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Women 200lb+, Let's Aspire to Inspire this August!!!

🌞Hello, ladies, and Happy August!!!🌞

🌞This month we are inspiring ourselves and others with all our hard work! There's only one month left of summer(for most of us, at least)! How do you hope to spend it? Any plans lined up, big or small?

🌞 What is something that you need to work a little harder on or, conversely, an area you've already applied yourself to and have shown improvement in? What are you proudest of so far this year?

💛If you've never been here before, please know you are welcome to join at any point in the month. All you have to do is post something, and then BAM! you're one of us.

💛In this group, we post our weekly and monthly goals and provide support and motivation to each other as we share our triumphs and our struggles. This group is all about accountability.

💛All are welcome and, if you think you belong here, you do! No matter how much you currently weigh or how you measure (or don't measure) your weight, we'd love to hear from you.

💛Victories, both scale and non-scale, are great to hear about, but, conversely, we know that weight loss isn't all sunshine and roses. If you're going through a rough patch, please feel free to be honest and vent your heart out. The struggle is real and we're all here to support each other!

🌞Let's be amazing, awesome, and aspirational this August!!!🌞


  • EmJustEm05
    EmJustEm05 Posts: 23 Member
    Where is this group?? I didn’t know MFP had groups..!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member

    Thanks @RavenStCloud for this August thread!

    71 years old

    Challenge Starting Weight: 260 Pre-retirement weight 262 June 2024
    Challenge Aug Starting weight: 254.8

    UGW: 167 (healthy weight for a senior woman my height)
    5'6" Tall
    I do check-ins when I lose:

    8/1: 254.8
    July Weignt loss: 5.6 lbs.

    August Goals:
    • August GW: If possible get into the 240s or very close
    • Keep my water intake up
    • Keep getting 7+ hours of sleep
    • Meal plan and cook 3+ dinners (my husband and youngest will cook some dinners too)
    • Eat healthy breakfasts (only 1 day a week at a café with Latte etc.) – Yes.
    • Work up to 30 minutes of exercise 5-6 days a week – 1 day of aquafit, 1 day of weight training, 4 days of walking increasing lengths of time)
    • Up NEAT (non exercise activity) daily such as cooking and cleaning etc.

    🌞This month we are inspiring ourselves and others with all our hard work! There's only one month left of summer(for most of us, at least)! How do you hope to spend it? Any plans lined up, big or small?
    I hope to spend August continuing to researching and getting healthy and stronger and establishing a healthy routine now that I am retired. We are finally having our family and friends over for a gathering since we remodeled out kitchen and have done some decluttering.

    🌞 What is something that you need to work a little harder on or, conversely, an area you've already applied yourself to and have shown improvement in? What are you proudest of so far this year?
    I am starting to add more exercise into my life but I need to up the NEAT and add strength, balance and stretching in. We are starting to cook consistently at home which means healthy meals. My breakfasts are healthier. I am making sure we getting really healthy nutrients. I lost over 5 lbs last month!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    EmJustEm05 wrote: »
    Where is this group?? I didn’t know MFP had groups..!

    MFP has groups but this is a continuing Thread that is posted each month so it does operate somewhat like a group.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    @Jensmakingprogress I relate to much of what you stated as your focus. I need to lose weight to get healthier but health is the focus for me. I am tracking my weight, food and exercise but I have found that when we make our meals at home and I get regular exercise I lose. Exercise isn’t needed to lose but it is needed to be healthy. I have been logging enough that I have a sense of how much I can eat. By tracking I realized I am eating less calories which I think has to do with adding in some healthy nutrients to my diet. I have found that calories in calories out doesn’t explain my weight loss. What I eat seems to be important. I liked what you said about focusing 1st on core strength. That is where you need to start and I find aquafit helps me a lot with that but your comment reminded me that I need to address weight bearing core strength as well.

    @jenbroussard71 you also stressed focusing on core strength and balance. I have to start with stamina by walking more but am hoping to add in strength training, balance, and stretching because I am older and we lose muscle mass as we age. I am looking into healthy sources of more protein to support this.
  • Jensmakingprogress
    Jensmakingprogress Posts: 200 Member
    @KeriA For me calories in vs calories out doesn’t explain weight loss either. I’ve found keeping a daily journal that tracks what and when I’m eating has provided more insight than actual calories. Personally, eating carbs at night tends to result in a higher number on the scale the next day so I’ve tried to limit or eliminate as much as possible carbs at night. Logging daily also helped me recognize that I was not drinking enough water (only 30-40 oz a day).

