P90X Support Group...



  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey team!

    Did Back & Biceps today for the first time..... WOW. It was pretty brutal. It kicked my *kitten*, and I bonked pretty hard in the second half.

    I don't know if it was a lack of quality sleep (woke up several times during the night) or overall lack of energy, or just the brutality of the workout that caused me to bonk, but it took everything I had to finish as strong as I could AND complete Ab Ripper too.

    I may have to start drinking a quick cup of coffee before my workouts again. I had stopped because I think I was drinking too much coffee overall... Maybe I'll add the pre-workout coffee, and cut out the one I drink at breakfast.

    Anyway, this workout absolutely slams the biceps. Curl after curl after curl after curl...you get the picture. Oh and lots of rows, lawn mowers, and PULL UPS. Man, I was wasted at the end. Hope to have a stronger showing next week!!!

    Have a great day everyone! BRING IT!!!

  • drwstown76
    :happy: Helloooooooooooooooo Team X!!!!!!!!!
    We are officially 25% through this program!!! congratulations! BOOM! POW! :flowerforyou:

    I would like to hear from EVERYONE today! Just drop in and let us know how you are doing... good, bad, or indifferent!
    I am so freaking excited to be 1/4 complete! That is such an accomplishment! 23 days of grueling exercise and precise eating... Its so worth it! Let me hear from you! DO NOT FADE TEAM X. WE ARE HERE WITH YOU..... BRING IT. LETS GET IT IN! Im proud of yall AND myself! WAY TO GO! GET FIRED UP!

    Core... freaking... Synergistics! Oh how I love this workout! Superman.... Banana.... Superman... Banana! ahahahahaha! Awesome workout. Core City! I love this feeling of exhaustion1 My shoulders, things, chest, and especially my abs or feeling like they got smashed by a day on the shore of hawaii... catching waves and getting pounded by the ocean. (which we all will be happy to do once we reveal our rpped up bods in 67 more days!)

    Check in yall... Lets go! Stay with us! You can do it!
    Drew :explode:
  • Ucsb23
    Ucsb23 Posts: 27 Member
    Hey everyone. It's been one busy week and past week but I have got in all my routines but not have had time to check the posts. I was excited about the recovery week until I saw that Yoga is thrown in there twice. I love to yoga at the studio but the P90x yoga is not so fun. I have to push really hard to get through it. I haven't seen or done all of the workouts yet but I personally believe this is the weakest routine. It could have be done alot better. I got on the scale and still around the same weight as before but I keep losing inches. Maybe taking in to much protein, not sure. I would like to drop some lbs before this is over. At least were 25% done!!!!! Good job everyone :)
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    Happy Wed! I have core tonight, which technically should have been yesterday, but I am catching up from my missed days, skipping a rest day and doing it! Had yoga last night, was not feeling it at all, but got through it. Even got my very first toe lock in! Ready to bring it tonight, I lost another # and that always gets me amped up. Core is one of my favorites too Drew, can't wait!

    I hope everyone has a great workout. Ro, glad you decided to stick with the schedule. Good luck today everyone!
  • kmccoleman
    Hello everyone! I thought I was the only one subjecting myself to the torture by Tony Horton, but I guess he's addictive in his mantra "BRING IT!"

    So I'm on Week 7, today I do Back and Biceps but Plyo kicked my butt yesterday and my knees are questionable at best. I'll still try to plug through when I work out this evening.

    So the halfway mark is here..day 45 of the 90 day journey to change myself and honestly I don't see much change on the scale. Actually I've gained weight. My husband assures me its muscle, however, I was over 250 pounds when I started, fresh off an illness and needing a serious jolt to get my body to respond. Enter P90X. My husband miraculously lost 50 pounds in 3 months! I thought the same would be true for me. Not the case. I've lost about 3 inches in my chest, legs and hips and a inch or two in my waist and arms, but I'm still obese so the cardio that is involved in P90X isn't making the pounds come off at all.

    Mind you I'm pretty sure I'm not eating enough on most days as I'm not following the nutrition plan (it calls for me to eat over 3,000 calories based on their formula and that will never happen) but I would think less in, more off. Not for me. I've been teetering between a few pounds lost to gaining those few pounds back.

    But I will keep pushing play hoping against hope that the scale will catch up with the effort I put out.

    Thanks for reading. Everyone BRING IT!
  • mgmahaley
    I am finishing up Week 11 of Round 1 tonight. Can't believe I have made it this far. Last official day of Round 1 is on October 12 for me. Due to travel I will be taking some days off then starting Round 2 on October 17. That will force me to be good during Thanksgiving and Christmas.

