LESS Alcohol ~ MARCH 2024 ~ One Day at A Time



  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,245 Member
    Womona wrote: »
    Ugh, plan went out the window yesterday. Wouund up having a glass and a half at lunch, sanctioned by my boss! It was really nice to have a cold wine on a beautiful day sitting outside. Then I had a glass at wine night ant work. and drank it because I felt bad turning it down after it was poured. Then I got home, DH had a glass of wine waiting for me with a delicious steak dinner. I felt obligated to drink it, but only drank half. Clearly I need to stop drinking out of obligation.

    So, way over calories and drank way too much. Weight is up, sleep is terrible. This used to be so much easier!!! I feel like I can’t be motivating to anyone else here because I throw my morning choices out the window as the day goes on.

    Good news is I had a great strength workout yesterday. Today is a stretch class.

    Don't ever think you are not motivating to us! You are. We see you fall (we are all human and we all fall) but then you get up...and that's key and very motivating... :heart:
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,245 Member
    AF - 9
    A - 7

    Last night I decided after spending a solid 8 hours cleaning my house (did some thorough cleaning that hadn’t been done in awhile due to working), I would partake. I drank 2 glasses of red wine. I drank them slowly while I watched my guilty-pleasure Lifetime movies. I didn’t snack while I was drinking which is a huge win, I didn’t get drunk or even tipsy, went to bed at 9:30, woke up around 1:30 to potty (yes I say potty😂), slept rather well until about 7:30ish when hubby was heading out for the day, and didn’t even have a slight headache.

    THAT is exactly the kind of LA moment I’ve been wanting to have. Not going whole-hog full bottle, binging on snacks, having terrible sleep, and a hangover the next morning… regretting every minute of it. It was a relaxing time after a hard day of solid labor.

    You've captured the LA Spirit! Great job!
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 798 Member
    edited March 17
    @NonnieDoiron and @tmbg1 you guys are really rockin' the LA thing, great job!
    @xbowhunter you got this - you've already got 5 days in for the month.
    @ToadstoolBetty wow, going on 3 months - impressive.
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 798 Member
    edited March 17
    March 11th=Day 1 for me
    3/11: AF
    3/12: AF
    3/13: AF
    3/14: AF
    3/15: W
    3/16: AF
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,310 Member
    16 AF
    1 LA
  • NonnieDoiron
    NonnieDoiron Posts: 143 Member
    AF - 11
    A - 7

    @itladyee i had to scroll back through the posts to see who said it, and I found it! You mentioned your “sweet tooth awakening” when you resist drinking. OMG… you were soooooo right! Yesterday, I had a donut after church which I’ve been easily able to resist in the past. Then, my husband asked me to make brownies last night, and I ate one of those! Then, I sat on the couch suffering through sugar induced hot flashes until 10:00 last night before finally just heading to bed. I also went over my calories by almost 500 calories. 🤦🏻‍♀️ It was the first time in a week I had gone over my calories, but I absolutely hated logging it.

    I don’t normally eat sweets like that because I’ve had a roux-en-Y gastric bypass, and I don’t metabolize sweets well. I get nauseous, lightheaded, and have hot flashes. But, yesterday those sweets were just calling my name with a vengeance.

    On a positive note… I didn’t drink. 😁

    Back on track today!
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,622 Member
    Aww, you guys, *snif* thank you so much for the kind words. It really means a lot. I need to learn that giving myself some grace is not the same thing as justifying bad behavior.

    On a good note, I moderated well this past weekend, and boy oh boy do I love all the spring flowers!!! They make me so happy.

    Hope everyone has a great week. Off to the gym soon! As soon as I have some more coffee….
  • xbowhunter
    xbowhunter Posts: 1,001 Member
    Happy Monday my LA friends!

    5 AF
    12 A
  • 2timesacharmmfp
    2timesacharmmfp Posts: 76 Member
    Those darn weekends. I can get through the week no problem but then it's like Fri-Sun I make up for it. That is my focus for the next several weeks while still not slipping during the week...I love the way I feel Tues-Fri mornings, just need to remind myself that when I reach for the last glass on Friday nights.

    so far 50/50 on over target vs on target - counting today as on target (dry days or within my drink limits) - if I can stick to targets for the next 2 weeks I can still turn those numbers around.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    Well, after a lot of abstinence, I had a rather boozy weekend. We threw a Saint Patrick’s Day dinner on Sunday, with Guinness and Jameson. Lots of AF choices, too including the AF Guinness. But, Guinness is only a 4% ABF beer, so it’s not so bad.

    Well, I bought all the beer on Saturday, so I had to try some. I didn’t need to sample the leftover whiskey in the cabinet on top of that, but I did, putting me over the 2-drink goal.

    I did better Sunday at the party, keeping close to my 2-drink goal. I do like the NA Guinness, which helps! We did a Jameson Irish toast with just a taste of Jameson each. Really fun!

    Score for March:

    A: 4
    AF: 13
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 798 Member
    March 11th=Day 1 for me
    3/11: AF
    3/12: AF
    3/13: AF
    3/14: AF
    3/15: W
    3/16: AF
    3/17: W
    So much positivity in this discussion today, I'm lovin' it! B)
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    dmally1 wrote: »
    The family member that passed away LOVED fireball aka cinnamon water as he called it lol

    What is it with fireball? I’ve heard so many people list it as their guilty pleasure. Also, if you happen on a discarded “nip” bottle on the side of the road, 90% it’s fireball.
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 798 Member
    @dmally1 First, I'm so sorry for your loss. I will say that imbibing to honor a loved one's favorite is certainly not the worst thing, I guess unless you're someone who absolutely cannot take a drink anymore for whatever reason.
    I'm most sorry that you felt down on yourself. You mourned at the funeral, then celebrated the relative's life at the restaurant. I understand your frustration with what happened, but I hope you can show kindness and understanding to yourself and, as @xbowhunter noted, now you can reset. Hugs to you<3 and tomorrow is a new day.