C25K Starting 8/8- Open group for encouragement!



  • brendalyne
    Rachel (and anyone else with a race in their future) - I found this thread with a lot of really good info - Running tips for first time racers! I just had to share! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/279198-running-tip-so-you-are-about-to-do-your-first-race
  • Rachel1913
    Rachel1913 Posts: 39 Member
    Hey Everyone!

    brendalyne - Thank you so much for posting that thread. There is some great information there. I'm glad your 25 minute run is starting to feel a little better. I understand the need to do something besides run. I am still doing 30DS, on the days that I don't run.

    Shannon - lucky you, a foot rub. I have actually already scheduled my spa appointment after my 5k on Saturday. So, in addition to thinking about reporting back to you guys during my run, I'll be thinking about the heavenly massage and facial waiting for me when I finish.

    linbee - great job completing the 25 minute run, even though you skipped Day 2. It's really amazing what our bodies can do, if we just push them a little bit.

    Jenny - you are a Superwoman, running for 44 minutes with a cold. And running fast on top of that!

    Well, as you all know, I'm just trying to keep my nerves under control as I wait for Saturday. I did my 2 miles yesterday, and decided that since I was only going to do 2 miles, I should try to push my pace a bit. I was able to complete the first mile in 10 minutes, which is much faster than I've ever done, and did the second in just under 11 minutes. Now, there's no way I would have been able to do another mile at that pace, since I was already starting to feel a stich in my side at the end of the second mile, but it was good to know that I can pick of the pace a bit. I think when I finish the C25K program, I'm going to stick with the 3 miles for a while, and just try to do it faster each run.

    So another thing for me to fret about, the forecast for Saturday morning is 46 degrees. I guess it's better to be cool than hot, but now I don't know what to wear. I don't want to freeze, but I don't want to dress too warmly either.
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    Well, as you all know, I'm just trying to keep my nerves under control as I wait for Saturday. I did my 2 miles yesterday, and decided that since I was only going to do 2 miles, I should try to push my pace a bit. I was able to complete the first mile in 10 minutes, which is much faster than I've ever done, and did the second in just under 11 minutes. Now, there's no way I would have been able to do another mile at that pace, since I was already starting to feel a stich in my side at the end of the second mile, but it was good to know that I can pick of the pace a bit. I think when I finish the C25K program, I'm going to stick with the 3 miles for a while, and just try to do it faster each run.

    So another thing for me to fret about, the forecast for Saturday morning is 46 degrees. I guess it's better to be cool than hot, but now I don't know what to wear. I don't want to freeze, but I don't want to dress too warmly either.

    rachel- a little pampering after the 5k will be just what the doctor ordered... i'm sure it will be fabulous! :-)

    when i start to get stitches in my side it's usually because i'm not breathing properly... so far i've been able to get rid of them by focusing on my breathing and running through them. maybe that would work for you too? :-) 10 and 11 minute miles sound fabulous! you're doing great! :bigsmile: did i ever mention someone recommending HIIT intervals to build up speed? i went from 12-13 minute miles to 10 in a week or so (two HIIT sessions). if you're worried about speed, that might be something to look in to.

    as far as what to wear... when i run in the mornings here it is often chilly, but i never really know until i get out there. i've found that if i wear layers... sports bra, tank top, long sleeved running shirt or windbreaker, and running shorts i stay warm enough. if my legs get cold at all, it's only for the first minute or two. it's not hard at all to take off the extra shirt and tie it around my waist while i'm running. if you think your legs will get too cold, i'd say wear running pants that you can take off right before the race starts (though i really don't know where you'd put them! lol... lack of racing experience showing here...) best of luck to you on your run. i know you'll do great!

    brendalyne- thanks for that link... sounds like some good advice. i may have to read up on glycogen stores...

    shannon- you'll kick through that 40 minutes in no time, especially with a foot rub "carrot" dangling in front of your face. :glasses: way to get 'er done! when's your big run?
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I ran 40 minutes yesterday. I did awesome the first half hour, doing a 12 minute mile pace, but the last ten was a killer.... my time really suffered.

