🌞 Just Give Me One Month - June 2024 ⛱️



  • RunStart34
    RunStart34 Posts: 164 Member
    Well I started as of April - Highest I've been in years 185.6.
    Weight as of June 1st - 177.8
    Overall goal weight is to be -145

    June 7 - 178.6
    June 8 - 178.8
    June 9 - 179.6
    June 10 - 178.2

    Today was great. Heading in the right direction now. I actually tried a pair of pants today that fit snug and it fit well. So that was a great feeling.
  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 570 Member
    Heaviest Weight: 221 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 165
    SW: May 211.5
    June Goals: Chair Exercises/Gentle Walking 4 Days Per Week(Injury) | End June at lower weight

    Jun 1: 211.0
    Jun 2: 209.1
    Jun 3: 209.2
    Jun 4: 209.0
    Jun 5: 209.6
    Jun 6: 209.4
    Jun 7: 209.2
    Jun 8: 209.6
    Jun 9: 210.9
    Jun 10: 210.2

    I walked 2 miles yesterday and even climbed a few stairs on my bad knee -- so things are slightly improving! However I slept like butt - maybe 5.5 hours, so I'm not shocked the number didn't really drop much. Lack of sleep really affects weight.

    @RunStart34 Congrats. Clothes fitting better is a definitely sign you're going in the right direction! Now that you have that proof, keep going. <3

    @HappyDonkey75 I know it's frustrating. It could be your cycle, it could be salt you didn't know was in a food, etc. <3 You're obviously doing all the things. It will eventually drop. I wonder if you need more protein to help with the increased exercise? I have zero nutrition knowledge, just thinking out loud.

    Everyone else in the frustration zone, I hear you. I'm there too. I hope we all see some more welcome numbers tomorrow. ✨
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Might adjust my June goal as the weight is not moving. Still 211.

    Current weight 211
    Goal for June 200
  • kellyswimmer
    kellyswimmer Posts: 653 Member
    starting weight 12.09 - May 24
    Starting Weight June 24 = 12.03
    Goal weight this month June 24 - 11.12
    Overall goal weight 9.10

    I am going to try to weigh every day

    02 June 24 = 12.03
    03 June 24 = 12.03 need to do better today
    04 June 24 = 12.03 I am a bit fed up with this number. Need to count the calories better today
    05 June 24 = 12 .03 need to count calories better, just been reducing food
    06 June 24 = 12.03 better day yesterday, the number need to go down though
    07 June 24 = 12.03 getting going even though I don't like this number
    10 June 24 = 12.03 The scales did not move all weekend !! going super low today with lots of water to get things moving again
    11 June 24 = 12.03 lol
  • SofaKween
    SofaKween Posts: 351 Member
    Previous Months:-
    March SW – 60.5kg
    31 March EW – 58.8kg
    30 April EW – 57.0kg
    31 May EW – 55.0kg

    March Start Waist – 83cm
    31 March End Waist – 81cm
    30 April End Waist – 77.5cm
    31 May End Waist – 76.0cm

    UGW - 54kg

    Mini Goals June:
    1. Post here every day for the rest of the month.
    2. Lose 1kg in weight
    3. Lose 1cm from my waist (will measure at the end of the month)

    1 June – 55.0kg
    2 June – 54.9kg
    3 June – 55.0kg
    4 June – 55.0kg
    5 June – 55.0kg
    6 June – 54.8kg
    7 June – 54.8kg
    8 June – 54.6kg
    9 June – DNW
    10 June – 55.5kg
    11 June – 55.1kg

    At least it’s going back in the right direction. Annoyed but not discouraged.
  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 570 Member
    Heaviest Weight: 221 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 165
    SW: May 211.5
    June Goals: Chair Exercises/Gentle Walking 4 Days Per Week(Injury) | End June at lower weight

    Jun 1: 211.0
    Jun 2: 209.1
    Jun 3: 209.2
    Jun 4: 209.0
    Jun 5: 209.6
    Jun 6: 209.4
    Jun 7: 209.2
    Jun 8: 209.6
    Jun 9: 210.9
    Jun 10: 210.2
    Jun 11: 212.4

    I didn't snack, I walked 1.3 miles yesterday. I'm choosing to believe this is some water/waste buildup and it will be lower tomorrow. I fully expected it to say 209.X this morning though. 😑

    Hang in there, @tmbg1. 💛 You too, @kellyswimmer - at least it's the same and not fluctuating. 💛@SofaKween I'm glad there's some downward trend. 💛

