
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 583 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I missed your post when I was responding to the others. That book sounds interesting. Enjoy your visit with your daughter and your time in Chicago. I have been there several times. Lots of fun things to do!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,516 Member
    @cbabie Girl, I know how you feel: I am at my highest. It's hard to get motivated when it is so hot. Can you walk laps in your house? Good for you for getting back to tracking. Thank you, we did/he did.

    @theslightedgeforever Ah, yeah, different. I sent you a message with a bit of info just now. Yes, even though I have no idea what @cbabie looks like, I am picturing a lady walking around with that big umbrella! LOL I do love that bottle and I think it will really help me after the surgery when I have to really be aware of how much water I am consuming. I will have to take sips every 15 mins, and it can be very dangerous for me not to get enough liquids, I could end up in the hospital. So...that was part of why I spent so much on a water bottle! :D It will be interesting to see the results of your July experiment. You always do better when you travel, don't you? Why do you think that is? Because you are paranoid you'll gain over a trip? Good luck!

    @fabgeekmom That's good. Do you think you will go back there even though the smaller pool is available? It might be obvious but it's good to hear, sometimes we forget! That sounds like a perfect summer meal. Yay, steak night!

    Hi all. I didn't track all day yesterday, in my head, I said I would track "later in the day". Later in the day never came. I almost let it go but this morning, I tracked everything. We went out to dinner to a Mexican restaurant. I had the shrimp fajitas and a watermelon margarita. It was good but filling, I only ate about 1/2-3/4. I didn't drink enough water yesterday, at least what I want to drink (100 oz a day). That's because for about 3 hours, I thought my bottle was broken, that it was misreading what I was drinking. But I didn't calibrate it right after charging it. It's fine today and I will drink my water.

    Water yesterday: 75.7 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 583 Member
    @trooworld The meal at the Mexican restaurant sounds good. Good job on only eating part of it. DH and I will use the new center as a backup if we can’t go to the one we usually go to. I like that center as it is convenient and has a nice pool. The only problem in the summer is that there are lots of programs which leaves not much opportunity for lap swimming. Hi all. DH and I went to the center we usually go to as there were no programs. We had a lap lane to ourselves. In my area we are in a heat advisory. I went outside to look at the garden in the backyard and had to come in. I think my walking days are gone as it is too hot. Luckily I have my recumbent bike and a recreation center membership. I’m looking forward to the meal tonight. My daughter and her family are coming over so it will be fun.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,516 Member
    @fabgeekmom It's good to have a backup. Nice that you had a lane all to yourselves. It was hot here too, probably not as hot as where you are, but hot for here. I hope you had fun with your family.

    Hi all. We went over to my husband's family's to celebrate my hubby's birthday. We had Chinese food and cupcakes with ice cream. It was really good. All I ate all day before going was a bagel with cream cheese. I was trying to balance out the calories a little (I know the bagel wasn't the best decision). I am definitely having trouble with my new water bottle and have been in touch with tech support. I love the bottle but I think they need to send me a replacement, as I've had an issue.

    Water yesterday: 74.5 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,295 Member
    @fabgeekmom I'm glad you like the larger pool. The corn black bean salad sounds really good Seems to be hot everywhere. This morning I did my sunshine stroll on the treadmill without the sunshine. lol It was zapping my energy levels and then I didn't do anything.

    @trooworld Actually history shows I gain 10 lbs for time I spend with my daughter. Last year was the first year I didn't and lost weight. I'm more consistent with exercise at my daughter's house. The only thing I can think about why is that I have a consistent time to go at 6:00 pm. Here we are usually eating dinner then and my son is home and that's about the only time I see him. My dd doesn't get home until 7:45 so I'm eating dinner around then after the gym. I've tried setting a consistent time here like 2:30 but my energy levels are low then. I think because I eat around 1:30 or so. I'm thinking about eating really light then. Have you thought about Bagel thins? I've been trying to just eat half a bagel now instead of the whole thing. You still had a good amount of water

    I went to my dermatologist this morning. I'm good for another 6 mos. Then went to my cardiologist. I have low potassium from the results in March so I did another sample and we'll see if I'm still low. It might be medicine side effects. If so, I have to go back so he can change my meds. In the meantime I'm supposed to eat a banana once a day. I gained 3 lbs this week which I know has to be some fluid. But still... My resting pulse was super high so he said just keep a watch on it.
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 583 Member
    @trooworld The birthday dinner sounded good. It’s good that you planned for it. Too bad about the water bottle. @theslightedgeforever Too bad about the weight gain. I hope all your health issues improve. Maybe you’ll lose the water weight this week. Hi, all. It’s super hot here. I worked out on the recumbent bike today. My son made corn and bean salad with leftover corn from last night. We also had chicken breast. I went to the grocery store and bought ingredients for the next 2 days. When I got home my son was making brownies from an ATK recipe. We’re going to my daughter’s house for dinner tonight. It’ll be the first time since March. Her kitchen renovation is finished.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,516 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Ah. I think I must just be remembering last year's victory. That's a good idea to try. I ate the bagel out but yes, I do eat bagel thins at home sometimes. Yes, the new water bottle is really helping me. What does low potassium mean for your health? I hope the banana helps.