    Does this mean I'm not pacing myself enough?

    My race is October 8th. A week from tomorrow!!!!! I won't get through the entire 5K training program in time, though. I'm doing a beginners program from fitness magazine that's supposed to last eight weeks, but I'll only be at five on race day. Hopefully, it will be enought to improve my time from this past spring's race!

  • brendalyne
    Shannon - So, the last ten minutes was a killer and your time suffered.........but you still DID IT! :drinker: Everything I've read says that when you're a beginning runner, you need to just forget about the time and concentrate on endurance. And you're building amazing endurance to be able to go for 40 minutes! If you haven't read the link to the thread I posted, take a peak at it - this is a post from a guy who does a lot of running! If I remember correctly, according to that thread you should pace yourself during the race so that have plenty of energy at the end to kick it up a notch. But if you're concerned about your time, I think Jenny's right about the HIIT interval training.....I understand that's the way to increase your speed.

    I got my jog in this morning - we'll have company all weekend so I knew it would be now or never! I had a restless night last night and only got about 4 hours sleep, so it was a little bit tough! I actually felt really comfortable for the first 15 minutes...the next 5 were killers....and the last 5 were better! My exercise this weekend will mostly consist of playing with my grandchildren! :happy:

    Have a good one everyone!:heart:
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    shannon- if you ran for 40 minutes and you're doing close to 12 minute miles, wouldn't you be getting very close to your three + miles during your run time? our c25k program only has us running 30 minutes on the final week. you've got this in the bag girl! :glasses:

    brendalyne- great job as always pushing through! you're an inspiration to us all. :drinker: enjoy those grandbabies!

    i took one look at the weather this morning and decided i'd wait... it had rained all night and was extremely windy when i peeked outside. after my little pity party and some thought about visiting my mom's treadmill, i decided to stop whining and get out there and just get it done for goodness sakes! as soon as i started my warm-up walk the mist started coming down in sheets! it was downright cold and nasty, so i went inside to get a windbreaker that was a little more waterproof. thank goodness the rain was done by the time i had run 1/2 a mile! talk about icky. when i was running against the wind i felt like i was pushing hard and not going anywhere! i'm sure it would have looked quite humerous to anyone who happened to be looking at the moment. at any rate, i got it done! 37 minutes in today. don't know what my average heart rate was, but it was hanging at 160 for the first two miles and in the high 170s for the last mile... i'm going to call it 165.... (and hopefully get that screw tightened on the back of my dinosaur heart rate monitor so the moisture will stop affecting it!)

    for those of you who haven't read my other posts, i am laying off the sugar for the month of october! this is going to be rough for me, so i could use all the support i can get! i mean, what do you use for salad dressing? what in the world am i going to sweeten my oatmeal with? what about chocolate???!?!?:frown: :cry: :sad:

    have a great weekend everyone!

    oh, i almost forgot... rachel- you may want to include a hat or ear muffs in that list of clothing i gave you! i need one this morning and it was probably right around 45-50 here.
  • toque_de_miel
    toque_de_miel Posts: 223 Member
    Ariel: how's it going using the treadmill clock? Maybe it will be less confusing as your runs get longer?

    it's going much better now. i gave in and got another c25k app for 99 cents and it actually runs live in the background so i don't have to worry about it going off the time. now it blinks the LED light on my bb green for walking and blue for running and dings each time so i know to switch.

    i haven't been around much because our laptop has a bad dc port and won't charge. we thought it was an ac adapter issue but we tried it and no go. our good friend is fixing it up for us and gave us a loaner laptop to use while he's doing that. completed week 3 today - not gonna lie, it was pretty rough. i've been walking at 4mph pace and running at 6mph (approx 10 min/mi) and the first 3 minutes is tough and doable but the second 3 minutes I start to feel like I may puke. Am I pushing too hard? I think next week when the run time increases again, I will run at maybe 5mph or 5.5mph to see if that makes a difference.

