🏖️ Just Give Me One Month - July 2024 🌞



  • canadamarie
    canadamarie Posts: 98 Member
    Let’s go July!

    SW: 196 / Feb 2024
    July GW: 188 or below
    UGW: 170
    Other July goal: trampoline for lymphatic drainage every other day

    July 1: 189.5
    July 2: 190
    July 3: 190
    July 4: 191
    July 5: 191.5
    6: 190.5
    7: 190
    8: 189
    9: 189
    10: 189
    11: 188
    12: 187.5
    13: 189
    14: 189
    15: 187.5
    16: 188
    17: 187.5

    Have not been super diligent with the trampoline mostly because of the heat wave. Hoping to get back on track soon

  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,427 Member
    Started in June at 211
    July starting at 210
    July 5 - July 14 - 210
    July 15 - 209.4 finally 🙌
    July 16 - 209
    July 17 - 209
    Goal for July 200
    Overall goal 175
  • dannytrees1
    dannytrees1 Posts: 295 Member
    July 1 -212.0
    July 5 -209.0
    July 6 -208.4
    July 7 -207.7
    July 8 -207.0
    July 9 -206.4
    July 10-204.8
    July 11 -206.7
    July12 -204.6
    July13 -203.6
    July14 -202.8
    July 15-206.4
    July 16-203.9

    GW for July -202.0
    UGW 170.0

    Congratulations to us all for still being in this group for the half way mark.

    @ManifestingToday we know how crazy the scale can be the most important thing is to keep going
    Me too think about the foods I don’t eat anymore but… what I’m doing is making my new plan not dull but low on calories and the other bad stuff in them.
    If you make a list of 5 things why you want to be fat…. And write down the 5 reasons why you want to be thinner write it down…
    As you know with me is #1 reason to weigh less is to have less weight on my knees… and it’s definitely working.
    Keep on keeping on
  • AuroraUwU0
    AuroraUwU0 Posts: 33 Member

    I'm committed to doing 10:14 intermitent fasting, to track my meals, and eating mindfully.
    This week I want to recommit to logging my foods as I make the dishes, keeping track of my weight, and post here every day.

    Ultimate goal: 73 kg
    Medium term goal: Stop looking like I'm pregnant
    Short term goal: Reach my pre-pregnancy weight 93.0

    Initial June 13th weight: 103 kg
    July 1st: 97.1kg
    July 2nd: 96.5kg
    July 3rd: 96.1
    July 4th: 95.7
    July 5th: 95.6
    July 6th: 95.8
    July 7th: 96.1
    July 8th: 95.6
    July 9th: 95.2
    July 10th: 96.1
    July 11th: 95.0
    July 12th: 95.4
    July 13th: 96.2
    July 14th: 94.9
    July 15th: DNW
    July 16th: 95.4
    July 17: 94.1
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,180 Member
    @canadamarie - So you mentioned you haven't' been consistent with the trampoline. Is it outside, or indoors? do you workout besides doing the trampoline?

    @tmbg1 - Looks like you have a downward trend. Keep it up!

    @dannytrees1 - Look at you..... 7# down so far this month. NIIIICE
    You were talking about reasons to weigh less:

    Maintaining a healthy body weight reduces the strain on your heart and other vital organs. My mom just had a severe heart attack on June 28th, nearly fatal. She is 60# overweight, was eating only processed foods. We have to (AMERICANS have to) get to the realization that ULTRA processed foods are not REAL foods. I whole heartedly agree that the higher your WHOLE FOOD intake the healthier you will be. AND, the higher your Ultra processed food intake, the higher your risk for diseases.

    aurorabarajas1 are you enjoying your intermittent fasting? Does your family notice it much?

    me, Sherry - just spent 2 weeks helping my mom recover from a severe heart attack. Something that GOD allowed, yes - but something that we know is linked to diet and lifestyle. I'm not saying that family history and genetics don't have a piece of your overall risk of getting one (heck, bob harper had one, right!?!?! ) BUT, I am saying that I believe ultra processed foods, their over consumption of them, put you at a higher risk. The #1 reason for reducing your body weight, should be to improve your health and the health of your internal organs. The BEST way to reduce your body weight should be to eat natural, whole foods. These have nutrients for your body - something that doritos do not have. My mom is going to need to go from a diet that was 80% ultra processed foods, into a diet that is 80% + of whole foods. At the age of 77yrs - how easy/hard do you think that transition will be? Yeah..... HARD.

    As you all go thru this journey, remember, its MORE about the health and your internal organs, than it is about your scale weight and clothing size. Both of those will go down when you are eating healthy foods. It just naturally occurs.