    Has anyone else had only a few P90X workouts appear for entry on MyFitnessPal? I have had some show up for me. Others though... How are you entering your workouts on here?


  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Hey all,

    Yay for the all call - hopefully we get some of the less frequent posters checking in and letting us know how they are all doing - we had such a boom in August and then at the beginning of September we really don't want our group fading. Not only because we are THE coolest but also because we want everyone to be successful - to everyone who is bashful because they haven't logged on everyday or because they haven't been able to push play everyday. Remember that we are not here to judge just support! There have been days where I missed pushing play, days I didn't eat well (heck, still haven't followed the meal plan though I have been meaning to) and days where I didn't push myself as hard as possible, what is important is that you are trying your best and ... forgetting the rest. Let us know how you are doing!!

    Check in at the 25% mark, missed yoga last night because my neighbor invited me to her kickboxing class - she had a visitor pass to bring a friend for free and asked if I wanted to go. I never pass up an opportunity to get in a different workout for free and... I got my butt handed to me! It was a great workout - I dominated in Cardio - we did laps of the building - roughly 400m - one steady one as fast as possible. Because I like to run and can run relatively fast I had to do 5 laps while the "regulars" who were not as fast ran 4 - sigh of well props to fitness (thank you Plyo and Kenpo) and was able to do all the push-ups unassisted - almost 50 with mini breaks (Chest and Back you rock!). Then we did bag and partner work which was amaxing - I am thinking for adding weighted gloves to my Kenpo workouts to feel the same burn - that and am going to start adding my boyfriends punching bag to my routine. Then we did a circuit based on shoulders and chest and it was killer but awesome - 10 lb weights for shoulder press, band work, pull-ups, hugging this stupid water filled yoga ball and push and pulls with a medicine ball. LOVED it - got my bott kicked and looking forward to Core Synergistics!!

    Bring it!
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    kmc... welcome and glad your doing "well". I know it is extremely frustrating comparing your results to your partners, remember that men and women shed the lbs differently. Don't get discouraged by his successes, just keep supporting him and allow him to do the same for you. Keep at it - keep pushing yourself as much as you can and hang in there :flowerforyou: Eating more and losing more have a positive correlation so long as you are eating the right things - trust me! It is counter intuitive but it works!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    25%! One quarter done! Just gotta do it all 3 more times and we're there! I also realised today that this time next week will be day 30! :)

    Now then, Core Synergistics. I'm gonna break the mould here and tell you that this routine really pissed me off. My home gym room is pretty frickin sweet with the 6ft projector screen and all but it just aint big enough for me to be rolling around with my arms and legs extended! I'm about 6 foot so with my arms up, I'd need about 8 foot square of clear space to be able to do this properly. Maybe if I cleared the room out and devoted it to just gym, but it also functions as the guest bedroom so the Futon takes up a chunk of it - they don't make bedrooms that big in the UK! I also work out in bare feet which is really crap if I'm jumping around on the yoga mat as my feet stick to it so I ended up lobbing the mat across the room at one point.

    I guess I was pretty frustrated that I couldn't keep up as I had no idea what was going on. Superman banana? LISTEN TO ME TONY HORTON! I CAN'T ROLL OVER THAT FAST IN MY LIMITED SPACE!!! He was calling out to change before I'd even managed to make the previous switch so it didn't feel like I was getting much of a core workout as I was spending half the time flailing around like a prize tool trying to get myself over into the next one.

    It was possibly also something to do with the fact that today was massively hot over here in the UK - in September, I know! Our summer wasn't this warm! - and so I have a face full of sweat and carpet fluff...

    I think a clean up and rearrange of the gym room might help me out a bit for this one. At least next time (Saturday) I'll know what to expect.

    Ok, rant over. I'm sure I'll enjoy it more next time but I have to say that just for today, that wasn't a greatly pleasant experience...

    Looking forward to good old Kenpo tomorrow. By the way, anyone else notice that Wesley Idol looks kinda flabby? lol!

    Make it work for you guys, we're making solid progress here!

  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    :laugh: Jay :laugh: You literally made me laugh out loud!!
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    I'm doing well I have kenpo tonight. which I think is the easiest dvd so I'm gonna kill it. Phase1 of round 3 almost complete!. I also started doing the spike diet. I'm starting to drop BF at a quick pace now so I'm happy with my 3rd round.
  • MrsBooker
    MrsBooker Posts: 17 Member
    Hello fellow P90Xers!