    Running to a meeting. I hope you all have an amazing Tuesday.
  • HappyDonkey75
    HappyDonkey75 Posts: 227 Member
    Heaviest Weight: 210 | END OF MONTH Goal Weight below 200 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 165

    June1 201.6- I might have this wrong, it might have been 202.6? I scaled and then didn’t write it down right away
    June 2 202.6
    June 3 202.0
    June 4 202.8
    June 5- 200.7 ( weighed twice to make sure)
    June 6 203.1
    Jun 7-201.9
    June 8 DNW
    June 9 DNW- huge hike over 6 miles with hills- very challenging physically for my current fitness level
    June 10- *202.8
    June 11-200.7

    I am thinking my body just reacts with water retention really easily . Thus explaining those 1-2 lb gains. I had done that big hike Sunday and didn't sleep well that same night (not sure why , was totally exhausted and should have) Woke up Monday super body sore and even worse last night into today. I know muscles that are worked hard retain water. So I am thinking that is part of my picture with the fluctuations. I think the other issue is sometimes I don't drink enough water. Yesterday I drank about 2 gallons total to try to flush things along and landed on 1545 Kcal (1500 is my daily goal) for the day.

  • kellyswimmer
    kellyswimmer Posts: 653 Member
    edited June 11
    @ManifestingToday its very frustrating but I know its got to drop soon my goal is around 1200 calories
  • Plasicage
    Plasicage Posts: 355 Member
    January 24: 158
    February 24: 157.2
    March 24: 152
    April 24: 150
    May 24: 147
    June 24: 148

    June 3: 148
    June 4: 148
    June 5: 149
    June 6: 148
    June 7: 148
    June 8: 148
    June 9: 150
    June 10: 150
    June 11: 150

    Not doing well. Not even very motivated. I’m slowly getting back into accurate logging though.

  • RunStart34
    RunStart34 Posts: 164 Member
    Well I started as of April - Highest I've been in years 185.6.
    Weight as of June 1st - 177.8
    Overall goal weight is to be -145

    June 7 - 178.6
    June 8 - 178.8
    June 9 - 179.6
    June 10 - 178.2
    June 11 - 177.2

    Even better day today. Hoping it continues. But over all I like that I am feeling less bloated. I did walk for 30 mins yesterday.
  • kellyswimmer
    kellyswimmer Posts: 653 Member
    starting weight 12.09 - May 24
    Starting Weight June 24 = 12.03
    Goal weight this month June 24 - 11.12
    Overall goal weight 9.10

    I am going to try to weigh every day

    02 June 24 = 12.03
    03 June 24 = 12.03 need to do better today
    04 June 24 = 12.03 I am a bit fed up with this number. Need to count the calories better today
    05 June 24 = 12 .03 need to count calories better, just been reducing food
    06 June 24 = 12.03 better day yesterday, the number need to go down though
    07 June 24 = 12.03 getting going even though I don't like this number
    10 June 24 = 12.03 The scales did not move all weekend !! going super low today with lots of water to get things moving again
    11 June 24 = 12.03 lol
    12 June 24 = 12.03 the scales are laughing at me. Same weight morning or night
  • SofaKween
    SofaKween Posts: 351 Member
    Previous Months:-
    March SW – 60.5kg
    31 March EW – 58.8kg
    30 April EW – 57.0kg
    31 May EW – 55.0kg

    March Start Waist – 83cm
    31 March End Waist – 81cm
    30 April End Waist – 77.5cm
    31 May End Waist – 76.0cm

    UGW - 54kg

    Mini Goals June:
    1. Post here every day for the rest of the month.
    2. Lose 1kg in weight
    3. Lose 1cm from my waist (will measure at the end of the month)

    1 June – 55.0kg
    2 June – 54.9kg
    3 June – 55.0kg
    4 June – 55.0kg
    5 June – 55.0kg
    6 June – 54.8kg
    7 June – 54.8kg
    8 June – 54.6kg
    9 June – DNW
    10 June – 55.5kg
    11 June – 55.1kg
    12 June – 54.7kg

    Not quite sure what to say. Had another day yesterday sitting mainly at the computer – maybe the scales are telling me I need to sit down more! Climbing today, trying a different venue so feeling a little anxious.
  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 570 Member
    Heaviest Weight: 221 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 165
    SW: May 211.5
    June Goals: Chair Exercises/Gentle Walking 4 Days Per Week(Injury) | End June at lower weight

