
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Worked yesterday then went to Aldi. Worked today and went to WalMart especially to see if they have these eye drops because the one WM hasn’t had them for a while. Well, this WM didn’t either. Came home, walked around the neighborhood, now making a chocolate cake for Vince

    They’re having some sort of train show Saturday at the library in Hickory and Vince is gone to help set it up. Afterwards, the guys and their spouses are supposed to go out to dinner.

    Barbara – we’ve gotten calls from Jess at 2am saying that she had a bad dream and is asking if we’re OK. I remember you telling me that BK was out of a lot of things when you went. I don’t blame you one tiny bit for never wanting to go back. You know, I can’t help wondering if someone owns these franchises as a tax writeoff so they’re really not looking to increase business. I was surprised that they weren’t busier when they had the 1 cent croissanwich. I don’t think they advertised this. I gave them extra cheese for this but they weren’t busy. Everyone likes a bargain and you never know, someone might go and say “hey, this is pretty good” and come back. Oh well….

    Vince said that he got a notice that there’s a “fix” for my car. The “fix”? They install a resistor. And what happens if this resistor fails? Well, if it fails in the first 12 months, they’ll replace it. If it fails after 13 months, my problem. It doesn’t address the cause of the problem. Of course not, because the right fix would be to replace the ABS and that is expensive. Haven’t done anything about it yet

    Remember my girlfriend in Switzerland? Well, I heard from her that she’s going to a sanitarium for a week or two to work on her mental attitude, strength and resistance, and to get her meds adjusted. A sanitarium over there is sort-of like a hospital over here. M - do they have them in Australia? Does anyone else have one where they live? I have some questions.

    Jess was going to come down here this weekend, but we’re going out Sat. night and Vince will be gone most of the day. Shadow (her cat) does have a vet appt Thurs for an ultrasound of her kidneys so Jess asked if we could take her. We just need to coordinate when to pick the cat up.

    Put out the umbrellas, the clock, the speakerx, got down the ceramics and put some of them out yesterday.

    They were calling for hail so Vince put my car as much as he could into the garage. Nothing. Well...that’s good

    TeeTee - w/b. You can do this! And you will!

    Rita – wonderful beginning to a story! The part about the magnesium reminded me of the “spice” in Dune

    Rosemarie – they’ll miss you at the cat rescue place but you have to do what is right for you. When you go back, they’ll be thrilled. You’re moving on, I’m so proud of you. Now exercise class! Good for you

    – how wonderful of John to help Max out like that. I’m so sorry you’re in such pain. I’m so excited for you to get these operations!

    Found this “lower sugar” icing on sale so I thought I’d try it. Going to ice the cake right now and then have dinner. In a way, it’s so nice to be able to have what I want for dinner.

    Michele NC
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    Heather: Asperges Vertes, Soufflé au Grand Marnier for me please.

    🤗🤗🤗 and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri

  • mcmillonmail
    mcmillonmail Posts: 74 Member
    edited May 9
    @cityjaneLondon ondon- That souffle looks impressive. I hope you enjoy your grandkids. I did some walking workouts, and my sciatic nerve was shooting pain, but I worked out anyway. I will take Aleve and a muscle relaxer tonight. Getting older is hard to do.
    @Rosemarie2972, the desserts from those programs are good. I love Jenny Craig's chocolate cakes. I wonder if they do that on purpose so we can continue to be customers. I purchased Wonder Monday cheesecakes, but I haven't tried them yet. I put them in the freezer in the garage. They are high in protein, but the carbs and calories are not bad. I get the built-in bars, too, for my sweet tooth.
    @Grandmallie, good sleep is priceless. I hope your day was productive.
    I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I will be working all weekend. I will check in with everyone on Monday. Take care of yourselves.
  • mcmillonmail
    mcmillonmail Posts: 74 Member
    @auntiebk, thank you for the welcome.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    G had the Gnocchi and a dish of the day, which isn't on there, plus the soufflé. According to their website, they do have a vegan menu, Machka.

