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  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,288 Member
    @trooworld I had the problem yesterday of skipping lunch and then snacking at night on popcorn. We took a quick trip to Minneapolis and back and then ate out to eat which I ate half of my salad. It was a big salad. I was surprised I was still within my calorie range.

    @cbabie Seems everything about you is off. LOL I had a crown once that had a rough spot on it and it was hurting my cheek so I had to go back in and file it down.

    @fabgeekmom I've never heard of golden beets. My mom ruined beets for me. But occasionally I will have them in a salad. I might look for them. I'm really trying to venture out. But have to really focus to do that. If I'm just in a routine, I end up making what I normally make. I still haven't found my groove yet here regarding my eating plan.

    Today was just tired and chose not to exercise. Now I really need to work hard the rest of the week though. I got my hair cut and colored (took the highlights out). New me/new body. Isn't that the way it's supposed to go?
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @fabgeekmom Thank you! Yes, it is. I'm glad dinner was good. I hope you enjoyed your swim and salmon.

    @theslightedgeforever That's good you stayed within your calorie range. A rest day every week is okay. That's good you got your hair cut and colored, I just got mine drastically cut (and I put color in the front myself, purple, coloring my grays). That's what they say lol.

    Hi all. I have been having pain in my lower left leg and I have Comic-Con coming up tomorrow to Sunday. I didn't want to be miserable so I tried to make a doctor's appt but they didn't have anything for 3 weeks. They told me to go to urgent care so that's what I did. The doctor there told me because of my knee pain, I am compensating by the way I walk (I am walking with a limp), which is causing the lower leg pain. He just said to take anti-inflammatories and ice it and use Icy-Hot patches. So, Comic-Con is going to be a real challenge for me. Also yesterday: the power at home went off at 8:30 pm. We were already asleep but woke up when it went off. No AC, no fans, no electricity until 12:30 am. I was so miserable, so hot, and couldn't sleep. It's going to be a rough day today.

    Water yesterday: 77.1 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 565 Member
    @theslightedgeforever If you prepare beets, they have to be fresh. The golden beets are sweeter than the red ones but if you can’t find the golden ones, the reds are good, too. Yes, I agree that a new haircut and coloring does a lot for one’s spirit. @trooworld I’m so sorry about the leg pain. I know all about knee and hip pain. You got good advice. I hope you can enjoy your Comic-con. That’s too bad about the power outage. Hi, all. Today was a rainy, dreary day. DH was I went to the recreation center and worked out on the recumbent elliptical. Then went grocery shopping. I bought more beets. We had burgers, fries and beets for dinner. DS made chocolate whipped cream to go on top of berries. I weighed one ounce and didn’t finish the small amount leftover. I wrapped it up for DH to have on berries tomorrow.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @fabgeekmom Thank you. I hope I can too! Good job with the elliptical. Sorry about the dreary day. Good job with dinner.

    Hi all. It's going to be so hot here today. Yesterday, at 6 pm, it was 90 and today is supposed to be hotter, so it's going to be hard going to Comic-Con. We are parking far away from the convention center, it's a 20-minute walk to it. We usually walk back to the car a couple of times to rest and eat lunch but I don't know if we are going to do that today. Everyone always asks me if I dress up for Comic-Con: I do not for two reasons: I do not feel comfortable enough in my body and 2) when you dress up, people constantly stop you to take your picture. I just wear yoga pants or jeans and a T-shirt. I made 3 new t-shirts this year for the event.

    Water yesterday: 60 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,632 Member
    Morning all, sorry I skipped a couple of days..lots going on here. I am going soon to have my bandage changed, the ortho appointment at 2 for baby girl...Will be so glad when all this settles down. I guess trying to get it all done before school starts. LOL.

    I don't know if any of you are on FB and it is not a prerequisite, but see below..if any of you want to do this challenge we could do everything here if you are interested.

    I wanted to let you know about a challenge in one of myFacebook groups, in August. We are going to do a Reflect and Learn Challenge. It's about journaling every day and we'll give you three questions to journal about. All you need is a journal and a pen. Does this sound like something you'd like to do with me?

