Skinny Dippers! (Closed Group)



  • smackadoodle
    smackadoodle Posts: 121 Member
    So, I am seemingly "back on track" food-wise after this w/e. It was definitely a weekend off since I drank like a fish but didn't really do too bad in the food dept (except sodium).

    I have been stunningly tired last week and this week so have been incredibly unmotivated to exercise. I was on the treadmill for 30 min on Monday and nothing last night (barely made it to 9 pm before I headed to bed. Actually started busting a move toward bed around 8:15 but needed a shower first.) I have no energy to do my c25k whatsoever. I just totally hit a wall, which is weird. I have yet to try a burpee since I am pretty much 2x the weight of most people here.. I will have to see if there is a modified one I can do....

    On the other side, I have managed to start taking stairs at work more often so that's at least something. I am also thinking that even if I get a little exercise in during this silliness, I am not going to feel guilt or anger that I am not doing it "like I did a few weeks ago" I think that, sometimes, I get into my own head and say "well, if you are not going to do an ______(insert time amount here) then just forget it! I think even doing something for 10, 20, 27 etc min is better than 0 minutes.

    Hopefully, things will straighten out and I will be able to get my energy back. (hopefully just the course I am teaching that ends Oct 17??) then I can really get back at things.
  • smackadoodle
    smackadoodle Posts: 121 Member
    I looked at the Burpee on line and my 57 y.o. body does not do that. I am doing some push ups instead. Use it or lose it.
  • I just completed my 50 burpees for today!

    I am going out tonight with some of my high school friends. Kinda worried about eating/drinking over my calories for today. Will have to show some self control.

    Good job with the burpees everyone :)
  • Just got the memo about the burpee challenge. A day late BUT I'm ready to do it!!! Good luck everyone.
    Last week I met the 2,000 mark, i love these challenges.
  • one question burpee with or without the push up?
  • One more thing, because I missed a day I will do 2 days of 75!
  • tonight's 50 is done!!
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    one question burpee with or without the push up?

    Without, but if you are strong enough, go for it! I personally can't!
  • szimba
    szimba Posts: 290 Member
    Day four burpee challenge= done :)
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    15 done during Insanity. 15 added after. I stil have 20 more to go!
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Hellloooo Skinny Dippers!!

    Whew this week has been a mess. Moving is a lot harder than it seems, especially trying to get everything finished and put away, etc. etc. I have gone a little off track with exercise and eating right, but I'm back on it today and went for a 50 minute jog/walk, still need to do my burpees, and HOPEFULLY going to yoga tonight if I have time. I'm sorry I haven't been super active but the internet at our new place is not working so our landlord is looking in to it and I should be back within the next few days. I hope everyone is doing well!!

    P.S. AMANDA WHAT A PICTURE! You are looking fantastic woman.
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    Hellloooo Skinny Dippers!!

    Whew this week has been a mess. Moving is a lot harder than it seems, especially trying to get everything finished and put away, etc. etc. I have gone a little off track with exercise and eating right, but I'm back on it today and went for a 50 minute jog/walk, still need to do my burpees, and HOPEFULLY going to yoga tonight if I have time. I'm sorry I haven't been super active but the internet at our new place is not working so our landlord is looking in to it and I should be back within the next few days. I hope everyone is doing well!!

    P.S. AMANDA WHAT A PICTURE! You are looking fantastic woman.

    Did my last 20! With pushups on the last 5!

    THANK YOU ALEX!! :) I changed pictures yet again. I do that often. :P
  • I completed day 4 of my burpees. Went over in calories though. Thats ok, we all have those days. And tomorrow is a fresh slate!
  • Hello Skinny Dippers!!

    I had to modify my burpees...I did them last night but not the entire move because I'm finding that they cause some pain for me in my leg and back. I could deal with the sore quads, and can even appreciate that because I know I'm working those muscles...but the pain in my leg is not okay, and neither is the pain in my back. I don't want to end up sidelining myself because I'm being stubborn.

    I've been exercising a lot these last few days. I received an HRM for my birthday on Monday and have been experimenting with how many calories I can I've probably overdone it. I am pulling back a bit today, and Sunday is my day off, so hopefully my aches and pains will lessen and I'll be good to go again next week at full blast!!
  • szimba
    szimba Posts: 290 Member
    Day Five Burpee Challenge Complete! :)
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    No loss this week :(

    BUT I did my first day of Jillian's 30 Day Shred, and Day 4 of 50 burpees! 15 of them with pushup! Who woulda thought I'd see the day where I can actually do pushups...

    Also.. been in a snacking mood, so just poured myself a mug of hot green tea to stop myself from munching. Hope it helps!

    You ladies are doing wonderful!!
  • skinniewannabe
    skinniewannabe Posts: 106 Member
    one question burpee with or without the push up?

    Without, but if you are strong enough, go for it! I personally can't!

    Well, I totally flaked on this challenge because I saw push ups and I just thought FORGET IT, lol. I didn't even think to modify them. Oh well, I'll be back full force on Monday with the new challenge. Oh, and my weigh in day is today, and, I'm down 3 lbs this week, for a total of 5 lbs in 2 weeks, yay!
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    WOW!! Good job on your 3lb this week!!!!
  • iamahealthychick
    iamahealthychick Posts: 207 Member
    So, I had a pretty good week this week. Back on track, food wise (until last night but still had a calorie deficit for about 1/2 lb weight loss for the day..) I didn't exercise nearly as much as I could have but I did get off my butt and do something and didn't resent the hell out of it like I did last week.

    I wimped out of the burpees... never did look up the modification and now am regretting it. I will do that this week and see if I can't do 10/day (yeah, I weigh a lot!!! this is not going to be easy at all)

    That being said, I think I have done well pushing myself during this journey thus far... have used the treadmill more in 3 months than I have in the many many years we have owned it. Started a running program (who the hell runs at 305+ lbs??). Started taking the stairs more often at work. I am not sure why I was intimidated by the idea of doing a burpee. I guess it's all of the comments I see from people doing them... how hard they are.. how they suck... I thought about how they would be on my back, how tired they would make me, how it would make me look like a lumbering walrus and wimped out. The weird thing is that when I first started my running program, I knew I looked like a lumbering walrus and didn't care... It's strange that I am embarrased to do burpees in the privacy of my own home!

    I do look forward to the challenges for this group because even if I don't attain them, they still make me push myself in an attempt to get them done. Could I push myself a bit more? Yep, I probably could. Will I? Some days, yes/some days, no. I think that after years of being so frigging hard on myself, thinking I have to be perfect at everything (except my weight) or I am too scared to do it that I have started leaping off that cliff and trusting I will land where I need to for some things is a good start.

    It will be a long, slow process, I fear, but even starting with 1 step is one step further than I was before. I am also not going work on not sh*tting on myself when things don't go perfectly each and every time I want it to.... in all aspects of my life, not just in weight loss/exercise. For me, that is a HUGE step.

    Well, back to the housework and the brisket on the bbq. Sorry for the rambling... just writing down some things that were on my mind.
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    Erm, forgot to do them yesterday.. SO... I will torture myself with 100 today.. Wish me luck!