    While I was visiting and helping at the hospital the past 2 weeks, I decided that i was NOT going to reach for junk. I was going to honor my body and eat foods that nourished it - because honestly, I felt like crap emotionally, and was drained from the whole experience. The LAST thing I wanted to do was feel physically ILL from food. By honoring my body and making that commitment, which I am making every day right now, I am finally at my goal weight this morning. I am SO proud of ME. I hope that you are making choices that make YOU proud of YOU.

    Peace out ✌️
  • HappyDonkey75
    HappyDonkey75 Posts: 233 Member
    July Goal - Below 200, ideally 197 would be great

    March- Beginning weight 212
    End of June weight -200.8

    July 1-200.5- rest day
    July 2-198.7 40 mins cardio, upper body strength
    July 3 -198.6
    July 4=199.3
    July 5- DNW - 12 hrs of car travel for a quick but long trip trip to hubby's home town
    July 6- DNW but walked 2.25 miles
    July 7- DNW 12 hrs car travel to get home again
    July 8th- 198.8
    July 9-199.6
    July 10- 198.6
    July 11-198.6
    July 12- 198.7
    July 13- DNW
    July 14- 196.9
    July 15- 196.1
    July 16-196.2
    July 17- 196.7

    @ManifestingToday - long work days and stress definitely cause things to be challenging. Clearly your putting in the effort. I feel your pain about thinking you have everything dialed in but not seeing the changes. I really think for me hormones affect everything.. more than I realized. Could be your dealing with same? I finally ordered a book I am excited to read up on. Its called Next level, by Stacy Simms, Phd. I am hoping it will shed some light for me.

    Its been hot here, so I am getting up early, getting my horses ridden before 7 am before the heat ,then a full work day and then, as if that isn't enough.... teaching in the evening (riding instruction) in 90+ degree weather n the evenings. Thankfully I have a small above ground pool that I look forward to lounging in after all the mayhem of the day, usually about 9 pm.
    As a result, I haven't put the effort into my workouts as much as I'd like. I am "just getting through" them

    Update on the horse from the post earlier-
    He is doing better now that he has had several days of good nutrition, been wormed and on pain management medication. I am taking him for xrays in the morning. I have an interview/meet and greet next week with a sanctuary that is willing to take him on long term. I hope its a good fit because we already have 2 other horses injured that we have had lots of vet expenses on and one horse that has to go in and have bone chips removed from his leg. Fingers crossed.
  • SofaKween
    SofaKween Posts: 351 Member
    Female – wrong side of 65; wrong side of average height!

    Previous Months:-
    March SW – 60.5kg
    31 March EW – 58.8kg
    30 April EW – 57.0kg
    31 May EW – 55.0kg
    30 June EW - 54.2kg

    March Start Waist – 83cm
    31 March End Waist – 81cm
    30 April End Waist – 77.5cm
    31 May End Waist – 76.0cm
    30 June End Waist – 75.0cm

    UGW - 53kg

    Mini Goals June:
    1. Post here every day for the rest of the month.
    2. Lose 0.5kg in weight (June end weight was 54.2kg, so goal is 53.7kg)
    3. Lose 1cm from my waist (will measure at the end of the month)

    1 July – 54.5kg
    2 July – 54.2kg
    3 July – 54.0kg
    4 July – 53.8kg
    5 July – 53.7kg
    6 July – 53.6kg
    7 July – 53.5kg
    8 July – 54.2kg
    9 July – 53.5kg
    10 July – 53.3kg
    11 July – 53.2kg
    12 July – 53.2kg
    13 July – 53.4kg
    14 July – 53.4kg
    15 July – 54.3kg
    16 July – 54.1kg
    17 July – 53.8kg
    18 July – 53.6kg

    Had a good long walk, slightly longer than anticipated and took the bus back. Wore a blouse that was the catalyst for losing weight. In March I couldn't fasten the button round the hips, was tight across the shoulders and it gaped at the bust. Fits nicely now.
  • jennigerding19
    jennigerding19 Posts: 285 Member
    Lowest weight 156 (4/2019)
    Restart mfp 211 (1/2021) 183 Dec 2021
    Second restart 192 (4/2023)
    I do weigh ins once or twice a week.

