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  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @fabgeekmom Me too! It was good. That's good dinner was good. Good for your daughter for saying that. :) That's a good idea for the berries. Good job with the swim.

    @theslightedgeforever Yeah you would be used to the hills...food for thought for next year. I'm sorry about the RAD. I've never played either of those games but I remember hearing about them. Buttered noodles come from my childhood: every holiday, my aunt made buttered noodles and they would always be my favorite. She would boil them in chicken broth before adding the butter. They were delicious. Egg noodles. That's good you've gone to the gym a few days and doing the walks. Good luck with the program and walk today.

    Hi all. I finally heard back from the surgeon's nurse only for her to say that she had been out for a few days and would be reviewing charts the rest of the week and to check back next week. This is the same thing I heard last week. I'm very disappointed, I really just want to get on with the next chapter of my life.

    Water yesterday: 111.2 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 565 Member
    @theslightedgeforever You’re doing great despite your lung condition. That’s really hard but you persevere. That’s my word, too. @trooworld Too bad about the surgeon’s nurse. It’s been my experience that medicine is very slow. I hope you get some resolution soon. Hi, all. The weather cooled down and I went for a walk. My plan is to go to the grocery store and work out on the bike. I walk so slow because of my disability that I don’t get much credit for the walk. Dinner tonight is turkey burgers, frozen French fries in the air fryer and tomatoes from our garden. I have gained a few pounds and need to get stricter. I think I have eaten too much dessert. It’s hard to turn down recipes made from ATK. Hopefully my son will take a break from baking until DH’s birthday in August.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @fabgeekmom Yes. Thank you. That's nice that the weather cooled down and you were able to go for a walk, good job! I'm sorry you don't get much credit for your walks, I think moving in any way you can is great. It would be hard to resist your DS's desserts (and other foods!). You'll get those extra pounds off.

    Hello all. I'm getting my hair cut today. I think I will do something slightly different. It's hard to do drastic changes because my hair is short. At 6, we are going to another concert in the park. This one is a funk band, it should be fun! We are bringing pizza this time.

    Water yesterday: 72.4 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 565 Member
    @trooworld A concert and pizza sounds like fun. Good luck with the hair cut. Hi, all. Today was a swim day. Tonight is steak night. The temperatures are a little cooler so that’s good.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,288 Member
    @trooworld I think that's how my mom used to make the egg noodles. I decided to turn my egg noodles into chicken noodle alfredo. It was really good. I only took a 1/2 portion and then filled the other half of the plate with salad. I was satisfied and I didn't go back for seconds like I usually do. I'm getting my hair cut next week. Just a little shorter and some layers. I don't like myself with really short hair. ooh, funk concert. I would like that.

    @fabgeekmom At least you are keeping yourself mobile with your walking. Some people with the same disability would just sit and do nothing blaming the disability. You are doing great with your swimming and bike riding. A steak sounds good. speaking of dessert, I got into some monkey bread. I had the calories. Actually I gave up a second piece of pizza. Old me would have had 2-3 pieces and then ate the monkey bread anyway. I'm really working on portion control. I actually cooked some chicken and corn and nobody wanted that. I wasn't even in the mood for that. So lunch and dinner is already prepared for tomorrow.

    Well good news is that my bp is now down to the 130s. The water weight I put on when I came has almost disappeared. I've lost a little over 5lbs of it. So just a bit more work to get me back to normal.

    Yesterday I walked 40 min with hubby to a cafe and then later did my hill/sprint program at the gym.
    Today we walked 31 min and I spent 49 min at the gym doing weights and a 10 min warm up on the treadmill.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    edited July 20
    @fabgeekmom Thanks! I hope the steak was good. That's good it's cooler there.

    @theslightedgeforever Yeah that method is also used by the Amish (I'm from Ohio where there is a large population of Amish). Chicken noodle alfredo sounds good, too! Good job not going back for seconds. I hope you like your haircut. I am one of the few people that can wear really short hair pretty well. The concert was fun. That is good news, I'm glad your bp is down and you lost. That's a lot of activity, good for you!

    Hi all. The concert in the park was fun and it wasn't too cold this time. It was a hot day yesterday and it really didn't cool down too much after the sun started to go down. Unfortunately, when we went back to the car, we had a flat. This wouldn't have been a problem if I had renewed my AAA membership on 7/6, but I did not, I put it off. So...my husband, who is not very handy, decided he needed to jack the car up using the emergency jack and take the wheel off to see what the problem was. We discovered a large screw in the tire which he decided he needed to take out. What was he going to do once he took it out? I don't know. He took it out and then we broke out this cigarette lighter compresser that came with the car and he realized he had to put the screw back in. Not only that, but that he didn't need to take the wheel off or jack up the car. :( So he puts the screw back in, unjacks the car, and we put air in the tire and drove really slowly to a gas station where we put a proper amount of air in the tire. We made it home with a plan to call the dealership (where I got the tires) today. Ugh. Now, instead of going to the zoo with our friends today, we have to deal with the tire. And yes, I renewed my AAA membership last night when we got home! :)

    Water yesterday: 40 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,467 Member

    Hi all!

