πŸ–οΈ Just Give Me One Month - July 2024 🌞



  • SofaKween
    SofaKween Posts: 281 Member
    Female – wrong side of 65; wrong side of average height!

    Previous Months:-
    March SW – 60.5kg
    31 March EW – 58.8kg
    30 April EW – 57.0kg
    31 May EW – 55.0kg
    30 June EW - 54.2kg

    March Start Waist – 83cm
    31 March End Waist – 81cm
    30 April End Waist – 77.5cm
    31 May End Waist – 76.0cm
    30 June End Waist – 75.0cm

    UGW - 53kg

    Mini Goals June:
    1. Post here every day for the rest of the month.
    2. Lose 0.5kg in weight (June end weight was 54.2kg, so goal is 53.7kg)
    3. Lose 1cm from my waist (will measure at the end of the month)

    1 July – 54.5kg
    2 July – 54.2kg
    3 July – 54.0kg
    4 July – 53.8kg

    No idea what is going on with the scales. Has to be water weight fluctuation but so long as the long term trend is down, then it is what it is. Just wish there was better correlation between calorie intake, exercise and the number the scales throws out in the morning!
  • kellyswimmer
    kellyswimmer Posts: 637 Member
    Starting weight 12.09 - May 24

    Starting Weight June 24 = 12.03
    Starting Weight July 24 = 12.00

    Goal weight this month June 24 - 11.09
    Overall goal weight 9.10

    1 July 24 = 12.00
    2 July 24 = 12.02 WHAT no idea why I am showing a gain
    3 July 24 = 12.01 going down again
    04 July 24 = 12.01 daughters 18th tomorrow going out for a meal
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,352 Member
    Started in June at 211
    July starting at 210
    July 4 - still 210 after 3 days celebrating in Pittsburgh with the family- just glad I didn't gain!
    Goal for July 200
    Overall goal 175
  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 490 Member
    @kellyswimmer , @tmbg1 , @SofaKween , @HappyDonkey75 great to see you this month again! @aurorabarajas1 , @quolwy , @canadamarie -- welcome to the group, and good to see you posting!

    I'll be back Monday. We had some family stuff that required visiting, and I've been very off plan. I've been working out when I can, but when with family, I've eaten my old patterns and I know it's not going to be pretty when I finally get on a scale. I also know that number will go down when I get back into the flow of things.

    For those celebrating the 4th of July, I hope you had a happy and safe holiday.
  • SofaKween
    SofaKween Posts: 281 Member
    Female – wrong side of 65; wrong side of average height!

    Previous Months:-
    March SW – 60.5kg
    31 March EW – 58.8kg
    30 April EW – 57.0kg
    31 May EW – 55.0kg
    30 June EW - 54.2kg

    March Start Waist – 83cm
    31 March End Waist – 81cm
    30 April End Waist – 77.5cm
    31 May End Waist – 76.0cm
    30 June End Waist – 75.0cm

    UGW - 53kg

    Mini Goals June:
    1. Post here every day for the rest of the month.
    2. Lose 0.5kg in weight (June end weight was 54.2kg, so goal is 53.7kg)
    3. Lose 1cm from my waist (will measure at the end of the month)

    1 July – 54.5kg
    2 July – 54.2kg
    3 July – 54.0kg
    4 July – 53.8kg
    5 July – 53.7kg

    Was hoping to get a walk in today but it's been raining quite hard and more is forecast, so maybe not!

    On a positive note, I think the glue may have fixed the broken weight. Fingers crossed.
  • canadamarie
    canadamarie Posts: 10 Member
    Let’s go July!

    SW: 196 / Feb 2024
    July GW: 188 or below
    UGW: 170
    Other July goal: trampoline for lymphatic drainage 4 x per wk

    July 1: 189.5
    July 2: 190
    July 3: 190
    July 4: 191 UGH WHY???
    July 5: 191.5

    I am following my plan and eating healthy so I actually think the weight increase is hormonal. Trying not to lose all motivation seeing the scale go up like this.

