

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,492 Member
    On the posture thing - I'm finding more and more that, as the atrophy pain kicks in, it is almost always when I'm standing and slumping, with my hips tucked in and pushed forward. Very probably to try to alleviate past pain, but now it's causing it. I know within reason that part of the issues with my knees involve my gait, as well.

    On your info from the osteopath, Heather - I think that those things he's said you should do certainly won't hurt, and might help, but that's just my opinion. You know your own body.

    One thing I'm doing a lot these days, while in my comfy chair, I'm getting my knees up above my heart by resting them on a movable table in front of me. Does wonders for my ankle swelling, as well. In fact, I have them that way now while I'm typing on my laptop. It automatically puts them up into the A-frame shape, but with feet extended, knees apart. I have a wedge for the bed to automatically keep my legs that way at night, but have to be in really bad shape to use it, as I'm a side sleeper, and it forces me to sleep on my back--not restful.

    Also, on posture while crafting or painting, I've found that, if I have a small stool out in front of me, and put my feet on that under the table, it keeps me from bending forward, as well. Plus, I wear the croc-type mules with arch support in the house all the time, too. I think wearing your trainers with arch support will be helpful to keep everything balanced and supported.

    While I did NOT do my 20 minutes yoga today, I got out in the yard with Corey and worked for two hours solid (which is why I"m getting my feet up now). We burned a tremendous amount of the brush we've cut so far this year, so lots of walking, dragging branches, thousands of steps, bending, stooping, etc. I'm calling that good. I did get my hand stretches done before I went out; they're finally becoming a habit. I didn't realize how tight those muscles and tendons have become in recent years until I started working with them again. I just assumed that all the typing I do would keep them in good shape. Yeah, not so much.

    Corey and I were both struggling, tummy-wise this morning, so it was an effort to go out. He thanked me after we came back in - told me if I hadn't pushed myself to go out, he probably wouldn't have, and he was glad we got a lot done today. What a sweetie! He had a sledgehammer out pounding on a couple of the stumps he was working to demolish. Fun to watch. 🙃

    Good smells coming from the kitchen. He's trying again to make chicken breasts edible. If the smell is any signal, he's doing a good job. We both struggle with getting them to a) have any taste other than what you put on the outside, and b) keep them from being too dry. Dry chicken for me is lethal - a guarantee of losing my supper within a few quite painful hours later. For those who don't know me well, yet, I had a gastric bypass nearly 20 years ago now, and things still occasionally get stuck.

    Off to see the results,
    Love y'all!
    Lisa in AR

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,666 Member
    Heather: I hope these non-surgical interventions work and that you are able to avoid surgery. I love the picture of your brother and DSIL! Such fashion style!

    Debbie: Happy Birthday..Can you and your DH go out another day for a birthday meal? I am sorry he is not very sentimental. Is there a whole sale flower shop near your. Could you take a little cash and purchase some flowers whole sale and make a floral arrangement for yourself?

    Barbara from Oregon: I haven't loaded any pictures yet. Maybe I will try to do so!

    Machka: Happy Birthday and lovely coloring!

    Lisa: I have done yoga the last 2 Fridays. It is very slow yoga and this yoga retreat I am going on in August will probably be faster paced. I need to find time to do some yoga on my own. This retreat will be up near Asheville NC.

    RV Rita: I like the Origami!

    Grandmallie: I listen to some meditation music to get to sleep. It is on a timer. I own Hypnosis for Deep Sleep and Mindfulness Meditation for Anxiety on Audio...by the Joel Hypnosis Academy. I set it for 30 minutes and it often works to get me to sleep.

    Ginny: Glad the house is close to ready! My son and DIL are coming Tuesday evening. I have vacuumed half the upstairs and mopped the kitchen and cleaned the bathroom. There is still much to do. I am very tired in the evenings and don't get much done.

    PIPCD: I hope they return the money on the camper. Glad you noticed it did not have outside power outlets.

    Tracey: Congrats on the presentation. I know your Grand mom never intended for you to think you were ever a nuisance. Maybe she and your parents needed to have some discussion about expectations.

    Atnowornever: Congrats on your walk.

    Sue: Hope your tenant pays or leaves!

    Vickie: So glad you are off the weekend!

    Rebecca: Your visit to Sea-Tac sounds exhausting! I love the picture of your grandson!

    Beth: You got quite a bit accomplished for Spring clean. I have a ways to go!

    Michelle: So glad you are relaxing by the pool!

    Well I have been going to exercise class which is an improvement and I have been feeling much better!

    I am having an issue with a friend of 17 years. I want to add more distance into the friendship. A big decision and one that I hope is mutual. So far I have entered widowhood, changed from a yard man/handy man of 10 years and now I want space from this friend ship. I do wish this person well.

    I am looking forward to meeting some new people. I hope this happens. It will be interesting to see what the future holds!

