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🍎🌻 Just Give Me One Month - August 2024 🌞



  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 566 Member
    edited August 17
    @SherryRueter - Goal setting and writing out goals is huge for me. I think keeping your goals front and center (Even if it's just a slogan, like @SofaKween mentioned about the gym), helps to remind you what you're looking to achieve. Keep a goal card in your pocket or on your phone so that each time you touch it/see it, you remember, this is what I'm working toward. And while my progress here hasn't been progress, the work I've been doing elsewhere has really been paying off, and I know that progress will eventually transfer over when I'm ready to go 100% here.

    @SofaKween, I hope you're feeling a little better, the arm, the tooth. Sending good energy your way. But I'm still impressed that with all you have going on, you're still making amazing progress. Keep going!

    @Enber74, @dannytrees1 - I admire your singular focus on your weight targets and seeing your excellent results. You are killing it, and we see it. Here's to you both reaching your goals.

    @HappyDonkey75 - I am hugging you from here. You do NOT have to respond to any of this, but is there an option to say, "While I'm happy to see you, and you're welcome to visit, I have work and other commitments that cannot be shifted. You'll need to respect that while you're here, I can't X and X, and you'll need to be responsible for X and X"; -- whatever you need to say. I've had to be super strict on this one over the past couple of years, too. I'm sure there could be more to how/why they're coming, etc, and I'm not asking you to share that -- I just want you to know you are allowed to push back on this. <3<3<3

    @jo_casey42 and @canadamarie, I see your progress over there! Keep going, and I hope you both have a wonderful weekend. canadamarie, my work schedule with some special side projects has me working around the clock right now, so I totally relate. We are planning salads with chicken today; I'm hoping for a nice relaxing Saturday without temptations. <3
  • HappyDonkey75
    HappyDonkey75 Posts: 203 Member
    @ManifestingToday - thank you for the support on the parent situation. I have had that conversation about what I can and can't do or willing/unwilling to alter. Will have to hold that line because my mom will push that every time. Its really hard when parents push boundaries and you have to be the adult in the room. Been here before.. always a stressor
  • SofaKween
    SofaKween Posts: 347 Member
    Female – wrong side of 65; wrong side of average height!

    Previous Months:-
    March SW – 60.5kg
    31 March EW – 58.8kg
    30 April EW – 57.0kg
    31 May EW – 55.0kg
    30 June EW - 54.2kg
    31 July EW – 53.5kg

    March Start Waist – 83cm
    31 July End Waist – 73.5cm

    UGW - 53kg

    Mini Goals August:
    1. Post here every day for the rest of the month.
    2. Lose 0.3kg in weight (July end weight was 53.5 kg, so goal is 53.2kg)
    3. Lose 0.5cm from my waist

    1 August – 53.7kg
    2 August – 53.7kg
    3 August – 54.0kg
    4 August – 54.3kg
    5 August – 54.3kg
    6 August – 53.8kg
    7 August – 54.0kg
    8 August – 53.5kg
    9 August – 53.7kg
    10 August – 54.3kg
    11 August – 53.9kg
    12 August – 54.1kg
    13 August – 54.1kg
    14 August – 53.9kg
    15 August – 54.1kg
    16 August – 53.9kg
    17 August – DNW – away
    18 August – DNW - away

    No exercise planned for today but taking the grandkids on a nature hunt and to the playground so will be getting some steps in chasing after them!

    @HappyDonkey75 - that sounds really stressful and I don't have any solution to offer other than are you able to make your workroom inaccessible to them with a lock on the door and work with headphones? Can you tell them a month doesn't work for you but they can come up until "x" date instead and if that isn't convenient for them then they will have to come some other time.

  • kellyswimmer
    kellyswimmer Posts: 653 Member
    Starting weight 12.09 - May 24

    Starting Weight June 24 = 12.03
    Starting Weight July 24 = 12.0
    Starting Weight Aug 24 11.13

    Goal weight this month Aug 24- 11.09
    Overall goal weight 9.10

    06/08/2024 - Still trying, not sleeping a lot due to dog ( but he is doing better ) 11.12
    13/08/2024 - Trying to get back on track. Not been a good month so far 11.13
    16/08/2024 - Month got worse yesterday with the stress of daughters A level results and university. Got her first place but then said she don't when to move from home so thinking of a 2 hour commute every way to uni. 11.12
    18/08/2024 - 11.12
  • Enber74
    Enber74 Posts: 37 Member
    @kellyswimmer, really get her to think about the 4 hours she'll have to spend daily. Some people make 6 figure income a year working 8 hours a day. Time is money.
  • canadamarie
    canadamarie Posts: 83 Member
    August for the win!

