

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
    Today is Devil’s Food Cake day!! And some info on Praia.


    RVRita at Bottomless Lakes
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    edited May 19
    Lisa - Nothing more crushing to the spirit than a bad marriage. Or even an indifferent marriage. They do say our happiness depends on the five people we are the most close to, so choose your mate and your friends carefully. I hung on to my marriage for far too long. It quite literally is 'soul-destroying '. Life is not a dress rehearsal. Carpe diem. The only mystery to me is, why do we stay so long? And far too many of us do

    John went out and bought a few red pelargoniums for our outside pot, and put them in yesterday. He bought the trailing type, but I'm sure it's all fine. I wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Our lettuce and arugula are sprouting happily in the pots. I just give the orders! :p

    I have a phone call with my friend L at 4 pm. Then put the duck legs in to roast. We've been so fishy recently! Having them with mushy peas and sprouting broccoli. Then stewed apricots.

    I had a huge Amazon delivery today. Nearly all things for my health before the op. Cranberry juice, spray unperfumed deodorant, (not allowed to use roll on!), gentle laxative, foot file, etc. I've got to use antiseptic shower gel for 5 days, and nostril cream, and wear clean clothes every day! :o
    Tomorrow is my in person check over. Bloods, MRSA etc.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,035 Member

    Good morning from these cuties
    They are doing great-haven't seen the other two that the neighbor says are out there.

    Up early, fed all the cats in the bedroom and the one in the kitchen then the kittens in the living room. Put them in the big tote to eat while I cleaned their playpen out. I had planned on having them sleep in the tote again last night where they have been sleeping but they were all cozy in the little cat bed in their playpen so I let them sleep.

    Church this morning then need to go to Walgreens to pick up an order(laundry soap 4/$10, bought 8). Going through a LOT of it with all the washable pee pads between the kittens(their playpen is lined with them) and the old momma cat that doesn't use a litter box anymore, just the pads and she goes through a LOT of them daily. Then to FoodMaxx- need chicken to cook for the cats and maybe some for me along with some ribs that dh wants. We picked up some marinate yesterday that he wants to try.

    Ordered the galvanized raised beds from Amazon yesterday- half price so only $19.99- ordered 4 so will be moving pots, cleaning that area up and setting up the new raised beds this week. Not as deep as the pots I have been using but these will look so much nicer than the black pots. I will still use them just not right up front.

    Going to make another cup of tea and catch up here then get ready for church. Have one hour until I need to leave.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,431 Member
    edited May 19
    Beth - wow, what an ordeal with your mom. Sadly astounding at how goofed up the medical system was. Sending big hugs and hope your knee feels better.

    Annie - hugs to you as well. Lots of good ideas being shared here about how to best deal with your dad. If you were to find a buyer for his car, would he be able to sign the title over to someone if it's in his name?

    Ginny - sorry to hear about your brother, glad you were able to have dinner with him. My DH's delirium was a shocker - I'm guessing he had a UTI which got getter on its own, but that episode did make his memory loss a bit worse overall.

    They say this getting old isn't for sissies and I agree!!

    Lisa - so happy things are working out well for Patrick and you are getting to know him better and enjoying him. Corey is and will be a good influence on him. Nice to have a couple like minded brothers when it's time to get things done around your place. ;) Oh, and I was going to comment - someone in my neighborhood decided to do a sneaky garbage/plastic burn early yesterday morning. :( . Hope someone spoke to them about it, it used to happen a lot up until a few years ago. The air settles and the burn can be 1/2 mile away and we still get the stench. :#

    Rita - thanks for sharing your food list, I can use it. Love that your husband is such a wonderful cook. Does he make up recipes, have years of experience and/or just looks things up on the internet a lot? I wouldn't get along with the high temperatures you are having. Sorry about your allergies, pollen is bad here too.

    Debbie - those kittens are too cute. You are such a great kitty mom. :p Nice deal on those galvanized planters - how did you get them at half price?

    Reminder - Weekly check-in tomorrow. ;)

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member

    Remember those four kittens I was telling you about that the vet found? Well, a few weeks ago we had asked Jess to be on the lookout for orange male cats (she volunteers at a shelter – something to do with helping to pay her student loans). Anyway, she called and wanted to facetime with Vince (huh?). It seems that they had 2 male orange kittens and she knows Vince is a real softie. One part of me feels bad because we committed to taking 4 kittens from the vet, but the other part of me feels bad telling Jess “thanks, but no thanks, we know you went out of your way”. So...what we’re going to do is take 2 cats from the vet and those 2 orange ones. Vince is sure that when he explains things to the vet’s office, they’ll understand. Jess thinks we can take all 6, but I don’t think so.

