Why are they taking the newsfeed away?



  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,913 Member
    edited June 27
    __Di__ wrote: »
    The line in MFP's blog re WHY they removed the newsfeed is ridiculous, I quote:

    "The Newsfeed is a rarely used feature." - what the hell are they on about, the newsfeed is accessed when the person logs on, so how do they work out it was rarely used???

    How would they know it was "rarely used", was there a questionnaire that went out to all members then, if there was, I didn't see it....


    Morning coffee just isn’t the same these days.
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,376 Member
    edited June 27
    Only one group, private and very small, has any activity.

    With all my ranting and raving regarding --MFP "Groups" are broken-- this is one inspiring sign of life. Thanks.

    A few very verbose and consistent people who write here in the community forums conflate "threads or groups" and " threads/groups," and they know better. There seems to be some need for willful ignorance. I'd challenge them to acknowledge, as you have, that they are involved regularly in even one small group. (I have my suspicions)

    Unlike Newsfeeds I'd be on my chair clapping and agreeing if the MFP company announced. "Groups is a rarely used feature." so we are going to dramatically change it. If they deleted Groups very few would mind, and if they made a very mild changes like "delete all groups where not a single member of that group has logged into MFP in the last five years." that would probably remove more than half.

    Lastly, thanks again. I'm in a small group (about four people, as one just left MFP). So between us two active longtime MFP users there is that.
  • jamerican23
    jamerican23 Posts: 177 Member
    edited June 27
    Wow MFP after 14 yrs oh well thank you.
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 441 Member
    edited June 27
    I’ve logged in here daily for 12 years and I’ve been friends with people here for all that time and now I can’t see them on my feed anymore. I’m devastated!
  • AdeEolas
    AdeEolas Posts: 2 Member
    edited June 27
    I can only agree with all the comments, but done by developers who have obviously no idea about the App is used or the different demographics that are using it. BTW: in the German speaking Community the comments are just the same, but in German, but even that does not matter as the developers are clearly not reading the comments, or, just ignoring them. Read the sign 😉
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,651 Member
    edited June 27
    I’ve logged in here daily for 12 years and I’ve been friends with people here for all that time and now I can’t see them on my feed anymore. I’m devastated!

    Same here, had a couple of name changes, but it's been 12 years here too. I don't want to have to wade through clicking this, clicking that to get to some group. I used to just like logging in to MFP and it would straight away take me to my newsfeed, no mucking about, just straight to the point. Oh well, they are not going to change their minds, they obviously think they know better. It is just a shame they don't listen to those that actually use MFP.

    Bring back Mike I say, but I reckon he too, has long gone.

    ps I have just gone onto Lose It and have created an account, they have a newsfeed there and logging food and drink is easy peasy as is logging exercise. I have stuck a bookmark from there onto my computer so I know where I will be going from now on in.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,651 Member
    edited June 27
    I can’t see if someone responds if I log in or my friends mentions any things help

    They removed the newsfeed. I have just opened a free account on Lose It, it is so easy to use and it has a newsfeed. MFP have pissed me right off. 12 years member here, but doing what they have just done has made me realise they do not have the best interests of the members in mind. I can't be doing with that.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,651 Member
    edited June 27
    Lietchi wrote: »
    Did you post the wrong screenshot perhaps? The next step is clicking on either your profile picture or your user name.

    That was clicking on my profile pic lol
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,388 Member
    edited June 27
    You need to click on you profile picture or name in the screenshot you posted.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,651 Member
    edited June 27
    Lietchi wrote: »
    Yes!!! Put it back. There’s no place now to see total pounds lost! Why was this removed?!?! Ridiculous. Please add the newsfeed back — or at the very least, add the total pounds lost icon on the home page.

    It's still visible via the More menu button in the Android app, and on the homepage of the website.

    No, it is no longer there, I am on PC, it doesn't show it at all now, hence me moving over to Lose It.
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 923 Member
    edited June 27
    On LoseIt, it's hard to find your friends since you need their email address. You can't find them by username.
    that does make things tricky ,but there are a couple MFP groups over there where you might find some, or make new ones. Just search for 'MFP' and at least 2 should show up. Some people have a new username and pic, plus there are always creepers in any social place, so just be careful who you accept.

  • Trishcolli
    Trishcolli Posts: 145 Member
    edited June 27
    And hence the reason for the mass exodus to other apps ….. 2 in particular … hundreds already over there … MFP made a mistake . Istead of fixing all the bots and spam , they just got rid .
  • Trishcolli
    Trishcolli Posts: 145 Member
    edited June 27
    Pity cause I truly loved this app . Am sad it’s gone too
  • Mise_enPlace
    Mise_enPlace Posts: 63 Member
    edited July 1
    I had been slipping terribly and would normally lament my actions on the news feed. I miss how easy it was to share recipes and see what everyone was eating and how they made their food. I miss connecting with my group of people and cheering them on. It is what it is, but I wish they would reconsider bringing back the news feed.
  • YearOfTheDragonLeo
    YearOfTheDragonLeo Posts: 215 Member
    edited July 1
    That’s hilarious that MFP says newsfeed was a barely used feature. That’s ALL I USED
  • actionsportsofedmond
    actionsportsofedmond Posts: 1 Member
    edited July 1
    agree 100%.....they have ruined the best and only feature I used....now the site is basically down to individual use....guess they will try to charge a fee now to get it! Shame on MFP for this.
  • MayBabyChristine
    MayBabyChristine Posts: 9 Member
    Totally agree, been on since 2013 and this was a key feature. I cannot believe they got rid of it. Terrible choice MFP.
  • pnrbor
    pnrbor Posts: 61 Member
    MyFitnessPal does not seem to include feeds from my friends such as how many days they have logged etc. Has MyFitnessPal taken this feature away?