VERTICAL CHALLENGERS! Home to all shorties out there. (OPEN)



  • PaulaPalooza
    PaulaPalooza Posts: 137 Member
    Wow so much has happened since I was last on here. On the comment about your thighs not touching any more: I honestly can't remember my thighs ever not touching, sad. My family has big thighs naturally thought. I wonder if it's possible for me... I'm gonna try not to worry about it and just eat right and work out. Just developed a new interval workout I'm excited for: leg lifts, jump roping, push ups and low jacks (sorta a sideways handless jumping jack in a squat type position). I'm hoping it's a killer in a good way haha.

    i love hearing all of your stories and thoughts. This support is wonderful. Let me know if there's anything I can do for any of you.
  • TooFatToFit
    TooFatToFit Posts: 285 Member
    Just for the thighs have ALWAYS touched as well. Maybe it's a short person thing. lol
  • I suggest we all try and see if it really is!!!! Then the loser who still has the touching thighs has to do a funny dance for us! :laugh:
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    mouse: that's an amazing strategy for the candy bar :)

    laloquita: you are very inspiring, thank you for taking the time out of your day to do so

    jackshort: events are my biggest challenge, but I try to socialize more than eat. If I am constantly moving and talking then I have less time to eat, and don't stick out as the one that isn't eating or drinking

    MissJenn: you crack me up, both the "cool kids are doing it" and "I'll keep telling myself that..totally the same"

    Purpleheart: Heck no! Even at 100 lbs my thighs touched, not going to do a funny dance.
  • TooFatToFit
    TooFatToFit Posts: 285 Member
    All my dancing turns out funny whether that's what I'm going for or not. :tongue:
  • i'm in i'm only 5ft on a good day lol... current weight 125lb down from 135lb. Have hit a rut and am looking for ideas to get weight moving down from here. Have an ideal goal of 115lb but am setting my current goal at 120lbs.
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    I was at work today and someone brought in Strawberry Shortcake Cupcakes...

    I RESISTED! *happy dance*

    Normally, I'd have been the first one to snatch one :)

    As for getting to the gym, I totally understand that. There are 16 stoplights between me and my gym. And I drive a stick (which I hate). So instead of making a trip specifically to the gym, I just swing by on my way home from work. I work three days a week, so I'm in the gym on those three days. I do it because I really have no excuse not to since I'm already in the area.

    On another note... I'm so happy I have you guys. I dont know what I would do without all your help and ideas and encouraging posts to one another. It helps me a lot!
  • Is 5'3'' too tall? Lol
  • vegantriathlete
    vegantriathlete Posts: 32 Member
    My nickname in high school was Pint and I was a great volleyball player. My coach used to say that if I was a foot taller, I would have been able to play at a higher level. I was and am happy with my size!

    Anyway... apparently I'm late on this post and I have to admit that I didn't go through ALL the comments. So I apologize if I ask questions that have already been answered! How does this work? Do we just keep watching this board for updates and challenges?

    Cheers Shorties,

    p.s. I'm 4'11", 125 pounds. "They" say my BMI is high, but I feel just fine! I'm healthy and my body does what I want it to.
  • Excellent job resisting the cupcakes Saffyra, i gave in to the choc cake today:( Share some of your willpower! :)
    and we can have TooFatToFit dancing for us then, seeing she can do great funny dances :D
  • redfox43
    redfox43 Posts: 39 Member
    5'1" - add me too!
  • You know it's bad when you reach for a choc chip muffin for breakfast! F**k it! Oh well looks like I have to go for a Friday night run haha.
  • TooFatToFit
    TooFatToFit Posts: 285 Member
    I think that's what I like about losing weight this's relatively easy to balance. You eat too many calories = you know you need to move it, move it! You have a great workout = you get to let yourself eat a bit more or have a treat.
  • Wow so much has happened since I was last on here. On the comment about your thighs not touching any more: I honestly can't remember my thighs ever not touching, sad. My family has big thighs naturally thought. I wonder if it's possible for me... I'm gonna try not to worry about it and just eat right and work out. Just developed a new interval workout I'm excited for: leg lifts, jump roping, push ups and low jacks (sorta a sideways handless jumping jack in a squat type position). I'm hoping it's a killer in a good way haha.

    i love hearing all of your stories and thoughts. This support is wonderful. Let me know if there's anything I can do for any of you.
  • Same for me toooooo, i don't remember my thighs not touching even as a kid!!! I was doing so well doing the couch to 5k running plan and then havent run for the past 4 days!!!!! Keep finding excuses..... am gonna have to make sure i come back to the boards tomorrow for my motivation to go and exercise.
  • Hey! I'm 4' 8", wonder if I'm the shortest here?! haha Feel free to add me on here, need some short MFP friends :)
  • TooFatToFit
    TooFatToFit Posts: 285 Member
    Hey! I'm 4' 8", wonder if I'm the shortest here?! haha Feel free to add me on here, need some short MFP friends :)

    Yes, I think you actually may be. :)
  • zsesteacher
    zsesteacher Posts: 106 Member
    I'm in I'm only 4'11...hope to lose all the weight that I need to current weight is 248 I want to go down to at least it's a long journey for me but hopefully I do it in the near future...good luck to everyone on their weight loss journey..kudos!!!

  • 11090080.png

    Ht; 5'2
    GW: 130

    I would like to break my first pound next week. 1200 cals really?
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Hello all newcomers!

    5'3 is not too tall. Welcome all! I haven't been able to comment most because I am without internet connection... so I'm doing this from my phone. :) As for the new members please add your name to the roster I would post the link but I can't from my phone. :( However the link might last have been on page 8 or 7. I can't quit remember. Once you put down the info you feel comfortable with highlight your name in blue if your participating in the challenge or purple of not. Our first challenge was set to end at Oct. 14 and is to attempt to lose 3 lbs.

    I'm happy to hear of everyone's delight in the inspiration found in this group! That's why I couldn't let our shorties down and let no internet connection stop me from posting today ;-). Remember... every small step we take to alter our old ways is a step that counts! We're awesome and we DESERVE to feel good about ourselves and if you're not going to tell yourself that... I AM! :) Go Vertical Challengers!