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  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 565 Member
    @trooworld Sorry about the headache. All the desserts sound good. You enjoyed them and now that’s over. I’ve been eating some sweets, too, as my DS is always baking something. The last thing was cupcakes which we finished tonight. @cbabie I don’t blame you for not wanting to go in the sun. I try to wear sunscreen when I’m in the sun. But you said you are allergic to sunscreen. Hi, all. Today was a swim day. I cooked again as DS worked late. We had grilled chicken that was marinated in yogurt, garlic, lemon zest, and za’atar seasoning. It was really good. We also had rice and sliced tomatoes from our garden.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @cbabie Yes, that counts! 114? That's terrible, way too hot! I don't blame you for not wanting to do anything in that heat. I'm sorry you have to go through that with the spots. I have to go tomorrow to get an ugly mole checked out. It was the accumulation of the stuff that bothered me, if I just had the two tiny donuts or the bread or the chocolates but it was alllll the things lol.

    @fabgeekmom Thanks. That's right, it's over, time to make better decisions! Your DS sounds like a wonderful cook and baker. Good job with the swim, what a good day to go (if it was as hot there as it was here). Yummy dinner.

    Hi all. I ended up taking migraine medication yesterday which helped a lot but not totally and it made me nauseous. The headache wiped me out and I felt weak and had an upset stomach all day, and I was tired. I hope today is better.

    Water yesterday: 56.1 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,632 Member
    Morning all, Still hot here, had frozen breakfast burritos that I had made and put in the freezer for such a time as this. LOL. They are a little too spicy for me. Today is 114 again, at least our pool is getting used. LOL Nothing new around here, have started looking at back to school things. I can't believe she only has 4 weeks left of summer. I feel like it's gone way too fast.

    @fabgeekmom sweets will always be my weak point, but if I balance, it will all work out. Your dinner sounds yummy. Yes I break out in hives...when I use sunscreen. I have sunscreen in my moisturizer and it's fine...not sure what is in the other stuff that my body doesn't like. LOL

    @trooworld sorry about the migraine..they really stink. Sometimes the side effects make us wonder if its worth taking the medicine or not. LOL. Have you seen those commercials that say check with your Dr first as the side effects are....death, diarrhea, stay out of the sun, nausea, depression, heart attacks, cancer...LOL. I always wonder which would I choose.. I guess that is why some people in the last stages of any disease choose quality over extended life. I hope today is much better for you!!!

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 565 Member
    @trooworld I hope that today was a better day. @cbabie 114 is hot! I don’t like spicy foods, especially for breakfast. I’m a retired teacher and I remember being sad when summer was almost over. Hi, all. Today was an interesting day. I had my usual walk before breakfast. DS is off today and was making hummus when the power went out. We bundled everything up and went to my daughter’s house where he finished making it. DH and I decided to walk home after a while as we live nearby. Luckily the power was back on so we were able to eat lunch at home. DS is making pasta with turkey sausage and marinara sauce for dinner tonight.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @cbabie That's good you had your frozen breakfast burritos. Did I tell you I made them and I really loved them? I'm so glad you have that pool. It seems like just yesterday Baby Girl got out of school! Thanks. It unfortunately feels like it's coming back. Likely from stress and the heat. Yes, the side effects make you wonder, "should I take this?" Yesterday was better until it wasn't...more on that later.

    @fabgeekmom Thanks. I'm so glad you live by all your family. I'm glad it all worked out.

    Hi all. I had a better day yesterday until I tried to go to bed: I couldn't fall asleep and I didn't stay asleep. I slept 4 hours, according to my watch. I predict a nap in my day lol. I probably couldn't sleep because I have a lot of anxiety about going to the dermatologist today: I have an ugly mole that I need checked out and I'm really worried about it.

    Water yesterday: 102.6 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 565 Member
    @trooworld I hope the dermatologist appointment went well. I have had nights when I haven’t slept much so I know how that feels. Hi, all. Today was a swim day. Tonight we are having tacos as we are having steak on Sunday for family dinner. DS is cooking.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,288 Member
    edited July 13
    @trooworld I hate head hunger. You drank alot of water the other day.

    @cbabie Did you get in your exercise? Your dinner sounded healthy

    @fabgeekmom Sorry about the truck. Although I love squirrels. lol When someone mentioned rodents I immediately thought of rats. Hate those. Your squash sounded really good.Yesterday I went late for my sunshine stroll and it was too hot on the way home. So I'm going to have to make sure I go early too.

    So I stepped on the scale at my dd's house the other day. I think I had been here two days and it said I had gained 8 lbs. Plus my bodyfat % was 13% higher. My face was :o My bp was also up 30 points than normal. I had to stop my diuretic because it was causing my potassium to be too low. So I was put on another bp drug that increases my potassium. I just started it when I got here. I think it increased my water in my body. Although I don't know how that works with my bodyfat. I think if my body fat was 13% higher, my clothes wouldn't still fit. But I stepped on the scale in the gym tonight and the weight was the higher weight. :'( So anyways, there's that. I'm just going to start from where I am.

