Senior Golden Sneakers............October



  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Sandy. LOL
  • patinpa
    patinpa Posts: 16 Member
    May I join this group? I could use some support and enouragement. If it ever stops raining and flooding here, I want to get out and walk.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Pat, I hope you don't mind but I copied your story on your profile page because I know this group will offer all the support we can possibly give. You sound like an amazing lady and someone we would be proud to know. Any encouragement you might need we are here to give. Take it one day at a time and if possible get in some exercise as well as recording food and drinkig lots of water.

    (This is Pat's profile)
    About Me

    i'm a single women, living along. I enjoy quilting and other needle work. When the weather is nice I like to walk. I swim at the nearby YMCA and try to get to the gym a couple of times a week. I also enjoy gardening when the weather is good.. I am a breast cancer survivor and lost my oldest daughter to breast cancer, at the age of 42. My other two children are grown and live away from home.

    Why I Want To Get In Shape

    I am so tired of people saying to me "Boy, have you gained weight" I ran into my aunt that I hadn't seen in years and that is the first thing out of her mouth. I live alone and have little to no support for this job. My friends all keep giving me goodies, even though they know I've been trying to lose.
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    PAT: I live in Lancaster County, PA. I'm also sick of the rain....did I say sick???? I meant SICK! Summer is over and I feel like it never came..:cry: That's the kind of stuff that causes us to eat and eat and eat. But I'm going to be 63 and you're 67, so think of how much we have had to overcome in our lives. The loss of a daughter, I can't even imagine.

    Tell your friends that you appreciate the gesture but use a simple no thank you. If it's in the house, it's in the mouth. As for people commenting on your weight gain, just say really? I don't think I've gained any more than you have, dear. :laugh:

    The Sneakers will welcome you with open arms. You can friend me or just message if you want. Don't give up! We are women, WATCH US ROAR!!!


    Maddie :heart:
  • Hi Pat, and welcome, it is usually not this slow around here, everyone is out getting in some last warm sunshine before winter!!
    Being a survivor as well as feeling the pain of such a terrible loss, you know how much your survival means, so congratulations on being a survivor, and live and fight for those who did not survive.. God Bless you.

    One of our sneakers is a walking queen, she often gets in over 25,000 steps in One Day!! she will have good tips for you, and I know that one of them is that she always wears her pedometer, and she walks inside when the weather is bad.

    Maddie, is a funny, sweet, generous lady, and she comes up with some good 'zingers' of wise words.. If you friends are too persistent in their food gifts, you can always give the food away, tell them or not about it. Once its your food, its yours to do as you please with.

    I at least got a little something done today, may try to drag dh to the store with me, he doesn't want to leave the football games!!

    Day two, and although they discourage too much coffee, I am craving it, so I will just have tea or decaf. The snack cravings are usually after lunch and dinner for me. So I am ok right now, since I haven't had lunch yet.. whew.. it is a lot to eat, and yet, looking at yesterdays diary, I didn't eat too many calories, for me, that is. I forgot to put in the grapefruit juice yesterday.

    I'm going to petsmart, and maybe the grocery, so I will check back in with you later.

    take care
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    GRRrrrr Had a beautiful post to make up for my recent neglect, clicked the darn Medifast ad by mistake, and it wiped out EVERYTHING! I'll try to remember it through the tears of frustration:grumble:

    We hope you'll feel at home here with this great support group, the best you'll find anywhere!

    SANDY, as usual, your new month post is delightful and appropriate, and though your joke (?) and beautiful picture accompanying it were entertaining. I love your pasting Pat's profile to introduce her to us! And thank you for your great Greeting. Still can't believe the number of years that have passed!

    MARIE, we're so proud of your accomplishment with your new way of eating, and how much good it has done for you! :flowerforyou: Your foods sound delicious and healthy, and I'll be over for Sunday dinner! Thank you for the lively Greetings, little Sis!

    JAKE... I thought retirement was ALL about [img2761041eb5r14nb4d.gif[/img] anything else that might involve your beautiful spouse! :bigsmile:

    BARBIE, I doubt you have to set ANY goals beyond your disciplined self![img][/img]194904olsgis3xqe.gif...I don't know how you do it, except you are living proof it works! And thank you for you great greeting! You know how fast time passes, too!

    MADDIE, thank you for the special message, DD, and as usual your posts are invigorating and fun! But I wish you a sunny beautiful autumn up there in Lancaster Co rather than this dreariness that has been infecting the area, in fact , all the Northeast! I think I love your suggestion to Pat about answering toxic questions from insensitive "friends"!!!

