*FRESH START!* Weigh-in Wednesdays through New Year's Day, 2025!

Walela617 Posts: 588 Member
edited August 18 in Challenges
Hello and Welcome! Although I post on other boards, I have decided to start fresh with a new challenge beginning this Wednesday, August 21, 2024, which is 19 weeks before New Years Day, 2025. My goal is to lose about 22 lbs. within that timeframe, which for me would mean an average loss of just over one pound per week.

Beginning 8/21, I will post my weight and scale app stats every Wednesday, with the final challenge weigh-in on New Year's Day, January 1, 2025. On following weeks, I will also post average daily caloric intake and average daily steps for the week.

Please feel free to join and share anytime. I will continue to post on the other boards I've joined as well.

Wishing you all the best on your journey!



  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 588 Member
    Hi! I'm late posting but will follow up by posting every Wednesday from now on. Here are my initial stats (for the latest "Do-Over):
    Have a great week! πŸ’—

    Lbs. lost this week: 00.0
    Lbs. lost since 08/21: 00.0
    Lbs. to <=140 goal: 21.0
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 588 Member
    edited August 27
    No one has joined me yet on this board but that's okay. I just felt like I needed my own challenge to be public in hopes that it would help me to remain accountable and stay on track, provided I am consistent about posting.

    So far I've been able to stick to my renewed plan as of this past Saturday. I will post my next weigh in tomorrow.

    Have a nice evening,
    πŸ’— Carole
  • Bemybestby60
    Bemybestby60 Posts: 1,711 Member
    edited August 29
    It is Wednesday August 28th. I will join you in this challenge. My train fell off it's track. All my life Wednesday was the day to start a do over. I certainly need a do over.
    My weight is 195lbs snd my BMI is 30.6. I would like to lose 20 lbs before New Years.
    So here goes. I will check back to see if I am accepted in this challenge.
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 588 Member
    edited August 31
    Welcome Bemybestby60! You are most accepted! My train fell off the track as well! I'm sure we can both lose 20 lbs. by New Year's Day. Let's GO!πŸ¦‹

    I've had some trouble "getting my bearings"; so I've decided on one, FINAL "do over" from tomorrow until at least the first day of 2025 to reach my initial goal weight of 140 lbs. or less.

    I can hardly believe that tomorrow is SEPTEMBER! It's also a Sunday. I think Sunday weigh-in days work better for me; so tomorrow morning will be my new DAY ONE!

    I will try to be consistent in weighing in every Sunday and reporting before the end of the day. You can pick whatever day works best for you. Even though I will switch to Sundays, I will still weigh in on Wednesday, January 1st. 2025 and will post before/after stats and progress from 09/02/24-01/01/25.

    Weekly I will post weight loss for the week and total loss since 9/01. My goal is to weigh 140 or less by New Year's Day.

    Enjoy the Labor Day weekend!

    πŸ’— Carole
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 588 Member

    Happy September 1st! This is the very first day of my brand-new "DO-OVER"! I plan to achieve my initial goal weight of 140 lbs. or less (within "normal" BMI range for my height of 5'3") by New Year's Day, 01/01/2025. I will post my scale app stats and progress every Sunday, with a final weigh-in on Wednesday, January 1st, 2025. Below is the first scale app post:
    I sure don't like that it thinks my "Metabolic Age" is 71! I just turned 66 on August 18th of this year! YIKES!

    09/01/24: 00.0 lost this week/00.0 TL lost

    Have a great week everyone!
    πŸ’— Carole
  • andiedmonds
    andiedmonds Posts: 14 Member
    Good morning!
    I've been a MFP user for a few years on and off. This is my first post. πŸ˜„ I'd like to join your challenge. My weigh in today was 170.4. About a month ago, I was 176 (my highest in my life)! Trying to get control and make a conscious effort to eat right and walk more.
    So, do you need to 'accept' me in the challenge or do I just follow your post? Apologies for the dumb question! HaHa
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 588 Member
    Welcome andiedmonds! So glad you could join! Membership here is public and unrestricted. All you need to do to post here is to bookmark this board and whenever you want to visit and/or post, you just need to navigate to the Community section and click on the bookmark you'd like to go to.

