

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,076 Member
    This is the bra I'm going for. It's the same kind as Annie and Machka wear, I think. Amazon suggested L, but I went for XL, as no one ever understands how wide my back is. I may regret that, but I can send it back I haven't worn a bra for the majority of my life. :#

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx .

    When I want something stretchy, I'll go with these in XXXL. Why so big? I also have a large rib cage (or wide back) and when you look at the bra on the rack, even the XXXL looks tiny.


    When I want to look good in something, I'll wear my Playtex Women's Flex Fit Contour Bras which I discovered fit me best when I was professionally fitted. :)

    M in Oz

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,319 Member
    edited May 17
    I did over 250 words this morning! Go me! :D

    I'm going to make pesto this afternoon. John managed to find a packet of pine nuts, but a lot of local shops don't stock them. I will toast the majority off a bit and use those for the sauce, and keep a few back to toast a bit more for decoration and contrast texture. Having it with wholegrain pasta and jumbo prawns, chopped tomato. Sprouting broccoli for a veg.
    Yummo! Friday night is wine night.

    My phone appointment is any time on from 3.30. Wondering what they will ask. My in-person is on Monday morning.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,076 Member
    edited May 17
    Got a bit more work done on my uni course today!

    And it rained ... these days, that's a very good thing.

    I didn't nap today at lunch, instead I did a little bit of planting in the garden during a brief non-rainy time. I just want to fill up the drystream area with plants before we go so I've been picking plants from other parts of our garden that spread rapidly and putting them into blank areas.

    The neighbour came back from the hospital or wherever they took him. And then a bit later, he was visited by quite a crowd of people including a couple police officers. They were there a while. But all is quiet at the moment. Apparently, over the past few months, he's been threatening other neighbours by driving at them and their vehicles, and then stopping at the last second. Nice guy!

    M in Oz
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,481 Member
    edited May 17
    Good morning, my chickens, from the swampy feeling early morning of the Arkansas River Valley... where it's 95% humidity!

    The air feels almost heavy laden with water, like when you take a deep breath at the ocean shoreline🌊. You just get the green and growing smells 🌳🌿☘️🪻🌷instead of saltwater, seaweed and sand⛱️. But the rain has moved on, more than 25 miles past us now, and hopefully a dry-ish morning to come once the sun is fully up.

    And speaking of being wet, have to be in the shower within the hour so I can head into town to get my second infusion done at 9 a.m. At least I know where to go this time, as it's my second. It's a big hospital complex, and figuring out where things are is always interesting. Next week will be my hopefully final exam for my VA rate change application. As it's my second one of those, I'll be able to go straight there, as well, no searching for the right place.

    Machka - Hope the neighbor has settled down long enough for y'all to finish moving out with no incidents. I stuck my neck out a bit with my new neighbors yesterday and asked them to please lay off burning plastic. Neighbor stuff:
    This was, of course, after saying how much I really appreciated them cleaning the place up, and how much better it looks than it has than the whole six years we've been here... Both of which are absolutely true! They're doing an enormous amount to change the look of the place. But it was the young neighbor man's dad, actually, and he made some excuse about how they're only burning the wood, but "whoops," an old shoe got in the fire somehow.

    I knew better - there were piles of old trash around the place, and believe me, none of it was wood. But they're burning almost daily, and burning some seriously reeky stuff, and it means I have to keep my windows tight shut just to keep from getting nauseated. And no, there are no laws or regulations about it here in the country--but being polite to your neighbors IS still a thing.

    Hopefully they'll give it a break. We only burn paper and wood, leaves and brush very deliberately, and put any kind of trash, glass, plastic or metal in the garbage to be hauled away (no recycling available). We don't like the smell of burning plastic and household waste, and no one else does, either. If they don't, they don't, but I felt it was worth saying something.

    Tracey - Love the little nativity, seems like a great fit for Michaela.

    Terri - Always frustrating when electronics don't work right. They're so far past the ability of any ordinary person to fix them anymore... Saw a question on a local FB page if there was a local appliance repair person to fix a Samsung fridge, and the first response was that it probably wasn't worth repairing it, cheaper to buy a new one, as it would require a specialist.

    Barbara AHMOD - I still find it funny that Corey genuinely does not understand how good looking he was in that picture, or how good looking he is now. Told him it's part of his charm.

    Need to get a little breakfast in me--we had breakfast for dinner last night, Corey made me a one-egg mushroom omelet that was soooo good. He sautés the mushrooms in a little olive oil, butter and white wine. 🍄 The smell alone just makes me swoony. Since it's just me this morning, probably just some toast! 😄👀

    Lisa in AR
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,076 Member
    edited May 17
    On exercise and prediabetes ...

    Effects of aerobic exercises in prediabetes patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis

    Conclusion: In summary, engaging in aerobic exercise can have a significant positive impact on glycemic levels in individuals with prediabetes. It can also lead to reductions in BMI, FBG, 2hPG, HbA1c, and other relevant indicators. The extent of these improvements may vary slightly depending on the duration of the aerobic exercise intervention.

    In Conversation: Can diet and exercise reverse prediabetes?

    Moving throughout the day
    Studies have shown that regular physical activity—and not only the high intensity kind—can help stabilize blood sugar and improve its management.

    “[W]hen we talk about exercise, most people think about going on a treadmill and doing a 5k run, [g]etting in a sweat, which you know, is good exercise, but actually the message should be avoidance of sedentariness,” said Dr. Barber.

    “[W]e know that when you’re standing, you burn more calories; it’s better for health. If you’re walking around, that’s even better,” he said.