    This week I am going with a travel group to Gibb's Gardens, north of Atlanta. This is a day trip. I have never been there. I am excited to get out of town and have a change of pace! I got my nails done this afternoon...just a regular manicure...not a gel manicure. But hopefully this will last long enough for the week. So I will see my son and DIL and have a day trip out of town. Hope I don't overeat!

    Rosemarie from Georgia

    I have no doubt they will
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,104 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Debbie and Machka Happy Birthday, today 3/9 is also my mom's birthday, but she is older than you gals at 95 today!!!

    I will see her on Monday and bring her here for Monday afternoon - Wednesday mid day. We will celebrate with dinner out probably Monday, and then early St Patty's day dinner on Tuesday - corned beef, cabbage, carrots, red potatoes..... all boiled together, I like the corned beef, and potatoes but prefer the cabbage and carrots not boiled. But is one of my mom's favorite holiday meals, so I will make it and send home with her a couple of meals of left overs.

    smile Kim in N. California

    Happy Birthday to your mom too!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,104 Member
    Tracey - for what it's worth, this is the advice he gave me. It's worth trying, as it can't do any harm.
    Don't sit leaning forward, as we do for crafts or eating. Apparently, it stiffens the back and causes tensions all the way down the thighs. He picked up that I tend to do that when talking. (Normally though, I'm semi recumbent, so I'm a bit sceptical,as I only do crafts a few hours a week)
    Lie down on the floor, sofa, bed,with a pillow under your head and make an A frame with your knees with knees apart. I've been doing that most of the evening. Use hot water bottles on your back and thighs to relax the tight muscles. I used John's heat pad this afternoon, but I've ordered two bottles from Amazon, to arrive tomorrow.
    So, I will obey instructions and it might help you because you do a lot of leaning forward desk and craft work. When possible, put a cushion behind your back and lean backwards. ;) Don't quite know how I'm going to paint like that, but I might have to get a small easel.
    I'm going to sleep upstairs tonight as I'm going to treat myself to a rare Nytol, and it makes me snore! :p

    I also have found it works better for me to wear my gym trainers around the house with my orthotics in. They are the ones on elastic with a pad underneath. Seems to stabilise my hips.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Sounds a little bit like the Happy Baby pose ... which I do occasionally but probably not enough.

    Or this one maybe? This is one I'll often do when I'm waking up in the morning on a non-work day.

    I also love the butterfly stretch (shown in the link below) which I'll often do when I'm waking up in the morning on a non-work day.

    And the pigeon pose which I often did on sidewalks in the middle of long distance rides to stretch things out. (the gif for that one makes you think that you should be in and out of it in a matter of seconds but once I'm in it, I'll do as they say and sink into it for a few minutes before changing sides) ...

    One exercise that I've added is the chin tuck. Nothing to do with hips and lower back (or maybe vaguely related) but I find that I just my head forward when I'm at work to see my 3 screens better. I've especially done this as my vision gets worse. I think I also do this when I look at my phone on the bus and possibly also when I colour. It's possible those of us who do various crafts may end up with our heads at odd angles.

    I also have a lot of headaches which I attribute to various things such as stress and vision issues.

    I started doing the chin tuck occasionally before going to Canada, and noticed a reduction in the headaches, but when I went to Canada and saw the issues my father is having with his neck (he can't hold his head up anymore), I started doing them much more regularly and they do seem to reduce the number of headaches I get.

    This is the chin tuck:

    Machka in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,666 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Did a yoga DVD then walked to the local grocery store (2 miles there and 2 back). the plan for tomorrow is to do a pilates DVD then I’ll probably walk to the local dollar store (about 1-3/4 miles) to get a sympathy card for Lynette. She called the other day to tell us her father passed away (it’s probably a blessing) and that she didn’t expect us to come home for the funeral. Good, because I didn’t have any plans to

    Also walked to a thrift store and tonight walked to church. After walking to the grocery store, came back and went to the condo's pancake fund raiser. 3 pancakes, 2 small sausage links and orange juice. Good pancakes, I must say. After all, it’s a fundraiser for the condo and it isn’t that much. I had heard that they want to sell pavers with past and present condo people. I don’t know, I understand they are going to put them by the flagpole. To me, that isn’t a big enough area. Plus, the stones match the other area. Who knows if it’s going to go thru? Left the church a bit early since I didn’t want to be walking when everyone was trying to get out

    Debbie – enjoy your “birthday baklava”

    I’m just getting too anxious about the callous on the bottom of my foot so I think the next time I go to WalMart I’ll get some of the solution and then the pads for it. It does feel a BIT better when I use the pumice stone after I go in the pool

    Lanette – yea Fairy!