    Everyone seems to be doing great!! Kudos to j_courter on running during the yucky weather! You're a tough cookie :p
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    rachel- did you get your 5k in today???? i've been thinking about you!!!

    ariel or should i say the mfp'er formerly know as ariel?- thanks! i have never been a "tough cookie" so it feels great to be determined about something! :-) i've certainly learned some self discipline since i started here... my eating habits, food choices, and dedication to exercising have all benefited! wimps to warriors rule!!! i may not be a warrior yet, but i'm no longer a wimp! :blushing:
  • skinnylizzy5
    Hey all!! I'm so inspired when I see so many of you posting that you are doing 5K's and long runs! It makes it seem like this is something I will also be able to do one day :) I finished W4 yesterday - can't believe that I can actually run for 5 minutes in a row. I will start W5 tomorrow.

    Jenny - way to go running in the rain. You are very dedicated! As for the no sugar thing... I have issues with sugar myself and try to avoid it as much as possible. You might want to try google searching "south beach diet" recipes (I'm not a strict follower of the diet but it's a good research for no/low sugar recipes). Two of my favorite blogs are: kalynskitchen.com and graciouspantry.com both have lots of recipes for foods without added sugar as well as substitutes for when you need something in your coffee/oatmeal. Good luck!!

    Shannon: I hope you got your foot rub! I'm not sure about your pacing question?? It seems like if you were able to keep running for 40 minutes your pacing must have been pretty good? To me that seems like a long time. Clearly a beginning runner here so my suggestions might not be too solid :)

    Brendalyne: What an amazing burn on your last run! I hope you're enjoying the babies!

    Racel - hope it went well today - can't wait to hear all about it!

    Ariel - sorry to hear about your lap top. It sounds to me like you're running pretty fast. I am usually in the 4.5-5.0 range when I'm on the treadmill (so I guess that's between 12-13.3 minute miles). I notice when I run outside that my pace is in the 11:16 mile range...and I find it MUCH more challenging, can't seem to maintain that pace on the treadmill....
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    skinny lizzy- thanks so much for the encouragement and those links! i'll have to check them out.

    week 5, huh? that's a big mental jump, but you'll be surprised at how your body can handle the call. i know you can and will do it! :-)
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member

    Shannon: I hope you got your foot rub! I'm not sure about your pacing question?? It seems like if you were able to keep running for 40 minutes your pacing must have been pretty good? To me that seems like a long time. Clearly a beginning runner here so my suggestions might not be too solid :)

    Well, my pace isn't consistant. I run anywhere from 5.0 mph to 3.5 mph. Mostly it's at 4-4.5mph though. Plus, I don't just use a flat treadmill setting. I put it on hills or random, except on really long runs.... then I have to go flat for 50 or 60 minutes or I dont 't think I'd make it. I did this because the 5K course says moderately hilly, so I wanted to factor that in during my training.

    How did some of you work on pacing? I've also heard that going up and downhill means you need to change your stride. Any clue about that aspect?

  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    My Body is Stonger then My Brain gives it credit for
    I realized this while doing w5d1
    I want to sign up for 5k the race is Oct 29 The only thing that worries me is the, Fact I wont be done with c25k by then What do guys think I should do? but I am not worried about winning the race or any thing like that I just want to do for fun and personally I like trying to get the family together.
    I am super excited about day 3 of week 5 because I know I can do it
    SN Can you guys explain stride to me? is that different from pace?
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    Rachel - how was the first 5k i Can't wait to hear the details
  • toque_de_miel
    toque_de_miel Posts: 223 Member
    ariel or should i say the mfp'er formerly know as ariel?- thanks! i have never been a "tough cookie" so it feels great to be determined about something! :-) i've certainly learned some self discipline since i started here... my eating habits, food choices, and dedication to exercising have all benefited! wimps to warriors rule!!! i may not be a warrior yet, but i'm no longer a wimp! :blushing:
    j: i agree so much!!!! :D it does feel really great to be completing something and you're doing such a great job at it! totally inspiration for me. w2w hooray!!!
    I want to sign up for 5k the race is Oct 29 The only thing that worries me is the, Fact I wont be done with c25k by then What do guys think I should do?

