GIFt us your lifts! (or other achievements!)



  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,650 Member
    Been feeling meh the last week due to my knee acting up. Seems to be a bit better today (just in time for ball).

    But then my May recap was ready from Ryse, and it made me feel pretty good about what I was able to accomplish...

    It's a cool, free, app for tracking workouts, and I like the stats.
  • Whyohwhydidsheswallowthefly
    I can do 100kg on the single/kick back leg press now.
    I generally go for 3x10 on each leg.
  • amorfati601070
    amorfati601070 Posts: 2,885 Member
    I gotta cut my stick down few cm. Getting ready for the Beer League.

  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,650 Member
    I can do 100kg on the single/kick back leg press now.
    I generally go for 3x10 on each leg.

    This is awesome strength! Way to go!
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,650 Member
    I gotta cut my stick down few cm. Getting ready for the Beer League.


    My beer league has started too... except it's Slo-Pitch Ball. :) Already struggling to get my lifting in as planned. :disappointed:

    Also doesn't help that my knee still feels fluidy.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,847 Member
    After a week off from lifting, my son came home one leave from the US Army to spend the week of our (his and mine) birthdays at home. Thought this meant I would be taking a second week off, but nope, he's been hitting the weights himself and wanted to hit the gym with me.

    He can run circles around me, (as a former runner I wish I could compete my prime years against him now), and his strength has grown by leaps and bounds from what it was even six months ago.

    But over the last two days, despite being 27 years his senior, I showed him that he still has a long, long way to go before he can keep up with the old man in the weight room!
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,847 Member
    Week 7 of my bench press triplet protocol, where I started doing 10 triples at 60% of 1RM and every week add 5lb. Any week I fail to complete all 10 triples, the following week will have fewer triples to perform. Repeat until I am down to a single triple, then recalculate 1RM and see if it's changed.

    Today was at 225, or 76% of 1RM. Ten sets up, ten triples down. I realize I was scheduled for 215, but my son was lifting with me and it was easiest when swapping between his weight (135) and mine to bump to 225, that way we only had to add/remove a large plate. Combined with feeling really energetic since I didn't lift last week and had no aches or pains to deal with, and I was in the zone. On the last set we did AMRAP, and I banged out 12 reps, was really satisfied with how the day went.
  • Minion_training_program
    Minion_training_program Posts: 13,405 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    Week 7 of my bench press triplet protocol, where I started doing 10 triples at 60% of 1RM and every week add 5lb. Any week I fail to complete all 10 triples, the following week will have fewer triples to perform. Repeat until I am down to a single triple, then recalculate 1RM and see if it's changed.

    Today was at 225, or 76% of 1RM. Ten sets up, ten triples down. I realize I was scheduled for 215, but my son was lifting with me and it was easiest when swapping between his weight (135) and mine to bump to 225, that way we only had to add/remove a large plate. Combined with feeling really energetic since I didn't lift last week and had no aches or pains to deal with, and I was in the zone. On the last set we did AMRAP, and I banged out 12 reps, was really satisfied with how the day went.

    Nice work Mike!
    And good to hear your son is lifting as well, must feel good for you that he likes it
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,650 Member
    edited June 6
    Used my phone to post the gif, then came in to edit.

    Finally made it to the gym last night. It's been a week since my last session and probably closer to two weeks since I did squats because my knee felt weird. I am happy (thrilled) to say that I was able to do squats without any pain! And I was even able to stick pretty close to my planned reps and sets.

    I'm likely going to have doms from it though, because it was a hard push, but it sure felt nice to feel that bar moving again. :)


    @nossmf I think it's so awesome that you lifted with your son (and that your numbers were as pleasing as they were). It's a great thing to share with your kids. My son is slowly starting to show some interest, but he's not quite there yet. That said, it feels pretty incredible to have our kids bragging on our strength gains.

