. 159.6 <3
    4. 160.2 <3 Future hubby and I went out to dinner at one of our fav places last night. Delicious red wine and creamy pasta! Soooo worth it! Will make up for it today!
    5. 159.8 <3
    6. 160.0 <3
    7. 160.0 <3
    8. 159.8 <3
    9. 161.2 <3 I have to buckle down, food choices have not been great and I haven't been logging. Time to get back at it!
    10. DNW
    11. DNW
    12. 160.4 <3 Did pretty well over the weekend! Indulged a bit but tried to keep it in check. My youngest is weaning right now so my appetite and hormones are a little wonky! Hoping for a better week and to make some progress!
    13. 161.0 <3 It just keeps bouncing around!
    14. 159.8 <3
    15. 159.2 <3
    16. 159.2 <3
    17. 158.2 <3 Happy to finally see a loss!
    18. DNW- The bloat is real today
    19. 159.6 <3 Not too worried, I've been staying in my deficit.
    20. 158.2 <3
    21. 157.6 <3
    22. 157.0 <3<3 Y'all! I did it! I hit my monthly goal!!!!!
    23. 155.6 <3
    24. 156.0 <3
    25. 156.8 <3
    26. 157.6 <3 The weekends kill me, y'all. I have to start focusing and making better choices on the "S days" as my 5 year old calls them!
    27. 157.0 <3
    28. 156.4 <3
    29. 155.8 <3
  • KountryKat
    KountryKat Posts: 130 Member
    Hello, it's nice to meet you all! My name is Kat and I'm 32, 5'1". My goals for February are mindfulness around food, mini-exercises throughout the day, and no logging(I get way too competitive with myself and burn out!). SW: 123 | UGW: 110 | No specific goal weight for Feb., just to see consistent downward movement! I'm excited to join you all and stay accountable!
    2/8: 122.6
    2/9: 121.6
    2/10: 121 I'm assuming the water weight is off and now the real work begins. Happy weekend everyone!
    2/11: 120.8
    2/12: 120.8 I worked out all throughout the day and even did some work outside which got me sweating, so I'm pretty disappointed in the stagnation. I am feeling some muscle growth though so the soreness isn't for nothin'!
    2/13: 119.4 This ended up being an inadvertent rest day. I'm still tired and sore, but feeling a bit more ready to get back to it. I hope everyone has a great day!
    2/14: 119.2 Happy Val/Gal-entine's Day!
    2/15: 119.0 Well I've been very consistent the past few days haha! If that keeps up it'll make predicting timelines pretty easy.
    2/16: 118.2 @jm216 Happy Birthday! Tomorrow I'm going on an *all day* drive and shopping trip so I'm trying to make a plan since I'll need to keep my energy up. It may need to end up being a "cheat day"...
    2/17: 118.4
    2/18: 118.8
    2/19: 120.0 Hello again, it's been a busy weekend! I'm feeling incredibly frustrated because I spent nearly 5 hours laboring outside yesterday only for the scale to keep going up. I only seem to lose when I do my mini-exercises, but when I'm actually active all day working hard - nada. We'll see if I can get back on schedule tomorrow.
    2/20: 119.2
    2/21: 118.8
    2/22: 118.4
    2/23: 117.8
    2/24: 118.2
    2/25: 118.2
    2/26: 119.0 Today is my first day back in the office after teleworking for a month meaning I’ll need to establish a totally different routine that works. I prepped lots of healthy food to bring, but I’ll miss my workout breaks. Hopefully my body adjusts to working out at night!
    2/27: 118.2 Well I didn’t end up working out, but my meal planning was a success. I have been tracking calories lately though which is naughty for me so I just need to keep an eye on that.
    2/28: 117.4 I’m scared to say it in case I gain again, but as of right now I’m down 5lbs!
    2/29: 117.2 Total lost this month is 5.4lbs and I’m starting to notice small changes in my body. It’s been hard work, but I’m really excited for March-see you there!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,171 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 63 years old and from Michigan USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    This Challenge Starting Weight (from Jan 31): 181.6
    Goal: 177.6 (Four lb Loss)
    Actual Ending Weight: 177.0

    **********************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME********************

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    02/01-183.4-(Trend Weight 183.0)-