    “And there’s been some fascinating studies [that] have looked at changing sedentary behavior, like getting up every hour or every half an hour and just walking around for a couple of minutes and doing squats in the corner of the room. They showed that just that activity during the course of the day can have transformative effects on glucose levels,” he elaborated.

    8 Lifestyle Tips to Help Reverse Prediabetes Naturally

    Lack of physical activity is another risk factor for prediabetes.

    Exercise is not only great for energy and mental health, it can also lower your blood sugar by increasing insulin sensitivity. This allows the cells in your body to use insulin more efficiently.

    According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), exercise can reduce blood sugar for up to 24 hours after a workout.

    If you’re beginning a new exercise routine, start slow. Engage in light physical activity for 15 or 20 minutes, and then gradually increase the intensity and length of the workouts after a few days.

    Ideally, you’ll want to have 30 to 60 minutes of moderate physical activity at least 5 days a week. Exercises can include:

    • walking
    • biking
    • jogging
    • swimming
    • aerobics
    • playing sports

    And a general article about diet and exercise. :)

    For me, when it comes to weight loss, the biggest factor is exercise. I don't eat a very high calorie diet, but without exercise, I maintain. When I increase my exercise time and when I am consistent with it for a couple weeks, I lose.

    That's what works for me. :)

    And I've missed my usual level of exercise this week. Today is the first day I've felt a little more alive, although my face still feels like someone decked me!

    Machka in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,319 Member
    edited May 17
    My bra has arrived. I've tried it on, and.........it's comfortable!!!!! :p Hooray! First bra I can bear to wear in decades. I'm wearing it now, with the padding, which feels fine, but I may try it without as well
    What a relief! I can't believe I didn't know about these before. ;)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,654 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,398 Member
    edited May 17
    Lisa - Cute teen photos of Corey and you! He likes to take his shirt off, doesn't he? LOL! :p:p How neat you found each other. <3 Crossing fingers all goes well with Patrick and the job. Good to hear he does has a travel trailer so everyone can get privacy if needed.

    Machka - is there a mental hospital or facility nearby where your neighbor can be held and evaluated? Almost sounds like he should be in jail for a while, he appears to be near a tipping point. So scary.

    Tracey - how are you feeling? Enjoy your time off. Very nice nativity scene. So glad you and Rodger finally were able to talk through things, I had a couple similar situations with my DH throughout our marriage. I'd get to the point of ready to pack and he'd say something like "what about the dogs?" I realized we just needed to rebuild communication from square one and start focusing on the good things and what we had in common.

    Here's the CDC National Diabetes Prevention Program link for anyone interested. This is the program I'm enrolled in.: I searched ahead and checked out their diet/nutrition recommendations. Looks like they aren't emphasizing lowering carbs as much as I have been, but no worries. For many folks taking this class, even cutting back a little bit on carbs and processed foods and eating more veggies will undoubtedly be a big positive change for them. From what I could see on the Zoom class, some of them are very overweight.

    Had a great lunch with my friend M yesterday. She told how her DH, who was a cop in California, went undercover with Hell's Angels for a while. She said he loved riding a motorcycle but carrying $100,000 in cash to set up a sting was pretty unnerving. She said once she was walking down the street and as she passed a store entrance, a homeless person was slumped there and called her name. She did a doubletake... he was an undercover cop who often visited with her in the 911 Center! :p He got an A+ for his disguise and manner.

    Then I recalled a US Marshal who would come into my office at the 911 Center to shoot the breeze. He was undercover, wore dirty clothes and always looked scruffy. One day he crossed his legs and his pant leg pulled up. I saw a knife strapped to his calf and commented, trying not to act surprised. He pulled up the other pantleg and showed me a pistol in a holster strapped to THAT calf. :o Just like in the movies.

    I had no more than gotten home from our lunch yesterday and she'd already texted me about setting a lunch date for next month. Seems like she's not in contact with many folks from her old life now that she's been retired for a while. It's always fun to swap war stories with her. :p Can't wait to hear the next episode.

    On that note, I need to get busy. Lunch today with another couple old friends, and I'm looking forward to it. Temps in the high 30's right now, yesterday afternoon the wind was fierce here like Barbie experienced. I may need to turn on the heat in a bit.

    Make it a fabulous Friday. <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,771 Member
    Morning Ya'll
    I had a piece of dry rye toast ,2 hard boiled eggs and a few bites of watermelon for breakfast.
    And down another lb.
    It works when you track what eat and im glad that im back on track.. Tracy has made cards with the gender to reveal..so now I wait..
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,920 Member
    Renal doc went well. He wants to put me on Jardiance. Not sure why as my A1C and kidney numbers are all good right now, including my BP. Not sure if I will try it, depends on my co-pay. Otherwise good day overall. Went to Walmart to get CornFlakes, coffee creamer, and rum and soda for DH, then PO. Got home in a major wind storm and a little rain. Didn’t do much else after that. Weather I suppose.

    RVRita in now sunny NM
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,920 Member
    Today is a busy day to celebrate! I must go test my BP in honor of Hypertension Day! PS. I did not buy any wine yesterday! And today is Pinot Grigio Day!! LOL

    RVRita in Roswell
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,008 Member

    Lanette - I am the biggest problem when it comes to communication, I don’t want to upset anyone and I don’t want anyone to be upset with me, because of those reasons I tend to bottle things up or just keep them to myself. I’ve been working on this for a long time. It S a hard habit to break. Quitting smoking was easier.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    I am the same way. Always have been. With first hubby, it was to not make him mad because at that time, his anger was not under control. I continued to keep quiet with current dh, not knowing exactly how he would react. They both reacted/reacts in a negative way, just different. Current is more verbal/mental-
    I say, one day I will learn to speak up for myself- Yes, it is very hard.
