Welcome New Members!



  • MichelleMantle
    MichelleMantle Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone, just starting today with a goal to lose 4 stone.
    Wishing everyone the best of luck with your fitness and health goals.
  • MichelleWoodman
    MichelleWoodman Posts: 1 Member
    Newbie, 56. Was always a healthy weight until my gallbladder ruptured damaging my pancreas and liver. So now my metabolism is screwed. Hoping tracking what I’m eating against my macros will help give it a kick alongside an exercise program. Oh and of course now I’m in my 50’s the big M is also a factor! Want to feel like me again!
  • Hunterkiller666
    Hunterkiller666 Posts: 4 Member
    New old member. Was here full time about 8 years ago but then life happened. Keep coming back here but not actually doing anything. Have managed 3 days of P90X this time so finally back on it but diet is terrible. Would be nice to have some new friends plus is any of my old friends are here would be nice to catch up if you recognise my ugly mug 😁
  • Carla831Tenn
    Carla831Tenn Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! I just joined this community after having been absent from a community for a few years. I used to belong to SparkPeople and this popped up as a similar community so I thought I would give it a shot as I am looking for a group of people to support me in my journey.

    I am 60 and I live in Northwest Tennessee with my husband, 4 dogs and 1 cat. I am now diabetic and looking to change my eating habits to control my sugar through what I eat. It's very hard because I love carbs!! I am hoping to make new friends - be great if there is anyone else in West Tennessee. We are in a small rural community but not too far from a college town.
  • lisagclonmel3016
    lisagclonmel3016 Posts: 9 Member
    Would love some friends, Irish girlie living in Australia trying to lose 80lbs. All the help and support I can get is welcome 🤗
  • pretty3514
    pretty3514 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Guys, fitness journey is not easy 😟😟
  • altamont4894
    altamont4894 Posts: 1 Member
    Long time viewer, first time responder here - can't wait to get started!
  • Traquette
    Traquette Posts: 90 Member
    Hi ! I've been using this app in the past with great results, then stopped, then life happens and... you know !
    I'm looking for some motivation and extra tips : calorie counting isn't much of an option anymore for me but maybe with support from a community I'll loose the 10kg I've put on in the last 2 years.
    Any thread I should dive in ? :)
  • firecrackergirls1621
    firecrackergirls1621 Posts: 22 Member
    Hello everyone, I've tried many times at losing weight and have never succeeded. I think I'm now at this point in my life, where I want change for myself not someone else just to feel excepted.
    Please remember to smile today. 😃
  • saritamedina
    saritamedina Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone. Nice to have others on the same journey
  • liqiaoyan67
    liqiaoyan67 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm new here, I hope you can take care of it, I will improve with you!
  • seanborchelt69
    seanborchelt69 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Sean, new to MyFitnessPal and just signed up with you guys and also Fella Health hope the combination works!!!
  • caylapal888
    caylapal888 Posts: 50 Member
    Hii everyone! I am a woman in my late 20s looking to meet new people who are trying to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle. I am hoping we can motivate each other and share our progress and struggles. Feel free to add me and message me.
  • erincrowell2564
    erincrowell2564 Posts: 2 Member
    Just started to day and am excited to lose the 100 pounds I have put on since 2020. I will be 46 this year and with menopause getting closer, I need to get myself into shape. Feel free to send a friend request! Would love to share the journey with others
  • kcfabs8984
    kcfabs8984 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone, new here,
    Trying to put on a bit of weight and build a little muscle,
    If anyone has any advice on what i can eat or any exercises that may help me they would be appreciated 🙂
    Thank you
  • RockWarrior84
    RockWarrior84 Posts: 840 Member
    Not new, just returning after a multiple year hiatus. Hoping to get back into the groove of things and get off my lazy butt.
    DVDBEASTMODE Posts: 149 Member
    Hi everyone if you would like some friends some motivation a place to chat you can add me and join our group of nearly 150 members.
    Check us out https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/146531-no-more-newsfeed-group
  • ismartkancharla
    ismartkancharla Posts: 1 Member
    edited June 7
    Hi people! I started using the app 3 days ago. Started eating fewer calories than before and noticed a hike in my energy levels and optimism. Lost 2cm in my waist. I think that is water weight. I want to know if, eating 500 calories less than normal enough or should I do workouts too? I am a 17 year old female. I have time to do 30 min workouts. Seeing this community discussions, I somehow felt safe to share all this here.
  • katinaostrand4
    katinaostrand4 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone nice to meet you.