    Jan 1, Feb 1 193 sw
    Mar 1 194
    Apr 192
    May 194
    June 195.5

    July 6 197!!! been so busy with work and have had guests 2 weekends in a row and now for a week. Hoping that I will walk and be more active than I was with out other guests. Also fourth if July yummies and have been drinking soda which always makes me bloated.
    July 15 198. Been tough with friends visiting and being off work for 10 days. I’m super bloated from pms so I’m going to be drinking tons of water to help. Goal is getting 10k every day for the rest of the month.
    July 18 197 migraine today so took meds. They always make me retain water so hopefully it doesn’t last long.
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,427 Member
    Started in June at 211
    July starting at 210
    July 5 - July 14 - 210
    July 15 - 209.4 finally 🙌
    July 16 - 209
    July 17 - 209
    July 18 - 209
    Goal for July 200
    Overall goal 175
  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 570 Member
    Heaviest Weight: 221 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 165
    July Goal: Just get back on track. Get to 209 or below if possible.

    July 8: 214.4
    July 9: 214.7
    July 10: 214.2
    July 11: 213.7
    July 12: 213.8
    July 13: 212.7
    July 14: 211.9
    July 15: 212.0
    July 16: 212.6
    July 17: 213.4
    July 16: 213.1

    @jennigerding19 I hope the meds help and that you're feeling much better soon.
    @SherryRueter I truly hope your mom is improving! <3
    @SofaKween Don't you just love the non-scale victories?! Congrats!
    @HappyDonkey75 Wishing the best for your horse and that the sanctuary can assist in taking him while he recovers. And thank you for the kind words - I'm sure a lot of this is hormones/menopause related. Please be careful in this heat - it's been terrible here.
    @AuroraUwU0 You're making great progress, and you can make your short term goal!
    @dannytrees1 Thank you! And that was great advice about writing out the "why's", etc. I appreciate your perspective.
    @canadamarie - You're doing great; and I don't blame you in this heat. But you've got this!
    @tmbg1 Just saying hi! :)

    Have a great Thursday, everyone!
  • dannytrees1
    dannytrees1 Posts: 295 Member
    July 1 -212.0
    July 5 -209.0
    July 6 -208.4
    July 7 -207.7
    July 8 -207.0
    July 9 -206.4
    July 10-204.8
    July 11 -206.7
    July12 -204.6
    July13 -203.6
    July14 -202.8
    July 15-206.4
    July 16-203.9

    GW for July -202.0
    UGW 170.0

    Have a great day everyone 👍🌴😁
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,180 Member
    @ManifestingToday My mom is on the path to recovery I believe. Yesterday's doctor visit seemed to point that her heart is gaining strength and i am hopeful (and apprehensive) that she will get out of the hospital swing bed early next week.
  • kellyswimmer
    kellyswimmer Posts: 653 Member
    Starting weight 12.09 - May 24

    Starting Weight June 24 = 12.03
    Starting Weight July 24 = 12.00

    Goal weight this month July 24 - 11.09
    Overall goal weight 9.10

    1 July 24 = 12.00
    2 July 24 = 12.02 WHAT no idea why I am showing a gain
    3 July 24 = 12.01 going down again
    04 July 24 = 12.01 daughters 18th tomorrow going out for a meal
    05 July 24 = 12.01 happy if I keep this weight until Monday. I feel so bloated at the moment
    07 July 24 = 12.00
    08 July 24 = 12.00 need to see a lower number this week. On holiday for a week this month too
    09 July 24 = 12.01 not idea why.
    10 July 24 = 12.01 its so hard when the number is not going the right way
    11 July 24 = 12.01 too much wine last night watching the England football game
    12 July 24 = 12.00 really would like to get into the 11 stone but on holiday next week

    18 July 24 = still on holiday so no weighing. trying not to think the scales will say
  • AppSapp
    AppSapp Posts: 3 Member
  • canadamarie
    canadamarie Posts: 98 Member
    Let’s go July!

    SW: 196 / Feb 2024
    July GW: 188 or below
    UGW: 170
    Other July goal: trampoline for lymphatic drainage every other day

    July 1: 189.5
    July 2: 190
    July 3: 190
    July 4: 191
    July 5: 191.5
    6: 190.5
    7: 190
    8: 189
    9: 189
    10: 189
    11: 188
    12: 187.5
    13: 189
    14: 189
    15: 187.5
    16: 188
    17: 187.5
    18: 188.5

    Had a friend visiting and she noticed the size loss which is so great. That adds to the motivation. Also I’m working with a naturopathic doctor who is helping me calm inflammation and I’m generally feeling better.

    @SherryRueter best wishes for your mom’s recovery. Regarding the trampoline, it’s indoors. Although it gets my heart rate up, it doesn’t hurt my joints so I enjoy it more. I do a lot of cycling too. I don’t input exercise calories, I keep calories at the same target every day. I need to do strength training but with a bad back it’s tough to find the right exercises.

  • AuroraUwU0
    AuroraUwU0 Posts: 33 Member
    @SherryRueter the intermitent fasting is going great, my family doesn't notice at all, they do have their breakfast a few hours before I do. Sometimes my husband will have a late meal but it's not too often.