    02/02-181.8-(Trend Weight 182.8)-

    02/03-182.6-(Trend Weight 182.8)-

    02/04-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    02/05-184.6-(Trend Weight 183.2)-

    02/06-183.0-(Trend Weight 183.2)-

    02/07-181.0-(Trend Weight 183.2)-

    02/08-178.2-(Trend Weight 182.7)-

    02/09-178.4-(Trend Weight 182.3)-

    02/10-179.0-(Trend Weight 181.9)-

    02/11-179.2-(Trend Weight 181.7)-

    02/12-179.6-(Trend Weight 181.4)-

    02/13-182.0-(Trend Weight 181.5)-

    02/14-179.6-(Trend Weight 181.3)-

    02/15-178.4-(Trend Weight 181.0)-

    02/16-178.2-(Trend Weight 180.7)-

    02/17-179.6-(Trend Weight 180.6)-

    02/18-179.2-(Trend Weight 180.5)-

    02/19-179.4-(Trend Weight 180.5)-

    02/20-179.4-(Trend Weight 180.6)-

    02/21-181.2-(Trend Weight 180.7)-

    02/22-180.8-(Trend Weight 180.7)-

    02/23-178.0-(Trend Weight 180.4)-

    02/24-178.4-(Trend Weight 180.2)-

    02/25-178.2-(Trend Weight 180.1)-

    02/26-180.2-(Trend Weight 180.2)-

    02/27-179.4-(Trend Weight 180.2)-

    02/28-176.6-(Trend Weight 179.8)- Woo Hoo! My lowest weight since the 2020 Pandemic started! Even with no TMI x 2! I must say though that I am very likely a bit dehydrated as my water intake has been horrible for the past 3 or 4 days. Today is a busy day including taking my DGS for a haircut before the upcoming school concert. I will take him to dinner after but I usually pass on ordering anything so we shall see how that works out today. I will push water as often as I can which may increase the scale tomorrow but I know how important water intake is to good health. I would love to finish February strong and let those numbers challenge me in March.

    02/29-177.0-(Trend Weight 179.5)- A blip up on the scale overnight but a blip down on the trend weight as my body readjusts to that big whoosh yesterday. I didn’t get in too much movement due to so much shopping online for building supplies for the reno. Then I visited my friend with cancer in the evening until about 9:30 pm. Today will be more time on the computer but I meet the school bus at 3:30 and my kindergarten grandson will keep me on my toes until Friday night! My heart flutters every week when I get to spend this time with him. I am showing a 4.6 lb loss for February and I am very pleased and grateful.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,171 Member
    Thanks Jill @Jm216 for posting the March challenge. I will see you there tomorrow! Link is below.

  • andreajlnhe
    andreajlnhe Posts: 218 Member
    Hi All!!!

    So I slacked off last the last two or so weeks of January.... I stopped logging and checking in, and ate a lot more freely; however I did not gain. This is good.
    This is the month that I'm hoping to reach my goal weight, whatever that is, LOL. I'm starting the month at 126.8 pounds; my goal will probably be somewhere around 123-125. I'm hoping to know when I get there. Just to have a concrete goal to shoot for, let's say it's 124.

    Original starting weight: 160 lbs
    Goal for February: 124.0 lbs

    February 1: 126.8 💗 I logged
    February 2: 128.0 Hopefully just a temporary gain from our big meal last night.
    February 3: 128.2 💗 I logged
    February 4: 127.8
    February 5: 126.6 💗 I logged Phew!!
    February 6: 127.8 💗 I logged OK, this first week of February is just going to suck as far as weight loss goes.
    February 7: 127.0 💗 I logged
    February 8: 126.8
    February 9: 127.2 💗 I logged
    February 10: 127.6
    February 11: 128.0
    February 12: 127.8
    February 13: 127.4
    February 14: 127.0
    February 15: 127.2
    February 16: 127.6. 💗 I logged Ugh, I'm looking at my log and I remember yesterday was 127.2, and the day before was 127.0. I got off somewhere in my log. [***EDITED on 2/24: I see I left out February 13 in my list. Corrected it!!!**] Anyway, I have not yet rediscovered my motivation. Every morning I wake up super motivated, and then it always goes out the window somewhere between 2:00-6:00 PM. I'm kinda happy with my weight so there's some complacency there too. But I really do want to lose a few more pounds. And I need to get back to exercising. Reassessing my goals here in the middle of the month: I'm not going to be so concerned with losing x amount these last two weeks. My goal now is to just pre-log every morning or the night before. Every night or in the morning, to pre-log the following afternoon/evening.