    WOW! You've made GREAT progress in just one month! πŸ† My own highest weight was 217 on 2/29/2008. I got down to just under 140 lbs. but have since regained 18 lbs. I plan to get back down to my original goal by the end of this year.

    My commute to/from work is about 2.3 miles each way. My average workout walking speed is just over 4.0 miles per hour. If I commit to walking to and from work most days, I should be able to lose at least a pound per week, provided I keep my daily calorie intake around 1,450 per day.

    I turned 66 years old on August 18th and my height is 5'3". I live and work full time in the Metro Boston area (Cambridge/Somerville). I live alone and have one son who's been married for over four years and will turn 41 on November 22nd if this year. No grandchildren (his wife is turning 44 in October; so I don't think I'll be a grandmother, but that's okay as long as they are happy and doing well.)

    I will send a friend invitation in case your like to communicate outside of the board.

    Very best wishes on your wellness journey!

    Carole 🌻

  • andiedmonds
    andiedmonds Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks Carole! Took me a few tries to find this board again. Bookmarked now! LOL

    I'm 53. When I first started MFP it was 2017...I was 159. Clearly, I've not been good at sticking to the plan! Well, if at first You don't succeed, try, try again.

    I'm 53 now and I look in the mirror and at that scale and I'm like WTF? Hoping a challenge like this will help keep me accountable and on track. My circle is small, I work full time, commute an hour each way to work, president of my strata and try and take care of my mother who has lived with me for the last 9 years.

    Not a lot of free time, but I live in a very walkable area and I'm trying hard to get my 10,000 steps per day. It's helping. A good stress reliever too. And my mother has a scooter now so I'm trying to get her out to join me as much as I can. She will be 80 this year. Funny enough, Our building is called Cambridge Gardens!πŸ˜„

    Anyway, thanks for the welcome. I look forward to the next check in.

    Have a wonderful day!😎

  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 588 Member
    edited September 1
    Hi Andrea, thanks so much for accepting me as a friend! Being a caregiver for an elderly parent is not easy, especially when working full time. I'm glad your mom got a scooter - that's great for her (and you). My mom passed away from congestive heart failure in 1995 at age 57. She would have been 86 this past May. I'm trying to avoid some of the health issues that affected her. She was an obese smoker with heart disease, Type II diabetes, gallstones, etc. She was also a breast cancer survivor. She rarely drank alcohol though. (I have now cut out alcohol completely.)

    That's a long commute! Fortunately, I live only about 2.3 miles from my job and I am able to walk most days in good weather. The are also two different buses I can take.

    Please explain what does "president of my strata" mean? I work as an Administrative Assistant for Mass General Brigham Personalized Medicine (mostly genetic research). I've been at this job almost three years, but I have been working over 45 years with no plans to retire anytime soon.

    Like you, I've been on and off of My Fitness Pal for a few years but now I want to stay consistent so I can achieve my weight and wellness goals.

    My circle is pretty small as well. My best friend lives in Maine now and my sister is in Florida. I have a brother in Plymouth but... long story, I haven't seen him in years. I also have another friend near me who is 90 now and not doing so well, health-wise. Last July my 18 year old cat, Mimichou, passed away. It's lonely without her. I'm thinking of adopting another rescue cat soon. (Do you have any pets?)

    My son lives in Cambridge but I don't get to see him as much as I'd like. I'm supposed to go on a picnic and walk around the local reservoir and park a few times tomorrow with him and his wife because we didn't get to spend time on my birthday as he wasn't feeling well. Hopefully he'll be okay tomorrow. (He's still not quite over it.)

    I will check this board every day and will respond to each of your posts so you know you're not alone - someone else is sharing this journey right beside you!

