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How About We Don't Delete Newsfeeds



    LINIA Posts: 1,140 Member
    **S A V E O U R N E W S F E E D**

    LINIA Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited May 31

    Friday Lunch
  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    edited July 1
    I guess you never really know how important people are until they are gone. Grieving the end of my time here with my pals.

    As others said, even when I wasn't tracking, I always came back to MFP for my Newsfeed family.

    This sucks, and the activity feed is the worst. Just tried to use it, and it's a mess. It takes you to a nonsense page and then directs back to the app. I entered my weigh in (loss), and it didn't post. So we have less features with the same glitches, and no safe space with our support pals.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,916 Member
    edited July 1
    What an incredibly interesting position "VP Customer Happiness" 🙃🙃🙃 I have been around the corporate business world and the military for over 40 years and really never knew that was a position. Great message. 😕
  • Adventurista
    Adventurista Posts: 785 Member
    edited July 1
    What an incredibly interesting position "VP Customer Happiness" 🙃🙃🙃 I have been around the corporate business world and the military for over 40 years and really never knew that was a position. Great message. 😕

    Best velvet glove delivery I've ever read.
  • Pennyandlu
    Pennyandlu Posts: 6 Member
    edited July 1
    Here's the email I received

    Dear Michelle,
    First and foremost I am genuinely sorry for the impact that our removal of the newsfeed is having on our community. I won’t deny that it is a real loss for those who were actively engaging with their friends to get the motivation and support needed to be successful in this journey. I have worked at MyFitnessPal for over a decade and personally the newsfeed used to be my favorite feature.

    The newsfeed is an old service that had costs and other issues associated with it and unfortunately only a very small percentage of our members actually used this feature.

    So while I do understand and support the business reasons behind this change, it isn’t without regard to how much it will be missed. I also fully recognize that the other social features we have, do not replicate what the newsfeed was providing. While we hope to bring more features into the app to help our members be successful, we don’t plan to restore the (old) newsfeed. I know this isn’t the answer you would have wanted, but I did at the very least want to reach out to you personally to let you know that we got your message. Our Board of Directors and our executive leadership team have read and discussed your email specifically.

    I understand if you want nothing more to do with us, but we would love an opportunity to hear more from you. Would you be willing to meet with myself and some senior folks from our product team in the future? We can’t always give the customer want they want, but we can always listen and learn and do better next time.

    Again I am sorry for the frustration and inconvenience and disruption of your MyFitnessPal relationships this change has caused you.
    Olivia Carlson
    VP Customer Happiness

    This should satisfy the delusion that some of my friends on the newsfeed have that a "miracle" is going to happen and we'll be saved. If the "Bluebird Of Happiness (VP Customer Happiness)" can't save us no one can. It's time to find somewhere else to land.................the general consensus seems to be IG for photos and Lose It for the newsfeed and tracking food and exercise but don't wait too long to decide!

  • Lady_jk24
    Lady_jk24 Posts: 39 Member
    edited July 1
    To be fare it didn’t have a newsfeed 12’years ago when I first joined and it was fine
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,225 Member
    slabrey85 wrote: »
    COGypsy wrote: »
    It is clear that the decision makers at mfp don't care. Sad, but clear.

    But did we honestly think they would? Maybe I'm just jaded, but they are in the business of making money, actual people aren't part of the equation.

    I expect them to care as long as doing so can make them money. I'm struggling to see how this change will make them money.

    Sure, removing the Newsfeed instead of updating the code reduces a cost they needed to spend, I suppose. But from the reaction here getting rid of the Newsfeed will reduce the number of premium users they have and as it stands will definitely cut any ad revenue from us freebie users. That does not sound like it will net them any more profit overall.

    Makes me wonder what they have coming down the pipeline.