    I am about to do Day 3 today (Shoulders and Arms). I must say I LOVED plyo! I "brought it" a little too much and was over my HR target range for 1/2 the workout, so I will have to cool it down some next go round. I love reading all the posts and getting a feel for what I have coming next! I will admit, yall have me a little scared about Core Synergistics! LOL. I did awesome with Ab Ripper X, but I am glad I have a few weeks to get mentally prepared for the Synergistics! Sounds like it is killer. Jay, you are hilarious, and since I am doing this with my hubby, I am trying to imagine how we will both be able to roll across the floor together...should be interesting! :laugh:

    Anyway, thanks for sharing everyone! Have an awesome end of the week.
  • kmccoleman
    Good morning my fellow P90X enthusiasts!

    I am officially at the halfway mark! Today marks day 46 on the plan and in 12 short days I take my Phase 2 picture. I'm not expecting miracles or Biggest Loser transformations since I was grossely overweight when I started but I'd like SOME change! Back and Biceps is history and tonight is supposed to be Yoga X HOWEVER I hate hate HATE the Yoga workouts. 1. It's too long and your arms are still sore from Back and Biceps from the night before so holding those positions give me horrible pain in my triceps, 2. I'm a big girl with hips and booty and boobs, holding those poses is like constantly hitting myself in the eye with my boobs over and over again and 3. I need more cardio to burn more fat. I tried adding an additional 30 minute run onto my Back and Biceps with Ab Ripper routine last night and weighed myself this AM and lost a pound. So I think I'll be adding an additional run to my days where I don't have a cardio workout planned. That seems to burst through the scale issue for now so I'll keep it going until it stops working. I may also swap out Yoga for Cardio X just because there are some small sections of Yoga but its enough that I don't feel the need to stab myself in the eye to make the boredom stop. Add onto the fact that next week is Recovery Week and there's 2 days of that crap and I'll get more than enough "finding my inner chi."

    Sassy-Thanks so much for the advice and encouragement. It astounds how easy it was for my husband and how much harder it is for me. I forgot I don't have the advantage of a mass quantity of testosterone or decreased body fat to start out with like men so that makes it harder for me and its SOOOOO unfair. But I pushed a 9 pound baby out of my body and he flinches when he gets a leg cramp so I guess I got one up on him in the pain department..lol.

    Keep pushing play everyone!
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Morning team!

    Glad to see so many checking in, keep it up people, we want to hear about your progress!!!

    Today is Day 32, and I did my Yoga X this morning. My body is pretty sore from the first week of phase 2, so it took a few minutes into the vinyasa segment to really get loosened up, but after that I was fine. My legs are still sore from Plyo on Tuesday, so holding some of the warrior positions was a struggle at times. Overall, I did well, and felt really good afterward.

    My biceps are definitely sore from Back & Biceps yesterday... Can't wait to hit that one again next week to see how much I can improve!

    Hope you all have a great day, and BRING IT!!

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,988 Member
    Hi- I started P90X back in 2008; Currently I am doing a hybrid with Chalene Extreme, P90X and some One on Ones; Trying to prep for the X2 release. I like your thread so thought I would jump in.

    Jay - how about wearing socks? That way the mat won't stick to your feet. I hear you on the superman banana. He goes flippen fast!

    KenpoX- I thought I read someone thought this was an easy DVD. So here are my ways of bringing it:
    1. Wear 1# hand weighted gloves;
    2. also wear 1# ankle weights (but don't go plyo then);
    3. Use an exercise band that goes around your legs (Chalene extreme calls it a 'thigh toning band'). Use that for the jumping jacks.
    4. When you do the back sratcher ("up down and across"); instead of just squatting there...do Jumping jacks with your legs..
    5. bring up the intensity of #4 by having the thigh toner around your legs when your jacking
    6. When doing the verticle punches also do the jumping jacks, or do 'quick feet/football feet'
    7. If doing jacks, put on the thigh toner during the verticle punches
    8. When doing the 'Claw hammer' that you only do to the front of the room and then you step back and repeat 20 times;, instead of stepping back - do the claw hammer to the front and the back of the room. Same with the Block punch. Instead of Block punch come on back block punch do Block punch and then block punch to the back of the room (you;ll be moving more side to side instead of front to back).

    I don't like yogaX either. I have found that doing 30min of it is okay. Some weeks I will do 30min and then do the next 30min someother day during the week. Some weeks, I do 3 sessions and get through the entire thing. What I do most often is do a 'plyo' workout first, then do 30min of YogaX. Or do CardioX which has Yoga built into it.

    That's my thoughts for the day. Hi! Can't wait to get to know you.
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Hey all.

    Day 24, Kenpo X in the books. Always liked this one but I hear ya in that it's starting to feel easy - although I sweat buckets still. I'm doing the balance thing now on the kicks.