    SW: 196 Feb 2024
    UGW: 170
    August GW: 187

    August 1: 189
    August 2: 188.5
    August 3: 189
    4: 189
    5: 187.5
    6: 187
    7: 187
    8: 187.5
    9 - 13: DNW due to travel
    14: 186
    15: 187
    16: 187
    17: 186.5
    18: 187
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,411 Member
    I'm just lurking this month as I'm not in the right headspace to work on my weight rn, but congrats to all of you who are doing it and hang in there to those struggling.
  • jo_casey42
    jo_casey42 Posts: 116 Member
    SW: 253
    First Goal: onederland
    UGW: TBD

    August 1 - 236.8
    August 2 - 237
    August 3 - 236.8
    August 4 - 237.4
    August 5 -237.2
    August 6 - 236.6
    August 7 - 237.6 boooo
    August 8 - 237.2
    August 9 - 235.4 yayy
    August 10 - 236.4
    August 11 - 237
    August 12 - 236.4
    August 13 - 237.4
    August 14 -236.4
    August 15 - 235
    August 16 - 236.6
    August 17 - 236.2
    August 18 - 235.4
    August 19
    August 20
    August 21
    August 22
    August 23
    August 24
    August 25
    August 26
    August 27
    August 28
    August 29
    August 30
    August 31
  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 566 Member
    edited August 18
    Heaviest Weight: 221 | First Goal Weight: 165 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 140
    August Goal: Get as close to 200 as possible | Exercising 6 days a week

    Previous Info:
    Hi, I'm a 50+ yo married female, 5'6", and I’m making changes to get out of the Obese category, to look good in my clothing, and to have confidence in public again. I'm not making this a race - I'm doing this at my pace. This year has given me a few challenges - but I'm still working toward weight loss goals. ✨

    Jan SW: 205.9
    Feb SW: 209.8
    Mar SW: 208.2
    Apr SW: 209.1
    May SW: 211.5
    Jun SW: 211.0
    Jul SW: 214.4

    Aug 1: 210.7
    Aug 2: 210.2
    Aug 3: 211.6
    Aug 4: 212.9
    Aug 5: 213.6
    Aug 6: 212.9
    Aug 7: 212.5
    Aug 8: 211.5
    Aug 9: 212.4
    Aug 10: 213.4
    Aug 11: 213.5
    Aug 12: 214.3
    Aug 13: 212.5
    Aug 14: 213.0
    Aug 15: 213.3
    Aug 16: 212.6
    Aug 17: 212.4
    Aug 18: 211.4
    Aug 19:

    @kellyswimmer Ugh, I thought I'd responded to that comment. I 100% agree with Ember on this one. My one commute grew to 75 minutes each way over time, more if it rained/snowed. I dealt with it for about 1.5 years before I couldn't take it anymore, and was very luckily able to eventually find a different job much closer to home. No public transportation where we live, so it was all driving. I could listen to audio books and such on the drive, but that didn't make up for wasted time stuck in a car -- not to mention expense (wear/tear on the car, gasoline).

    I don't know if your daughter will be driving or taking public transport, but I think she needs to understand this is time she could be doing homework, studying, exploring her campus, or hanging out with friends instead. If she's dead set on living at home, is there a local school she can apply to? You don't have to respond to any of this or share more info; just trying to think of ways to convince her that this will be very tough. <3

    @tmbg1 - Always feel free to just lurk here. That goes for anyone. I've taken time off from here when life has leveled up in difficulty. <3 Hope you're doing ok, and come back whenever you're ready.
  • Enber74
    Enber74 Posts: 37 Member
    5 months ago, my son was in the same decisioning process. He wanted a school that was 1.5 hours away by public transport. He was dead set on it until I made him take public transport to the school while I drove there to meet him. Before he stepped out of the house, he decided to pick another school 30 mins away.
  • HappyDonkey75
    HappyDonkey75 Posts: 203 Member
    August goals- 187 lbs- focusing on strength training , continued fitness level improvement.

