
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    🤗🤗🤗 and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    No, I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth! Did Aging Backwards DVD and then took the water aerobics class on Wed. That night we met Jess and Colby at Cracker Barrel where we got Shadow since she needed to go to the vet for an ultrasound the next day. Vince took her for the ultrasound.

    Vince found 4 of the kittens. 2 bonded each other and another set bonded. All are males. I know he has his heart set on adopting these cats. We will have to wait a few weeks because they aren’t old enough for shots, etc.

    Been raining a lot lately. And hard

    M – why does your husband want to put the floor down and then paint? Have you mentioned to him that if it was reversed, any dropped paint would be covered?

    Welcome everyone new!

    Monique – hope your foot is better soon

    Food “pickeness” – despise artificial sweeteners, don’t care for the yolk of a hard boiled egg, but the yolk in a fried egg (sunny side up or scrambled ) is fine, don’t like nuts IN things (brownies, cookies, cake) but love nuts, I don’t care for my food in sauces, I want to taste the vegetable not the butter/oil/sauce

    Debbie – adorable kittens

    Can’t have an underwire bra. It digs into my ribs and is VERY uncomfortable. And because I’m small chested, I need padding.

    Vince refuses to have any apple products. He wants to have control over a lot of things (like the registry) and apple doesn’t let you do a lot

    Tracey – Michaela looks so….lovely. Did someone make that vest she’s wearing?

    BK is now getting its lettuce prewashed in bags. I understand that it is better looking for the customer, but it also is cutting down on my hours. I might ask them if I can cook the bacon. But first, I want to talk to the gal who used to do it to see how much time it took and what all is involved.

    Barbara – woo hoo on the “steps”

    Vince had an infection under one toenail and today the podiatrist removed the nail (it’ll grow back in a few months) and cleaned the infection. He’s supposed to stay off his feet as much as possible.

    Jess should be here tomorrow to get Shadow. I think I’ll make mini brownies for the gal who runs our bowling whose birthday is Monday

    Margaret – you are doing so good

    Heather – so excited for you. Jasper is so precious looking

    Annie DE – HUGS

    Carol – hope they find help for you dh soon

    Lately, I’ve been itching. At first I thought maybe I developed a sensitivity to sauerkraut, but now I’m thinking that it’s the chlorine in the pool when I take the water aerobics. I do rinse off after the class, but maybe I need to actually wash the chlorine off. I’m going to try doing that. Also, put moisturizer on my skin.

    Michele NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
    edited May 17
    Stats for the day-

    Short walk w/family- 1hr22min 24sec, 1.34ap, 74ahr, 90ahr, 2.67mi= 347c
    Starve app = 327c
    Short walk- 48.57min, 1.68mi= 211c
    Strava app= 207c

    Total cal 558

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,689 Member
    Heather, Finley Jasper is such a cutie! Congrats!💖👶
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Well, I made those brownies. I have never in my entire life had such terrible brownies. Even tho I sprayed the pan, they stuck like nobody's business. I for the first time ever threw out batter and some of the brownies.

    I decided to make this "tunnel of fudge" cake that I know turns out. Just hope Vince doesn't have problems taking it out of the pan. He's usually up later than I am so I've asked him to do it for me.

    Michele NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    Well, the saga of my Dad continues. Yesterday he drove to a jeweler maybe three miles from the house where he has lived over twenty years. He couldn't find his car afterwards, and was found wandering over by city hall a mile away. I hear he didn't know where he was. A stranger gave him a ride home. So I come home and we go look for the car, find it and bring it home.

    So today the police came to the door for a welfare check requested by the kind stranger who brought him home. They wanted my name and number in case it happens again.

    So Dad is "wandering." It's time to take his car keys and stop him from going out walking alone.

    I guess my choice is either to take this as a wakeup call or to wait for a serious accident or mugging or such to happen. I can take his keys, ( I think) but I can't prevent him from leaving the house without 24/7 surveillance. And lots of confrontation. I just heard the front door.