  • kellyswimmer
    kellyswimmer Posts: 637 Member
    Starting weight 12.09 - May 24

    Starting Weight June 24 = 12.03
    Starting Weight July 24 = 12.00

    Goal weight this month June 24 - 11.09
    Overall goal weight 9.10

    1 July 24 = 12.00
    2 July 24 = 12.02 WHAT no idea why I am showing a gain
    3 July 24 = 12.01 going down again
    04 July 24 = 12.01 daughters 18th tomorrow going out for a meal
    05 July 24 = 12.01 happy if I keep this weight until Monday. I feel so bloated at the moment
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,352 Member
    Started in June at 211
    July starting at 210
    July 4 - still 210 after 3 days celebrating in Pittsburgh with the family- just glad I didn't gain!
    July 5 - still 210
    Goal for July 200
    Overall goal 175
  • aurorabarajas1
    aurorabarajas1 Posts: 6 Member
    Ultimate goal: 73 kg
    Medium term goal: Stop looking like I'm pregnant
    Short term goal: Fit in my black jeans

    Initial June 13th weight: 103 kg
    July 1st: 97.1kg
    July 2nd: 96.5kg
    July 3rd: 96.1
    July 4th: 95.7
    July 5th: 95.6

    I tried my black jeans on yesterday, they closed! but extremely tight.. We had a barbecue, and I grilled some veggies for the weekend.
  • ElfBodGoals
    ElfBodGoals Posts: 44 Member
    Goal weight: Somewhere around 140

    July Goal: Eat dessert once a week instead of every day. This habit change could save me 13,000 calories on its own. Started Tuesday, going great B)

    July 5th (Estimated bc I forgot to weigh in today): 223
  • dannytrees1
    dannytrees1 Posts: 133 Member
    Started back yesterday July 4th 2024.
    Goal to lose 10 pounds this month of July.
    I had watermelon today instead of a sub.
  • dannytrees1
    dannytrees1 Posts: 133 Member
    Started back yesterday July 4th 2024.
    Goal to lose 10 pounds this month of July.
    I had watermelon today instead of a sub.

    July 5th 209.0 Lbs

  • jennigerding19
    jennigerding19 Posts: 265 Member
    MFP SW-234 (1/2017)
    Lowest weight 156 (4/2019)
    Restart mfp 211 (1/2021) 183 Dec 2021
    Second restart 192 (4/2023)
    I do weigh ins once or twice a week.

    Jan 1, Feb 1 193 sw
    Mar 1 194
    Apr 192
    May 194
    June 195.5

    July 6 197!!! been so busy with work and have had guests 2 weekends in a row and now for a week. Hoping that I will walk and be more active than I was with out other guests. Also fourth if July yummies and have been drinking soda which always makes me bloated.
  • canadamarie
    canadamarie Posts: 10 Member
    Let’s go July!

    SW: 196 / Feb 2024
    July GW: 188 or below
    UGW: 170
    Other July goal: trampoline for lymphatic drainage 4 x per wk

    July 1: 189.5
    July 2: 190
    July 3: 190
    July 4: 191 UGH WHY???
    July 5: 191.5
    6: 190.5

    Ok so hormonal issues really messed me up the last two days. So the scale shot up. Very glad I didn’t go crazy with food and booze out of misery.

    I am loving this group, it’s helping to see everyone’s ups and downs. I don’t feel so alone.
  • SofaKween
    SofaKween Posts: 281 Member
    Female – wrong side of 65; wrong side of average height!

