Ages 70+



  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    edited March 22
    @kwiatpatt254 I enjoyed reading your comment. Yes, we need to focus on the big picture as daily fluctuations can be very discouraging.

    I was very active yesterday (yard work) and only ate 1000 calories, but my weight was up today. I could be upset but there are extenuating circumstances: I haven't had my normal "constitutional", ate ham at supper and drank a lot of water in the evening. Tomorrow the number on the scale will be better.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 338 Member
    BarbMessimer - well done on your weight loss. With your positive attitude, I have no doubt you will get to your desired goal.

    I weigh myself daily first thing in the morning. When I see a loss, even a fraction of a pound, I record it. I know weight fluctuates so if the scale shows an increase the next day or so, I just ignore it as I know it will come back down.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    @Joy1580vb ... That's what I do too. There are days when I'm "straight arrow"... ate under my calorie allowance, drank 8 cups water and was very active but my weight will be up the next morning. I don't let it bother me. As long as I'm doing what I'm supposed to do, the weight will eventually come down.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,479 Member
    @BarbMessimer I liked to read that you: Look at the big picture; and have confidence that you will achieve your goal. Excellent!!

    I have to remove the blinders and give myself more credit than I do.
    Health is a journey.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    @jonni82014 ... Yes! Remove those blinders!
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,479 Member
    I have to learn to trust my body. The body will do "what" it needs to do to survive. I will continue to be proactive to change the negative recordings; when I do, :) it will help me to take off the blinders.
    For today I am off to the Recreation Centre 45minutes of walking and 50-60minutes of stretch and light weights. :)
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    I agree that life events and a weight loss goal are part of the large picture. It is a journey that has starts and stops, the odd detour, but the goal is always there. So we take a little longer to get there. We WILL get there. Together! If today brings disappointments or challenges, tomorrow brings new hope and resolve. We will get there.

    I really like what you wrote, and I agree. Although there might be a day or a week when I don't eat according to my "life plan", I know there will never be a time when I consistently eat like that.
  • Mspkmk
    Mspkmk Posts: 7 Member
    Being a relative newbie to all of this, for the first 3 weeks, I concentrated on meeting ( or almost staying within) my calorie quota. Today I did a lot of reading of various discussions and categories and am now ready to embrace the nutritional goals and macros ( never heard that expression before). Trying to drink water every day as well. That is quite the challenge. Once the weather gets a little milder, I will venture out for walks. It's a journey alright!
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,479 Member
    Good morning The blinders are slowly coming off. I believe it is due to taking a proactive approach to exercising (though I had a negative attitude to start). It makes me feel better. I missed about a month as I had a heck of a viral cold. DH coaxed me to the Rec. Centre. I was very negative. However when I got into my routine (small steps) and associating with like-minded people. That changed my negativity. Today off to the Senior Centre 45minutes stretch and light weights. 30minutes on treadmill. Waiting for the weather to break -7C/19.4F a little cool for me to be outside walking. I like to walk outside more so than inside. It is a form of meditation for me + I get to meet with a neighbour or two along the way.

