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  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @cbabie Sounds like you continue to be busy. Do you have any time for yourself? Happy birthday to Baby Girl! I can't believe she's 6 now! How is she liking school this year? Good job with the small cake. LOL yes, I do love "the wild"! Interesting about the traffic. Thank you!

    @fabgeekmom I thought so too. Good job with the swim! Your son does love his dessert, doesn't he? I hope the cookies got eaten, it's hard to have stuff like that in the house. I have an apple pie from the mountains in my fridge. I've had one piece but haven't had another. I probably will have a piece tonight.

    @theslightedgeforever Oh that's too bad. I guess you don't want to go to an Apple store to investigate it, huh? I loved the Mexican food, it was the best I had in a while. Worth it, yes. I get the not-too-spicy thing. Where I grew up (Ohio), black pepper was considered spicy. We never put hot sauce on things, nor added cayenne pepper or any spices, really. I had to learn to like spicy when I came to CA. I still don't eat it super hot. I wanted the wolves to howl when we were there but of course, they only howl in the morning and evening and when they have a kill. Or to celebrate the birth of pups. In Our Likeness--- I see that's a Kindle First so I get it for free, thanks for the recommendation. I'm reading a spooky book right now (not gory, just suspenseful):that I really am liking, The Twisted Ones - https://www.amazon.com/Twisted-Ones-T-Kingfisher-ebook/dp/B07P55QS3X/ Good job with the walk and the gym! I hope you do some exercise today. A rotatable meal plan sounds like a good idea. How many recipes are in the rotation? I need new recipes all the time or I get bored.

    Hi all. I have a headache today, it's not too bad, just annoying me lol. I think it's from the prolonged heat. I'm ready for October/November when it starts to cool down. It's 81F in the house right now and it's only 4:30 am. Of course, we don't have any of the windows or the door open. I can imagine it will possibly get hotter later.

    Water yesterday: 87..5 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 565 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I was going to put a hold on the book you mentioned but the wait time is too long. I’m going to use an Audible credit. I’ve read the 3rd book out of order but I don’t remember it. So I might listen to all 3 in the series. Good job on the walk and meal plan. @trooworld Sorry about the headache and heat. It starts getting cooler in September. And now we’re not getting the extreme heat we had in July. Yes, DS does love his desserts. His excuse yesterday was that we had eaten most of the cake and he wanted DH to have dessert on his actual birthday. We have 5 cookies left. ( Insert big sigh). Hi, all. Tonight we are having a healthy dinner: grilled shrimp, corn salad, salad and maybe rice. I can’t say I’m strong enough not to eat a cookie but there are only 5 left. And there are 6 of us.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,632 Member
    Afternoon all, Still putting my office together, but I did have some time last night to work on a baby blanket I have been working on forever. As I looked at our calendar (I was making another appt) It looks like we have someone in the family having an appointment almost every day. With the school drop off, pick up and add dr appointments, I feel like I am in my car all the time. I tried to play an audible in my car, but it says I have to have a subscription to play the books I have in my library. UGH.. So I will be working on that, hate to have idle time. I can't believe we are half way in to August..yes I know you guys want fall LOL

    @trooworld I laughed yes I am midwestern...I don't even use black pepper...my DH knows he has to add salt and pepper if he wants it. LOL My sister and I may have the same parents, but we are not alike in our food choices..Baby girl is loving school..although I had to NAG her to wake up this morning..still has summer sleep habits. LOL I agree 81 in the house would be warm. Funny in the winter 81 feels good. LOL

    @fabgeekmom My family would want 2 cookies each. I came back from dropping baby girl at school and my DH was feeding the baby (24 months almost) chocolate frosted birthday cake for breakfast...I said really? He says that is what he wanted. smh glad you got to go back to your old swim place. d

    @theslightedgeforever you will get back to your routine...I think my Apple watch should do the same...I just need to make sure I set it up that way...(maybe we do have something in common). LOL. My health is well on hold..yes I hear it already..LOL. I have my cardio appt this week...I can hardly wait to hear...NOT. what do I know...it might be good news right? He might surprise me. I know that weight will come up...I am back up on the scale with the no moving around..