    Have a nice night,
    πŸ’— Carole
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 588 Member
    edited September 1
    Here's a useful site:


    I plugged in the requested info and it said I could achieve my goal weight of 140 lbs. (<18 lbs.) by January 2nd if I am moderately active and eat no more than 1,536 calories per day. Walking 30 minutes per day does come under the moderate category (Moderate exercise, sports 3-5 days per week) and I only plan to eat up to 1,450 calories per day; so that means I should be able to meet my minimum goal by the end of this year - YAY! The trick (of course) is to stick with it! Here's a sample (screen shot) of what it looks like when you input the data needed (Entered 158 lbs.):
    Try it! Isn't this cool?

    Carole πŸ¦‹
  • andiedmonds
    andiedmonds Posts: 14 Member
    edited September 2
    Cool link. According to the link it will take until Feb 28, 2025 to lose 25 lbs. Will be interesting to see how close I am Jan 1st.

    I walked 15,500 steps today!πŸ˜ƒ
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 588 Member
    Good morning Andrea,

    Wow! That's a LOT of steps - inspiring! It's great that you can lose 25 lbs. by March - I'd bet you can get there before then. I'm sure we each can lose at least 15 lbs. by New Year's Day, as long as we stay on track! (Even if we have a little more on Thanksgiving and other holidays.)

    Today I hope to have a picnic with my son and his wife to celebrate my recent birthday. They're supposed to pick me up at 3pm. It's at a place called, "Fresh Pond" in Cambridge, which is actually the reservoir that supplies our area. It's in a really big park with a lot of side trails. We always see interesting plants and animals every time we go there, but now we have to be careful about mosquitoes! My son is recovering from a recent illness so we probably will get to go at a workout pace or walk 8 miles as we normally do, but I'm going to try to get some steps in.

    I will report back after I get home.

    Enjoy your day!
    πŸ’— Carole
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 588 Member
    Today's steps: 9,825
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 588 Member
    edited September 3
    Pictures of my son, Amer, and me, Amer, his wife, Laura, and me:

  • Bemybestby60
    Bemybestby60 Posts: 1,711 Member
    Pictures of my son, Amer, and me, Amer, his wife, Laura, and me:

    Thanks for sharing.
  • Bemybestby60
    Bemybestby60 Posts: 1,711 Member
    Hello ladies. Thanks for the link. I tried it. If I want to lose 20lbs it would take me to January 10th. Have a great week. I will start tracking on Wednesday. I was afraid to step on the scale today after 3 days of fun.
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 588 Member
    edited September 3
    Hi! Holiday indulgences are fine - we can fix it! 🌞 About the 20 lbs.? That's a very realistic goal and not even that far off! You can totally DO this!
    I ended up doing more steps yesterday:
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 588 Member
    Here are today's steps:
  • Bemybestby60
    Bemybestby60 Posts: 1,711 Member
    Well I saw the scale this morning and had my big girl panties on (in so many ways) & stepped on the scale 191lbs. The same 4lbs I gain & lose. But I will take it as a win. Just put my nose to the grind stone. I think I do better weighing myself daily. Keeps me in check. Cheers
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 588 Member
    edited September 6
    Hi "Bemybestby60". So it's maintenance. Sure better than gaining! You've got this, because it IS a win! (Maintenance is even harder than losing!) At least you were brave enough to step on the scale!

    So guess what? I'm BACK to "Weigh-in Wednesdays"! I guess I was all excited about the first of September being on a Sunday, but NOW I realize that this past Wednesday was exactly 17 weeks from January 1st, 2025 and I'm sure I can lose an average one pound per week by then, provided I'm careful about eating and keep up my activity level. I didn't weigh in on Wednesday, but below are my stats for Thursday:
    It sure comes out a lot bigger on my monitor at work! I will try to figure out a way to make it smaller. As far as activity, on Wednesday I did 13,936 steps (6.17 miles) and on Thursday I did 12,040 steps (5.57 miles). I will post the weekly average for this week on Wednesday, September 11th.

    Have a nice meeting, whoever reads this post! :smile:
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 588 Member
    (My next weigh-in will be Wednesday, 09/11, where I will post lbs. lost, total lost since 09/04 and lbs. to goal.)
  • andiedmonds
    andiedmonds Posts: 14 Member
    Good morning. Happy Saturday! Lovely family you have. Hope your son is feeling better.