    SHIRLEY, this is where my post went off into cyberspace! But I remember remarking that I had no idea inflation was lower on this side of the border! I'm aware of it every time I shop for almost anything; prices ar up, up, up, so I try to learn how to coupon effectively, but it's a real art, and I save very little! Enjoy the new shoes and fragrances, and I trust the latte was lo-cal! :drinker:

    GAYLA, hope those tomatoes ripen before the frost sets in! we used to bring the whole vine into our basement to ripen through the winter, and they really did! Did Neil make it back in time? Good to hear he's bicycling:wink:

    CHRIS, I recall looking into the 17 day diet, but don't remeber why I didn't attempt to follow it. Sounds interesting, and good luck on it!

    IRENE, so nice to have you mark your place! Always are happy to see you come to visit, and bless you, dear golden slipper!

    PHOEBE doll, nuts are good for us, in moderation of course. The oils are the good kind for the heart etc and although we hear most about walnuts and almonds, pistachios are really touted by Dr Agatston as good for us and I think we are allowed 39 of them as a snack! I think the shy kitty must be both a chore and a love at the same time! I howl at your remark about "cool" stuff in the ad section of Mother Earth! A secret I seldom share:---my husband #1 lives in a yurt in upstate NY! Has for many years, and I'll be darned if I can figure out how he survives the winters! I do believe he survived WW2 with PTSD, which was not a recognized condition back in the 1940s! Really wrecked our lives!

    JERI, we're hangin' in there for you! All the way!:flowerforyou:

    GIGI, hope Mom is doing better and the weather here is enjoying a "cold snap" at 84 degrees!

    JACKIE, I must have missed your most recent posts, and

    JUDY, yours, too. Hope all's going well with you both!

    CONNIE, I really miss you, too!:cry: and

    MAE, where are you?

    We did fairly well last night at our dinner out. Delicious thick pork chop in an apricot ginger glaze; I added salad and good vegetables and we shqared a molten chocolate dessert, not too sweet. No wine, though! Perfect for our celebration and I am being very careful most of today! My best to all and don't mean to leave anyone out but I'm certain I must have!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Chris posted to September by mistake so I copied it so you wouldn't miss what she wrote:

    Good afternoon Seniors,

    What's happening today? We got up early this morning, drank our hot water with lemon. Then I made us scrambled eggs and 1/4 cup each egg beaters egg whites, added a green tomatoe and slice of canadian bacon with green tea. Yummy,

    We went to have coffee with friends, we were in the bathroom a lot because of all the water, tea, and coffee.

    Came home and made vegetable chicken soup, no noodles or potatoes, we also had some plums and green tea. then we took a 17 minute walk and will do another one later and my yoga.

    I haven't decided on dinner yet, but it will be chicken or fish, and veggies and green tea.

    tonite we will have yogurt and fruit and water.( about 32 oz). I think we may float away some day.

    I finished all my canning of plums yesterday, I even made plum jam. I don't make a lot of jars since there is only 2 of us but I love giving it to family and friends too. My son who lives close by is always happy togo home with jars full of fruit and veggies.

    tomorrow I am going to meet up with a friend of mine, we have not had a visit for a very long time, it's time to catch up on things with the family. We are meeting for lunch a Cracker Barrel restraunt.

    My friends have a wonderfull day.
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Chris posted to September by mistake so I copied it so you wouldn't miss what she wrote:

    Good afternoon Seniors,

    What's happening today? We got up early this morning, drank our hot water with lemon. Then I made us scrambled eggs and 1/4 cup each egg beaters egg whites, added a green tomatoe and slice of canadian bacon with green tea. Yummy,

    We went to have coffee with friends, we were in the bathroom a lot because of all the water, tea, and coffee.

    Came home and made vegetable chicken soup, no noodles or potatoes, we also had some plums and green tea. then we took a 17 minute walk and will do another one later and my yoga.

    I haven't decided on dinner yet, but it will be chicken or fish, and veggies and green tea.

    tonite we will have yogurt and fruit and water.( about 32 oz). I think we may float away some day.

    I finished all my canning of plums yesterday, I even made plum jam. I don't make a lot of jars since there is only 2 of us but I love giving it to family and friends too. My son who lives close by is always happy togo home with jars full of fruit and veggies.

    tomorrow I am going to meet up with a friend of mine, we have not had a visit for a very long time, it's time to catch up on things with the family. We are meeting for lunch a Cracker Barrel restraunt.

