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🍎🍂 Just Give Me One Month - September 2024🍁



  • canadamarie
    canadamarie Posts: 83 Member
    September for calm focus

    Highest weight: 196 Feb
    June average weight: 191
    July average weight: 189
    Aug average weight: 187
    Sept goal: 185 average

    Aug 1: DNW
    Aug 2: 187
    Aug 3: 186

    Welcome to all the new people!
  • HappyDonkey75
    HappyDonkey75 Posts: 203 Member
    Welcome to the new folks on this group!

    Heaviest Weight: 212 | First Goal Weight: 165
    September Goal: 183 (or less)

    Strength train 2 times a week and increase weights
    SIT training 2 x per week)
    Fit shorter cardio sessions in
    Dial in the balance of Protein (113 g) Carbs(169) and get more consistent with hitting those #'s

    A quick look back
    March- Beginning weight 212
    End of May- 202.6
    End of June weight -200.8
    End of July weight- 192.6 (my goal was 197 so I made it and beat it!)
    End of August GW was 187- Actual weight 187.4

    Here goes!

    9/2- DNW
  • Roothevan
    Roothevan Posts: 1 Member
    edited September 3
    Hi, first timer here!

    Recommitting to myself as I've realised I've been 'trying' to lose weight for 2+ years and I'm the same as I was then.

    45yo woman at the end of October so September is a kickstart.

    Weigh in today 100.7kg

    Goal I have no idea as clearly my goal making hasn't worked this far.... So concentrating on spending calories instead of weigh ins.


    I've successfully lost weight several times in the past and managed weights regular but my work and family commitments have changed a lot since then. I've recovered from significant illness at Easter where I can now exercise and get out of breath healthily now so

    1h Beat sabre or vr Les mills 2 x a week

    Walking daily to hit min 8k steps, with 5 min increase in duration every 3 days

    14h Intermittent fasting to assist calorie deficit

    Aiming for 1600 cal net but struggling to get under that as I also have to avoid dairy.

    *Any* metaphorical bumps to check calorie deficit are very welcome!!
  • csilverthorn22
    csilverthorn22 Posts: 47 Member
    You guys are amazing. I’m new here and sometimes struggle with getting back to conversations I’m into.. anyone want to friend me?…

    I have been going through mass stress lately .. we sold our family home - in the 5th generation to live in it.. development coming in waves and though we did alright and have a great new property - it’s still be bitter sweet and loaded with tears and stress and conflict with family. Have lost a couple people close to me lately, and really struggling with complete change in routine and some changes at work ..
    I haven’t managed to stay at all consistent with fitness for … gawd I don’t even know. Let’s go with 2 years - at least since my dad died.
    I’m feeling like a disgusting lazy frump, I’ve been eating and drinking my feelings and my mental health and fitness are of course linked and in a down spin.
    The pros: I walked my dog everyday so the month is off to a start of slightly better - and I’m writing this from the treadmill I need to get back to the weights but I’m a long drive from the gym now and feeling hard to get back on track…

    Sugar and alcohol have been on the up the last couple mo the during the move ..
    I want to connect and crave some contact with some like minded people. I’ve just also been so discouraged and defensive that it’s hard.

    September goals…
    Find the guts to get on the scale…
    Without knowing where I’m even at- it would be nice to see the low 150s…
    More so just a feeling other than heavy, weighed down, bloated and craving sugar.

    How to get there …?
    - track my meals and macros .
    - Work out daily
    - Drink water
    - Meal prep and knock off the grab and go sugar and carb Stuff ..
    - Make fitness pal friends and check in here.
  • csilverthorn22
    csilverthorn22 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Just restarting my weight loss journey and would like to join this group to keep myself motivated and accountable.

    Start weight 3rd September - 79.0kg
    Goal for end of September - 75.0kg

    I feel you!!!

  • 9bhtn65nzj
    9bhtn65nzj Posts: 122 Member

    Finally got the motivation to join this amazing thread after spending the last week reading the August one.