    February 17: 126.8 💗 I logged Pre-logging, herbal tea, and protein powder are my friends.
    February 18: 126.8 💗 I logged
    February 19: 126.2 💗 I logged Finally, my weight is below my starting weight of the month.
    February 20: 125.4 💗 I logged Yes! 🎉🎉
    February 21: 124.8 💗 I logged This is a new low for me. 🎉
    February 22: 125.2 💗 I logged
    February 23: 125.6 💗 I logged Scale, go back down again! LOL.
    February 24: 124.8 💗 I logged 🎉
    February 25: 124.8
    February 26: 125.6 💗 I logged
    February 27: 125.4 💗 I logged
    February 28: 124.6 💗 I logged Nice 🎉
    February 29: 123.4 ⚽️🥅

    And now I'm at goal! Pretty much! I'm still not sure what I want my maintenance range to be. I do want to stay in a deficit for a little while longer.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Hi All,
    I’m starting this challenge late.

    Starting weight in March 2023: 230 lbs. (diagnosed with diabetes)
    Goal weight: 120 lbs.
    Height: 5’2”
    Total loss: 54 lbs.
    End of Sept. weight: 187.8 lbs.
    End of October weight: 188
    End of Nov. weight: 186
    End of Dec. weight: 181.4 lbs.
    End of Jan. Weight: 177.6 lbs.

    Monthly Weight Loss:
    March-10 lbs. (2023)
    April- 8 lbs.
    May- 5 lbs.
    June- 4.4 lbs. (trip to Europe)
    July- 5.6
    August-7 lbs. joined a ‘challenge’
    September- 2.6 lbs. ( sick)
    October- (gained) .2 lbs.
    November- loss 1.2 lbs.
    December- 4.4 lbs.
    January- 3.6 lbs.

    February 1-7 DNW ended January at 177.6 lbs.
    February 8- 178 lbs. I was surprised and happy to see this weight after 10 days on a cruise ship. Just up a little, and a Night time weight. We’ll see what it is tomorrow morning. Ate lots, but also got lots of exercise while away. Too much delicious food. I tried a little of everything.
    February 9- 177.6 lbs. I can’t believe this! Very happy. I didn’t gain any weight on vacation. I’m starting February’s challenge at the same weight that I ended January’s challenge. Osteo fitness class.
    February 10- 178 went for swim
    February 11- 177 lbs. Been hovering around this number for about a month. Have to get serious and start cooking again.
    February 12- 176 lbs. yay, ladies group luncheon today
    February 13-16 DNW been ill, worked out in gym, trying to get back on track
    February 17- 177.2 lbs. I expected this, swim this morning
    February 18- 177.2 lbs. preparing big, family dinner today, fun swimming with 6 grandkids
    February 19- 176.4 lbs. everyone had fun yesterday and loved the big dinner. I enjoyed cooking the meal. Ate a lot, but in under calories. Haven’t lost any weight in the last week. Overall, I’m losing so slowly , it’s discouraging. Family Day today so all the stores are closed. Everyone took home leftovers, so I need to buy healthy food today. Dance class.
    February 20- DNW water shut off in my building
    February 21-176.2 lbs. OMG I’m tired of hovering around this number. Haven’t lost anything for last 9 days. Fitness class and gym. I hope it helps. I want to see a whoosh.
    February 22-176 lbs. aquafit class. Will just get on with it.
    February 23-175.4 lbs. happy to see this small loss, fitness class and gym
    February 24-DNW bad night eating, swim today
    February 25-176.8 lbs. Going on vacation for a week, can’t weigh
    February 26-gym
    February 27-walking
    February 28- gym
    February 29- Hiking in the mountains. Lovely day. I was on a very, rocky trail and yet I found it much easier than the last time I went for a hike. Working out has really paid off. I wasn’t huffing and puffing like I used to. I’m still counting calories and making sure I get as much exercise as I can. I won’t know if I lost this month for a few more days. I saw a weight scale at the gym where I’m staying, but I’m too scared to use it. I’ll wait until I get home.
  • StirredIntention
    StirredIntention Posts: 227 Member
    Hey friends! My name is B - I live with my husband and two kids and work in community mental health. I've never not struggled with my weight, so I'm focusing on long term habits so I can live a longer and more active life with my family.