    Meanwhile my hubby keeps pushing at me Belgium chocolates. My daughter brought me back a bunch. I took one truffle and have said no since. I went to the gym today and I'm tired. I tried kettlebells for the first time. Plus the weighted ball where you throw it on the ground. That is tiring.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @fabgeekmom Thank you. Yeah it's rough when you don't sleep well. Good job with the swim! Tacos are a nice summer meal.

    @theslightedgeforever Yes and yes! I don't know if you recall, but I have a hard time with water on my days at home. Well, since I got my fancy water bottle, I've regularly drank about twice what I normally do when I don't go into the office. I'm sorry about the confusion about the body weight and scale in general. How have you been eating? Ooh you are good for resisting Belgian chocolates! I love those and would probably have a hard time with them. I've done kettlebells and weighted ball work and yes, it is very tiring! Good job.

    Hi all. My mole turned out to be not skin cancer and not a mole, but something called "Seborrheic Keratoses". As I said, it's not cancerous, just ugly and a bit itchy. She froze it off and it will fall off in a few days. I'm very relieved. Last night, we went to a free concert in the park. We brought dill pickle chicken salad and a small bag of chips along with some adult beverages. It was really fun but it got so cold and I didn't have a jacket.

    Water yesterday: 40 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 565 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Sorry about the weight gain. That’s frustrating. Good job on only eating one truffle. And on going to the gym. @trooworld That’s good news about the mole. I hope you sleep better tonight. The chicken salad sounds good. It’s so hot and humid here. Cold weather actually sounds good although I’ll be complaining about it this winter. Hi, all. DH and I met 2 of my cousins at a bakery this morning. I had already eaten breakfast so I just had some coffee. DH got a piece of cheesecake and I didn’t even have a taste. DS is making lemon cake for tomorrow so it wasn’t hard to not order dessert. We ate at a Mediterranean restaurant tonight and I had stuffed grape leaves, a salmon kebab with roasted vegetables and a Greek salad. It was good and I had calories left for 3 small pieces of chocolate when we got home.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @fabgeekmom Thank you, I did! It's been hot during the day here (and humid) but at night, it gets down in the 60s. That's great you just had coffee at the bakery. Lemon cake sounds good. Yummy restaurant meal! And nice that you were able to fit in some chocolates.

    Hi all. Yesterday, I went to visit a friend who had just had surgery. It was a nice visit and she appreciated it. Then, my husband and I went to a new fancy donut shop that had just opened. We got a donut each and coffee. We were sitting outside watching them give free donuts away to people who tried to come in after they closed and pretty soon, they brought out a dozen donuts to us, too. We brought them home and gave them to our neighbors and their kids. We have a few left, but we will give them to my MIL. I am not tempted as donuts are not my thing. Today, we are playing video games and running errands.

    Water yesterday: 40 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 565 Member
    @trooworld 60’s at night sounds lovely! Do nuts are not my favorite either so I wouldn’t have any trouble with them. Good job on giving away most of them. Hi, all. It was too hot to do anything outside so I worked out on my bike. Our meal tonight was good except the steaks were too thin and were cooked too much. But everyone enjoyed them so that was okay. The cake my son made was awesome.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,288 Member
    @trooworld I've been eating normally for me. Making good choices when I can. Of course always room for improvement. I don't believe the total weight gain was from my eating but from my new meds. Good news is I've already lost part of it. I have all kinds of chocolate here. She brought me back some fudge from her last trip. I just threw away some fudge before I came here when I cleaned out the fridge. Chocolate is usually not my problem. Good thing about your mole. I just had my annual mole check before I left. I'm good for another year. We're going to have some 50s this week at night. Bad thunderstorm here last night. I really only like two types of donuts. I've noticed that newer shops try to be too fancy on the decorations. It turns me off which is a good thing.

    @fabgeekmom My daughter says I complain if I'm hot and complain when I'm cold. lol I love stuffed grape leaves. Unless they are spicy. I prefer sweet ones better than the lemony sour ones. I once tasted some where they used pomegranate molasses. I made them once. Too time consuming. You did very well at the bakery. I was looking forward to my son cooking for me but he's still on crutches so I didn't push the idea. He'll be leaving tomorrow so maybe next time he'll be able to do it. He basically only cooks vegetarian meals. Which is a good thing for me. I get in my veggies.