    Annie in Delaware

    Chances are he has stronger memories of his childhood locations than he does of his current situation, so he's goes to find things from his childhood.

    My grandfather did that too. If the doors of the house were locked (so he couldn't go outside), he'd put on his hat and sit upright on the sofa, and when my grandmother came into the room, he'd ask when they were going home. Because the house they lived in wasn't the home of his younger self. Eventually, it got too much for my grandmother, and she had to put him into a dementia place.

    When my husband started talking and moving about after his accident, he would ask me questions about places that confused me at first ... like when did they pave the paths in this park? When did they move that business? etc. The paths in the park had been paved before I moved here and the business had been there for a decade or more. But for a while his world was that of his childhood and it wasn't meshing well with the current world.

    The thing is, it's not his fault.
    He needs protection.

    Can you set up a security camera at the door?
    What about a motion senser that makes a noise when he gets to the door?
    Motion senser lights outside the door ... and maybe inside.
    A chain on the door high up ... especially if he decides he wants to leave at night.

    Now that this has happened, and the police have been notified, can you talk to his doctor about removing his driver's licence. Then have a sit down talk with the doctor, your father, and your sister about selling his car?

    M in Oz
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,689 Member
    Seems like an active group
    I need accountability for my food intake. And I’ve not found an actively posting group.

    I exercise daily. No issue there.
    Okay if i join in?

    I didn’t spend much time reading the back pages of posts. Guessing though that you’d welcome me to join in.

    Sherry in TN

    Hey Sherry from TN, welcome, from the cool shores of Whidbey Island in Washington State! We are a chatty bunch, don't feel like you have to connect with us all, just check in now and then. Many of us have been friends for years so we're all up into each others business! (ok that sounded odd, but you get what I mean).😁. Many of us chat about more than food because ours lives dictate our food choices sometimes. We are great cheerleaders to help you!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member
    Lisa you and a couple of other friends alerted me right away so I was able to hopefully put a stop to the hacker. Thank you!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,913 Member
    Annie - I’m so terribly sorry your dad is going downhill so fast. Are there any agencies you can call for some guidance. It’s going to be rough keeping him in but I think necessary now. It’s such a shame that you are in a position where you need to become the parent instead of the child. It’s so difficult, but it’s to keep him safe and well.
    Painful times for you and him, hugs to you.

    Carol - my supper was disappointing and incredibly too expensive. Neither of us finished our meal, not because of the taste but the size. I didn’t like my burger, but ate it because I knew Rodger wanted me to enjoy it. I just won’t go back there.
    Hopefully they figure out what’s going on with your husband soon.

    Michele - that was Aspen on the picture, I bought the poncho for her at the farmers market. I lady was selling her knitted and crocheted items.
    I could not imagine having to be responsible for one pet nevermind four!

    Barbie - I bet the news from Jake’s appointment was a relief.

    I did some scrapbooking today, will do some more tomorrow, but I need to go get some pictures printed first.

    I’m off to bed.
    Tracey in Edmonton

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,987 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member

    Usual Saturday local shops trip, Stiil trying to sort my phone out.

    Annie: Your dad’s deterioration is so sad. You have a hard time ahead. 🫶

    Barbie: Good news about Jake.

    🤗🤗🤗 and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,225 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Thank you Lisa, Michele, Heather, Machka, Tracey and Terri for your kind words about my dad.

    When I heard the door, he left and drove back to his physical therapy thinking he had another appointment because he read the wrong day on the calendar. But he had just finished there two hours ago.

    Machka, there are bells on the doors just hanging on the doorknobs so I do hear him. And we have a doctor appointment Monday. I'm hoping they can help convince him to stop driving.

    I went over to talk to my aunt and she thinks we should put him in a home for memory care. I'm naturally reluctant both because he couldn't go on his long walks and because of the risk of having to sell the house to pay for it. But the wandering problem will only get worse in the fall when he wants to go out in the dark. It's a safe town, and his balance is better from all the PT. But I wonder how often he gets lost and doesn't tell me.