    My friends have a wonderfull day.

    OMG, Cracker Barrel....I could eat everything in the place and the store, another OMG.....Be careful, be very careful!!!:heart:
  • Several of you have mentioned what to do when friends and family insist on giving you food you really shouldn't have. I was given some advice when I was young and the wife of a minister of a small rural church. "Go out in the back yard, dig a secret hole, and name it "THE SPOT." guessed it. When asked how the (whatever) was, you can truthfully say, "It really hit THE SPOT." (I never really did that...with a big family, low income, and no need for dieting then, we were thankful for every scrap!!) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello Pat so glad you join us. I like too quilt too. or rather I like to diddle around with it.

    Here is my soup for this week. will be making it tomorrow. found it in taste of home online recipes . Its low in calories and in carbs. Just the thing for me.

    Cabbage Soup
    1 medium head cabbage, chopped
    1 cup chopped celery
    1 cup chopped onion
    8 cups water
    1 teaspoon beef bouillon granules
    1 tablespoon salt
    2 teaspoons pepper
    1-1/2 pounds ground beef, browned and drained
    2 cans (15 ounces each) tomato sauce
    1 tablespoon brown sugar
    1/4 cup ketchup
    •In a large Dutch oven, cook the cabbage, celery and onion in water
    until tender. Add bouillon, salt, pepper, beef and tomato sauce.
    Bring to a boil; reduce heat and simmer 10 minutes. Stir in brown
    sugar and ketchup; simmer another 10 minutes or until heated
    through. Yield: 16-20 servings (5 quarts).

    Nutrition Facts: 1 serving (1 cup) equals 80 calories, 3 g fat (1 g saturated fat), 17 mg cholesterol, 567 mg sodium, 6 g carbohydrate, 2 g fiber, 7 g protein.

    I will post it in our seniors recipes thread , ...... see my signature for the link to it.

    Hope you all had a wonderful Sunday/ I did. Alice made it out and help me some on the computer problems I have. had a nice lunch vegetables plate and a sugar roll for my monthly treat. so I better try this cabbage soup out. Then came home and watch the Cowboys game. What a disapointment Can't beieve they let it get away. oh I brough half of my food home from lunch so I have my supper ready for tonight.

    Sandy I need for you to go thru that second window stuff with me again I will save it on my computer so I will have it to refer to this time. I never did learn how to do it.

    Irene glad to see you drop by
    Phoebe. good to hear from you. You always always bring the sunshine in rainy or not. We had a beautiful day here.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    The cabbage soup sounds so delicious, MARIE!!!:drinker: I'll try making it, though I have to substitute either lemon juice or vinegar for the salt. But my mouth is watering just from reading your recipe! I wonder if a bag of cole slaw would work as well as cutting the whole cabbage??? Talk about lazy, huh?:noway:

    SANDY & MADDIE, how thoughtful you both were about getting Chris's post into the right month! That's what I meant when I mentioned the support you receive in this thread! Love you all!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    You know buzz I wa thinking the same thing. I make such a mess cutting cabbage up and my wrist is not much help. At least i think that what I will do. The last time I bought cabbage it had brown spts in it and I threw it all away. that is a lot of salt even the ketcup has a lots of sodium. Does lemons help to flavor foods? But cutting out the salt will get the sodium way down Per cup. Within our limite of 500 its 567 with the salt. Good ideal thanks.

    Chris look like you had a very healtful eating day. And a busy one too.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Marie......try this.

    On the reply button right click then click on where it says open in a new window. Now you will have two windows open so on the upper right hand side click on the middle box that looks like a box. Do this do both windows that you have open so you can put them side by side and you will be able to post in the empty box and scroll through what others have said from the other window. Not to confuse you but then you can go to your internet sign usually an e and right click on that to open yet another window where you can go to the graphics site and add graphics to the box that you are working in, be sure not to hit post reply before you are done. I hope this makes sense but if it doesn't let me know and I will try to explain it again. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Bless your heart Sandy. Lets say I am on sneakers thread and I decided i wanted to say something to lets say Phoebe when do I click on glitter take me thru the steps could you. at what point do I right click on reply?
  • I'm glad ya'll woke up!! lol, I'm just teasing, I'm the one who sleeps the most on this thread!!