    Tax Write-off.
  • JamieS74
    JamieS74 Posts: 108 Member
    Why are some newsfeeds disappearing? When the community side isn't at all user friendly! I don't even get notifications on the app, I have to go on the PC version to see community notifications. I can't utilize my own activity feed in community on the app! They have completely messed up a good thing! KEEP THE NEWSFEED!
  • slabrey85
    slabrey85 Posts: 151 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    slabrey85 wrote: »
    COGypsy wrote: »
    It is clear that the decision makers at mfp don't care. Sad, but clear.

    But did we honestly think they would? Maybe I'm just jaded, but they are in the business of making money, actual people aren't part of the equation.

    I expect them to care as long as doing so can make them money. I'm struggling to see how this change will make them money.

    Sure, removing the Newsfeed instead of updating the code reduces a cost they needed to spend, I suppose. But from the reaction here getting rid of the Newsfeed will reduce the number of premium users they have and as it stands will definitely cut any ad revenue from us freebie users. That does not sound like it will net them any more profit overall.

    Makes me wonder what they have coming down the pipeline.

    Tax Write-off.

    That sounds extremely short-sighted.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,225 Member
    slabrey85 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    slabrey85 wrote: »
    COGypsy wrote: »
    It is clear that the decision makers at mfp don't care. Sad, but clear.

    But did we honestly think they would? Maybe I'm just jaded, but they are in the business of making money, actual people aren't part of the equation.

    I expect them to care as long as doing so can make them money. I'm struggling to see how this change will make them money.

    Sure, removing the Newsfeed instead of updating the code reduces a cost they needed to spend, I suppose. But from the reaction here getting rid of the Newsfeed will reduce the number of premium users they have and as it stands will definitely cut any ad revenue from us freebie users. That does not sound like it will net them any more profit overall.

    Makes me wonder what they have coming down the pipeline.

    Tax Write-off.

    That sounds extremely short-sighted.

    Not at all.

    Francisco Partners owns a plethora of businesses, many of which are likely doing really well. The company was worth 41.9 billion last year.

    MFP was losing money, and FP bought it for $100 million less than what Under Armor paid for it. Compared to other purchases FP has made, MFP was relatively inexpensive at about $345 million or so.

    It's not inconceivable that a reason FP was interested in MFP is because it loses money ... while their billion+ dollar purchases may make money.

    Just a thought.
  • Spaff_luceat_lux_vestra_BSB
    Spaff_luceat_lux_vestra_BSB Posts: 289 Member
    edited July 1
    JamieS74 wrote: »
    I love the newsfeed! It's been such a help with motivation, being able to see friends activities, being able to comment and boost each other has been the main reason for me staying with mfp. Please reconsider keeping the newsfeed

    See above letter from mfp...they are not changing their minds 😪
  • WiseMacRory
    WiseMacRory Posts: 11 Member
    edited July 1
    I miss it terribly. It is still on the web version. It was great to see how people are doing. Very sad. The app has been going down hill very quickly since Under Armour sold it. A lot of features don’t work and they continue to deprecate features with nothing overly appealing being added. I have been on for over 10 years now.

    Do you remember when they had challenges too? Use to be a really cool app.

    I hope the board is reading and hearing. I keep questioning the premium fees I pay. This adds one more reason to stop and find a new platform.
  • MAWaugh924
    MAWaugh924 Posts: 4 Member
    edited July 1
    My personal feed hasn’t updated in just about a month. Is this why? I’ve been trying to trouble shoot it all morning.
  • slabrey85
    slabrey85 Posts: 151 Member
    Dropping a feature that will apparently cost the app customers instead of improving the coding to be more up to date and provide a better experience for a tax write-off would be incredibly short sighted and shareholders tend to not enjoy seeing any sort of drop off in usage numbers. It’s still early but it’s reminding me of Blockbuster and Borders.

    We obviously have differing opinions. I very much dislike the forum setup on mobile so unless they have some vast improvements coming? I’m going to be researching other options as well.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    The Premium version adds no value to my use of MFP but I'd pay a fee to keep my Newsfeed. And it was an opportunity to hit me with at least one ad so there's potential for revenue there.