    Great job both as a dad and as lifter!
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,847 Member
    It does feel good. We've had multiple conversations over the past year about lifting technique, schedules, etc. He doesn't always heed my advice, allowing his Army buddies to influence him, such as his desire to be big NOW and thus taking mass gainer and ridiculous amounts of calories each day, but he's young (just turned 20) and does enough cardio each week to last me a year. lol

    He follows a PPLPPLx schedule.
  • Minion_training_program
    Minion_training_program Posts: 13,405 Member
    Well no workouts for me this week, i do not want to risk any injury since i am still in the top14 for finals of the National Championship (currently at 8th place with 9 more people to play)
    So crossing fingers i am making it to the finals on the singles event.

    On doubles we are at 4th place, where there will be 7 going to finals, and it seems that spot for finals is pretty secure right now.

    Also, my wife has had surgery, so i wanna be home as much as possible to take care of her, where i would normally workout during lunchbreak, we now have lunch together
  • kinetixtrainer2
    kinetixtrainer2 Posts: 9,220 Member
    Well no workouts for me this week, i do not want to risk any injury since i am still in the top14 for finals of the National Championship (currently at 8th place with 9 more people to play)
    So crossing fingers i am making it to the finals on the singles event.

    On doubles we are at 4th place, where there will be 7 going to finals, and it seems that spot for finals is pretty secure right now.

    Also, my wife has had surgery, so i wanna be home as much as possible to take care of her, where i would normally workout during lunchbreak, we now have lunch together

    Fingers crossed for ya Gus. I hope your makes a fast recovery as well.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,847 Member
    With my son visiting from the Army, the family went out bowling together. Only got one game, first I've bowled in years, using house equipment at that.

    The good news is I converted 9 spares, including a pair of splits.

    The bad news was I needed to try for 9 spares, since I only recorded a single strike. Between trying to use a house ball with full-finger grip (very small hook), plus shoes which kept sticking when I tried to slide and darn near breaking my ankle each time, it was rather frustrating.

    Felt good, though. Rekindled a desire to join a league with my wife, like we used to do when we were dating.
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,650 Member
    Well no workouts for me this week, i do not want to risk any injury since i am still in the top14 for finals of the National Championship (currently at 8th place with 9 more people to play)
    So crossing fingers i am making it to the finals on the singles event.

    On doubles we are at 4th place, where there will be 7 going to finals, and it seems that spot for finals is pretty secure right now.

    Also, my wife has had surgery, so i wanna be home as much as possible to take care of her, where i would normally workout during lunchbreak, we now have lunch together

    That is so epic, Gus! Congrats on all your hard work and on how well you're doing so far! You're a winner in my book already!

    Hope your wife recovers quickly from her surgery. So great that you're spending your lunch time with her. That's a man with awesome priorities in my book!
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,650 Member
    Managed to do 8,8,10x255lb tonight for deads... 3,2,2x130lb for bench and 3x8x639lb for leg press. Bring on the gains!
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,847 Member
    Week 8 of my bench press triplet protocol, where I started doing 10 triples at 60% of 1RM and every week add 5lb. Any week I fail to complete all 10 triples, the following week will have fewer triples to perform. Repeat until I am down to a single triple, then recalculate 1RM and see if it's changed.

    Today was at 230, or 78% of 1RM. Ten sets up, ten triples down. Lifted heavier than last week, yet last week verily flew up, this week the final three sets were a real grind to complete. Not sure how much of the difference was the extra 5 lbs, how much was less than ideal sleep. I predict I may get another week completing all ten triples, but here very soon I will start to fail at the end and have to cut back the number of sets each week.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,847 Member
    The other day I came in from finishing my week-long yard maintenance project, exhausted, sat at the table to have a snack, and had a revelation. The food made me instantly feel better, possibly due to low blood sugar from all the work I had just completed, and it hit me: I bet I know what happened with my bench press session on Monday, the reason my set at 230 was so much more difficult than the prior week's set at 225. Amount of sleep was the same as was time of day, and yes, increased weight was a factor, but a far bigger factor was my diet.