    Yesterday I did my sunshine stroll in the morning and at night I went to the gym and did a hill/sprint combo on the treadmill. I'm still having lung problems cause I had to bump the speed down on my hills from what I usually do and I can tell on my sunshine stroll climbing the big hill is really hard for me right now. Yesterday I just kept my head down and kept focusing on the cracks in the sidewalk. Just make it to the next crack. I've been using my inhaler.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 565 Member
    @theslightedgeforever These grape leaves are savory, stuffed with garbanzo beans and rice. It’s good that you have lost some of the weight. I’m sorry you are having lung problems. But it looks like you are forging ahead no matter what.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @fabgeekmom Yes, 60s at night is nice. We still use the AC to sleep, though lol, I get so hot in the middle of the night. That's great even though it was hot, you used your bike. That's good you were able to enjoy the steaks even though they were overcooked. I bet that cake was good.

    @theslightedgeforever That's good. Ah, that makes sense, sometimes meds will do that. That's good you've lost some of that gain. Fudge...funny thing, when I was a kid, I wouldn't say I liked it much but now, I love it. Yeah, I'm so glad about that mole. It's good you get checked annually. The 50s would be a nice change. Yes, this new place has the fancy decorations and flavors (maple bacon, churros, and others like that). I honestly am not much of a sweets person, I can resist that stuff for the most part. Great job with the exercise! How does walking there compare to where you live? What are the lung problems from?

    HI all. We gave all the donuts away, so I actually only had the donut we bought at the donut shop and none of the free ones. We did our running around yesterday and then came home and I started to play a new videogame that is a simulation game of making a zoo called "Planet Zoo". It seemed a bit complicated to learn on a Sunday night so I stopped and will play it next weekend. The weekends fly by so quickly and now it's time to go to work already. Darn.

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 565 Member
    @trooworld That was a good idea to give away the donuts. I’m not a gamer but my daughter, her husband and daughter are. That will probably be fun to learn a new game. Hi, all. Today was a swim day. We ate leftovers from last week and finished the cake. Hopefully my son will not make any desserts until August when he makes a cake for DH’s birthday.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @fabgeekmom Yeah we didn't want them in the house. I am not too much of a gamer but I do play on occasion. Good job with the swim! I think your son's love language is food, no? :)

    Hi all. My morning yesterday was crappy: I was late taking a shower before work which made me frazzled and late so I forgot my work laptop at home. I didn't realize it until I got to work. I work 45-60 minutes away from home so I couldn't go back and get it. I sat at the reference desk but couldn't concentrate and couldn't do much and was in such a bad mood. I got permission from my manager to go home at lunchtime and work from home. Things got better when I got home. I hope today is better!

    Water yesterday: 65 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 565 Member
    @trooworld That was too bad about forgetting your work laptop. It’s good that you could work from home. That’s true about my son. He does love to bake and it makes everyone so happy! Hi, all. We have another hot day so I will stay inside and workout on my bike. My son is grilling chicken tonight for family dinner. We have pitas and hummus. I bought some lower calorie pitas for me. I will also slice some tomatoes as we have a lot from the garden. Yesterday I had a sandwich with tomatoes, deli turkey, fresh mozzarella and a little low-fat mayo. I’ll have the same today.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @fabgeekmom Yes and yes! That's really sweet of him (no pun intended lol). Yummy food. Good luck with the heat.

    @cbabie Are you okay out there? It's been a week since you've made a peep. :D

    Hi all. Yesterday was a much better day although I was on my feet practically the whole day thanks to tasks I had to do. I was very tired when I got home. Luckily, I didn't have to cook it was my husband's turn to cook. He made air-fried pork tenderloin with BBQ sauce, buttered noodles, and roasted broccoli. It was good.

    Water yesterday: 49 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 565 Member
    @trooworld I’m glad you had a better day. The meal your DH made sounds good. Hi, all. Dinner was good last night and healthy, too. My DH was lamenting that the cake was gone. My daughter said we couldn’t have cake every weekend. I was thinking, yeah! DS said he’s going to make whipped cream to put on berries Saturday so that’s a little healthier. Today is a swim day and we have leftovers from last night for dinner.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,288 Member
    @fabgeekmom My lungs are getting a bit better. I have reactive airway disease and occasionally I get flare ups. This seems to be one of those times. Now to just get my bp back in control. Interesting on the garbanzo beans in the grape leaves. I think mine are just rice some chopped tomato.

    @trooworld There are more hills here vs flatter land at home. If I would just walk inclines on my treadmill all the time at home I wouldn't have a problem. Usually the hill doesn't bother me unless I'm having a flare up of RAD (reactive airway disease) I think I got it from years of cat litter dust and bathroom cleaners. I just like to play games like Parcheesi and Mexican Train. Buttered noodles sound good. I just bought me some noodles I was going to fix.

    Another couple of days of going to the gym and getting in my strength training and some light walking. At least I closed my rings for 2 days. Plus we walked up to a coffee shop yesterday and got in a 40 min walk total. Tomorrow will just be a hill/sprint program. Possibly a walk in the morning.