    Great job on the steps this week. I got my 10,000 plus in every day except yesterday. Back to it today.

    Didn't weight myself Wednesday, but the scale this morning said 169.2. Not a huge loss, but I'll take it.

    Have a wonderful day. I'll check in later and post my steps. Time to get cracking...so much to do, so little time!πŸ˜…
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 588 Member
    edited September 7
    Happy weekend! Thanks for your compliment! I'm still waiting for my son to let me know the results from his MRI. It's great that you did at least 10,000 steps on most days, Andrea! Consistency is key for me, and any loss is a WIN!πŸ†

    I'm going to start weighing in on both Sundays and Wednesdays but will only report on Wednesdays. The Sundays will give me a midweek check-in to see whether I need to tweak my intake and/or activity to "atone" for any potential lapses in those areas over the weekend.

    I won't be posting my stats weekly anymore because they take up too much space; however, I will post before and after stats on New Year's Day to show overall progress.

    So far I've been sticking to plan since September 1st. I'm feeling very focused right now.

    Tomorrow I'm going to an outdoor Greek festival. I ought to get a lot of steps in with all the line dancing! We shall see...

    Have a great weekend!

  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 588 Member
    Good morning everyone! It's a beautiful day in Boston - hope it's nice where you are too!

    Here are my walking stats for the week:

    09/01: 03,397 steps (1.41 miles)
    09/02: 10,030 steps (4.12 miles)
    09/03: 14,373 steps (6.41 miles)
    09/04: 13,802 steps (6.17 miles)
    09/05: 12,040 steps (4.44 miles)
    09/06: 13,285 steps (5.83 miles)
    09/07: 02,568 steps (1.03 miles)

    Daily Averages for the Week:
    9,928 steps (4.2 miles)/day

    This afternoon I'm going to a Greek festival - THAT ought to track up some steps!πŸ’ƒ

    Enjoy your day!
  • andiedmonds
    andiedmonds Posts: 14 Member
    It was car free day in Port Coquitlam yesterday, so I did a lot of walking. 18,797 sreps to be exact! Have fun at the festival! 🎢😎
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 588 Member
    edited September 9
    Hi everyone,

    Andrea, I need to look up Port Coquitlam! That's a LOT of walking!πŸ‘

    Every day is "car-free" for me! (Don't own one - I don't even know how to drive, LOL!) You don't need to in Boston; besides, traffic, gas, taxes and parking?! $$$$! (NO THANKS!)

    This afternoon I went to a Greek festival where they had beer, wine and spiked seltzer but I wasn't the last bit interested (8 days without alcohol right now). I had a dinner plate with two chicken souvlaki skewers, Greek salad, roasted potatoes, spinach and feta pie and rice pudding, plus a water and a Diet Coke. Lots of dancing - 20,127 steps and 8.45 miles!

    Not too bad!

    Have a great week, anyone who visits this board!

    🩷 Carole
  • Bemybestby60
    Bemybestby60 Posts: 1,711 Member
    Wow you ladies are impressive. I did play 18 holes of golf...but here we need cars to get around. Awesome in getting your steps in.
  • LauriePar
    LauriePar Posts: 257 Member
    Hi ladies! I would love to join your challenge since Wednesday is my normal weigh in day. Tomorrow, September 11, will be my second full week. I have about 60 pounds to lose. I’m also 66, but retired. I do have colitis-my whole adult life- but it just slows down my weight loss because of my meds. But my goal is 1/2 pound to 1 pound a week. It can be done, so I’m doing it and improving my health and stamina. All I’m doing this month is eating under calorie deficit and walking. I’ll see what I add next month- probably indoor exercises from utube.

    SW: 224.3
    Last week: 220
    Goal: 160

    Glad I found you girls! πŸ˜€πŸ˜€β€οΈ
  • LauriePar
    LauriePar Posts: 257 Member
  • LauriePar
    LauriePar Posts: 257 Member
    This is our newest addition to the family- our new grandson born August 28th. Another reason to get in shape!