    @trooworld I am sure it was awful with no AC, that happens here when it gets really hot...luckily not too often. I hope you have fun at the Comic-Con. I know you enjoy it. I think the same about my walk with my hip.. I have notice I waddle now. LOL

    @fabgeekmom I love how you cook for 2 meals, use left overs, etc. what a time saver. (not hard on the brain either). LOL. You are an inspiration to me.

    @theslightedgeforever I need to have a new hair style and I am not coloring it...but I think sometimes In need to, so I don't look as old. LOL. How did Mom ruin beets...I LOVE beets...LOL

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 565 Member
    @trooworld Sorry about the heat. I hope you enjoyed Comic-Con. @cbabie You have a lot going on. I hope things calm down soon. Hi, all. It’s cooler today but it’s cloudy. We’re not supposed to get rain but anything can happen. Tonight is steak night. DH and I swam laps this morning. We ate lunch on the patio and it was nice.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    edited July 27
    @cbabie Sounds like you do indeed have a lot going on. It's a good idea to get all of it done before school starts. Hmmm...I'd like to learn more about the challenge. I might potentially be interested. Do you have a link to the challenge on Facebook? re: no AC, yes, it was terrible. I slept so poorly lol. Gosh, I can only imagine in AZ if the power goes out. Sorry about your waddle, I'll tell more about Comic-Con below.

    @fabgeekmom Thanks! I hope you enjoyed steak night. Good job with the swim, I bet that felt good. Lunch on the patio sounds really nice.

    HI all. We got to the parking garage for Comic-Con at about 9:30 am. We had that 20 minute walk to the convention center. On the walk to the center, I could tell my knee was bad. I didn't realize how bad it was. Every step was a shot of sharp pain. We had to walk very slowly. We made it to the convention center, and walked a little bit in the exhibit hall but I was in so much pain, I couldn't enjoy it. We were making our way over to a panel/talk and we stopped at the first aid and they let me sit down and gave me an ice pack. Since I had already taken Naproxen, there really wasn't anything they could have given me. The Naproxen wasn't helping. We made it to the panel and stayed for about half of it. It felt nice to sit down. We decided to go back to the car and eat lunch but I knew I couldn't come back, I was walking far too slowly and hurt way too badly. I cried in the streets about having to leave and the pain. We left at noon, just a few hours after getting there. I came home and iced my knee, which helped. I messaged my doctor who told me to take 500 mg of Tylenol 4-6 times a day along with the Naproxen. So that's what I am going to do. After resting my knee, I dropped my husband back off at the convention and came home and rested more. I feel better today, but then again, I didn't feel terrible in the morning yesterday. I hope today goes better. I took one picture, and I am sharing another that my husband took. The first pic is of some interesting costumes (not sure who they were) and the 2nd picture is one my husband took, from Troma Studios, with the founder Llyod Kauffman on the far left and the Toxic Avenger on the right with the mop.

    Water yesterday: 40 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"


  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,467 Member
    I didn't realize it's been so long since I checked in here. Really no excuse. I guess time just flies.

    @trooworld Too bad about the tire. I just added roadside assistance to my insurance today. It's just easier to have someone else do it. lol Sounds like you got in a good walk around your neighborhood.

    @gemwolf110 Now you have me thinking about my two extractions I had. I hope I don't have a hole between dental and nasal cavity. I'm glad you are enjoying your exercise classes. I have to use the computer to type on here. Although I'm learning to use my dictation on my phone. That's quicker and then I just go back and review. I just don't always remember to do it though.

    @fabgeekmom Yaaay on your walk in the humidity. I made some ground turkey tonight with peas and carrots and added some tomato sauce and spices and served it over rice. I did well by measuring out 1/2 c rice.

    @cbabie Have you called the dentist about your bridge? What if it's infected or something.

    No exercise for me over the weekend. Today I got in 42 min of walking outside. 10 min on treadmill; 42 min with weights; 11 min stretching. Food I was over calories by 42...so onto tomorrow.

    Yeah I was nervous about that but luckily it didn’t happen just came right out. Now the recovery period. It took 6 hours for it to finally stop bleeding and didn’t have to have gauze in. Thats a good idea with the dictation!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,632 Member
    Morning all, I am doing better at eating...I can't exercise and starting to hate that I am not moving as fast as I usually do, but this too will pass.

    @trooworld I will DM you the link. I am so sorry your knee hurt like that..I totally get it though and the Dr gave great advise. I can't take Naproxen now and it truly with Tylenol was the only thing that kicked the pain to the curb. I love your pictures..you always make me smile with your activities.