    1st Sept: 187 lbs
    2nd Sept: 185.5 (water weight I’m sure)
    3rd Sept 184.5 lbs
    4th Sept: 184 lbs (I think this is the last of the water weight now)
  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 566 Member
    Heaviest Weight: 221 | First Goal Weight: 165 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 140
    August Goal: Get as close to 200 as possible | Exercising 6 days a week

    Previous Info:
    Hi, I'm a 50+ yo married female, 5'6", and I’m making changes to get out of the Obese category, to look good in my clothing, and to have confidence in public again. I'm not making this a race - I'm doing this at my pace. This year has given me a few challenges - but I'm still working toward weight loss goals. ✨

    Jan SW: 205.9
    Feb SW: 209.8
    Mar SW: 208.2
    Apr SW: 209.1
    May SW: 211.5
    Jun SW: 211.0
    Jul SW: 214.4
    Aug SW: 210.7

    Sep 1: DNW
    Sep 2: 212.3
    Sep 3: 212.1
    Sep 4: 210.5
    Sep 5:

    Welcome to the group, @Roothevan and @csilverthorn22. @csilverthorn22 I'd say to get back on track, start with two small things, do them until you know you do them without resistance, and add one or two more things, and keep going. It's all in building a routine that you can sustain. Wishing you success as you get started here. @Roothevan, it sounds like you have a plan, and that's always a great start. Sending the best for your next steps in this journey.
  • canadamarie
    canadamarie Posts: 83 Member
    September for calm focus

    Highest weight: 196 Feb
    June average weight: 191
    July average weight: 189
    Aug average weight: 187
    Sept goal: 185 average

    Aug 1: DNW
    Aug 2: 187
    Aug 3: 186
    Aug 4: 187

    Had a big meal last night so the scales reflect it. After picking up the weights for the first time on Sunday I had noticeable muscle and joint soreness Tuesday and Wednesday. Don’t know if it’s DOMS or back pain from the old injury or unrelated to the weights themselves (could be joint pain from the gluten I had on Saturday). Going to eat really clean, drink water, stretch, and try with the weights again tomorrow.

  • HappyDonkey75
    HappyDonkey75 Posts: 203 Member
    Heaviest Weight: 212 | First Goal Weight: 165
    September Goal: 183 (or less)

    Strength train 2 times a week and increase weights
    SIT training 2 x per week)
    Fit shorter cardio sessions in
    Dial in the balance of Protein (113 g) Carbs(169) and get more consistent with hitting those #'s

    Here goes!

    9/2- DNW
    Boy the scale really waffled between 185.9 and 186 for a hot second but apparently landed at the lower weight so I took it! I am pretty certain it was a water weight drop because I was feeling bloated for two days and I think I finally sweat hard enough and drank enough lemon juice with water that it must have helped. My nutrition coach friend is on my case about meeting my macro's but it is hard.. I have to eat a number of smaller meals through out the day to get there and its annoying.

    I discovered inadvertently that cold plunges are AMAZING. I was having alot of malaise from the meds on Monday and decided to take a dip in our "seasonal" pool that we had thought we were going to drain and take down for the summer. (night time temps are keeping the water pretty frigid right now) It was rough getting in that cold water but wow, I felt SO MUCH better after a quick 5 minute plunge which was about all I could manage. Malaise gone. instantly. I have never been a fan before but now.. I might have changed my mind.

    So we are going to leave up the pool a bit longer while the day times temps remain in the 80's for this week /weekend. and maybe figure out a way to get a real cold plunge for the winter???

    Have a great week everyone..

    1% better every day!

  • csilverthorn22
    csilverthorn22 Posts: 47 Member
    I bit the bullet and got on the scale this morning...
    as expected, it wasn't great... like, middle number increased not great :(
    butttt... I 'earned it' - indulging in desserts, 'moving fast food', alcohol, and office snacks and sitting on my duff...

    I got back on the treadmill last night, and, I did a resistance band work out - I packed my clothes so I can hit the gym, the old house, and or see the horses after work and will always have extra clothes so I dont have to drive home, which 'should' help me get to the things i need after work, and start doing the gym thing again. I may have to consider switching gyms eventually but for now... !