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 565 Member
    @cbabie I had to laugh when you said your DH gave the baby chocolate cake for breakfast. I guess they was one happy baby! Too bad about you being so busy. I hope you get good news from the doctor.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,288 Member
    @trooworld Recipe Rotation. The f&v are rotated. I'm using the healthy blueprint I got from one of the MFP plans. it's basically pick 5 fruits and 5 vegetables and then there is a chart for which days to use though. Then I'm adding in the carbs depending on my carb count for the day. The recipes I will just update as needed each week. There's a couple of soup recipes in there and the rest is salads for lunch. Dinner will be a new recipe everyday depending on the vegetables. I hope you have a fan for the heat.

    @fabgeekmom Having dessert around a lot would be hard. I guess depending on the dessert. I could have apple pie in here forever and probably not touch it. But I do love a fried apple pie like the old kind we used to be able to get at mcDonalds. I just used an Audible credit for The Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros

    @cbabie I just want fall for the pumpkin spice lattes and the leaves. I don't think you and I are alike in any of our choices. lol If you figure out the Apple watch thing let me know. Today I missed 18 min of exercise because I forgot to switch it over to Strength Training after I finished my treadmill. So I had to add it in manually. I hate it because getting the burned calories correct is a nuisance. When do you get to start exercising again?

    So I went to the gym and did 20 min treadmill 48 min strength training and 10 min stretching. Yaaay me. Went over on my carbs because dd was having some san marina fruit salad and I thought oh that looks good. smh
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,288 Member
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @fabgeekmom Not here, September is the hotttest month of the year in San Diego, believe it or not! It gets up to the high 90s/100s. That's good you aren't getting the extreme heat of July. Does your DS ever make healthy desserts? That's good that there are only 5 cookies left, maybe everyone else will have one.

    @cbabie I'm glad you had some time for some crafts. I purchased a pattern for these Halloween lanterns I'm going to be making hopefully this weekend. An appt every day, that's a lot! Are you trying to play the library book through Audible? You need to play it through the Libby app. Download the Libby app, add your library with your library card, and bam! You will have your audiobook. That is very midwestern not to add salt or pepper lol. I'm glad Baby Girl is loving school. Has she had her first sleepover with a friend yet?

    @theslightedgeforever Oh okay that's a good plan. We have 2 fans and, in the bedroom, there is a portable AC. When I'm in the kitchen, it's so hot, I've started bringing a fan in there. Good job at the gym! San Marina fruit salad sounds good, I would have tried it, too! So, looking at the chart, on the white square days, what do you have on those days?

    Hi all. My migraine got much worse when I went to work. I took migraine medication and it sort of took it away but not really and I felt sick from it. I went home and slept and woke up and felt better. The weather here has been hotter this year and we have had more ants as a result. They are such a pain to deal with.

    Water yesterday: 40.4 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,632 Member
    Morning all, baby girl was up with a fever last night, then complained of a sore throat...THANK YOU school cooties... I can't believe it's already started.

    @trooworld Baby girl has not had a sleep over yet. I am sure that is coming. I was trying to play the audible books I had bought when I had audible. I had a paid subscription for a long time as I used to listen to books driving to and from work..(50 min one way). I no longer have a paid subscription.. So note to self...do not buy audible books...only buy kindle or hard copies or as you say go to the library and use libby. I am sorry you had a migraine, so glad you got it to go away with sleep.

    @fabgeekmom Yes he was one happy baby...LOL. I just remember Bill Cosby justifying cake for breakfast..it has egg, milk, flour, etc. all good for breakfast. :)

    @theslightedgeforever I can exercise now...except when I fell my ribs are bruised and my knee looks terrible with the bruise running all the way down my shin..so soon I can move again..

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 565 Member
    @theslightedgeforever That’s too bad about forgetting to set your watch. I love the feedback it gives me. Good job on going to the gym. @trooworld You have the extreme heat in the fall and I have cold weather in winter so I guess it evens out. Sorry about the migraine. No, DS does not make healthy desserts. Usually he gets a recipe on ATK. And most of the time it’s not that often but it seems he has spells when he bakes. Last night my daughter said, “no more dessert next week except fruit.” I agreed with her! Hi, all. Today was a swim day. I’m cooking dinner tonight. I’m making ST air fryer individual meatloaves. I’m making extra to freeze and take to the cottage next week. My daughter, her husband and daughter are going, too. And she’ll appreciate having healthy meals.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @cbabie Oh no! I hope Baby Girl feels better today. Oh, you should be able to play your audible books, once you buy an audible book, it's yours even after your subscription expires. Here's more info on that: https://speechify.com/blog/if-i-cancel-audible-do-i-keep-my-books/ Thank you, I seem to have the beginnings of another one today.

