

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,373 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    edited June 6
    We had to buy a new microwave, as our old one finally gave up the ghost. It was 28 years old. RIP.
    I liked it as it had a plate warmer button, which none of them have now.It has been making a terrible racket for years.
    New one arrives tomorrow.

    I've got my shower mats, one hole type one for John's and a loofah type one for mine. I know he won't leave it on there when I'm out of there. Too proud. The suction grab bar seems to have firmly stuck on the shower glass. :D
    In the same delivery came a 'true red' lipstick, which I haven't had in years. I like it. I do wear black a lot, so it can lift it. I'm calling it my 'Paris look'. It was absurdly cheap.

    No news on Michael Moseley.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    Stats for the day -

    Good calorie burn today

    Walk w/kids- 1hr 44min 21sec, 68elev, 2.80ap, 84ahr, 113mhr, 5.03mi= 560c
    Strava app = 617c
    Walk home to gym- 11.31min, 2.82ap, .54mi= 62c
    Strava app= 67c
    Treadmill jog- 1hr 15min 56sec, 154spm, 140ahr, 175mhr, 10.51min mi, 4mi @ 5.4sp, 2mi @ 5.6sp, last mi @ 5.8-7.0sp, 7mi= 738c
    Walk gym to home - 11.31min, .54mi= 64c
    Strava app= 66c

    Total cal 1424

    *cut the kids walk short by a mile, left at 5:45am , when we got home it was already 81 degrees at 8am*. Went to the gym, took my headphones this time, did a slow 7mile run
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,554 Member
    Restful day, all in all... got quite a bit of work done on the quilt this morning, a 90-minute nap, and then phone calls to return or receive from all and sundry.

    Medical test requests:
    My primary doc has to have me in for urine tests for the opioids I take every day, per VA requirements. They called today to schedule it, as they test every six months to make sure you're actually taking them and not selling them! I had to go in on the 24th anyway to do my iron tests for the hematologist, so they agreed to add to that rather than bring me in twice.

    I also asked them to test my thyroid and potassium while they're at it. I've had some real struggles with fatigue, and if my iron remains normal, it's possible that my thyroid meds aren't working as well as they ought. They also switched me from a diuretic that saps your potassium to one that does not, and I want to make sure I need to continue taking potassium--too high a potassium load can also cause muscle fatigue.

    Talked to my best friend, who is trying desperately to get home help for her dad, and then my daughter finally got in touch, and sounded enormously relieved...

    Discussed dinner with my husband, too - am trying out a new recipe, a chicken cordon bleu meatloaf, that he found and forwarded. I wasn't hungry last night, so he ate leftovers, and moved trying the new recipe to tonight instead. It's all put together and resting in the fridge, and will put that in about five to eat at six, our usual time. Will put potatoes and carrots around it to roast (at his request). Should be interesting. When you like all the ingredients in a recipe, you usually like the end result... but not always. We shall see.

    Have a good night, kids,
    Lisa in AR

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,435 Member
    🤗🤗🤗 and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    Earlier, there was talk about how the brain works, memory, etc.

    How does the brain work?

    Machka in Oz
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,038 Member
    edited June 7
    exermom wrote: »
    Had a nice trip to Steve’s. Found a ceramic place near his house and just HAD to check it out. Got a “welcome” sign with a cat on it. Don’t know when we’ll get to painting it, but we will. Yesterday did Jillian Michaels 6 Week Six Pack DVD (new one for me) and then did some exercises in the pool because had a dermatologist appt. All’s fine, he was glad to see that there wasn’t anything that he had to freeze off.

    Allie – our first cat caught a rabbit and brought it into the house. The poor rabbit was so scared it went behind the buffet and died (unbeknownst to us). For the longest time we couldn’t get rid of this odor. Then we found out what it was. A decomposing rabbit. So glad you assisted that chipmunk. I’m sure he’s grateful, even if he doesn’t say it

    Tracey – I’m beginning to think that it’s something else, not a callous because today I wore these socks to work that have extra padding on the bottom plus I’m wearing one of those callous pads And I can still feel it! I’m going to a doctor next Wed. He’s the one who first saw the “callous”. I tried calling pediatrists and one isn’t taking new patients for a callous, another isn’t Medicare approved, the third one would just file it down and prescribe an orthotic. Heck, for the money and time, I can file it down myself! But now I’m thinking that it’s something else, not sure what, tho

    Heather – oh so happy for you! Of course you’re doing well with your PT, never doubted it for a minute. I like the “defrost” “soften” and “melt” settings on my microwave

    Annie – happy your dad did well at the senior center. I’m guessing that he wants to go back?

    Made banana chocolate chip muffins for Vince yesterday and some brownies for when we go to Jess’. Now making protein waffles

    Mowed the grass today then did a few little things outside (killed weeds, etc)

    Have most of the popcorn strung for the trees. There’s one more strand that I want to do that will finish up the spool of thread then I declare myself done and I can go in the pool...yea

    numerica – that’s great there’s nothing in your foot. HUGS for your son

    Remember the 4 kittens I told you we were getting? Well, we spoke to Jess about the two from her and the foster parents said one of them is still nursing. At 8 weeks? Vince is sad that we’re not getting them this weekend. You should see the things he bought for them! Special litter, litter boxes, a camera so he can see what they’re doing, scratching posts, he’s really going all out.

    When we had the hill on the side of our house done, I told the guy that I didn’t want juniper, I just don’t like it. So what did he give me 21 plants of? Well, it was hard enough to find someone who would excavate the hill. I want to get another flower in place of some of the juniper and I will have to plant it. To be honest, I’m a bit concerned about my planting. But if it’s going to get done, I think it’ll have to get done by me. So Sat. is supposed to be nice so I think I’ll tackle it. All the while holding my breath.

    Sorry to anyone I missed. Know that I’m always thinking about you all.

    Gotten back into mahjongg lately.

    Michele NC

    great news on the "all clear" from the derm. I got the same thing Tuesday.
    Is the callous on your foot like a regular one? I have something on mine that is like tiny grains of sand right in the middle of the ball of my feet-one foot worse than the other. I should have asked the derm. but forgot. I dig them out and it is ok(still have the callous part around but not the rock but it comes back)

    Kittens will be fun when you get them. I have all four of our fosters out of their playpen right now while I cleaned it and now just letting them play. Even the one I just caught Monday is playing with her siblings- A bit shy still and I do have to chase her a bit to catch her to put her back in-Great for just a couple days in the house.

    Have to finish getting the inventory done for the show- not a lot more to go but just don't feel like it.
    Tomorrow I need to get baking done for the dessert auction at church for the youth group.

    Making a lemon blueberry cake w/ lemon curd filling(lemons and eggs from mom's), lemon icing and candied lemon slices on top.
    A pitcher of home made lemonade to either go with it or alone
    Making banana nut muffins if I have time. Need to get all the baking and curd made tomorrow then up early on Sunday morning to put everything together

    Ready to go to bed but kittens are still playing- they need time out of the playpen.
    Over 17,000 steps today. Made up for skipping class last night

    Napa Valley,CA

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    Loving all the kitten tales ... and tails. :)
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,895 Member