    Monthly Habits:
    Log all my food 🥙
    Work out 3x/week 🏃‍♀️
    8 glasses of water💧
    Self Care Activity 🧶

    Sept weightloss: 6.7 lbs
    Oct weightloss: 3.1 lbs
    Nov weightloss: 2.3 lbs
    Dec weightloss: 2 lbs
    Jan weightloss: +1

    1: 🥙🧶💧excited to start a new month!
    2: 🥙🧶💧
    3: 🥙🧶 Had a remote girl's night with some college friends ❤️ Enjoying the weekend and trying out some new meal prep recipes
    4: 🥙🧶💧🏃‍♀️ I've been playing around with some new recipes. I made a cinnamon roll coffee creamer with only 110 calories for 1/3 cup (I like my creamer with a side of coffee lol) and a bang bang chicken bake for lunch.
    5: 🥙🏃‍♀️
    6: 🥙
    7: 🥙💧🧶
    8: 🥙💧🧶🏃‍♀️
    9: 🥙🧶
    10: 🥙🧶
    11: 🥙
    12: 🥙🧶 trying a new lunch prep recipe and making diy snack packs of turkey pepperoni and string cheese
    13: 🥙
    14: 🥙🧶
    15: 🥙🧶 Having a flare up of a chronic illness. Reminding myself that rest is productive ❤️
    16: 🥙🧶
    17: 🥙🧶
    18: 🥙🧶 Spent a restful weekend puttering around the house. Ready to take on a new week.
    19: 🥙🧶💧
    20: 🥙🧶
    21: 🥙🧶💧
    22: 🥙🧶
    23: 🥙
    24: 🥙🧶💧🏃‍♀️
    25: 🥙🧶💧I somehow threw my back out and man oh man do I wish I had a chiropractor on standby...
    26: 🥙🧶💧🏃‍♀️ my back is still out of sorts so I saw a chiropractor and then took a very slow walk with my patient 14 year old.
    27: 🥙🧶💧🏃‍♀️
    28: 🥙🧶💧
    29: 🥙🧶💧I've really enjoyed this month and am excited to start March. I'm excited for new healthy snacks, warmer weather and continuing to feel healthier
  • nwsocal
    nwsocal Posts: 118 Member
    Good morning. My last weigh-in for February.

    My February stats.

    I was 100% on plan/calorie restriction all days but one and calories were over but food was on plan. Gotta love science in these numbers!

    2/1: 215.7
    2/2: 215.6
    2/3: 215.2
    2/4: 214.9
    2/5: 214.0
    2/6: 213.4
    2/7: 213.4
    2/8: 213.1
    2/9: 212.3
    2/10: 212.3
    2/11: 211.4
    2/12: 211.8
    2/13: 212.4
    2/14: 211.2
    2/15: 212.3
    2/16: 212.7
    2/17: 211.4
    2/18: 210.6
    2/19: 210.4
    2/20: 210.6
    2/21: 210.4
    2/22: 210.2
    2/23: 209.2 🎉
    2/24: 208.4
    2/25: 207.4
    2/26: 206.6
    2/27: 206.2
    2/28: 205.6
    2/29: 205.2

    My commitment to March.

    3/1: 204.6

    SW: 221.4 1/20/24
    HW: 284
    GW: 158

    Weight lost:
    January 2024 (start date 1/20): 5.5 lbs
    February 2024: 11.1 lbs

    FEBRUARY goals
    Keto level 3/4
    Daily logging food
    100% on food plan/calorie restricted diet
    SW: 215.7
    EW: 204.6
    Lost 11.1 lbs

    My lowest weight in 35 years!

    Thank you for the group support!

    Good luck in March. I’ll be there.


  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,171 Member
    @nwsocal You've reached your lowest weight in 35 YEARS???? That is AMAZING and worth Celebrating! I hope you will think of something nice like a facial or a new outfit to reward and celebrate yourself. So inspiring!!!!!