    MizzLisa: I think if you feel like you can do it then you totally should!!! :D Just like you said, give yourself some credit and do it up!
    Ariel - sorry to hear about your lap top. It sounds to me like you're running pretty fast. I am usually in the 4.5-5.0 range when I'm on the treadmill (so I guess that's between 12-13.3 minute miles). I notice when I run outside that my pace is in the 11:16 mile range...and I find it MUCH more challenging, can't seem to maintain that pace on the treadmill....

    lizzy: yeah see i should probably tone it down for these upcoming 4 & 5 min runs in week 4 that I start tomorrow... I was able to push through 3 minutes at 6mph but it definitely felt like a serious possibility of throwing up on the treadmill LOL!! i just figured since it was supposed to be 3 miles in 30 minutes that i was going too slow and so thats why i've been trying to run at 6mph but i think i would definitely have an easier go at like 5mph or 5.5mph for these longer runs.
  • Chill_10
    Chill_10 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey all,

    I'm ariel (toque_de_miel) fiance, and she has finally talked me into doing this.. Never been much of a runner for marathons or anything, but have always been athletic playing sports and what not (basketball is my sport). lol Anyway, figured I'd post up and for some encouragement, cuz who couldnt use some encouragement.. haha.. Anyway I've been running on the treadmill for the past couple weeks for about 10 or so minutes, and have burned a lot of calories so im looking forward to seeing how this is gonna turn out, plus it'd be nice to get back into shape so I'm not breathing heavy after a couple times up and down the court.

    Not to concerned about week one yet, I've been runnen about 6.5 mph for as much as two minutes straight.. My concern is down the line, when I have to run longer.. But, I guess thats why you build yourself up.

    Anyway, I'll check back tomorrow with how it went.
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    chill- any friend of ariel's is a friend of mine! :-) treat her right!

    so you're ready to be able to play a game of hoops without gasping for air? good for you! it's great to remember what we "used to do" but we're working our way back to being able to do it! baby steps, one step at a time. it sounds like you've got a great start if you're already running for 10 minutes! it's also nice to have support. you two may or may not run together, but it's always nice to have some common ground... not to mention if you keep it up and decide to have kiddoes, you'll be a great example to them as well! ;-)

    i got week 9, day one in today. i probably don't officially need to finish this since i was running 44-45 minutes last week, but i'm such a type A personality, i've got to see it through to the very end! this morning when i started the temp was in the low 40s, so i had gloves, hat, and lined jacket on. brrr..... the first 10 minutes are always the hardest for me. i often wonder, "can i really do this?" but if i push through, i'm fine. i went ahead and ran 3.1 miles today and it took right at 33:30. i had plenty of energy left at the end of my run, so i could have pushed harder, but i burned it up nicely running hills and doing intervals after my 3.1 miles were in. my 5k isn't until the end of the month, so i'll see if i can knock any more time off by then. i'll just be happy to be able to pace myself and get through it, but i'm still trying to decide what my goal will be. i don't want to say 10 minute miles just yet, but maybe somewhere close to that.... right now i'm thinking 34-35 minutes might be reasonable?
  • brendalyne
    I don't know WHAT I did, but my right heel is killing me....just to walk on it. Somehow I think I managed to bruise it. Sooooo....this morning I pulled out my Yoga video and did that instead of running. It actually felt really good to stretch....but this is my first attempt at yoga, so it was pretty laughable! :happy: :tongue:

    I will see how the heel feels tonight or tomorrow morning....if it's better I'll get back on the c25k wagon train for week 8, day 1! :heart:
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    Well, my pace isn't consistant. I run anywhere from 5.0 mph to 3.5 mph. Mostly it's at 4-4.5mph though. Plus, I don't just use a flat treadmill setting. I put it on hills or random, except on really long runs.... then I have to go flat for 50 or 60 minutes or I dont 't think I'd make it. I did this because the 5K course says moderately hilly, so I wanted to factor that in during my training.