    It’s been a busy challenging term for this class it ends tomorrow just have to respond to some discussion posts and finish a time consuming certification and I’ll be done. Hoping to get a lot of housework and yard work done that was put off due to the class this week before I get a molar extracted. Will have to take it a little easy afterwards.

    Dogs are doing great with dealing with the heat. They much rather keep me company while I work than be outside thankfully.

    Zumba and Aqua have been going good as well. I’m going to try a few new classes at the new gym when I’m clear with the extraction surgery and in between terms. If the extraction causes a hole between the dental and nasal cavity it would mean taking it more easy for recovery. So I pray that does not happen.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Think I need to start logging in on my computer as opposed to phone. Would be much easier with posting and responding.


    CW 211.8
    HW 228.8
    GWR 110 to 120
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @gemwolf110 Hi Missy. Good to hear from you. Good luck with the molar extraction. That's good the dogs are doing well in the heat. Yeah I log and post on my computer. I find it easier.
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 565 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I’m glad the BP is better. That’s good that you are working on portion control. That way you can enjoy what you like. Good job on the walk. @trooworld That sucks about your car. Glad you renewed AAA. The membership has been a great help to us. We buy our son and daughter their own membership. My peace of mind for them is worth it. @gemw1010 It looks like you are doing well with all your challenges with school, etc. Zumba and aqua sound like good activities. I used to do water Zumba and that was fun. Good luck with the molar extraction. I hope that goes well. Hi, all. It got humid here and I was only able to walk for 15 minutes. But I worked out on the bike. Tonight is taco night and family dinner.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @fabgeekmom Yes, it was awful. My grandmother, before she died, used to give me a AAA membership every year for my birthday. It was the best gift! Good job walking in the humidity and working out on the bike. I hope you enjoyed taco night.

    Hi all. We had to get a new tire yesterday to replace the one that had the screw in it (the location of the screw prevented a patch). At least the warranty on the tire covered most of the cost. We were at the dealership from 10:45 to 1:30! It was awful. Before we went to the dealership, we took a 45-minute walk in our neighborhood. It started to get really hot so I got to the point that I regretted going out but once we got home, even though I was sweating from head to toe, I was glad I went. After that, we met one of my friends at a dog rescue party at a brewery. It was fun and I had one beer. We came home, fed the dogs and walked them, and then went to our favorite neighborhood and walked around a bit. It was really hot but we had fun. I haven't had a chance to get groceries yet so I will be going out this morning to get them.

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 565 Member
    @trooworld Good job on the walk, especially since it was so hot. I feel your pain as I also walked in the heat. I was listening to a Taylor Swift playlist on Peloton so that was fun. That must have been uncomfortable waiting at the dealership. That’s good that the warranty paid for most of the cost. I forgot to mention earlier that our car insurance paid for most of the bill to replace the gas line. Hi, all. It’s hot today and I’m glad I went for a walk. I also worked out on my recumbent bike. Taco night was good last night. We’re going to my daughter’s house for dinner tonight. She’s making turkey burgers. We’re bringing garden tomatoes and blueberries and strawberries. Plus whipped cream my son is making.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @fabgeekmom Thank you! Well that's good you had something to make the time go by more quickly. It was really boring waiting at the dealership. Luckily I had a book with me and my husband had a book but it was hard to read as there were people in and out and a tv on. Oh that's good about the gas line. Good job with your walk and ride. That sounds like a nice healthy dinner.

    Hi all. We ran around a lot yesterday. I didn't do well eating, it was just one of those days. Today at work, we are having a celebration for anniversaries and they are getting fancy burgers and fries.

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,632 Member
    Morning all, Yes I have been MIA. 1 week ago, I had my new bridge put in and have had trouble with my jaw, but kept putting off calling them, thinking it would get better. (still haven't called them). I had 2 areas of basal cells removed this past Friday. I can't lift anything heavy (including baby boy) and really have't felt on top of my game. I took a semi shower today washed my hair in the sink, dried and getting ready to put make up on, hoping that will make me feel normal. LOL. So needless to say haven't really done much in the way of health. So trying to regroup today!!

    I have read most of the comments but too many to reply to. I am hoping to be back in my routine starting today. (You have to start somewhere).