    Jun 1: 211.0
    Jun 2: 209.1
    Jun 3: 209.2
    Jun 4: 209.0
    Jun 5: 209.6
    Jun 6: 209.4
    Jun 7: 209.2
    Jun 8: 209.6
    Jun 9: 210.9
    Jun 10: 210.2
    Jun 11: 212.4
    Jun 12: 212.6

    4.5 hours of sleep ahead of an early start today, so while I'm not shocked, I'm not happy. 1.2 miles yesterday on treadmill. Tomorrow has to be better.
  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 570 Member
    @Plasicage It's ok - feelings are valid. Sometimes this journey can be really frustrating and it's ok to give yourself a break before getting back to full motivation. Sending good energy. 💜

    @kebass01, @RunStart34 , and @SofaKween, so glad you're seeing progress! So happy for you!

    @kellyswimmer You're taking it with humor! You've got this. Pick up that scale and tell it you want it to show you a lower number tomorrow, thank you very much. 😂

    More coffee, and on to my next call. Happy Wednesday, everyone!
  • HappyDonkey75
    HappyDonkey75 Posts: 227 Member
    Heaviest Weight: 210 | END OF MONTH Goal Weight below 200 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 165

    June1 201.6- I might have this wrong, it might have been 202.6? I scaled and then didn’t write it down right away
    June 2 202.6
    June 3 202.0
    June 4 202.8
    June 5- 200.7 ( weighed twice to make sure)
    June 6 203.1
    Jun 7-201.9
    June 8 DNW
    June 9 DNW- huge hike over 6 miles with hills- very challenging physically for my current fitness level
    June 10- *202.8
    June 11-200.7
    June 12- 200.1

    just did a upper body strength session yesterday because my lower body is still so sore from the hike..
    Still focusing on getting enough water .
    Busy day at work today and then family coming into town Friday..
    Have a great day everyone
  • Plasicage
    Plasicage Posts: 355 Member
    January 24: 158
    February 24: 157.2
    March 24: 152
    April 24: 150
    May 24: 147
    June 24: 148

    June 3: 148
    June 4: 148
    June 5: 149
    June 6: 148
    June 7: 148
    June 8: 148
    June 9: 150
    June 10: 150
    June 11: 150
    June 12: 149

    Had watermelon before dinner last night, and even though I was uncomfortably full at the gym, ended up eating less overall!
    Still have that watermelon in fridge to eat through next couple of days.

    @ManifestingToday thanks! It’s the routine off balance that throws everything off. It’s a lot of work changing years and years of patterns! And there’s actual work involved in it too…
  • RunStart34
    RunStart34 Posts: 164 Member
    Well I started as of April - Highest I've been in years 185.6.
    Weight as of June 1st - 177.8
    Overall goal weight is to be -145

    June 7 - 178.6
    June 8 - 178.8
    June 9 - 179.6
    June 10 - 178.2
    June 11 - 177.2
    June 12 - did not weigh

    I usually weight early morning but woke up late and had to hurry and get ready. Or maybe I didn't want to see the number today since yesterday was so nice. But not sure if I'll be able to weight every day as I leave for Vacation and can't take my scale 🙃. Hope to keep seeing everyone post though.

    @ManifestingToday I know what you mean when you don't get enough sleep. Body feels heavy. Hope today was better. Thanks for the encouragement ....always!!
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Scale batteries died so no weighing until I get to the store for new batteries.

    Current weight 211
    Goal for June 200
  • kellyswimmer
    kellyswimmer Posts: 653 Member
    starting weight 12.09 - May 24
    Starting Weight June 24 = 12.03
    Goal weight this month June 24 - 11.12
    Overall goal weight 9.10

    I am going to try to weigh every day

    02 June 24 = 12.03
    03 June 24 = 12.03 need to do better today
    04 June 24 = 12.03 I am a bit fed up with this number. Need to count the calories better today
    05 June 24 = 12 .03 need to count calories better, just been reducing food
    06 June 24 = 12.03 better day yesterday, the number need to go down though
    07 June 24 = 12.03 getting going even though I don't like this number
    10 June 24 = 12.03 The scales did not move all weekend !! going super low today with lots of water to get things moving again
    11 June 24 = 12.03 lol
    12 June 24 = 12.03 the scales are laughing at me. Same weight morning or night
    13 June 24 = 12.02 yes I gave the scales a talking to.