    Exercise for me is a reason to take a break from the day. Whether it’s a walk outside or an exercise program. I’ve started using exercise as my stress relief and I’m finding the joy in sweating!

    @jenbroussard71 I totally relate to weight lifting making you feel like a bad a**!!
  • lisakatz2
    lisakatz2 Posts: 499 Member
    Personally, eating carbs at night tends to result in a higher number on the scale the next day so I’ve tried to limit or eliminate as much as possible carbs at night.

    If you're eating starchy carbs at night like pasta, rice, potatoes, etc. you see a "gain" on the scale the next day because of water retention.

    I think I'm similar to you, I don't eat starchy carbs at night because I figure I'm not active then, so I don't need the energy plus, I don't like the day-after bloat. I typically eat a protein (fish, chicken, lean beef) and a steamed non-starchy vegetable for dinner, accompanied with a green salad, lots of tomatoes included!

  • jo_casey42
    jo_casey42 Posts: 115 Member
    SW: 253
    CW: 237
    First Goal: Onederland
    UGW: TBD

    30-60 min walk most days of the week.
    Weigh in daily
    Track everything no matter what
    Eat lots and lots of zero point foods
    WW Workshop everyday
    Get 8 hours of sleep
    Drink lots of water

    Weigh in day Thursdays
    Aug 1: 236.8
    Aug 8:
    Aug 15:
    Aug 22:
    Aug 29:
  • Jensmakingprogress
    Jensmakingprogress Posts: 200 Member
    SW: 223
    CW: 207

    Small goal weight: Onederland
    GW: Whatever weight I am when I hit the physique I’m looking for.

    90-100 oz of water
    2 mile walk
    Mobility improvement
    Core building
    Increase daily protein intake

    Weigh in day Friday
    Aug 2: 207
    Aug 9:
    Aug 16:
    Aug 23:
    Aug 30:
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,385 Member
    edited August 3
    Good morning everyone! Thank you so much @RavenStCloud as always!! :heart:

    Happy August!

    Saturday weigh in days
    35 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW (Feb 2022): 200.4
    UGW: 150
    2024 goal weight: 165
    SW 2024: 182.7

    🌈 August Goals!🌈
    🌈 August GW Average: 182

    August SW 8/1: 186.4
    8/3: 183.6

    🔵Log everything in grams
    🟢Work out >3x a week

    I've got my hobonichi weeks to play with for the rest of the year, I'm doing a little graphing in there of some metrics to see if I can see patterns with my cycle.


    The communists have finally left the funhouse :lol: so that's why that sudden drop, I think.

    I've been stressed all week, being a stand-in supervisor while my supervisor goes on vacation. I'm trying to relax this weekend and let stuff go while still getting stuff done, if that makes sense. Because if I don't get anything done this weekend, I'm going to be stressed again come Monday.

    So I started my day today doing some long overdue weeding of my front flower and berry beds. I can't say it was enjoyable, but I'm glad that I did it, now that it's done. I've also gotten laundry started, picked up my prescription, picked up the groceries, got our 8x10 anniversary picture so we can do the picture-in-picture again (real thread heads know :tongue:), and I'm making a chocolate banana cake to use up two bananas on their last legs. I still need to evaluate our canning supplies, because I need to preserve the incredible amount of figs coming off our trees right now. And we have a party later, haha.

    All that said, I'll do a tag party later, so nice to see you all here!
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 264 Member
    Re-started 4/24/24 - 236.2
    CW: 209.6
    GW: 165 (may adjust when I get there)
    5'3" Tall

    Monday weigh in:
    8/1 - 210
    8/5 - 209.6

    August # loss - 0.4

    End of Summer Goal - onederland!
    Things I want to focus on in August:
    - Better sleep - I will wear my CPAP every night (now that I found a mask that works for me)
    - More H2O
    - Work on my balance and core
    - Weights / strength training 2x per week & walk 2x per week.