    Debbie – thanks for the link about the raised beds. A gardener I am not, but I wonder if something like that wouldn’t work for the rebar that we have for the christmas decorations. I gotta run it by Vince, if it would be sturdy enough. It doesn’t look like it has any kind of bottom, but we might be able to make something that’ll do. Maybe?????

    Going to cut the grass (what did I tell you? Only we won’t do a complete job, just enough so that when we come back we aren’t coming back to a jungle.)

    Michele NC
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,035 Member
    Beth - wow, what an ordeal with your mom. Sadly astounding at how goofed up the medical system was. Sending big hugs and hope your knee feels better.

    Annie - hugs to you as well. Lots of good ideas being shared here about how to best deal with your dad. If you were to find a buyer for his car, would he be able to sign the title over to someone if it's in his name?

    Ginny - sorry to hear about your brother, glad you were able to have dinner with him. My DH's delirium was a shocker - I'm guessing he had a UTI which got getter on its own, but that episode did make his memory loss a bit worse overall.

    They say this getting old isn't for sissies and I agree!!

    Lisa - so happy things are working out well for Patrick and you are getting to know him better and enjoying him. Corey is and will be a good influence on him. Nice to have a couple like minded brothers when it's time to get things done around your place. ;) Oh, and I was going to comment - someone in my neighborhood decided to do a sneaky garbage/plastic burn early yesterday morning. :( . Hope someone spoke to them about it, it used to happen a lot up until a few years ago. The air settles and the burn can be 1/2 mile away and we still get the stench. :#

    Rita - thanks for sharing your food list, I can use it. Love that your husband is such a wonderful cook. Does he make up recipes, have years of experience and/or just looks things up on the internet a lot? I wouldn't get along with the high temperatures you are having. Sorry about your allergies, pollen is bad here too.

    Debbie - those kittens are too cute. You are such a great kitty mom. :p Nice deal on those galvanized planters - how did you get them at half price?

    Reminder - Weekly check-in tomorrow. ;)

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    they were on sale for half price- not sure if they still are but that was just yesterday- delivery is today.

  • AnnaDaRosa
    AnnaDaRosa Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! This is my first-time using myfitnesspal, but I have tried other apparently and programs before. I am 53 and a mon of 3. My boys are all grown and on their own, but I have a 12 year old daughter still at home. I really want to set a positive example for her of being healthy and confident.
    I also have diabetes and have struggled the last few tears with controlling my glucose levels. I recently started having problems with the vision in my left eye, that has left me wearing an eye patch. My doctor says it will heal as my sugar levels drop so I am really focused on getting that back under control. This has been a scary experience. I started using this app because it shows me how many carbs I am eating and I need that visual and accountability.
    Best of luck to all in achieving their goals and feeling happy and healthy!

    Central Valley, California
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Hidee Ho all
    Went and had lunch with my friends from Massachusetts
    I had 2 small pieces of pepperoni pizza and water to drink..the salt will im sure do me in.. but haven't really eaten much else drinking alot of water..
    I only eat when im hungry,and im honestly not hungry alot..but im eat things that are good for me ( except for the pizza )
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,408 Member

    🤗🤗🤗 and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Housecleaning etc- 2hrs 48min 24sec, 68arpm, 85ahr, make/refill hummingbird food, trim hedges, water plants, bathe/dry/trim chispa, etc= 779c

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    Regarding driving with dementia and other medical conditions, it's probably not safe for the driver and also not safe for other road users. It just takes a couple seconds of inattention for bad things to happen.

    M in Oz
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Cut the grass. Didn’t do a fantastic job, but at least we won’t come home to a jungle. Called the gal who used to do the bacon at BK. I’m toying with the idea of asking if I could do it only so that I would get extra hours. That is, as long as it doesn’t take hours and hours. Somehow, I don’t think it does but I wanted to talk to the gal who used to do it before I said anything to anyone. She needs to think on it since it’s been some years since she’s worked at BK (which means it’s been a couple of years that I’ve been working on Sat.)

    Anna – welcome. Keep coming back, you’ll get great advice

    Watched some TV now off to bed.

    Michele NC
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,894 Member