    Such a worry. When his PT is over, he will go back to wanting to go out for ice cream every day. He takes his picture of Mom and shows it to strangers. He needs more social activity than I do. So sad, because he used to be a physicist and was usually the smartest person in every room, but so humble. Now he gets so confused.

    So I hid my Mom's old car key. And the doctor will help make the decision about driving. And the issue of memory care is something to look into for the fall. Everything changes!

    Heather that baby is a cutie!

    Carol, good luck with your husband.

    Rita and Allie, you both are doing great!

    Lisa, fingers crossed for the injections working. Thinking about you!

    May you all have a great day, and my you be happy, healthy, safe and free!

    Annie in Delaware
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Thank you Lisa, Michele, Heather, Machka, Tracey and Terri for your kind words about my dad.

    When I heard the door, he left and drove back to his physical therapy thinking he had another appointment because he read the wrong day on the calendar. But he had just finished there two hours ago.

    Machka, there are bells on the doors just hanging on the doorknobs so I do hear him. And we have a doctor appointment Monday. I'm hoping they can help convince him to stop driving.

    I went over to talk to my aunt and she thinks we should put him in a home for memory care. I'm naturally reluctant both because he couldn't go on his long walks and because of the risk of having to sell the house to pay for it. But the wandering problem will only get worse in the fall when he wants to go out in the dark. It's a safe town, and his balance is better from all the PT. But I wonder how often he gets lost and doesn't tell me.

    Annie in Delaware

    It is very difficult.

    If he goes into a memory care home, you may be able to take him for long walks. Meanwhile, it wouldn't be a bad idea to go on long walks with him now.

    And yes, it is possible he may have to sell the house.

    It might be a good idea to talk to your sister, cousins etc. and to weigh up your options.

    M in Oz

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,575 Member
    edited May 18
    Margaret - good info, and good job! You and I are on the same track. Amazing what cutting out sugar, processed foods and white starches will do.

    Rita - I keep reading that some doctors feel diabetes patients are destined to stay on drugs. Seems like that isn't always the case though. You have done so well, I don't blame you for questioning the need for Jardiance. Keep up the good work. :p

    Tracey - I feel so fortunate having lived and worked in this community for many years. Reminds me of CHEERS - :"we want to go where everybody knows our name". Most of my gal friends I've known for years and years, former co-workers that I have some things in common with. It's fun to learn more about them. And share some war stories, lol. Sorry your dinner out with Rodger was a disappointment.

    I was shocked at the cost of lunch yesterday with my friends. A cup of soup and small salad - $17. :# The restaurant is run by a good friend of R, one of my lunch buddies so that's OK, I'm glad to give her pal the business. Many eating places have closed in the past few years.

    But the cafe I went to with M on Thursday - a "half" chicken Caesar salad was $12 and big enough for lunch and supper.

    Barbie - great news for Jake.

    Heather - glad Finley has made his appearance. <3 What a cutie, happy to hear all is going well for him and his mom.

    Lisa- good for you speaking to the neighbors about burning plastics, hope they take it to heart. How did the interview go for Patrick?

    Annie - (((hugs))) sending strength to you as you deal with your dad. Does your sister have any ideas? Seems like he has deteriorated sharply since she last saw him.

    Diabetes Prevention Program thoughts... I've been pondering why this year-long program has been so successful for many people. It occurs to me that it shares James Clear's ideas about "habit stacking".

    I'm used to weight-loss programs that hit participants with a big list of changes from the get-go: Drastically reduce calories. Drink gallons of water. Start walking 3 miles per day. Get in 20 minutes of strength training every other day. I'm exaggerating but not by much. We put ourselves through overwhelming expectations; no wonder it often becomes a struggle. At least it was for me.

    It appears this program starts us off gradually with lifestyle changes, such as upping activity. Making that into a habit. Then we'll move on to another area, diet, sleep, social connections. Healing in many areas, not just getting blood sugar or weight under control.

    Kind of exciting, isn't it?

    On that note, time to close and let the chickens out for their morning walk. ;)

    Make it a great weekend. <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State