Ages 70+



  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 473 Member
    Yes, Christmas is fast approaching. Need to get a start on some decorating also. Cold and windy day today.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 509 Member
    Cold and snowy here. Could not walk in it. Wish I had cleaned windows last month!
    Made a really good kielbasa and sauerkraut slow cooker meal with my homemade sauerkraut. The recipe is going into the rotation.Also a simple Ukrainian carrot and apple salad. Tasty and different and good for you.
    Did a teeny bit of interior decorating today. If the sun comes out will try to add the lights
    outside soon.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 473 Member
    Your recipes sound delicious! I'm sure your sauerkraut was much better than store bought.

    The last couple of mornings have been woken up with robo calls. Was going to block the number but when I checked, I see that it is a series of different phone numbers. We get so many of these ridiculous calls. We have an answering machine so I don't answer any call that I don't recognize. If it's important, the caller can leave a message. I registered to be put on the national do not call list a few years ago but I think I need to do that again.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 427 Member
    Left my house at 7:30 this morning and got home at 3:30. Christmas shopping. I finished the granddaughter and halfway done on the baby. The six year old called me and asked if he could go shopping with me to pick out his presents. I am
    Fine with that, so I guess we will go after school one day.

    A church nearby has a display of 130 nativity sets from all over the world. Tomorrow is the last night so I need to try to get to that. I put up a tree and hung a wreath on the door. That’s about all the Christmas this house is going to get this year. I still need to devote myself to unpacking boxes.

    Your kraut recipe sounds delicious. Fermented foods are so good for us. My husband had cancer in his small intestine 13 years ago and fermented foods were on the list of foods to heal the gut.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 509 Member
    This was my first try at fermenting and I was happy with the result.
    There is snow on the ground here but not the next town north.So we had a nice walk in the woods with no problems. Did a little decorating but it was too cold to hang lights.
    The nativity display sounds very nice! Many years ago when one of our daughters studied abroad, we spent Christmas in Spain. Every store front window had a Belen—my favorite was the one made entirely made of chocolate at the candy store.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 427 Member
    I feel like my legs get so cold on walks while my upper body is toasty warm in a big down coat. RBX put their fleece leggings on sale today, so I ordered the bootcut ones. I have some that are not fleece lined and practically live in them. Hoping fleece lined ones will help me to walk longer. I wont have to come in because I am cold. Your walk in the woods sounds lovely. Do you see a lot of wildlife?
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 509 Member
    Fleece leggings sound great—I will wear tights underneath when it gets cold but fleece sounds heavenly. I was reading an article today about how it is good to exercise in the cold.
    Sometimes we see a lot of wildlife and other times hardly any.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 473 Member
    See wildlife a lot in our area. Moose, deer and elk are frequently seen going through our land and even up to our yard passing through. Always nice to see them. Get a few calls every year from people wanting to hunt on our property but we always say no and our property is posted as no hunting or trespassing.

    Doing Christmas decorating in the house today. Time to put up my tree and a few other room decorations.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 509 Member
    I think moose and elk are magnificent looking animals. I’ve only seen them in Canada, Maine, and the Rockies.
    Most lights are up, not the tree though. Made homemade mulling spice mix for cider. Now I won’t be getting store bought anymore. Plus the house smelled great while drying the orange peels.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 473 Member
    Put my tabletop tree up yesterday along with my Christmas village ornaments. Decided to set everything up on a folding table that I had bought during the summer. Big mistake. Heard a crash at about midnight. My cat knocked the tree off the table onto the floor along with a couple of my Lemax village pieces. The tree is quite heavy but so is the cat. What a mess. So back to re-decorating this morning. Getting rid of the table and will put the tree up onto a smaller end table. Will use another end table to set my village up onto but will be using the bottom part of the table so the village will not be too far from the floor. Having pets can be challenging at times.

    Down a half a pound this morning so happy about that. Sure is coming off slowly.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 509 Member
    Cats will do cat things, won’t they? Used to have a wonderful orange kitty but now I don’t think I could cat-proof the place enough for another.
    Good job on the scale. I am scared to get on mine.I just keep trying to exercise and not go overboard on eating.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 473 Member
    Took all my breakable ornaments off the tree and put on some unbreakable ones that I had. They are quite pretty wooden balls in gold and red. They are large so I thought they wouldn't look good on a tabletop tree but they actually look nice. No one took the slightest interest in the tree last night so I think it all had to do with the big table I originally put the tree on. It left too much room for the curious cats to explore.

    You have the right attitude about exercise and mindful eating.

    Cold has settled in here again (-25 C) but should only last a couple of days and then slowly warm up to around
    -5 C later in the week.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 427 Member
    Since I am eating badly diring the holiday season and can’t seem to stop, my new coping strategy is going to be a cut off time. I am going to try not to eat after 6 p.m. if I can cut out nighttime mindless snacking, that should help, right?