    While I was at the grocery store today I found a box of this sugar cookie mix for 90% off. Yes, the sprinkles were christmas looking. But the icing is green so I can make them for St. P day. Actually, I’ll probably take them down to cards this Thursday since that’s the last time I can go this year since we leave the next Thurs.

    At the thrift store I got two shirts. Not sure if I like the one, but it was buy one get one free. So for a bit over $1, I took it. Also got these pictures for the back bedroom. I’m just tired of the ones that have been there forever. I’m just not sure if I like the frame so I’m keeping the old ones.

    April – you go girl!

    Heather – so glad the osteo gave you good advice. Tight muscles are no fun. I have very tight hamstrings and now I was told I have tight calves

    Tracie – you were so beautiful. No wonder you are today, too.

    Michele soon to be back in NC
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,875 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,314 Member
    edited March 10
    Pg 20
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,104 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,104 Member
    Oh wow! That ironing was hard work. I haven't ironed anything for years, so I was a bit hesitant as to how not to burn the nylon. The dress is four layers, Net and nylon satin. . After quite a few experiments, in the end I used a medium hot iron and a damp tea towel, which I sprayed often. It's not perfect but it looks two hundred percent better. I decided the knitted bolero didn't need ironing. I hope it fits after all that! Bea is so excited about it, as she chose it.
    Didn't do my back much good.

    Tracey - The osteopath told me I wasn't so much slouching, but 'hingeing' from the hips. Every time I spoke to him I hinged forward. My head is upright. This morning I tried to eat breakfast leaning back on a cushion. Felt really weird. :*

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    If I'm not mistaken, you don't use an easel when you do your painting.

    That's something you might consider to help you sit more upright rather than leaning forward.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,104 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    My posture problem is also leaning forward, but I feel it in my back and shoulders. My arms are short, so I tend to hold my shoulders forward especially at the computer. My phone is so much more comfortable!

    My book, 100 Days of Weight Loss by Linda Spangle, was helpful last night. Instead of eating more, I recopied my list of ten reasons why I want to lose weight. Today is about triggers, and sentences in this form:

    I used to eat when my dad upset me but now I pace.
    I used to eat too much at restaurants but now I order light food and skip dessert.
    I used to eat when I was bored or lonely but now I drink water.
    I used to eat leftovers but now I freeze or toss them.

    Hope everyone has a safe and easy time change day. Those who don't experience this are just lucky, as it disrupts so much. It's a good day to stay off the roads as much as possible.

    Take it easy,
    Annie in Delaware

    10 reasons to lose weight?!?!

    1. Because being lighter is healthier
    2. So I can look good in clothes again
    3. So I can cycle and run better/easier

    That's about it.

    I love it when DST starts. Life begins again! Energy returns!

    Our DST is about to end. :( But we've still got approx. a month of DST left so I continue to enjoy every minute of it before the 6 months of darkness and depression begins.

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,104 Member
    edited March 10
    Machka9 wrote: »

    Even though it was overcast and a few drops of rain fell, I spent nearly 2 hours on the beach this afternoon. It was quite warm and very muggy so walking up and down on the sand and in the water was delightful! :) My hair is all frizzy and curly from so much moisture.

    Then I spent another hour sitting outside and reading. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,094 Member
    edited March 10
    The next thing in my book asks for 100% commitment. I can give them 95%. But that means one cheat day every three months, not every time I go out. So if Easter is a cheat day, then April June and July will be the diet plan. Okay.

    I get annoyed when different facets of life ask for 100% effort. My family is more important than my diet, and I will likely go to my Aunt's and overeat for Easter. But I can minimize the damage.

    I am more of an eat and forget type than an all diet all the time type. Like Gretchen Rubin and others have said, habits are the key ( for me).

    Annie in Delaware
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,094 Member
    Heather have you tried a kneeling chair? They are more comfortable than you might think. They keep you more upright, yet supported, so you don't have to lean forward.

    Annie in Delaware
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,104 Member
    The next thing in my book asks for 100% commitment. I can give them 95%. But that means one cheat day every three months, not every time I go out. So if Easter is a cheat day, then April June and July will be the diet plan. Okay.

    I get annoyed when different facets of life ask for 100% effort. My family is more important than my diet, and I will likely go to my Aunt's and overeat for Easter. But I can minimize the damage.

    I am more of an eat and forget type than an all diet all the time type. Like Gretchen Rubin and others have said, habits are the key ( for me).

    Annie in Delaware

    When I lost weight in 2015, it was a 100% effort. For 15 weeks, I never went over my calories and I lost 15 kg.

    The great thing was that when I figured out what I could eat and how much exercise I needed to get, I just simply continued to eat and exercise ... and I could put it out of my mind. It was under control. Even on holidays and celebrations, I stuck to my calorie limit.

    I went on to focus on my job and university.

    But it is definitely harder when there's something emotional we need to focus on.

    M in Oz