    @fabgeekmom I can't wait until we can eat out on the patio...It will be a while, but it's coming. Heat won't last forever. We had left over chicken tacos..LOL. I had a batch I froze last time I made them. It was great not to have to cook a meal.

    @gemwolf110 Glad you are feeling better..love the recovery phase.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 565 Member
    @trooworld I’m sorry you are in such pain. I know a lot about knee pain. Hopefully you will feel better soon. @gemwolf110 It looks like you are recovering well. @cbabie It’s good that you are eating better. Hopefully soon you can exercise. Hi, all. It was a little cooler today so I went for a walk. I also worked out on the bike. Lunch was a salad with leftover steak. DS is grilling chicken and has made ATK potato salad using low fat ingredients. I’m roasting beets as everyone enjoyed them last week.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @cbabie I'm glad you are doing better with eating. Oh, I know that feeling of not being able to move as fast. Thank you in advance for sending the link, I don't think I got it. I think you have to be friends to message people on here, don't you? Thank you for your commiseration! And I'm glad you like my pictures. :D

    @fabgeekmom Thank you. That was nice that it was cooler and you could go for a walk. Good job with that and the bike.

    Hi all. Yesterday was no better, the Tylenol didn't make any difference. I also found a knee brace that fit and that didn't help either. If anything, my knee was worse: it started hurting after about an hour and we only stayed 2 hours (most of which I was sitting down resting it). I'm calling my doctor tomorrow. Luckily, the garage we have a reservation at today is right next door to the convention center. We will just go to the exhibit hall and buy a few things and leave. Hopefully next year is much better!

    Water yesterday: 40 oz?

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 565 Member
    @trooworld That stinks about your knee. Your best bet is to call your doctor. I wear a brace but mine was recommended by my orthopedic doctor. Hi, all. Dinner was good last night. I only ate one serving of potato salad. We have chicken leftover for lunch today. We’re eating at my daughter’s house tonight. I’ll go for a walk and ride the bike.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,467 Member
    trooworld wrote: »
    @cbabie Sounds like you do indeed have a lot going on. It's a good idea to get all of it done before school starts. Hmmm...I'd like to learn more about the challenge. I might potentially be interested. Do you have a link to the challenge on Facebook? re: no AC, yes, it was terrible. I slept so poorly lol. Gosh, I can only imagine in AZ if the power goes out. Sorry about your waddle, I'll tell more about Comic-Con below.

    @fabgeekmom Thanks! I hope you enjoyed steak night. Good job with the swim, I bet that felt good. Lunch on the patio sounds really nice.

    HI all. We got to the parking garage for Comic-Con at about 9:30 am. We had that 20 minute walk to the convention center. On the walk to the center, I could tell my knee was bad. I didn't realize how bad it was. Every step was a shot of sharp pain. We had to walk very slowly. We made it to the convention center, and walked a little bit in the exhibit hall but I was in so much pain, I couldn't enjoy it. We were making our way over to a panel/talk and we stopped at the first aid and they let me sit down and gave me an ice pack. Since I had already taken Naproxen, there really wasn't anything they could have given me. The Naproxen wasn't helping. We made it to the panel and stayed for about half of it. It felt nice to sit down. We decided to go back to the car and eat lunch but I knew I couldn't come back, I was walking far too slowly and hurt way too badly. I cried in the streets about having to leave and the pain. We left at noon, just a few hours after getting there. I came home and iced my knee, which helped. I messaged my doctor who told me to take 500 mg of Tylenol 4-6 times a day along with the Naproxen. So that's what I am going to do. After resting my knee, I dropped my husband back off at the convention and came home and rested more. I feel better today, but then again, I didn't feel terrible in the morning yesterday. I hope today goes better. I took one picture, and I am sharing another that my husband took. The first pic is of some interesting costumes (not sure who they were) and the 2nd picture is one my husband took, from Troma Studios, with the founder Llyod Kauffman on the far left and the Toxic Avenger on the right with the mop.

    Water yesterday: 40 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"


    Hope your knee feels better soon! That’s awful to be in pain. Those are some interesting costumes.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    edited July 29
    @fabgeekmom Yeah I'm going to call her today. That's good the brace helps your knee. I'm glad dinner was good. Good job with one serving of potato salad! I hope you enjoyed your daughter's.