    @fabgeekmom Yes! Thank you. I wish ATK would come out with a book of healthy desserts. Wouldn't that be nice? Your dinner sounds good. That's nice that your daughter and her husband are going to the cottage with you.

    Hi all. I have the beginnings of another migraine. I think it's this weather. It's not too bad (my migraine), I'm hoping that some caffeine will knock it out. This is the week of our wedding anniversary. We are celebrating this weekend. I'm still not sure what we are going to do. Maybe just have a picnic in the park.

    Water yesterday: 70.3 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,632 Member
    Morning all, baby girl slept all day, then seemed to be better, then about 9 got another fever..ugh. I don't do well with sick kids..LOL. I am praying we are on the other side of this thing now and she got the cooties out of the way and will have a good healthy school year. ( I can hope and believe right?). LOL

    @fabgeekmom I like the idea of individual meat loafs. My family loves meat loaf. Fruit sounds like a good option..I got rid of the chocolate cake and now not to buy anymore...except we have 2 other birthdays we have to celebrate this month...thankfully they can keep the cake at THEIR house. LOL

    @trooworld I hope the caffeine will do the trick. Yea on your wedding anniversary! I like the idea of picnic in the park...sounds fun and relaxing!!

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 565 Member
    @trooworld Sorry about the migraine. Congrats on your anniversary. Yeah, a lower calorie dessert cookbook would be nice. Our problem is that we have too many special occasions. However, DS is tracking calories so that makes it easier for me. @cbabie That’s too bad that baby girl is sick. I was a teacher and always got a cold after the first few weeks of school. Hi, all. It was a bit cooler this morning so I went for a walk. I also did some strength workouts and did the bike. DH and I both had eye appointments. Both of us needed new glasses. We also got new prescription sunglasses as they were half price with the purchase of our glasses. DS made ATK air fried chicken breasts, coleslaw and baked French fries for dinner. We have not had any high calorie desserts but I have been eating a few pieces of chocolate after dinner.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @cbabie Gosh, kids do get sick all the time, don't they? And then they pass that on to us lol. I hope she's better soon. Thanks.

    @fabgeekmom Thank you! Yeah it seems like there is always a reason to celebrate, right? That's good DS is tracking calories. Good job with the exercise. I'm glad it's cooler for you. That's good you haven't had high calorie desserts.

    Hi all. My headache/migraine did not go away all day. I stuck it out though, miserable, but I made it all day. Thankfully, my sweet husband cooked dinner. He made Oriental Cabbage Salad with Asian Dressing with shrimp on it: https://www.recipetineats.com/asian-slaw/ It was really good and nice and light. I work from home today. I can feel a headache there, I hope it doesn't turn into another migraine sigh.

    Water yesterday: 70 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,632 Member
    Afternoon all, I didn't send baby girl to school yet...she has no voice and is still weak. So by Monday she should be good to go. I am doing terrible on my eating and frustrated with my no exercise. So that is my next to do for ME.

    @trooworld Oh good for you that DH cooked. I wish mine would once in a while. LOL. Sorry you didn't get rid of the migraine, but glad you made it through.

    @fabgeekmom I should be tracking...maybe your son can track for me? I know that's my big issue. Start tracking and the rest will follow. You know they say chocolate is good for the body in limited pieces.. SO you are good. LOL

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 565 Member
    @trooworld Sorry about the migraine. It’s good that you can work at home and your DH cooks. I am so impressed. As you know, my DS cooks but DH and SIL don’t. But SIL cleans up after my daughter cooks. @cbabie. It’s good that you didn’t send baby girl back to school. That is why children and the adults looking after them get sick as many children go to school sick. I’m giving you a metaphorical kick in the seat to start tracking. I always feel in control when I track. Hi, all. Today was a swim day. We ate leftovers from last night for lunch. I cooked dinner tonight: ATK marinara sauce with ground turkey sausage that simmered all afternoon.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,288 Member
    Quick check in. I will be in Des Moines for the weekend.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @cbabie Poor girl. I hope she feels better soon. Are you emotionally eating? Yeah, my DH cooks about 3 times a week. It's nice! Thanks.