    Thank you guys for everyone keeping in contact with each other..it's a great community and accountability we have here.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 565 Member
    @trooworld Burgers and fries sound good. @cbabie I’m sorry you have had such a hard time. I hope you’re feeling better soon. Hi, all. Today was a swim day. I’m cooking dinner tonight : spaghetti and meatballs from the Milkstreet pasta cookbook. I’m using turkey sausage instead of the 80/20 ground beef. I’m also making a few changes due to what I have. DS won’t say anything as he’s glad I’m cooking. I’m sure he’s tired as he gets up early to go to work.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,288 Member
    I didn't realize it's been so long since I checked in here. Really no excuse. I guess time just flies.

    @trooworld Too bad about the tire. I just added roadside assistance to my insurance today. It's just easier to have someone else do it. lol Sounds like you got in a good walk around your neighborhood.

    @gemwolf110 Now you have me thinking about my two extractions I had. I hope I don't have a hole between dental and nasal cavity. I'm glad you are enjoying your exercise classes. I have to use the computer to type on here. Although I'm learning to use my dictation on my phone. That's quicker and then I just go back and review. I just don't always remember to do it though.

    @fabgeekmom Yaaay on your walk in the humidity. I made some ground turkey tonight with peas and carrots and added some tomato sauce and spices and served it over rice. I did well by measuring out 1/2 c rice.

    @cbabie Have you called the dentist about your bridge? What if it's infected or something.

    No exercise for me over the weekend. Today I got in 42 min of walking outside. 10 min on treadmill; 42 min with weights; 11 min stretching. Food I was over calories by 42...so onto tomorrow.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @cbabie Oh gosh, I'm sorry you had to go through all that. Does your jaw still hurt/giving you trouble? Maybe you should call them.

    @fabgeekmom They were. I like Milk Street. That's nice you are cooking. I hope it turned out well.

    @theslightedgeforever Time does fly. Yeah, I went home the night it happened and renewed our AAA. I used to have roadside assistance through my insurance but I used it once and it stayed on my record like an accident, so I decided that wasn't a good idea. Yes, I did get a good walk in. Good job with the exercise!

    Hi all. Not much to report. We had our lunch at work and it went as expected. I did not eat dinner so that I could negate some of the calories. Hopefully I won't be extra hungry today because I skipped dinner.

    Water yesterday: 49 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,632 Member
    Morning all, I wanted to get on here early before the day gets away from me. I did much better yesterday. I only took Tylenol in the mid morning. My jaw is a little better as well. I might call them as my bite might be off, but seems I have an appointment everyday this week. UGH. School starts in less than 2 weeks..can't believe the summer went so fast. I am ready to be able to move and workout. I noticed it seems my walk is stiff. LOL.

    @trooworld Hopefully you won't be too hungry, maybe eat some protein? I keep a bar in my purse just in case...LOL.

    @fabgeekmom Spaghetti and meatballs are always a hit here in this house. LOL. That's one food everyone loves. Hope you enjoyed your swim day. My kids have gotten into the pool every night..

    @theslightedgeforever I don't have an infection, I think my bite is off and something is rough is poking out my gum in the back...I know TMI...I will call once things settle here. Too many other appointments going on. You are getting a variety of movement good for YOU!!

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 565 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Good job on the workouts. Going over is not that bad. @trooworld I hope you weren’t too hungry today. It’s good that you aare payt attention to hunger cues. @cbabie I’m glad you are a little better today. Having dental issues is really hard. Hopefully things will get better. Hi, all. Spaghetti and meatballs were good last night. We have another serving in the freezer for next week. Tonight we’re having a Milk Street Israeli couscous salad with zucchini and tomatoes. I have already made it. I also sliced some golden beets to roast or air fry. I’m going to brine some pork chops to grill or broil, depending on if it is still raining.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @cbabie I'm glad you did better and that your jaw feels a bit better. That's no fun to have so many appointments. The summer did go fast! I was okay yesterday, I did have some protein at breakfast and lunch and was so busy, I didn't think about being hungry lol.

    @fabgeekmom I was fine, thanks. Spaghetti and meatballs is one of my favorite dishes to eat. Wow, that sounds like a good dinner, I hope you enjoyed it!

    Hi all. I didn't get too hungry yesterday, I was really busy with a complicated project at work I've been managing for the past year. It is 90-95% complete, so I am happy about that. I set a goal to implement it by the end of this year and I am getting it done early, so that's good.

    Water yesterday: 69.9 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 565 Member
    @trooworld Congrats on almost finishing your project. I know that’s a good feeling. Hi, all. Dinner last night was good. Today was a swim day. Tonight we’re having salmon. I hope we can grill it. So far, no rain or storms.