

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,793 Member
    Afternoon ladies
    Tracy will deliver the announcements this weekend..
    Im supposed to go to a picnic this weekend on sunday..we shall see or not.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,684 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,020 Member

    worked in the garden. Just came in. It is getting too hot.
    I got the old pots moved, the old cinder blocks and old wood that the pots were sitting on all moved out, weed block put down and then the new raised beds built and filled. Only had room for 3- left a large pot at each end. Not sure where I will put the last one. Will figure it out but NOT today.
    I will go clean up when it cools down this afternoon.
    42 nuts/bolts for each bed. Galvanized metal and only one little cut from the whole project.

    Now going to read here and see what every one is doing here.

    Napa Valley CA
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,149 Member
    I walked a mile with my dad. No cramps and no bathroom issues! Yay! But I am really out of shape.

    Annie in Delaware

    Good for you! Great start!
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,516 Member
    edited May 22
    Tuesday: Thought my flannel nightshirt was heavier than my new knit pj’s. Turns out no, they’re .2 lb heaver. Now I can weigh in in either disregarding the difference. ;}
    Monday Joe has figured out that abstaining from brandy and sweets makes the tingling in his fingers, the nerve pain in his tooth, and the weird feelings in his toe go away. Halelujah!
    Kelly Clarkson, Ben Napier (Home Town), Kristina Kresten (Farmhouse Fixer) what transformations! Makes me aware how much appearance matters to me, much to my shame. Can’t help but wonder how they did it though :naughty:
    Stopped at the [shudder] gym yesterday to observe Coach Ken’s Better Bones and Balance class. It looked way harder than I remembered. I’ve deteriorated way too much. Will seriously consider joining :noway: when I’m done with PT, as I need the external discipline of a schedule and Coach’s cuing for form and effort. Won’t mean any more trips into town, BB&B class is on same days as line dancing ;}
    Lisa, fingers X’d for Wednesday’s appointment and favorable results.
    Carol so glad your DH is feeling better. Headsmack, I never thought to check out the YouTube videos when messing with puff pastry. As a result my resuls were unsatisfactory. Next experiment will be with yeast raised rolls. . . for hot cross buns. Well past the season but I’ve had a yen.
    Allie hope the blood work today gives good results.
    Barbie “it's important to hear what you need to hear over and over and have support from others.” Truth this. Strengthening the notion to sign up for the BB&B class when PT is over. Like your safe, the replacement bulbs for my little grow light arrived last week. Finally unpacked them and finagled them in. (Meant an hour and a half tidying up the potting bench area.) Miracle of miracles it all worked. Now I have a place to start the cucumbers I should have started in February and March :laugh:
    Vicki ((hugs)) So very very sorry for your loss. Sometimes loss of a BFF is harder than sibling or even parent. Only loss of a child is bound to be harder. And then to have one of the daughters contravene your friends’ final wishes, so very hard for you to live through. ((hugs))
    Lanette, doesn’t your farmer's walking count as strength training too?
    Michele When will Shadow come to visit again? Will the kittens still be kittens?
    Pip knees? Oww!
    Tracey :love: your little hippie girl! Hope the headache eased in time for start with the grade 5s. Oh that meme, it was so me!!!:laugh:
    Annie thankful that painful but successful moment has passed and you have the keys. Really thankful your sister will be there next Monday. Con VERY gratulations on walking that mile with your dad. Would he hold your hand or let you hold his arm as Machka said to allow for communication? Such a hard path to navigate. ((hugs))
    @kymarai missing you, hope all’s well.
    Been sitting long enough to recharge the phone to 100% so that excuse is gone :naughty:
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Move more than yesterday steps, PT, fuel better than yesterday, live NOW.
    Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,516 Member
    Annie further to the discussion about lawyers and daycare… have you checked out the Delaware Aging and Disability Resource Center:
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,881 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,341 Member
    Bea was being taught about 'drugs' yesterday at school. Age appropriate, I assume!
    She had to write one thing that was bad for you, one thing that was OK sometimes, and one thing that is good for you. John said in the sometimes column she wrote Lucozade, and in the bad column she wrote Bloody Mary. :p She didn't say what she wrote in the good column. :)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,149 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    @Machka: I’ve been wondering…. Is your ‘Tip’ store like a Salvation Army Thrift Store you can buy or donate too? We have a GoodWill and a Humane Society one also. I found another, not sure if I can find it again, that buys and sells donated things as well. This is a poor area for the locals and there are plenty of these types of shops here.

    RVRita in Roswell Where it is supposed to be much cooler at only 93 for a high with <25% humidity. Perfect temp.

    A tip is a waste management centre ... a rubbish dump.

    A tip shop is a place located right next to a tip where people can drop off stuff that they don't want but is possibly too good to go into the tip or sometimes stuff is salvaged from the tip. Most tips have a shop associated with them. Words like recycle, reuse, resource etc. are often in the name of the tip shop. "Second Chance Re-Use Shop", "The Resource Tip Shop", "The Recovery Shop", "Uptipity Recycle Shop", etc.

    You'll find everything in these places. There's an outdoor area and indoor area. There will be building supplies like piles of used sinks, doors, windows, pieces of metal, pallets, bricks, and all sorts. There will be furniture, toys, suitcases, clothing, kitchenware, books, DVDs, CDs, bicycles, garden stuff ... you name it. And it will all be pretty inexpensive.

    Can you see the photos here:

    Here's a list of things you might find at a tip shop:

    We got my beautiful antique dining room table from one tip shop.
    We got the little computer table I'm using right now at another tip shop. It sits neatly in front of my wing chair.
    I'd venture a guess that most of my CDs have come from tip shops.