    @fabgeekmom Thanks. Yeah, it's nice to work from home on Fridays. I am lucky he cooks lol. Well, at least SIL cleans up, that's good. Good job with the swim. That sounds like a good dinner.

    @theslightedgeforever Have fun in Des Moines!

    Hi all. My mini-headache yesterday didn't turn into a migraine, so I am thankful. I did a little bit of cleaning up around here so that felt nice. Little things. This morning, I am going to meet a friend at a municipal pool for water aerobics. I'm glad she's going with me, it will take most of the anxiety away from it. When I get back from that, my DH and I are going to go to Little Italy and walk around. Hopefully, we will catch the tale-end of the farmer's market. I want to get some bread to go with dinner: I am making the first meal I ever made for him in honor of our anniversary, spaghetti and meatballs. Before dinner, I am going to the Silent Bookclub in-person meeting. We talk about whatever book we are reading (we don't read the same book as each other) for about 30 mins and then read silently (whatever book we want) for the rest of the time. It's going to be a busy but fun day.

    Water yesterday: 50 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,632 Member
    Morning all, Yesterday was busy and I got into bed late again. Oh my I ate horrible yesterday, had FF for dinner and I never really ever eat FF. Now I know why. I have had an upset stomach since I ate it. So today is meal planning and still trying to get my house put back together. I have so much stuff, I am working on little by little decluttering as well. (it feels good). LOL.

    @fabgeekmom I take your challenge on tracking. I will start today. I am glad my DH will eat left overs. For some reason my adult children do not. They were raised on left overs and maybe that is why. LOL

    @trooworld So glad you headache didn't turn into a migraine. That's progress right? Oh how fun you remember what you cooked first for him. I hope you guys enjoy your day today!!

    @theslightedgeforever have fun!!

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 565 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Enjoy your stay in Des Moines. @trooworld I’m glad you didn’t have a migraine. I hope you enjoyed the pool, Little Italy and the book club. Spaghetti and meatballs is a good choice for a meal. @cbabie I’m glad you are taking my challenge to track. Good luck with meal planning and decluttering. Having an upset stomach is definitely a motivation to eat better. Hi, all. I walked before breakfast and it was really nice. I also did a beginner full body workout. Also ride the bike. Tonight was family dinner and we had hamburgers and hotdogs on the grill ( I ate a hamburger), salad and roasted potatoes. I didn’t eat my usual chocolate as I was satisfied after eating.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @cbabie I'm sorry about your day. Is FF Frosted Flakes? It does feel good to declutter. I suppose it's either luck or progress that my headache didn't turn into a migraine lol. Thank you.

    @fabgeekmom Thank you. Good job with your walk and workout. AND bike ride, wow you were active!

    Hi all. Best laid plans, right? Nothing on the agenda happened besides spaghetti and meatballs! Went grocery shopping in the morning and then met my friend at the pool: the pool was closed (they changed their water aerobics schedule to the fall schedule). We went to a coffee shop. Came home, and DH had just gotten home from walking over 20,000 steps at the zoo so he wanted to rest before heading out. The farmer's market was only until 2 pm, so that was out. We went to the wealthy part of town, La Jolla, to go to a good bookstore and we got a loaf of bread for dinner at a bakery. Then we went back to near our house and went to coffee. Stopped for a drink somewhere. Came home. I did not go out to the silent book club meeting as my husband wanted me to spend time with him. When we got home, Violet's eye was bothering her again (we had taken her to the vet on Weds, they said she had dry eyes from allergies. I called the vet yesterday morning because she didn't seem like she was better and that the medication was making her worse so I picked up a different medication). She seems super squinty in one of her eyes, I think it may be an ulcer, so unless she is better when she wakes up, we will likely be going to the urgent care vet today as eye ulcers can go downhill quickly.

    Water yesterday: 24 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"