    I've been hungry all afternoon today. I got about 20 minutes into this one and it was getting the better of me. Didn't feel like I had enough energy. So what did I do? Did I quit the rest of it? Nope! I listened to my body, pressed pause and grabbed me some sustinence! I tried making these protein flapjacks last weekend but they ended up pretty carby in the end after I added some dried fruit and desiccated coconut. So I had half of one of those for some instant hit carbs to see me through and I really felt the difference!

    A few things I've noticed on this one:

    1 - Wesley Idol definitely looks a bit flabby. His horse stance is also pretty crap.
    2 - On one set of X jumps, Tony says 10 times but he doesn't count them out. There are only 8.
    3 - On one of the moves (can't remember which now), we do 20 regular and 10 noisemakers on one side but 15 of each on the other.
    4 - Tony loses count on a few of the blocks and skips from 19 to 21.

    None of which are a big deal... Just things I spotted ;)

    Half way through recovery week guys. Keep BRINGIN IT!

  • drwstown76
    Hi- I started P90X back in 2008; Currently I am doing a hybrid with Chalene Extreme, P90X and some One on Ones; Trying to prep for the X2 release. I like your thread so thought I would jump in.

    Jay - how about wearing socks? That way the mat won't stick to your feet. I hear you on the superman banana. He goes flippen fast!

    KenpoX- I thought I read someone thought this was an easy DVD. So here are my ways of bringing it:
    1. Wear 1# hand weighted gloves;
    2. also wear 1# ankle weights (but don't go plyo then);
    3. Use an exercise band that goes around your legs (Chalene extreme calls it a 'thigh toning band'). Use that for the jumping jacks.
    4. When you do the back sratcher ("up down and across"); instead of just squatting there...do Jumping jacks with your legs..
    5. bring up the intensity of #4 by having the thigh toner around your legs when your jacking
    6. When doing the verticle punches also do the jumping jacks, or do 'quick feet/football feet'
    7. If doing jacks, put on the thigh toner during the verticle punches
    8. When doing the 'Claw hammer' that you only do to the front of the room and then you step back and repeat 20 times;, instead of stepping back - do the claw hammer to the front and the back of the room. Same with the Block punch. Instead of Block punch come on back block punch do Block punch and then block punch to the back of the room (you;ll be moving more side to side instead of front to back).

    I don't like yogaX either. I have found that doing 30min of it is okay. Some weeks I will do 30min and then do the next 30min someother day during the week. Some weeks, I do 3 sessions and get through the entire thing. What I do most often is do a 'plyo' workout first, then do 30min of YogaX. Or do CardioX which has Yoga built into it.

    That's my thoughts for the day. Hi! Can't wait to get to know you.
  • drwstown76
    Awesome insight there! thank you very much! :)

    And thanks to everyone who checked in yesterday... You guys are doing an awesome job!

    Jaybone.... haha! You crack me up man. Tony messes up a lot on this particular workout... It's comedy relief. BTW... You are rockin it dude!

    Today is day 24 yall... Breezing passed the 1/4 mark and pushing towards the end of phase one! Yahtzee!!!!:happy:

    I considered substituting Kenpo for another workout today, but I didn't. I thought I would take Mike's advice and stick to the rest week. I REALLY enjoy Kenpo, I just don't get as much burn with it. I definitely intend on getting the gloves and ankle weights!
    Tomorrow I am going to weigh in again for the contest.. Im a little concerned because I have lost so much that I don't have a lot more to lose... So my number might not reflect the amount of work I am putting in. Also, if I reach my goal weight (168 lbs) before the end of the competition, then I am going to have to sacrifice the remaining weeks to start bulking up... Only time will tell I suppose... I am so grateful for this program! Life is good!

    Have a great evening yall... and WELCOME to the newbs! Thanks for joining us!
    Keep Pushing Play yall!
    BOOM :explode:
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    Dang Sherry! Ultimate rockstar right there! Welcome and thanks for the tips.

    I have Cardio tonight, can't wait, had a pretty Sh***y day, need to get out some steam. On day 30! 1/3 of the way done! Hope everyone brings it today and has an awesome workout!
  • kriots
    kriots Posts: 375 Member
    Well check out my arms! or my arm, since thats the only one I uploaded. Week 9, wow I noticed I am a lot stronger. I did bulk up a lot using the bands, green-and blue about 5-8 pounds. Thinking though I need more cardio to thin out. I am back walking/jogging 2 x a week, maybe I should up it more? I am really feeling my abs, since not doing Ab Ripper X in a long while.Plyo today was only 31 mins though :blushing: I just get nervous... b/c I have tripped and twisted my ankle a few times, so I am gunn shy I guess. Went and did a 56 min walk though...idk I want to do it, but its mental, I know. Anyone else adding cardio?