    @fabgeekmom It was good, I enjoyed it. That sounds like a nice healthy dinner. Oh how nice to have a brand new kitchen.

    Hi all. The water bottle is fine, I just needed to recalibrate it. It is really helping me. For instance, usually, when I am not at work, I drink about 12-20 oz of water a day. As you can see, yesterday, I drank 92.9 oz of water. The day before was similar. Yesterday, we walked around our favorite neighborhood. I felt like I was going to pass out, it was so hot. I ate Vietnamese pho for lunch and fried rice and potstickers for dinner...I am sure if I got on the scale, I would be up about 5 lbs from the sodium and carbs so I'm not getting on the scale. It was so hot here yesterday, we made the fried rice and potstickers, which were frozen items from Sam's Club. It was just too hot to cook real food.

    Water yesterday: 92.9 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,295 Member
    @fabgeekmom So nice your daughter's kitchen is done so now she can cook for you too. lol

    @trooworld Low potassium affects the heart and can cause heart arrythmias. He was glad I wear an Apple watch so I'll get an alarm if I have one. I'm glad you have found a tool to help you with your water.

    I got my blood test results. Still low potassium so I have to go back to the dr. i had my banana today with my cereal. Ate leftovers for lunch
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,295 Member
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 583 Member
    @trooworld Good job on the water. When it’s hot, it’s hard to plan meals that don’t heat up the kitchen. Do you do any crockpot meals? @theslightestedgeforever That’s too bad about the potassium levels. I agree that an Apple Watch is good to have. I used to have a Fitbit but bought an Apple Watch because my son wanted me to have the fall alert. Your lunch looks good. Hi, all. DH and I went for a walk this morning as it was cloudy and not as hot. Still humid, though. We’ve gotten some rain today which is good. It’s a good thing we didn’t go swimming as it was storming and the pool would be closed. Last night’s meal was good and we also enjoyed the brownies my son made, including the ice cream he brought. Tonight’s meal is simple; burgers, salad and frozen French fries.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,516 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Oh I see. Good to know. I hope that the banana helps. Hopefully, you like bananas! That's good your watch can let you know. I have a Samsung Watch5 and I think it will let me know as well. Yes, the water bottle is helping a lot. Sorry about your results. Leftovers look good and balanced.

    @fabgeekmom Thank you! Yes, I'm glad we have the Ninja Foodi Multicooker to use and our grill. I have a crockpot but we don't like the texture of the meat when it gets cooked in the crockpot so I just use it for potlucks to keep things hot. That must have been nice to go for a walk. I hope you enjoyed the burgers.

    Hi all. I had a half day off yesterday because I'm going to a work conference this upcoming weekend. I'll also have half day Thursday and a full day Friday off. But then I have to work all weekend. Last night, I made a Skinnytaste recipe, Green Curry Noodles. It was really good and I ate more than one portion, maybe 1 1/2 servings. I used chicken instead of tofu and red curry paste instead of green.

    Water yesterday: 127.1 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,295 Member
    @fabgeekmom On the Apple fall alert, does it alert an assigned person or what? I'm glad you got in a walk when it wasn't so hot. I think I'm going to go back outside and walk in the mornings instead of my treadmill. I seem to want to do it more plus I drink more water that way. Win-win I've been craving some burgers but dh can't eat red meat so I can't wait to get to my daughter's house so I can have burgers and meatloaf.

    @trooworld I have days where the food is really healthy and then I have days like today where I just ate two hot dogs on sliced bread. At least it was whole wheat. lol I'm trying to use up the stuff in my freezer and fridge before I leave. Excellent job with the water.
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 583 Member
    @trooworld I get the texture issue with the crockpot. I’m glad you enjoyed the chicken recipe. Enjoy your days off. @theslightedgeforever I’m not sure about the Apple Watch. Perhaps you have to make someone in your contacts as a favorite. I do know when I fell and broke my leg a few years ago, my daughter got notifications as to where I was ( I was out of town). I’m assuming you will get turkey burgers and meatloaf at your daughter’s house. I like turkey burgers. Hi, all. I had an oncologist appointment today. I have a blood disorder in which I have more platelets than normal. Luckily it is controlled with medication. My numbers were good and I don’t have to go there as often. Afterwards DH and I went to the recreation center to go swimming, but I had forgotten to pack my swimsuit. So we used the recumbent elliptical instead. Tonight my son is grilling chicken and making homemade hummus.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,516 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Yeah consistency is the key and it's hard to achieve. Hopefully once you use up that stuff, you can go on to healthier things. When do you leave?