    How did some of you work on pacing? I've also heard that going up and downhill means you need to change your stride. Any clue about that aspect?


    shannon- i never really think about my pace. i do tend to run to the pace of the music i am listening to... i never really noticed picking up the pace until i ran at the track and was able to time each lap. i noticed that the song with the fastest beat led to a faster 400 by about 13 seconds!!! i guess i usually just get out there and do it without really thinking... here's a link that tells about jogging a pace with music: http://www.ehow.com/how_5573607_set-jogging-pace-music.html

    for hills, i can give a bit of advice from personal experience. today was the first day my "monster hill" didn't even bother me (the first two times up). when you're going downhill the tendency is to lean back to brace and balance yourself. what you should do is lean forward. you don't want to lengthen your stride on a downhill because you could risk falling or injury. when i run up hill i do lengthen my stride just a bit and i also lean forward and get a bit lower. this enables me to move my legs more quickly with less effort and i am able to sort of slink uphill... i don't really know how to describe it better than that, but it takes much less effort than my normal jogging motion.

    mizz lady lisa- it's never wrong to enter a race... everyone has their own pace and you can push yourself as hard or as little as you want. heck, you COULD walk the whole thing, but you won't! in fact, you'll probably run all of it, but even running most of it is great! :-) at week 8 i was able to run 44-45 minutes, which is plenty of time to finish a 5k. i say if you want to enter, DO IT! it'll be fun! btw- stride is the length of your step while pace is the speed or turnover. you can have a long or short stride, but you have a faster or slower pace... does this help at all?
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    brendalyne- yoga is something you have to work up to in order to do many of the moves correctly! you can do it!

    i hope your heel feels better soon and you're back at it in no time!
  • Rachel1913
    Rachel1913 Posts: 39 Member
    Hey everyone! Sorry it's taken me so long to post. When I was heading home from the 5k on Saturday, I developed a horrible migraine, that I wasn't able to shake until yesterday afternoon. I don't know if it was related to the 5k or not, but it was awful.

    So anyway, the 5k was great. I had a really good time. When I woke up Saturday morning, it was 49 degrees. You'll remember that I was fretting about what to wear. I ended up wearing my running tank, then the race t-shirt over that, then a long sleeved running shirt, and shorts. It ended up being perfect, and during the race, I was able to take off the long sleeved shirt and tie it around my waist after I warmed up.

    So the 5k was held in conjunction with a local golf tournament, at a private country club and golf course. Since parking was at a premium, runners were instructed to park at a nearby park, and were shuttled to the race. My friend who was running with me actually lives near the race (she told me about a 20 minute walk), so we decided to meet at her house and walk over as a warm up. Unfortunately, the other friend running the race with us was a little late, so we didn't start walking until about 7:30 (the race started at 8am). The walk was about 1.5 miles, and since we were running late, we had to walk faster than my usual warm up walks. I was really worried about over-exerting myself before the race even started. We got to the race at about 7:55, while they were wrapping up the group warm-up and stretching, so not much time to spare.

    I definitely made some mistakes as the race started. I found myself getting frustrated having to maneuver around people in front of me who were walking or running slowly. So I started out faster than I should have, trying to get around people. Then I was running at the same pace as my two friends (both experienced runners). I know I can comfortably maintain a 12 minute mile pace for 3.1 miles, so that was my goal pace. At the end of the first mile, my running app said that my pace was 10:53, so I tried to focus on slowing down, but I had a really difficult time doing so. My mile two pace was a bit better at 11:04. Up to this point, I hadn't walked yet (except at the water stations, when I found myself unable to run and drink out of a cup at the same time). I definitely felt myself getting tired at about 2.5 miles, but there were people along the route, yelling encouragement to us. That's also when I really relied on my friends encouraging me to keep going. I was never so happy to see the Mile 3 marker, knowing that I just had 0.1 mile to go.

    Crossing the finish line was such a high. I was exhausted, but so happy that I made it. My goal was to complete the race in under 40 minutes. I wasn't immediately sure what my time was, but the timer set up at the finish line read 35:45 when I crossed. My friend said that my time would be lower that that because we were near the back of the pack when the race started. When I saw the official results, I was so excited. 34:50!!!

    I've obviously never run 3.1 miles that fast before, and I am definitely feeling it. My legs have been very sore since the race.
    But I can't wait until my next one!!