    @gemwolf110 Thank you! Yes, there were some cool costumes there.

    Hi all. We were able to park next to the convention center yesterday so my knee lasted a bit longer, I was able to stay from 9:30 until 12:30. Within that time, we went to a panel and walked in the exhibit hall, buying some things. I had fun and my knee didn't hurt much. Today is back to work. I will call my doctor this morning.

    Water yesterday: 40 oz?

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,632 Member
    Morning all, It's been an uneventful weekend..YAY!! I am putting on the lbs, by not moving my body. I was going to walk today, but then talked myself out of it. Just want to follow Dr's orders so I can do what I want to do afterwards..LOL.

    @trooworld I hope your knee feels better...yes most of the time my knee brace made my knee hurt worse..hence I don't wear it. LOL. I am glad. you are going to call your DR, that is wise. I did send you a message, but can't figure out where to make you a friend. It's been a minute since I did that. LOL

    @fabgeekmom Yea for you for only one serving. It always makes me feel better when I take control of the food going in my mouth, instead of my emotions or desires having the say. LOL.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 565 Member
    @trooworld I’m glad you got to enjoy your convention. @cbabie It’s good to follow doctor’s orders. Gaining weight from being inactive is frustrating. But know you can lose weight when you are able to be more active. And yay, for an uneventful weekend. Hi, all. Today was a swim day. I had a salad for lunch with the last of the chicken my DS grilled. Also some watermelon. DS is making chicken souvlaki for lunches this week. We’re having the spaghetti and meatballs I froze last week for dinner tonight.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @cbabie I'm glad you had an uneventful weekend for once lol. Yes, follow doctor's orders and get that walk in! Thank you re: my knee. It seems like you figured out how to make me a friend, I know it's confusing and I'm glad I don't have to do it too often lol.

    @fabgeekmom Thanks, me too! Good job with the swim. I love summer food. I hope you enjoyed dinner.

    Hi all. I called my doctor's office and they insisted I go either the ER or urgent care to be checked for a blood clot. I thought that was ridiculous but I went back to the urgent care anyway. They also didn't think I had a blood clot but they did think my cartilage is wearing thin on that knee and the pain is either from that, from arthritis, or from a tear in my meniscus. They didn't do any imaging, just looked at an x-ray from a year ago, and just said well, regardless, this should help and gave me 2 prescriptions. If in a month, my knee isn't better, I may need to see an orthopedic doctor. But at least I went and got something for it. So far, the prescription I did take didn't seem to have much effect.

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 565 Member
    @trooworld I hope you don’t mind me giving you advice. Make that appointment now with the orthopedic doctor as it will probably take months to get an appointment. I’ve been down that road before. Also I use Diclocenac Sodium Topical Gel ( Voltaren) on my knee. It is OTC and most pharmacies have their own brand which is less expensive. Or Amazon.
    Hi, all. Dinner was good last night. Tonight DS is making fajitas with flank steak, and Mexican corn salad. I’m buying the fixings for the fajitas. Lunch will be the chicken he grilled yesterday plus a salad with his homemade hummus.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,632 Member
    Morning all, I got up, took a shower, which in itself is time consuming...have to tape and saran wrap the spots where I had the surgery. Then afraid I get them wet..stresses me out. I go Friday to get the stitches out, so hopefully better times are a coming..LOL. I just feel better about me when I get up, shower and get dressed for the day. My mom used to say get up and make a day of it..

    @trooworld Yes I found the friend area, do I need to resend you the link? I have to say I agree with Fabgeekmom about your knee. It's very frustrating that they look at old xrays, give your some meds and say "call me in the morning type thing". LOL you checked off that box, but please don't wait...knee pain can be crippling.. this household has used the Voltaren gel as well. tired leg syndrome...knee aches..

    @fabgeekmom My grand daughter would love your dinner tonight. she is always after me to cook those kinds of meals.. LOL. Yes you are right, I know I will get to moving again, I think I am just over it. LOL

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 565 Member
    @cbabie I’m glad you feel better. Taking a shower is a big deal. I know you will be glad to get the stitches out. I probably wouldn’t cook all these meals if my son didn’t live with us. He’s such a big help.