    @fabgeekmom Thanks. That's good your numbers were good. You could have easily used the "no swimsuit" as an excuse to go home but you didn't, that's great! Way to go.

    Hi all. I woke up today to ants in the kitchen, so I spent a good amount of time cleaning that up. Every year, we get ants about this time of year. We have a method to get rid of them involving borax, sugar, and water. It works very well. We put it on cotton balls and they take the poison back to their nest and die there. I had a pretty good day yesterday, I ate on plan and tracked everything. I had good water intake. I've been doing a snack I really like: 2 pieces of Wasa crackers, 2 laughing cows, and 4 slices of turkey breast deli meat. I received a call from the surgeon's assistant because I had called the insurance company and they told me the surgeon hadn't submitted my paperwork yet. When the assistant called, she said that they don't submit it until they have a surgery date because they don't want the authorization to expire. She said July and August are all booked up but to message them in 2 weeks. So, maybe that means I could have surgery in September or by the end of the year? I'm excited and nervous.

    Water yesterday: 117 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,639 Member
    Morning all, I am so not in a routine this week, Every time I started to get on here I would get interrupted. I still did not exercise yesterday. I know in my head it has to be...I am having trouble with my right arm and it's making me crabby. LOL. I think it's either crocheting or lifting a dead weight 33lb baby..or JUST OLD AGE..LOl

    @fabgeekmom So glad you got your movement in yesterday, even if it wasn't as planned. Great job. Glad you got good news at the Dr as well. Thats because you take good care of yourself and have done great in self care.

    @trooworld that's exciting I am sure about your surgery. It will all work out for the best time for you. It's good you are nervous, means you understand what you are about to do and are planning for it. That stinks about ants..we used to get them outside. I haven't seen any this year...ITS TOO HOT. LOL

    @theslightedgeforever You will do well in you eating and movement on your trip. I am sure you will settle into a routine while at your daughters. You are pre planning with what you are doing now for yourself.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,295 Member
    @fabgeekmom I'll have some turkey burgers but I'll be having beef ones also. Plus the meatloaf will be straight up beef.

    @trooworld My dad used to have ants yearly. Ooh that's exciting that you will soon have a schedule date. Your snack sounds good.

    @cbabie I need to keep doing now what I'm preplanning once I'm there. lol
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 583 Member
    @trooworld I hate ants! I guess everyone does. I’m glad you got rid of them. The snack sounded good and satisfying. I can understand you’d be excited and nervous about the surgery. @cbabie I’m sorry you’re in a funk. I hope your arm gets better. @theslightedgeforever I thought you couldn’t eat beef but I reread your post and saw that is is your DH. Enjoy the beef! There is nothing like a beef burger or steak. Hi, all. DH and I are at our cottage. It’s too hot to go outside but we may go for a walk if it gets cooler. We’re having leftovers from last night for dinner.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,516 Member
    @cbabie That would make me crabby, too lol. All those things could contribute to your right arm. Yes, I am very excited. I hope it does. I am trying to mentally prepare for the surgery. You are lucky you don't have ants. They are so gross!

    @theslightedgeforever Oh they are such a pain! Yes, I'm very excited. Thanks, it's a nice balance of carbs, fat and protein.

    @fabgeekmom It takes being very vigilant to keep them at bay, they attack all summer! I think it is because we are on the first floor. Yeah I love that snack. I hope you enjoy your cottage time. That sounds nice.

    Hi all. I continue to drink a good amount of water. I ate okay yesterday but I did go to the cafe (I don't feel guilty, I allow one breakfast per week there). I am off half day today. I'm not going to be doing anything fun: later in the day, we are going to my old neighbor's celebration of life.

    Water yesterday: 135.2 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 583 Member
    @trooworld Sorry about your neighbor. And glad you feel good about your food choices. Hi, all. I managed to go for a walk yesterday and today. It was hot but manageable. We ate lunch at a seafood restaurant today. DH had fried oysters and I had a salad with fresh tuna. I did eat one of DH’s hush puppies. It was good. We are enjoying our little getaway.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,516 Member
    @fabgeekmom Thank you. That's good you went for a walk despite the heat. I love fresh seared tuna salads. It's one of my favorite things to eat out. I'm glad you are enjoying yourself.

    Hi all. We went to the celebration of life for my old neighbor. She is the one that I mentioned was so unhealthy and died in April. We hadn't seen her daughter and some other old neighbors in years so it was nice to see them. We plan to hang out soon. I lost a couple of pounds this week, even after eating tortellini for dinner last night. Makes me wonder if I would have lost more had I eaten lightly. I am off today because of that conference that starts tomorrow. I'm going to get groceries and get ready for the conference. Maybe read a bit.

    Water yesterday: 120.2 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"