    Halloween is coming - so I will let go of my labour day hate and consider the upcoming exciting things i do like about fall. time keeps on turning...
  • dannytrees1
    dannytrees1 Posts: 272 Member
    Goal for Sept. 192
    Sept- 1-196.2
    For sure this must be a water weight drop, but I’m pushing the plan hard this week… lowering the sodium a lot and pushing the protein and lots of natural exercise.

    The bad part is I’m off to another bbq this Sunday, there with be sodium and those ice cold ones involved 😮
    I’m expecting a couple pounds coming on back.
    Working hard on the game plan again today and getting lots of greens and again keeping that sodium down 👍

    Have a great day everyone
  • SofaKween
    SofaKween Posts: 347 Member
    Female – wrong side of 65; wrong side of average height!

    Previous Months:-
    March SW – 60.5kg
    31 March EW – 58.8kg
    30 April EW – 57.0kg
    31 May EW – 55.0kg
    30 June EW - 54.2kg
    31 July EW – 53.5kg
    31 August EW – 53.1kg (due to root canal infection)

    UGW - 53kg

    Mini Goals August:
    1. Post here every day for the rest of the month.
    2. To maintain weight in 53-54kg range – ideally nearer to 53kg than 54kg.

    1 Sept – 53.3kg
    2 Sept – 53.3kg
    3 Sept – 53.0kg
    4 Sept – 53.2kg

    Didn’t go to weights Tuesday, had a long slow walk instead. Feeling so much better though – what a difference a week makes.
  • Enber74
    Enber74 Posts: 37 Member
    A handful of new joiners and I believe this is the key to making this group work. The more support we rally here and the more people we feel we are accountable to, the better this is going to work. I haven't made the best progress for the first couple of days of September but I did expect this as I was going to slow down my progress intentionally. Just that it feels a little scary that I might actually just plateau here. Lack of fast progress notwithstanding, I am still going to push through. I have an indulgence trip coming up next weekend for 5 days so I am pretty sure I will get some of the weight back but I will definitely work on getting my *kitten* back together when I am back.

    For those in the same situation, where you have setbacks and minor bumps along the way, know that you are in control and you can get it back when you decide you want to take back control. YOU are in charge. No one else is.

    • Start 1st July - 98.6KG / 217LB
    • End 31st Aug - 86.5KG / 191LB
    • Total 2 months loss = 12.1KG / 26LB
    • Body fat dropped from 32.7% to 23.2%

    • Sep 1 - 86.75 KG / 191.25 LB
    • Sep 5 - 86.40 KG / 190.48 LB

    • July 10 - 96.4KG / 212LB (Day 10) <- TARGET HIT
    • July 20 - 94.1KG / 207LB (Day 20) <- TARGET HIT
    • July 30 - 92.1KG / 203LB (Day 30) <- TARGET HIT
    • Aug 9 - 90.7KG / 200LB (Day 40) <- TARGET HIT
    • Aug 19 - 89.3KG / 196.9LB (Day 50 - Halfway Mark) <- TARGET HIT
    • Aug 30 - 87.7KG / 193LB (End August goal) <- TARGET HIT
    • Sep 5 - 87.2KG / 192LB (-25lbs) <- TARGET HIT
    • Sep 13 - 85.8KG / 189LB (Day 75 - 3/4 through)
    • Sep 30 - 83.2KG / 183LB (End September goal)
    • Oct 8 - 82.3KG / 181LB (100 day program done) <- This is my weight during triathlon days. That's why 100 days program
    • Oct 28 - 79.5KG / 175LB (Ultimate Goal Weight)
  • 9bhtn65nzj
    9bhtn65nzj Posts: 122 Member

    Finally got the motivation to join this amazing thread after spending the last week reading the August one.


