30 Day Shred for October



  • Ok, 1st workout DONE! Not bad, broke a sweat with the push-ups. But was able to keep up. I like it! I can tell already this is going to be a trip on my knees, hoping not too much tho.

    My plan for the next 30 days is to SHRED 2x a day (since it's only a 20 min W/O). Eat clean on a low-carb, low-sodium regiment: fresh fruit, veggies and high proteins. No over-eating! water only!! Be consistance in taking my vitamin supplement.

    Current: 235
    Goal: 229
    Thighs: 28
    Bust: 42
    Waist: 42
    Arms: 16

    Best wishes!!
  • MzGrinch9250
    MzGrinch9250 Posts: 376 Member
    Just finished the first workout. I did miss a few of the repetitions, but got thru the whole workout. I did break a really good sweat!
  • carolinagirl919
    carolinagirl919 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm in! Just bought the DVD yesterday and did Day 1 Level 1 this morning.

    Starting weight: 168.5
    Waist: 34"
    L. Arm: 13.25"
    R. Arm: 13.25"
    Hips: 43"
    R. Leg: 25.5"
    L. Leg: 25.5"
  • elmedus
    elmedus Posts: 18
    I'm in
  • So I've just finished Level 1 Day 3, and I am happy to say that it wasn't as bad as day 1. (: I'm still terrible at the pushups (even while doing the easy/modified ones!) but I did much better in the second circuit of strength training - those ones where you have to do the lunges in place with the weights are killer!

    I'm only using 2lb weights because that's what I have, but I'm wondering - what weight is everyone else using?
  • ladyjoie
    ladyjoie Posts: 165 Member
    I'm in! Started it today. Didn't make it in September due to a leg injury, so here's hoping I get all the way through this time!

  • maura5880
    maura5880 Posts: 346 Member
    So I've just finished Level 1 Day 3, and I am happy to say that it wasn't as bad as day 1. (: I'm still terrible at the pushups (even while doing the easy/modified ones!) but I did much better in the second circuit of strength training - those ones where you have to do the lunges in place with the weights are killer!

    I'm only using 2lb weights because that's what I have, but I'm wondering - what weight is everyone else using?

    I've been using 3lb weights.
  • campfirecrafter
    campfirecrafter Posts: 25 Member
    Started today for the first time since last winter , was surprised at how well I managed , lets hope I can keep this up

    GW for Oct 31-184.0
    Bust- 44.5
    Waist- 39
    hips 42
  • I started this today too, used 3 lb wts to start and could only do 6 pushups but it felt good to sweat!
  • neuro316
    neuro316 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm in - did Level 1 Day 1 last night. Boy, do I feel it in my abs! But I was still able to get to the gym for my regular workout today, so it didn't kill me, haha!

    30DS stats:
    SW: 156 lbs
    Bust 37
    Waist 32
    Hips 41.2
  • kingjoanfla
    kingjoanfla Posts: 14 Member
    I'm going to try to find the video.
  • Bought video and weights today does anyone know how we record this video in our exercise log?

    Circuit Training
  • lhinds85
    lhinds85 Posts: 65 Member
    So I just finished day 1 of Level 1 on 30 day shred. Didin't do as good as i hope but i finished. I'm hoping tomorrow i will do better. Good Luck everyone. Now time for a nice bath.
  • cspotts
    cspotts Posts: 8 Member
    I did this 2 years ago after having my first daughter. I just started it again after having my second daughter. It kicked my butt, but I know it's worth it.
  • cspotts
    cspotts Posts: 8 Member
    Oh and for those with Comcast on demand the first 2 levels are free through exercise tv. I watched it that way tonight bc I didn't feel like digging the DVD out.
  • cspotts
    cspotts Posts: 8 Member
    Oh ya.. I'm logging my progress on the same blog I used when I did the shred the first time. http://fitfulmommy.blogspot.com/
  • lolomichelle13
    lolomichelle13 Posts: 56 Member
    Finished day 1 just now! I think I'll have to get some lighter weights if I want to make it through the whole time using them. Right now I have 8lb weights and for most of the strength exercises they were killing me.
  • ThinnerHill
    ThinnerHill Posts: 254 Member
    I'm so in if you'll allow me to join. I just finished day 1 Level 1 tonight. I didn't think I could sweat that much in such little time. I finished it which was a great accomplishment in itself.

    October 1st: Beginning Weight 195.4 :(

    I am also working on the couch to 5k program so I am hoping I can do this in the mornings and my runs in the evening on the overlap days.
  • Starting off: 190lbs on Day 1.
    I'm feeling great and not overly tired or sore.
    (I did my first official day last Tuesday but hurt so bad days later that I waited until today to resume, today I will mark as day 1.)
  • kjenelle
    kjenelle Posts: 61 Member
    I completed the first night after participating in a two hour Zumbathon; and, I am beat! Here are my stats:

    Lets keep it going! Have a great night