    August 1-5 we were on vacation
    8/5- 194.7
    8/6- 195- this might take longer than I expected
    8/10 - DNW
    8/12- DNW
    8-5- 194.7 (gained over vacation)
    8/10- endurance ride
    8/11- DNW
    8/12-195.1( endurance ride weekend)
    8/14- 190.9
    8/15- 189.9

    Got just over 8 hrs of sleep yesterday. Going to go for a walk this morning and Nothing much on the agenda other than Meal prepping for the week today. It time consuming but worth it for me. It took me most of the day yesterday just to figure out what I was going to make and then did cook part of it yesterday (roasted veggies) I will do some of the meat today. Only going to do two different meals to put in containers and the rest of the week I will cook as I go but I atleast have the recipes and ingredient's on hand
  • dannytrees1
    dannytrees1 Posts: 272 Member
    July-1- 212 lbs (Start)
    UGW 170 lbs
    August Goal 192 lbs

    Aug-1- 199.2

    @HappyDonkey75 good for you with your meal planning… and going for a walk has many hidden benefits

    Hope everyone is having a great day today
    I’m just having a relaxing day
  • Enber74
    Enber74 Posts: 37 Member
    edited August 19
    Made it through a 3 day trip and thankfully didn't derail but diet was higher on carbs and was tired most days from commuting and walking without a car. Still made it to the gym over 2 days and thanking myself for sticking to it even if it was tough. Hoping to shed the 0.7KG to get it down to target weight on 19 Aug (Day 50). But it's over the weekend so it might be challenging. Especially since I am down with a viral infection and likely to skip a gym session today.

    Start 1st July - 98.6KG / 217LB
    End 31st July - 91.5KG / 201LB
    Month 1 loss = 7.1KG / 16LB

    August Start
    Aug 1 - 91.55 KG / 201.4 LB
    Aug 7 - 90.7 KG / 199.5 LB
    Aug 16 - 90.0 KG / 198.4 LB
    Aug 19 - 89.45 KG / 197.2 LB

    • July 10 - 96.4KG / 212LB (Day 10) <- TARGET HIT
    • July 20 - 94.1KG / 207LB (Day 20) <- TARGET HIT
    • July 30 - 92.1KG / 203LB (Day 30) <- TARGET HIT
    • Aug 9 - 90.7KG / 200LB (Day 40) <- TARGET HIT
    • Aug 19 - 89.3KG / 196.9LB (Day 50 - Halfway Mark) <- TARGET HIT (letting myself off. Just 150 grams off target!)
    • Aug 30 - 87.7KG / 193LB (End August goal)
    • Sep 5 - 87.2KG / 192LB (-25lbs)
    • Sep 13 - 85.8KG / 189LB (Day 75 - 3/4 through)
    • Sep 30 - 83.2KG / 183LB (End September goal)
    • Oct 8 - 82.3KG / 181LB (100 day program done) <- This is my weight during triathlon days. That's why 100 days program
    • Oct 28 - 79.5KG / 175LB (Goal Weight)

  • dannytrees1
    dannytrees1 Posts: 272 Member
    July-1- 212 lbs (Start)
    UGW 170 lbs
    August Goal 192 lbs

    Aug-1- 199.2
    Aug-18-196.1 Sunday

    Happy Monday everyone πŸ›Ί
  • SofaKween
    SofaKween Posts: 347 Member
    Female – wrong side of 65; wrong side of average height!

    Previous Months:-
    March SW – 60.5kg
    31 March EW – 58.8kg
    30 April EW – 57.0kg
    31 May EW – 55.0kg
    30 June EW - 54.2kg
    31 July EW – 53.5kg

    March Start Waist – 83cm
    31 July End Waist – 73.5cm

    UGW - 53kg

    Mini Goals August:
    1. Post here every day for the rest of the month.
    2. Lose 0.3kg in weight (July end weight was 53.5 kg, so goal is 53.2kg)
    3. Lose 0.5cm from my waist

    1 August – 53.7kg
    2 August – 53.7kg
    3 August – 54.0kg
    4 August – 54.3kg
    5 August – 54.3kg
    6 August – 53.8kg
    7 August – 54.0kg
    8 August – 53.5kg
    9 August – 53.7kg
    10 August – 54.3kg
    11 August – 53.9kg
    12 August – 54.1kg
    13 August – 54.1kg
    14 August – 53.9kg
    15 August – 54.1kg
    16 August – 53.9kg
    17 August – DNW – away
    18 August – DNW – away
    19 August – DNW - away

    Back home today, looking forward to a rest day.

    @kellyswimmer - first of all congrats to your daughter on her exam results! However, I agree with others and think the novelty of 2 hours commute each way will soon wear off especially in the dark, rain, wind, snow and potentially having to stand for a large part of the journey. Definitely encourage her to do several trial runs. Also lectures are rarely grouped together in my experience - when I was at Uni my Thursday timetable was awful - one lecture 9-10 and then nothing until 5-6 pm. Took a lot of discipline to spend the whole day in the library rather than go back home.
  • canadamarie
    canadamarie Posts: 83 Member
    August for the win!