    1st Sept: 187 lbs
    2nd Sept: 185.5 (water weight I’m sure)
    3rd Sept 184.5 lbs
    4th Sept: 184 lbs (I think this is the last of the water weight now)
    5th Sept 182.8 lbs
    6th Sept:
  • dannytrees1
    dannytrees1 Posts: 272 Member
    Goal for Sept. 192
    Sept- 1-196.2

    Have a great day everyone 🌴😁
  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 566 Member
    Heaviest Weight: 221 | First Goal Weight: 165 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 140
    August Goal: Get as close to 200 as possible | Exercising 6 days a week

    Previous Info:
    Hi, I'm a 50+ yo married female, 5'6", and I’m making changes to get out of the Obese category, to look good in my clothing, and to have confidence in public again. I'm not making this a race - I'm doing this at my pace. This year has given me a few challenges - but I'm still working toward weight loss goals. ✨

    Jan SW: 205.9
    Feb SW: 209.8
    Mar SW: 208.2
    Apr SW: 209.1
    May SW: 211.5
    Jun SW: 211.0
    Jul SW: 214.4
    Aug SW: 210.7

    Sep 1: DNW
    Sep 2: 212.3
    Sep 3: 212.1
    Sep 4: 210.5
    Sep 5: 210.5
    Sep 6:
  • HappyDonkey75
    HappyDonkey75 Posts: 203 Member
    Heaviest Weight: 212 | First Goal Weight: 165
    September Goal: 183 (or less)

    Strength train 2 times a week and increase weights
    SIT training 2 x per week)
    Fit shorter cardio sessions in
    Dial in the balance of Protein (113 g) Carbs(169) and get more consistent with hitting those #'s

    Here goes!

    9/2- DNW
    9/4-185.9- Hit my macro targets for the day- upper body workout and dressage day

    Alot of folks find that weighing themselves daily makes them a little nuts. I actually find it helpful. It might be that my OCD tendencies are taking over.. :blush:

    Before I started this whole plan, I was that person that never weighed myself.. other than when I went to the doctor. Then I would self loathe for a few days, vying never to look at the scale again til the next year and go buy a food item to make me feel better, which was likely a high calorie item. Food rewards for my emotions and Denial got me to where I was. I don't want to go back to that person.

    1% better
  • canadamarie
    canadamarie Posts: 83 Member
    September for calm focus

    Highest weight: 196 Feb
    June average weight: 191
    July average weight: 189
    Aug average weight: 187
    Sept goal: 185 average

    Aug 1: DNW
    Aug 2: 187
    Aug 3: 186
    Aug 4: 187
    Aug 5: 186

  • SofaKween
    SofaKween Posts: 347 Member
    Female – wrong side of 65; wrong side of average height!

    Previous Months:-
    March SW – 60.5kg
    31 March EW – 58.8kg
    30 April EW – 57.0kg
    31 May EW – 55.0kg
    30 June EW - 54.2kg
    31 July EW – 53.5kg
    31 August EW – 53.1kg (due to root canal infection)

    UGW - 53kg

    Mini Goals August:
    1. Post here every day for the rest of the month.
    2. To maintain weight in 53-54kg range – ideally nearer to 53kg than 54kg.

    1 Sept – 53.3kg
    2 Sept – 53.3kg
    3 Sept – 53.0kg
    4 Sept – 53.2kg
    5 Sept – 52.7kg

    Antibiotics are beginning to play havoc with my digestion, be pleased once they’re finished. Am definitely going back to the gym this evening.
  • Enber74
    Enber74 Posts: 37 Member
    Random observation on when people start to notice your weight loss and actually open their mouth to say something.

    For people who see you infrequently, like 2-3 times a year: 10% weight loss
    For colleagues, people you work with and see weekly: 11-14% weight loss
    For extended family who sees you every week: 15-19% weight loss
    For immediate family who sees you every day: 20% or more weight loss

    Of course, this is just based on weight. If we are talking about building muscles and changing your physique, then body fat % comes into play. Comments (compliments) are a shot in the arm in your journey. But don't despair when you have not hit the point when people are commenting. No one loses 10% weight in a day. Stick to it, step by step. Compliments will come in waves after the first.