

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,416 Member
    MFP Weekly Check-In 5-20-24

    Debbie in Napa Valley, CA - Good morning- weighed this morning (Sunday) - 151.2. Down .4 this week. A bit closer to the 140's I was hoping for more than just under 1/2 a pound but, better to lose a little than to gain.

    Rita in Roswell NM - Down 1.2 pounds from 184.7 last week. Making progress! I’ll take it! :p

    Sue in WA State - Averaged 56 oz of water per day this week, up from 48 oz the week before. Need to continue working on this. Did well on exercising this week. Yoga 7/7, strength and balance 4/7, 2 times water exercise. Weight up and down this week, too much salt. Need to watch the salt and sugar.

    Lanette SW WA State – weight holding steady in desired range. Tracking activity minutes for the Diabetes Prevention class – developed a spreadsheet instead of using MFP (don’t like exercise added to calories and macros for the day). Doing fine on walking, need to start working on strength training 20 minutes twice a week.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Worked then had bowling. Vince went to the bank while I was continuing bowling. Came home and got most of the food that I’m going to take with me ready

    Barbara – you know, we’ve thought of the same thing re: Shadow and other cats. I wonder if the mother instinct would kick in when she saw a kitten. The only kitten we’ve ever had was Loki. All the other cats were older when we adopted them.

    Lanette – I don’t know that I want to work anywhere else but BK mainly for the reason that it’s close to home. Only 5 miles away. Oh, there are LOTS of other fast food places here. But they’re all further away. I’d first look at adding different jobs (like cooking the bacon). Actually, I really need to give it at least a week and see how much, if at all, my hours go down.

    Carol – so happy your hubby is feeling better Actually, when I get home from BK the absolute first thing I do is put my clothes in the wash. Every night I take a shower just to get the smell off me. Like I told Lynette, I like BK mainly because it’s close to home.

    Rita – what’s a Sloppy Kevin? Like a sloppy joe?

    Vickie – so sorry about your friend

    Ceramics tonight then we leave tomorrow. I’m planning to do Jackie Xtreme Timesaver DVD since it’s only ½ hour long. At least I’ll get SOMETHNG in before we go. I know that at the hotel I’ll probably do cardio most days.

    Michele NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,688 Member
    edited May 20
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 2hrs 6min 18sec, 36elev, 2.83ap, 80ahr, 95mhr, 6.03mi= 583c
    Strava app = 739c
    Zwift home spin bike- strava stats- 1hr 36min 32sec, 243elev, 106aw, 18.7amph, 102ahr, 134mhr, 52arpm, 30.11mi= 540c
    Strava app= 588c
    Zwift stats- 1hr 36min 33sec, 244elev, 106aw, 52arpm, 18.71amph, 30.1mi= 588c

    Amazing coincidence that this month is Medicare month (turning 65) and just now my knees felt pain, lololol! And the pain was felt before I started the 6 mile walk and 30 mile bike ride

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,795 Member
    Afternoon ladies
    Carmine and Seth stopped by to see Ginger the dog and Miles.so now she knows she will have siblings..all she did was roll her eyes
    Today I didn't do much and I took a nap..tomorrow is Alfie to the groomers..
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,804 Member
    Allie - I thought I should clarify, I don’t think she was forgotten, but in her mind it probably seems that way.

    Annie - Hugs to you, it’s going to be hard not letting him walk, but maybe you can go with him, or hire someone to walk with him some. I’m not surprised she suggested that, he may get confused and walk into traffic in his confusion. It’s just not safe for him.
    It’s good your sister is coming so that you can work together to get a plan in place.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,688 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Went to ceramics and picked up my fish.

    Pip – feel better soon

    Tracey – I, too, miss the days when everything was on network TV. Ahhhh...the almighty dollar!

    Annie – so glad for you and everyone else that the doc said your dad shouldn’t drive and you were able to get the keys. Hey, if you have to walk with your dad, just think of the steps you’ll be getting in :).

    Put some of the things in the car. To PJ it’ll be christmas in May...lol Honestly, I forget some of the things we got him….lol

    Michele NC

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,087 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,882 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,157 Member

    Carol so glad your DH feels better. Yay!

    Vicki so sorry about your friend's passing.

    The doctor said Dad shouldn't drive anymore, and I was able to get his keys. It was a painful moment, but still a success. A relief, too.

    She also said Dad shouldn't go walking alone anymore. That one is harder to wrap my head around, because it means I should watch him all the time to make sure he doesn't leave the house. We talked about Adult day care, and maybe a GPS tracker.