    I'm sending you lots of strength to look after your mom. I hope she gets well and accepts the changes she needs to make for her health.

    @ManifestingToday thank you! I have a long way to go. But I want to keep finding those short term victories that will keep me motivated.

    I'm committed to doing 10:14 intermitent fasting, to track my meals, and eating mindfully.
    This week I want to recommit to logging my foods as I make the dishes, keeping track of my weight, and post here every day.

    Ultimate goal: 73 kg
    Medium term goal: Stop looking like I'm pregnant
    Short term goal: Reach my pre-pregnancy weight 93.0

    Initial June 13th weight: 103 kg
    July 1st: 97.1kg
    July 2nd: 96.5kg
    July 3rd: 96.1
    July 4th: 95.7
    July 5th: 95.6
    July 6th: 95.8
    July 7th: 96.1
    July 8th: 95.6
    July 9th: 95.2
    July 10th: 96.1
    July 11th: 95.0
    July 12th: 95.4
    July 13th: 96.2
    July 14th: 94.9
    July 15th: DNW
    July 16th: 95.4
    July 17th: 94.1
    July 18th: 94.1

    Yesterday was so difficult I almost ordered take out, but instead I baked a cauliflower with a yogurt and mayo mix.I'm glad I did that.. It was delicious and had left overs for this morning.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,180 Member
    AuroraUwU0 wrote: »

    I'm sending you lots of strength to look after your mom. I hope she gets well and accepts the changes she needs to make for her health.

    Yesterday was so difficult I almost ordered take out, but instead I baked a cauliflower with a yogurt and mayo mix.I'm glad I did that.. It was delicious and had left overs for this morning.

    @AuroraUwU0 - I hope so also. She seems on board with it. I told her, you've already been eating this way for almost a month. All you have to do is keep it going.

    Nice job on NOT doing take out. Home cooked is always more satiating.

  • jennigerding19
    jennigerding19 Posts: 285 Member
    Lowest weight 156 (4/2019)
    Restart mfp 211 (1/2021) 183 Dec 2021
    Second restart 192 (4/2023)
    I do weigh ins once or twice a week.

    Jan 1, Feb 1 193 sw
    Mar 1 194
    Apr 192
    May 194
    June 195.5

    July 6 197!!! been so busy with work and have had guests 2 weekends in a row and now for a week. Hoping that I will walk and be more active than I was with out other guests. Also fourth if July yummies and have been drinking soda which always makes me bloated.
    July 15 198. Been tough with friends visiting and being off work for 10 days. I’m super bloated from pms so I’m going to be drinking tons of water to help. Goal is getting 10k every day for the rest of the month.
    July 18 197 migraine today so took meds. They always make me retain water so hopefully it doesn’t last long
    July 19 196.5. Yeah! My migraine went away at about 2ish so I was able to go to Zumba last night.
    @ManifestingToday ty! I get migraines all the time and it’s a pain because the meds make me bloated and a coke helps but that also makes me bloated.
  • SofaKween
    SofaKween Posts: 351 Member
    Female – wrong side of 65; wrong side of average height!

    Previous Months:-
    March SW – 60.5kg
    31 March EW – 58.8kg
    30 April EW – 57.0kg
    31 May EW – 55.0kg
    30 June EW - 54.2kg

    March Start Waist – 83cm
    31 March End Waist – 81cm
    30 April End Waist – 77.5cm
    31 May End Waist – 76.0cm
    30 June End Waist – 75.0cm

    UGW - 53kg

    Mini Goals June:
    1. Post here every day for the rest of the month.
    2. Lose 0.5kg in weight (June end weight was 54.2kg, so goal is 53.7kg)
    3. Lose 1cm from my waist (will measure at the end of the month)

    1 July – 54.5kg
    2 July – 54.2kg
    3 July – 54.0kg
    4 July – 53.8kg
    5 July – 53.7kg
    6 July – 53.6kg
    7 July – 53.5kg
    8 July – 54.2kg
    9 July – 53.5kg
    10 July – 53.3kg
    11 July – 53.2kg
    12 July – 53.2kg
    13 July – 53.4kg
    14 July – 53.4kg
    15 July – 54.3kg
    16 July – 54.1kg
    17 July – 53.8kg
    18 July – 53.6kg
    19 July – 53.4kg

    Am achy after climbing yesterday so must have worked some muscles despite my lack of bravery. There were two large groups of school children at the climbing centre on an end of term visit, each split up into smaller groups of 5 or 6 to an instructor. Climbing for the first time, no fear, squeals of delight – so jealous!