    They are fascinating places. :)

    On the other hand, places like Salvos (Salvation Army), Vinnies, the Red Cross shop, etc. are Op Shops. Opportunity Shops = thrift shops. They'll mainly have clothing with a little bit of other stuff.

    At lunch, I go to the Red Cross Op Shop for books. They've all got books, but the Red Cross one seems to have the best selection. I go to the Lifeline Op Shop for slightly higher end clothing for work. The Vinnies is a good place for CDs and DVDs. The Salvos is the closest to where I work, and often has the lowest prices on clothing.

    Machka in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,341 Member
    Pouring with rain. John is having second thoughts about attending Edie 's football match. My guess is that it will be cancelled.

    My bladder is still troubling me. Just sore. It is sapping my energy.

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,793 Member
    Morning ya'll
    Bloodwork was good except the cholesterol was a bit high..
    Other than that not much going on..taking Doris grocery shopping and Alfie is going to Toms for a few days.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,414 Member
    Lisa - gorgeous planter, you really did a nice job with that brickwork. :p Did Patrick get his trailer/camper parked OK at the new spot?

    Barbara- I definitely think the Farmer's Walk is strength training. That activity planner link I posted was an eye-opener. Gardening and weeding count as strength training, which does not surprise me, along with mowing the lawn with a push-mower and shoveling snow (in my case dirt at times) and yardwork.

    I normally weigh in my birthday suit getting ready to take a shower. I use a type of scale that has a smaller foot platform and weighing with shoes is hard. My weight wearing jeans, a light knit top and shoes at the doctor's office is 3 lbs more than my out of the shower weight, give or take an ounce. Interesting, though, how clothing can edge my BMI into the "overweight" category. And according to the SmartBMI Calculator, I'm not overweight at all, and packing on a few pounds as I age is better in the long run.

    I'm very curious to see what the nutrition/diet suggestions will be in the Diabetes Prevention class. For some folks, this might be a new way of eating. I've been successful using Dr. Unwin's eating plan, which is basically no sugar or processed foods and lower carb. I ran across an in-depth look at this plan, which is more comprehensive than the one I posted a few weeks back. Link here:


    Tracey - your fifth grade class sounds neat, and good the teacher has a handle on it. How long will you be with them and is that the final practicum before you are finished with the program?

    Debbie - you've been busy putting your garden together. Hope you have good crops this year, it's a lot of work. You are getting plenty of strength training!

    Annie - good job walking a mile with your dad. It's impressive, that at his age, that he's still physically fit enough to walk several miles a day. Sounds like you've been pursuing several avenues regarding your dad's care. :p

    I have an appointment at the optometrist at 8:15 this morning, which means I'll need to cut back on coffee or else I'll also have "bathroom issues."

    Time to scoot. Make it a super day! <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,532 Member
    Lisa - I thought about not renewing our Costco membership last year, but the 5 or 6 things we regularly buy there is so much cheaper that the fee for the membership is paid for in just a few months.
    Michaela knew that once her hoodie was done she was leaving to go home. She didn’t want the sleepover to end. She had a solid 48 hours though maybe even a bit more and didn’t go to bed on time either night. I’ve told her she is can ask to come anytime.

    I think that the weather apps are funny, my iPhone one will tell me it’s sunny and +20 when it’s pouring rain.
    I love your flowerbed.

    Lanette - I am so grateful the Grands live near enough I get to spend lots of time with them. It used to be a couple times a week and now it’s once every couple of weeks, but I’m not complaining.

    Annie - I think it’s terrible that people lose everything to get care. That doesn’t happen in Alberta or New Brunswick I know, I’m not sure about other provinces. In AB after the OAS, CPP if necessary there is a seniors supplement as well, the resident must have $200 a month leftover and no personal pensions, savings or property can be taken for the cost of care. In NB it’s $50 a month leftover.
    I see you went for a small walk with your day, that’s great.

    Rebecca - I love the colour of your new flooring and it will hide the dirt very well, but you’re right it sure is busy. You’ll be so relieved to have this all put back together.
    I smile every time you write about hearing from your boys. I remember the heartache you were suffering and I’m so happy for you.

    Vicki - your POA duties don’t continue after death? Or do you need to be an executor for that?

    Tina - I hope you figure out how to get your problem fixed.

    Heather - I have read that the old “clean your plate” mentality that we were taught is part of our obesity problems now. I wouldn’t be surprised if there isn’t some truth to that.
    How fortunate this young generation will be to be able to say no because they recognize their bodies signals.
    I remember being over stuffed on many occasions and being forced to finish my plate.

    Barbara - great that Jake figured out the cause.
    I love home decorating shows, I especially like them for when I’m crafting as I don’t have to pay close attention.
    The same goes for baking shows, although I don’t bake or eat it, I like looking at it.

    I had a good first day with the grade 5’s. We had a demonstration of a tipi being built. 60 kids fit into it and they built it in 20 minutes.
    The class I’m in has 17 students. The teacher is younger than Kaitlyn, but seems to have a good handle on the class.

    I watched The Voice finale tonight, then had a bath. I’m ready to head to bed now. It’s an adjustment week for Rodger and I as he switches back to days. I didn’t sleep well last night with him in the bed for the first time since October. It felt hot and crowded in there.
    I’ll be glad to get used to it again soon.

    Off to bed,
    Tracey in Edmonton

    I am glad to almost have the kitchen done, just little things here and there.
    I am finally happy to feel happy. Like my happy mask can be put in a drawer now, and I can truly grin again. I am glad that both sailor sons are communicating with me, touching base with texts, it does wonders for my mood as a mom. To know my youngest son finally gets it. The value of family, and his role in it. Each member is like a keystone. When one isn't participating, the house shakes. It was a rough lesson for him and I to learn.