    Visited my sister in another state today for her birthday. We went out for lunch. I was bad and had fried chicken. With mashed potatoes and gravy. Yikes!!! I also got no exercise, just lots of driving and eating, (sigh)

    Tomorrow I will try again.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 509 Member
    I like the cutoff idea. But today was not one of those days for me due to an evening party. And such a gloomy day so no walking. Hoping tomorrow will be better.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 473 Member
    It is a struggle to stay on track during the holiday season with company and visiting others. The cutoff idea is a good one and will help I'm sure. We will just have one day of Christmas celebration with extended family so I'm sure I will gain a bit but expect to get back on tract soon afterwards. No one is staying overnight as daughter is having a houseful the next day so needs to get back from our place in the evening. I can now skip the big breakfast the next day which helps. My plan is to enjoy the meal with a bit of snacking along with a couple glasses of wine! Looking forward to a fun day with family. Bit of snow this morning but is starting to warm up. Hubby is going to blow the snow out then we are off to town to pick up a few last minute items.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 509 Member
    More gloomy weather here. Was tied to the house until almost evening waiting for packages. Then did some shopping.
    No walk, but I did do my weights at home.
    It will probably be a fairly quiet Christmas here too. Was hoping daughter and family would visit after Christmas but she is having some medical problems and she might not be able to travel.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 427 Member
    Stayed on track with eating today. Unpacked some more boxes and culled more stuff to donate. I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. My Christmas shopping is done. Presents are wrapped and under the tree. I am starting to feel like I am sort of in control again. Whew!

    Cookie baking might Happen tomorrow . I am only baking the kinds I can resist.

    Melody, I hope your daughter’s medical problems are soon resolved
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 473 Member
    Well done, Cat. Nice feeling to have control back.

    Melody, hope your daughter's medical issues are overcome. Lots of stress on your end I'm sure.

    Christmas prep is pretty much finished and I can now concentrate on some house cleaning the next couple of days. Before we know it, Christmas will be in the past as it goes by so quickly.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 509 Member
    Thanks for the wishes about my daughter. Its just a bit dicey right now. Not a good time to travel in case she needs care.
    Tree is not up yet. We went walking in town in light snow. It looked pretty.
    Still need to do a bit more shopping but that may have to wait until I see how much snow we het!
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 473 Member
    I had a mini goal to reach the 170's by the end of November and have finally reached it. Weighed in at 179.6 so just barely there. I think the treadmill is helping me. I try to use it every day and just do brisk walking but it keeps me mindful of my eating also. I try to cut back a bit on portion far I am happy with results. Glad to have the treadmill as a tool to use during the winter months. Once spring is here, will be nice to continue walking outside.

    Starting some cleaning today. Need to pull out the stove and fridge to clean out behind. Easy to do as they are both on wheels. Bit of laundry to tackle this afternoon. It has warmed up here to a balmy -11 C. Dogs are enjoying a bit more time outside. The forecast for Christmas Eve is close to 0 C so should be good driving weather for daughter and family (as long as we don't get any freezing rain).
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 509 Member
    Good job on the weight!!!
    I think my shopping is mostly done. Had a nice walk after the snow stopped.
    Still need holiday food items and time to fix them.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 473 Member
    Just wanted to wish you both a very Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year!

    Probably won’t post until after Christmas as getting too busy here. Will catch up a bit later.

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 509 Member
    Same to you. I need to get off my social media for a couple of days and accomplish stuff too!
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 427 Member
    Merry Christmas and God bless us everyone. The new year will be my time to seriously track calories and exercise until I hit an acceptable number on the scales. I am setting a modest goal of a half pound a week. If I can achieve that, I will be at least 25 pounds lighter this time next year. I’ll take it!
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 473 Member
    Hope you both had a nice Christmas. Family came on Christmas Eve and we had a big dinner, opened gifts and played a few card/board games. Had a lot of fun and thoroughly enjoyed. Everyone left in the evening so Christmas Day was quiet with just hubby and myself so we indulged on leftovers and it was a nice day. Beautiful weather here with temps at about -3C and clear blue skies.

    Weighed myself this morning and not surprised to see a couple of pounds have found their way back to me. Gave a lot of goodies to daughter to take home with her and did a purge this morning of my back to my normal, mindful eating and hopefully get back down in my weight.

    Enjoy the day.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 509 Member
    Hi everybody, definitely not weighing myself. Eating too much but still walking most days. Feeling stronger with my weights. So a mixed bag. Like you I know how to get back on track soon.
    Snow on the ground but the forecast is for rain soon. Drove around looking at Christmas lights tonight.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 473 Member
    Good you are keeping up with the walking. I'm back to my treadmill now after missing two days. Feels like I might be getting a cold. Granddaughter seemed to have one (she's 10) when they were visiting. Hopefully it passes quickly. Been years since I have had one. This weather we are having is quite unusual. Goes from being in the deep freeze to very pleasant.

    Not much planned for today. Too early to take down Christmas decorations as I like to leave them up until just after New Years. Thawing a turkey in the fridge as hubby wanted one for Christmas. We had ham for our big meal then been eating leftovers the last couple of days. Told hubby I would cook the turkey for just the two of us on New Year's eve. It's a small one so should be good....we just freeze the leftovers.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 427 Member
    I took Christmas down already. It felt very crowded in our smaller space so I was glad to reclaim the territory from the Christmas tree. Didnt take long since we had a much smaller tree and only half the ornaments or less. I packed up two big boxes of Christmas stuff we dont have room for and donated it. Everytime I donate something, I feel like I am crawling farther out from under the clutter monster.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 509 Member
    We didn’t get our tree up till xmas eve so I think it is staying up for a while.
    Had a beautiful hike around some lakes in one of my favorite state parks. Had never been there in snow season.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 427 Member
    I bet that hike was beautiful . Did you take any pictures? There is something so stark and bleak about a winter landscape. It has a lonesome appeal, I think. We are getting cold rain but not freezing. I am grateful for that because I have some errands for today.
    I am going to weigh on Monday and get serious about diet and exercise. I cannot stand how much weight I have put on in the last year. I wish it was as easy to get off as it is to put on.