    SW: 196 Feb 2024
    UGW: 170
    August GW: 187

    August 1: 189
    August 2: 188.5
    August 3: 189
    4: 189
    5: 187.5
    6: 187
    7: 187
    8: 187.5
    9 - 13: DNW due to travel
    14: 186
    15: 187
    16: 187
    17: 186.5
    18: 187
    19: 188

  • jo_casey42
    jo_casey42 Posts: 116 Member
    SW: 253
    First Goal: onederland
    UGW: TBD

    August 1 - 236.8
    August 2 - 237
    August 3 - 236.8
    August 4 - 237.4
    August 5 -237.2
    August 6 - 236.6
    August 7 - 237.6 boooo
    August 8 - 237.2
    August 9 - 235.4 yayy
    August 10 - 236.4
    August 11 - 237
    August 12 - 236.4
    August 13 - 237.4
    August 14 -236.4
    August 15 - 235
    August 16 - 236.6
    August 17 - 236.2
    August 18 - 235.4
    August 19 - 235.8
    August 20
    August 21
    August 22
    August 23
    August 24
    August 25
    August 26
    August 27
    August 28
    August 29
    August 30
    August 31
  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 566 Member
    Heaviest Weight: 221 | First Goal Weight: 165 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 140
    August Goal: Get as close to 200 as possible | Exercising 6 days a week

    Previous Info:
    Hi, I'm a 50+ yo married female, 5'6", and I’m making changes to get out of the Obese category, to look good in my clothing, and to have confidence in public again. I'm not making this a race - I'm doing this at my pace. This year has given me a few challenges - but I'm still working toward weight loss goals. ✨

    Jan SW: 205.9
    Feb SW: 209.8
    Mar SW: 208.2
    Apr SW: 209.1
    May SW: 211.5
    Jun SW: 211.0
    Jul SW: 214.4

    Aug 1: 210.7
    Aug 2: 210.2
    Aug 3: 211.6
    Aug 4: 212.9
    Aug 5: 213.6
    Aug 6: 212.9
    Aug 7: 212.5
    Aug 8: 211.5
    Aug 9: 212.4
    Aug 10: 213.4
    Aug 11: 213.5
    Aug 12: 214.3
    Aug 13: 212.5
    Aug 14: 213.0
    Aug 15: 213.3
    Aug 16: 212.6
    Aug 17: 212.4
    Aug 18: 211.4
    Aug 19: 211.5
    Aug 20:

    We behaved this weekend, and I did an extra mile on the treadmill yesterday. I feel really good today. And today was an anxiety day with lots of new stuff at work, but I've made it through to the other side. I'm so relieved I'm actually looking forward to working out in two hours, LOL.

    Happy Monday, everyone!
  • Agefyter18
    Agefyter18 Posts: 16 Member
    SW 137
    GW 128
    62, 5'6"
    I wo in the morning at home and it's too dang hot right now to do anything outside. I intend on not having wine with husband every day at lunch and not have any until after 5pm. Just need to cut back. More salads and lean meats, please!
    Just started step aerobics this morning, haven't done that in many, many yrs and I LOVE it! Adding it to my daily exercise routines to shake things up. Love reading the posts, they are inspiring. πŸ’ͺ🀠
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,130 Member
    @manifestingtoday – yes, I do much better when I can see my goals frequently as well. IT helps me re-iterate what I’m doing.

    @Happydonkey75 – I just read a post today on FB that stated, β€œand then you become the parent of your parent. The one that used to hold your hand tight when you crossed the road.” So true. So hard to go thru. Great job on the weight loss so far in August. You’re doing SO well! Keep up that healthy habit.

    @sofakween - I think the days where I DNW are the best. When I was visiting this summer for 2 weeks or so I didn’t have a scale. I lost 6# (I’ve found 4 of them back). I do my best to weigh in only monthly.

    @canadamarie Your heading in the right direction. Nice job

    @tmbg1 – hang in there yourself! The parts of life where I wasn’t working on my weight, I’ve worked on my self care instead. I think we all flow in and out of a bunch of stages. Thanks for the supportive post!

    Today was Weighted Legs + Body weight Legs + Abs. I workout every morning, presently doing a 20 min strength with weights, 30min cardio or bodyweight then Abs. For example, Friday I did chest with weights, then 25mins body weight chest with cardio and ended with Abs.

    This past weekend we went on a trip to Six Flags for Saturday with my hubby and our daughter + her boyfriend. It was a great time. A 4.5 hr drive... So glad to be home.... Next saturday we leave to go to NW iowa.... (13 hour drive). I'm dreading the drive already - but visiting mom for a week will be priceless. She's 77yrs. and had a severe Heart attack Jun 28, 2024. We are still working thru her doctor and rehab appts. but she is at home and seems to be doing well. She lives alone (dad already passed).

    Sunny and warmish here (85 degrees). Perfect for an after work walk today.