    The scale is not moving a whole lot, but I know this will correct itself if I put in the work. It's just hard sometimes to remember when I step on that darn thing! I looked at some of the other information that my "smart" scale provides. My body fat percentage has dropped 7% since April 24th.

    As for the homework Starla gave me I only got 1 workout in on Friday. On Sunday I had over 12K in steps, cleaned my house and did all of the laundry - I even folded and put it all away (which usually takes me 5 - 10 business days LOL).

    Hope you all are doing great on this Monday morning!
  • Jensmakingprogress
    Jensmakingprogress Posts: 200 Member
    @jenbroussard71 Well done on the 7% drop!!
  • Jensmakingprogress
    Jensmakingprogress Posts: 200 Member

    Another victory, I think. The owner of my gym proposed doing a nutrition plan for me, and I agreed, but he wanted me to do a 2 week “metabolic reset” which is extremely low-calorie. I knew immediately in my gut it would be bad for me. I’ve made so, so much progress in my eating habits over the last few years, and I’m not interested in throwing it all away for another crash diet. I’m at home full time with my kids, and I need to be present with them, not hangry and emotional and losing sleep because I’m so hungry. The owner of my gym is not a dietician, and I have to believe there is a slower, more reasonable way. Because I’m obese it’s hard to trust myself and walk away from something like that, but I think I did the right thing.

    Have a great day you all!!

    Trust your gut! While you may not be a nutrition expert, you're the expert on yourself and your mental health. If I've learned anything on this journey, it's that mental health plays a HUGE role in our (or at least my) ability to lose weight. Even if you're losing slowly, you're still losing and you've committed to changes that work for you. It sounds like you did the right thing by walking away. You will find the plan that allows you to maintain consistency and make this a lifetime change, not a fad diet.

  • Cinnamonpimp
    Cinnamonpimp Posts: 6 Member
    Hello all! Faith here, 26 years old. 😊

    GW: 150
    HT: 5'2"

    8/5: 258.94 lbs - 117.7 kg

    YAY: I'm excited for a new month! I'm feeling like I've got a little more control over my eating habits, or I am at least more aware and consciencious of the choices I'm making.

    NAY: This last 2 weeks I have felt extremely stagnant moevement/exercise wise. Work hasn't had me on my feet as much, and when I get home I get sucked into doom scrolling and don't get any sort of movement or actual happy making hobby stuff in.


    -Log food consistently, INCLUDING weekends; but not strictly enough to feel guilty for missing a day here and there.

    -Consistency with Monday weigh-ins, posting check ins, and interacting with the group!

    -Hit 6,000 steps on weekdays

    -Limit mindless scrolling and incorporate at least 3 physical and/or happy hobby activities per week

    Thank you for reading!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    At the end of July I made a lot of progress losing weight. I had a feeling it wouldn’t last and I was right. I have started to gain back a bit of the weight I lost which is typical of me. My weight usually varies a lot so it was the consistent loss that was unusual. However I looked at my spreadsheet and looked at the differences between the week I was losing and the week when I started to gain again. My calories seemed about the same but I have been exercising more consistently. I know that the week before it was easier to wait to eat and to stop eating when satisfied but my calories are still similar. So I need to adjust for exercise. It could be that I need more calories or that it isn’t how much but what I am eating. I am really trying to eat really nutritious food. I recently tried red spinach which is even better than spinach for you. I am not sure I was getting enough of the good fats this past week but last night we had salmon. We need to make sure we have avocados around. I think I haven’t had as much of this green tea with ginger and turmeric this week.

    We are having a party this weekend so I am getting more NEAT cleaning house.

    @CupcakeCrusoe I looked up Hobonichi weeks to see what it was. I have a bullet journal I am using to get organized in retirement. I may find eventually something else will work better so I was interested to see. Hope you get through this stressful period well.
    @ammajay916 I haven’t been diagnosed with anything yet but I feel like the cut offs are high and I want to get lower on some things to prevent typical diseases that can come with age. Weight is an indication of issues and exercise helps with all health issues. I am concentrating on what I eat but have been reading about the health benefits of calorie deficit. So I am here for my health too but logging exercise and what I am eating should help with that. Losing weight will indicate I am on the right track for now.
    @mifroggett Working too much makes it hard for me to be healthy. Hope getting your masters will give you more time to focus on health.