    My back is a bit sore from my shopping.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx

    That would be good! As long as they don't make everything with les champignons.

    M in Oz

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Remember my girlfriend in Switzerland? Well, I heard from her that she’s going to a sanitarium for a week or two to work on her mental attitude, strength and resistance, and to get her meds adjusted. A sanitarium over there is sort-of like a hospital over here. M - do they have them in Australia? Does anyone else have one where they live? I have some questions.

    Michele NC

    I think they're like private rehabilitation hospitals, aren't they?

    M in Oz

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,987 Member
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,517 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,575 Member
    Monique - hope your sciatica gets better. Seems like many of us in the group have sciatica or similar problems in the past few months. I came across this Bob & Brad video for hip stretches, and I'm going to start incorporating them. I've had some pain in the rear/legs from too much sitting and just when I think I need to make a doc appointment, the pain diminishes. I herniated a disc decades ago that is contributing, need to keep up with the walking and stretches.
    Kim - babysitting that dog sounded like a workout. Oh my word, that humping was something else. Since the owners are worried about her civil rights and don't want to spay her, maybe put her on birth control or a hormone maybe - if they have that for dogs. :p But at least you got good pay and a tip. Good to hear from you. :p

    Michele - is your friend in Switzerland in remission? By the way, I forgot to compliment you on that beautiful cross stitch. You are so busy, I am amazed at all you get done in a day and then have time to do needlework. Good job!

    Heather - so glad your surgery is soon and things are getting coordinated.

    Beth - I was wondering if you'd still need hearing aids or need to still wear some type of device after the implant. Sounds like you are healing OK and getting your equilibrium back on track. Thanks for taking us along on the fascinating process.

    Tracey - I'd love to be a mouse in your pocket when you are with the elementary school students. I have a hunch you'll do very well with them.

    Terri - Poet. Artist. Latin student. It's always fun seeing what you are up to. Thank you for sharing the photos of the lovely cards. ;)

    Social life: :p I'm invited to a birthday/retirement get together for 2 former co-workers tonight. Starts at 6, I might bag it since I am up so early this morning and 6 will be a good time to mow if I don't wear out beforehand. Tomorrow, I'm invited to a Mother's Day BBQ which starts at 4 and is just down the road which should be fun. Have made a tentative "date" for coffee on Monday with my guy friend L who I chatted with at the hardware store a couple days ago. He is also a Tai Chi teacher and I need a few tips. He's like a brother - it will be fun to catch up on his busy life and the lives of his kids and what his sweet wife is up to. He's also my cleaner Collette's next door neighbor.

    New ladies - keep coming back.

    Make it a great day everyone. <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State where it's going to be sunny and warm today.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    Friday Highlights
    - Day off!
    - Sleep
    - Visited new house with another load. Renos should start in about a week.

    Barbara - yes, I work with health data, but some of it includes people under 18, and everyone in the department is required to go through the Child Safety and Wellbeing training each year just like we all go through the Workplace Health and Safety training each year ... and several other training packages.

    Machka - I would be going to another restaurant as well, however my French is very limited.
    I have been suffering from fatigue as well, but I think it’s the noise and movement in the school that I’m getting used to.
    When I was done working last year and a previous time when I had been under a lot of stress when things settled down it seemed I could have slept for weeks. You have been carrying a lot of stress since I’ve known you and it seems some of that has left now, your body may just wanting to rest now because it’s not in the fight or flight mode. I bet if you give into the naps without worrying about it you’ll feel so much better in a few weeks.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    Tracey - thanks for your comments.

    I have a feeling that I would have to settle and go through a long period of minimal stress before I would really start to feel less fatigued. Fortunately my current stress isn't quite so traumatic as it was a few years ago. It's just a new house, job hunting, working nearly full-time, and being a carer these days. :)

    I was thinking about how much sleep I do get and it works out to about 8 hours a night one week and 8.5 hours a night the next week. But I wonder if I were able to get an average of about 9 hours a night if that would make any difference.

    Machka in Oz

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
    edited May 10