    @kwiatpatt254 I do a lot of reading a well; to understand what I am getting into. :)
    I like the word embrace. I try not to get overwhelmed with all of the information that I am processing.
  • Mspkmk
    Mspkmk Posts: 7 Member
    I just got my walking workout today at Costco …up and down every aisle. I checked out so many sources of protein and even bought a few. Did you know that the most expensive vehicle to operate by far is a Costco shopping cart! LOL
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,982 Member
    When I go grocery shopping, I make a point of walking the ENTIRE store completely. You can get in a lot of steps that way. But hopefully seeing everything in the store doesn’t lead to more buying.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,479 Member
    Trying to continue positive self talk.
    Off to the Rec. Centre. Walk HIIT Fit Program 45minutes of walking 15minutes of stretching.
    50-60minutes weights.
    Yes the Costco Car is the most expensive.
    Have a great day everyone. :)
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    I want to share something with you. I'm not so much embarrassed by being overweight as I am embarrassed about my age... 77. I'm very active and still feel young, like 30 or 40, but I'm trapped in this old body and people treat me like I'm old. The way I look is really not me. I still think of myself as young and vibrant, and I want to tell people that what they see is misleading but, of course, I don't say anything. It's like I'm embarrassed and want to apologize for having an old body. To say to them, "I'm sorry you have to see me like this. I'm really as young as you are but you just can't see it." Does anyone else understand this?
  • Mspkmk
    Mspkmk Posts: 7 Member
    I absolutely relate to this as I am 76 and do not recognize the person in the mirror. I am not embarrassed, but just can't believe how quickly the physical changes happened. It still drives me crazy when younger people call me “ dear”. That is respectful, I know, but it just reminds me of my age. Even my doctor refers to me as “a person your age”. I guess we should be grateful that we still feel vibrant and are able to make meaningful contributions.
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,299 Member
    Yes, I certainly can relate to the sentiments about not feeling inside as old as you actually are ... until I realize that I AM a geriatric woman. I've found that when I am in the company of those in their 80's and 90's, however, that they don't feel or act any older than I do ...they just have more wrinkles and move slower. Well, I'm 79 and my mom passed away at 75, so I am older than she was ... and I have to say it ... when my mom was 75, she looked old. My dad, on the other hand, had a youthful appearance physically into his 80's, except for his bald head!
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,982 Member
    Oh heavens don’t be embarrassed by age! That’s just a social imposition- mainly on women. Old guys in their 70s get a pass. They run for president, chase women that could be their daughters and even father babies. In many societies older women are revered.

    I refuse to be shamed by the fact that I’ve successfully navigated 76 (soon to be 77) years on this earth. I acknowledge my age to anyone who has the temerity to ask. I look at my age as a time of great freedom from so many responsibilities of youth.

    Celebrate YOU as you are right now. Those yougins don’t know what they are missing!!
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,299 Member
    edited March 26
    Yoolypr wrote: »
    Oh heavens don’t be embarrassed by age! That’s just a social imposition- mainly on women. Old guys in their 70s get a pass. They run for president, chase women that could be their daughters and even father babies. In many societies older women are revered.

    I refuse to be shamed by the fact that I’ve successfully navigated 76 (soon to be 77) years on this earth. I acknowledge my age to anyone who has the temerity to ask. I look at my age as a time of great freedom from so many responsibilities of youth.

    Celebrate YOU as you are right now. Those yougins don’t know what they are missing!!

    I hope you didn’t Post this in response to my post. I am never shy about revealing my age. To me, my life has been a blessing and a joy, no matter what it entailed getting to today, I’m happy and grateful to have it

  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,982 Member
    edited March 26
    nsk1951 wrote: »

    I hope you didn’t Post this in response to my post. I am never shy about revealing my age. To me, my life has been a blessing and a joy, no matter what it entailed getting to today, I’m happy and grateful to have it

    No no no - just a general rant on my part. I hope we can all find joy in our life experiences. And no one should ever have to be body shamed or age shamed! I spent most of my life severely obese (still pretty chubby) and know that I was being judged. There are judgemental people in all our lives that sap our confidence. But I am determined to never question my own self worth.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    I hope this is a place where us "oldies" can share our challenges and dilemmas... doesn't have to be strictly about weight loss and getting healthy but anything that is affecting our lives, which, of course, affects our weight loss efforts.

    All that being said, I'd like your advice. I have a friend who wants us to meet for lunch near her every few weeks (she doesn't drive much). Well, lunch to her is 11 AM and it's a 45 minutes drive. I'm a night owl and sometimes can't go to sleep until 4 or 5 in the morning. When we make a date for "lunch", it means I have to try to go to sleep earlier (and I have trouble doing that) and have to set the alarm clock. Also, I don't eat until much later in the day so eating this early throws my eating plan off.

    Well, today is the day, and I feel awful. Didn't get much sleep, feel tired, nose is runny, and all I want to do is go back to bed, but she'll be upset if I cancel. So, I think what I'll do is go today, not say anything, and then the next time she tries to set a date, I'll tell her it has to be much later in the day for me. I know that won't work out with her schedule as she has a husband to prepare dinner for.

    We don't talk that often and the last time we did, she said she thought I'd "kicked her to the curb". She's someone I knew 50 years ago, lost touch with and just renewed our friendship through FB last year. She's very negative (I don't remember her being like that) and talking with her brings me down. I'm thinking I need to back off of this friendship. What do you think?