    In the five days leading up to my 225 day, my calories consumed nearly equaled my calories burned, with an average difference of 81 per day.

    In the five days leading up to my 230 day, my calories consumed was far below my calories burned, with an average difference of 567 per day. Not because I was eating too little; I was eating a lot, including multiple days above 3000 calories on the day with 200g+ protein. But when I factor in how many calories I was burning, I should have been eating far more.

    The net result was I had started an inadvertent cut, as evidenced by losing a couple pounds (some water weight, some bodyweight). This is the reason I did not want to stop my bulk before reaching a 315 bench, as a cut comes with strength reduction.

    I will test this theory out by paying closer attention to my caloric balance between now and Monday when I bench 235 for triples. With all the labor intensive yard work done, it should be easy to balance the eaten/burned equation. If Monday goes off without a hitch, then I'll know.
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,650 Member
    edited June 12
    Just as an fyi... with the newsfeed gone, my desire to come to MFP has waned a lot. I used to check in with my friends and then check in with the community and this thread. I don't feel like I connect as well in the community as I did with the people on my FL, and half the time my social anxiety makes me feel like my posts aren't received in the heart with which I post them.

    I just find that it's so easy to get lost in the community/forums.

    So... I am one of those exiles who DID sign up with Lose It. (There's a bunch of MFPeeps there already), and am working on building a community of friends there again. I even PAID for a premium membership (which I never did here). LOL

    This one GIF thread has been a mini community for me, and I have truly cherished the conversations and interactions that have come out of it... but often I feel like maybe I'm overdoing my gifs and seeming like a showoff or something. Or maybe they're just not interesting (same old same old). (again - social anxiety for the "win").

    It's why I've not shared as many gifs lately. I do share them on IG and TikTok, so they're there if anyone wants to see them (same username as here)

    Anyhoo... I don't know that I can leave MFP entirely, but I may become less and less active.

    Lots of love to you guys. I know some of you weren't my "friends" on the app, but I still consider you friends in my heart!
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,650 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    The other day I came in from finishing my week-long yard maintenance project, exhausted, sat at the table to have a snack, and had a revelation. The food made me instantly feel better, possibly due to low blood sugar from all the work I had just completed, and it hit me: I bet I know what happened with my bench press session on Monday, the reason my set at 230 was so much more difficult than the prior week's set at 225. Amount of sleep was the same as was time of day, and yes, increased weight was a factor, but a far bigger factor was my diet.

    In the five days leading up to my 225 day, my calories consumed nearly equaled my calories burned, with an average difference of 81 per day.

    In the five days leading up to my 230 day, my calories consumed was far below my calories burned, with an average difference of 567 per day. Not because I was eating too little; I was eating a lot, including multiple days above 3000 calories on the day with 200g+ protein. But when I factor in how many calories I was burning, I should have been eating far more.

    The net result was I had started an inadvertent cut, as evidenced by losing a couple pounds (some water weight, some bodyweight). This is the reason I did not want to stop my bulk before reaching a 315 bench, as a cut comes with strength reduction.

    I will test this theory out by paying closer attention to my caloric balance between now and Monday when I bench 235 for triples. With all the labor intensive yard work done, it should be easy to balance the eaten/burned equation. If Monday goes off without a hitch, then I'll know.

    You are probably on to something here. I really wish I was more in tune with my body to understand why some days I'm a total beast under the bar and other days just a little beastish. HAHA

    I think your experiment with your triples has been a really neat thing to do, and while you may start "failing" some of the sets, I prefer to think of it as maxing out your reps. Nothing you do is failure!

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,847 Member
    Lots of love to you guys. I know some of you weren't my "friends" on the app, but I still consider you friends in my heart!

    Happy trails along the path of life and fitness, lady. Pity I only became introduced to you within the last few months.

    Personally, I never used the newsfeed, so its loss means nothing to me. I will continue to use the logging and forums. I don't foresee my interactions here changing at all, unless I start to find myself only talking to myself due to all my regular interactees disappearing for greener pastures.