    Previous Months:-
    March SW – 60.5kg
    31 March EW – 58.8kg
    30 April EW – 57.0kg
    31 May EW – 55.0kg
    30 June EW - 54.2kg

    March Start Waist – 83cm
    31 March End Waist – 81cm
    30 April End Waist – 77.5cm
    31 May End Waist – 76.0cm
    30 June End Waist – 75.0cm

    UGW - 53kg

    Mini Goals June:
    1. Post here every day for the rest of the month.
    2. Lose 0.5kg in weight (June end weight was 54.2kg, so goal is 53.7kg)
    3. Lose 1cm from my waist (will measure at the end of the month)

    1 July – 54.5kg
    2 July – 54.2kg
    3 July – 54.0kg
    4 July – 53.8kg
    5 July – 53.7kg
    6 July – 53.6kg

    Diligently matched my wine intake with water intake yesterday evening and drop today which was a surprise. Very short weights session today.

    Have a good weekend everyone.
  • aurorabarajas1
    aurorabarajas1 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm committed to doing 10:14 intermitent fasting, to track my meals, and eating mindfully. This week I'll focus on listening to my body, and actually stop eating when I feel satisfied.

    Ultimate goal: 73 kg
    Medium term goal: Stop looking like I'm pregnant
    Short term goal: Fit in my black jeans

    Initial June 13th weight: 103 kg
    July 1st: 97.1kg
    July 2nd: 96.5kg
    July 3rd: 96.1
    July 4th: 95.7
    July 5th: 95.6
    July 6th: 95.8

    @canadamarie I'm also appreciating posting and reading your messages.

    Yesterday I had very little control about what I ate. However, I did control my portions. We got this!
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,352 Member
    Started in June at 211
    July starting at 210
    July 4 - still 210 after 3 days celebrating in Pittsburgh with the family- just glad I didn't gain!
    July 5 - 210
    July 6 - 210
    Goal for July 200
    Overall goal 175
  • dannytrees1
    dannytrees1 Posts: 133 Member
    July 1 - 212lbs
    July 5 - 209lbs
    July 6 - 208.4

    Goal for this month
    lose 10lbs.

    New plan to start tomorrow… eat more salad
  • HappyDonkey75
    HappyDonkey75 Posts: 106 Member
    Ugh. Travel is SOO HARD when trying to stay on a food plan.

    I haven't been weighing but wanted to check in.

    Yesterday was a travel day, 12 hrs in the car . I took along food and healthier snacks and drank about a gallon of water on the trip . I did ok until the afternoon when I got really hungry around 3. I ended up grabbing a meat stick and 2 cheesesticks and had a few gummy lifesavers (my road trip crutch)

    Then we had to meet friends, in a bar , with nothing on the menu but a prepackaged sandwhich or pizza as dinner choices. I didn't know this ahead of time. I was starving and dreaded the options but I needed something to eat.. so I shared a sub sandwhich with the hubby and it tasted like it had enough salt in it to last me a month. I was so annoyed. I just kept sipping on water the rest of the night and had one cocktail .

    I got up from the hotel room early this morning and went for a 2 mile walk and then we ended up going for breakfast for some REAL food. I ordered a cheese omelette with a side of veggies that included mushrooms, broccoli and tomatoes. Veggies never tasted so good!!
    (but I suspect they had a fair bit of butter on them)

    Tonight we we had one more social event. I managed to not overeat but it was long night and 3 drinks (albeit lower cocktails)

    Hoping this trip doesn't cost me the lost 2 lbs I was able to attain last week...but 12 more hours in the car tomorrow to get home and god only knows what the scale is going to say..

  • Overheadfan
    Overheadfan Posts: 54 Member

    Hi everyone this is my first day here in this thread ( member of MFP since January) and I'm needing some more reinforcement of goals.
    I haven't weighed myself today but will report in tomorrow.
    My starting weight in January was 100 kg and my goal weight is 76 kg.
    My mini goal for this week is to keep away from sugary snacks and do more vigorous walking.
    One significant motivating factor is that I'll be attending a wedding in 6 months time and I want to wear a lovely new dress. I'm visualising in my head the shopping experience I'll have if I stay the weight I am. It definitely doesn't appeal.