    Irene, now that's a unique way to respond if I ever heard one! LOL, I wish you had done it just once though, just so you could tell us how it felt!! you are such fun, (((((hugs)))))

    Marie, the soup does sound delish, except for the sugar and ketchup.. I can't stand sweet entrees/meal foods. dessert, you betcha, but I just dont go for sweet and sour chicken or any of that stuff. No sugar in my soup, ok?

    Your talk of cabbage reminded me of something new to our grocery this summer. It is shredded collard greens. It is a big bag, and I have been wondering what the shredding is for? I think it would be great in soup, but not the whole bag, it's really Large:ohwell:

    I haven't eaten dinner yet. Just not a bit hungry. I did want my coffee, so I drank my juice first, then fixed a cup. I bought a turkey entree in the refrigerator section of the grocery. I just want to see if it is, you know, Real turkey and not one of those roll things. If I get hungry before I get sleepy, I'll fix it up.

    I went to Petsmart and bought a HUGE litter box. is that too much information? lol, well, I did! I hope it is big enough. It looks like three kittens indoors this time. They are such fun to watch.

    Chris, plum jelly is so pretty, I like to put it on the window sill, and let the sun shine thru it.

    time to get something done on this pc before I turn it off. take care all, and have a safe week
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Today is my Isagenix cleanse day. We do this about twice a month, usually on Sundays so I consume fewer calories, do my body a great service, and usually rest more than I do on other days. Of course, the dogs don’t know one day from another so they got me out for enough neighborhood walks to get my pedometer past 18,000 steps. They would have liked to walk more.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Pat, welcome. The first day I started MFP some friends picked me up to take me somewhere and brought me a bagel with cream cheese and I said “no thank, you” That was the beginning of more than two years of planning my eating for the day ahead of time and eating nothing that I haven’t planned for. It takes practice and the hide of a rhinoceros to say no to treats but it can be done. Stick with us and we will encourage you every day.

    Maddie, that’s a great line “if it’s in the house, it’s in the mouth”………I may have to use that sometime soon

    Phoebe, are you allowed to snack or divide your food into five or six small meals? It works better for me to eat about every three hours.

    Shirley, enjoy your shopping. We have been on a spending diet lately and clothes are low on the budgeting list so I enjoy hearing about your shoe shopping success.

    Buzz, I’m glad your anniversary celebration was delicious. Thank you for the kind words about disciplined I am. Some call it compulsive, :laugh: and the dogs just think I’m a good mom for walking them so often for so long.

    Chris, are you finished with all your canning or just the plums. What a great hobby with such useful results. Cracker Barrel sounds like a dangerous place to eat.:laugh:

    Irene, I loved your story about “The Spot” but like you, I am too thrifty to dispose of food.

    Marie, the cabbage soup sounds yummy but the sodium looks high
  • Phoebe, are you allowed to snack or divide your food into five or six small meals? It works better for me to eat about every three hours.

    nope, they say no eating between meals and there are three meals per day. They say it is the combining of foods that initiates weight loss. we shall see.. you know, I went to the grocery tonight, dh wanted some fruit, even though it is not on the list, and I didn't buy anything else except for some eggbeaters.. this could be easier on the budget, I hope, I hope.. less bread/starchy stuff. I'm still not hungry, but I put the turkey on my food diary, and never had it..

    Now I'm really gone, goodnight :happy:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Bless your heart Sandy. Lets say I am on sneakers thread and I decided i wanted to say something to lets say Phoebe when do I click on glitter take me thru the steps could you. at what point do I right click on reply?

    When you are ready to post, you right click on the reply button and click on the part that says open in new window. Now you have he empty box where you type your reply but also have another window with everyones remarks. A window is the page you are looking at and you can make it smaller by hiting the button next to the x on the top right. So if you have the glitter page in your favorites or however you access it you get it in the window that has eveyones posts. Once you have the glitter graphic you want you can put it in the empty box on the new window you opened, write what you want and hit post reply. Understand?
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Sandy. Will give it a try. I have got it save, Will work on it tomorrow/

    BarbiecatI have been just a dumper cook all of my life and I have never put 1 whole T of salt in any of my soup sor anything I cook. So they have got way to much salt in that recipe. will have to check the tomatoes sauce out tho. And the ketcup too. And run it thru he recipe caculator if I can find out how to used it.

    Phoebe its way past my bedtime . judy will be around to tell me to go to bed here in a little while.Getting close to yours to Sandy