    And my sister is coming next Monday. Yay! She set up a tour at the closest memory care place. I don't know if we are ready for that, but we will go look.

    And I read some escapist fiction to indulge myself.

    So a good day.

    Annie in Delaware

    You'll go walking with your father. 😀 Maybe bring your dog too.

    M in Oz
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,514 Member
    Morning all, from the darkness before the dawn of the Arkansas River Valley,

    Today is supposed to be our last sunny, dry day until Friday. Well, for most of the day, anyway, then the rain is supposed to move in this evening. That would be, of course, according to one set of our usually madly mistaken meteorologists. We'll see how it turns out. We're so spoiled with weather forecasts, and certainly take for granted something that just a hundred years ago was much, much more of a by-guess-and-by-golly.

    Slept well, if not long enough, but can catch up later if needed. No plans for today, other than a Sam's Club delivery coming in at some point. I did a big order through them, as I'm cancelling my membership for at least a year. Will consider at that point whether it's worth it to rejoin. I just don't think we buy enough through them to make it worth it. So I ordered only those things that are a good buy or that we genuinely prefer that have long shelf lives. In June, I have to decide whether or not to re-up my Walmart+ membership, too. I really do get a lot of things delivered through them, and that's the main reason for it.

    Time to get some laundry started and then get back to my quilt... sheets and rugs today, woo-hoo! 😄😜. There are worse things.

    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in AR

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,416 Member
    Vicki - sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. And good friend at that. (((HUGS)))

    Tracey - love Michaela's "Hippie" hoodie. So glad your grands live close and you get to do things with them, I know they'll never forget it.

    Carol - great news about your DH. I'm sure his worry is alleviated a bit too, knowing that he's under treatment and they are searching for the source of his blood loss. It was hard for both of you not to worry a bit.

    Machka - glad you got a "dry run" sleeping in your new house.

    Yesterday was the second Diabetes prevention class. The Zoom is a bit choppy, it's hard not to talk over each other but we're catching on. In-person would be better but not possible since attendees are from all over the region. No class next Monday, due to Memorial Day, but the Monday after we'll start nutrition. Several folks mentioned that's what they are waiting for. ;)

    The class leader provided a link to getting more activity if anyone is interested:

    Collette is coming in a bit and rain is due this morning, it will be rainy and/or overcast for the next week. Glad I finished mowing. Weed eating can wait, it will have to.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,106 Member
    edited May 21
    Good morning ladies!

    Michele Tracey and Machka, yes I think I might both go walking with him and also hire someone to walk with him. I bet his physical therapy place might know someone. The hard part will be scheduling.

    I guess I need to start walking. He does three or four miles. I expect cramps and bathroom issues. I am just not looking forward to this. The other part is that his hearing is so bad that you can't just tell him "wait" or "watch that car." He is oblivious.

    My sister is going to bring an Air Tag for him. My phone is android and hers is apple, so it would work with her phone.

    I am so reluctant to put him in a home. It's so expensive. And I'm afraid I might lose this house. That's an overwhelming thought. I already have two storage units full of my furniture; there is a ton of stuff to get rid of here.

    Have a great day! May you be happy, healthy, safe and free!

    Annie in Delaware
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,157 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Michele Tracey and Machka, yes I think I might both go walking with him and also hire someone to walk with him. I bet his physical therapy place might know someone. The hard part will be scheduling.

    I guess I need to start walking. He does three or four miles. I expect cramps and bathroom issues. I am just not looking forward to this. The other part is that his hearing is so bad that you can't just tell him "wait" or "watch that car." He is oblivious.

    My sister is going to bring an Air Tag for him. My phone is android and hers is apple, so it would work with her phone.

    I am so reluctant to put him in a home. It's so expensive. And I'm afraid I might lose this house. That's an overwhelming thought. I already have two storage units full of my furniture; there is a ton of stuff to get rid of here.

    3 or 4 miles isn't too bad.
    Cramps? Like leg cramps? Be sure you're taking a magnesium supplement and drinking enough water.
    Bathroom issues? Yours or his?

    A hand on his arm is a good way to indicate "wait".

    Have a good chat with your sister about the house when she comes. You two might need to convince your father to put the house in both your names.

    M in Oz

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,416 Member
    Annie - a thought - if you start walking with your dad, maybe he'd be OK with only doing a mile or two at a time a couple times a day. 3 or 4 miles at a time is a lot if a person isn't used to it. Thinking of you.
