
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Hello ladies. Back from our 3 week Florida vacation this morning & starting to feel the jet lag but we had a fab time. Despite my intentions, I reckon I've put on 4lbs. I certainly traded what I wanted most at the moment instead of what I wanted most in life. But every mouthful was my choice & I generally enjoyed what I ate so I accept the consequence of my actions & I'm back to a healthier way now.

    Off to bed & catch up with reading tomorrow.
  • sveltewisher
    sveltewisher Posts: 93 Member
    I love October - it starts with my birthday on the 7th and ends with Halloween, a favorite holiday. I would like to lose 5 lbs this month. I have been exercising this week and back home on MFP. LOL.:drinker:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I lost 1/2 a pound for September. Not much, but I will take it!

    For October my goal is to make a good showing in the weight loss contest starting at work that I helped get going. I am too close to goal to win, but it is still a motivator to get going. We are working in pairs @ $5.00 each for a 6 week period ending right before Thanksgiving. Then the 2nd session is mid-January til Easter. No dieting around holidays for us. ha, ha. So today and tomorrow I am on vacation from dieting and just logging in to keep my days going.

    There are 2-3 of us who have lost a lot already and kept it off and are joining just for motivation and for our reviews which require each person to work on one fun morale boosting thing for our center each year. This is our thing.

    Will catch up on the posts later.

  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies: Juat marking my spot. I am still at my son and DIL's. Talk to you soon. Hope everyone is well. Love, Cathy xx
  • Janipi
    Janipi Posts: 11 Member
    Count me in here... I need to go exercise right now... but I wanted to make sure to post and get onboard for October... see you all soon.. here.. that is!! Have a great rest of the weekend...
  • TrekkerCynthia
    TrekkerCynthia Posts: 155 Member
    Forgot to check in this morning and got to read a ton of posts because of it.

    Jeannie, the study on the soup sounds very interesting. I've been waiting for it to cool off in Vegas so I could start making some. I like to make a veggie base, then add various thing to change it up.

    Jane, very glad your hubby's blood work did not indicate he had to give something up :smile: He must have been happy.

    Welcome to the newbies from another newbie

    I'm finally getting my birthday present, even though my birthday was back in July. I wanted the Galaxy tablet and they weren't out till late August, and then DH wanted to wait until a sale. I will be using it to take notes in class since I can download a handwriting app. Good time.s.

    I didn't get to go to the thai restaurant after all. DH and I both graduated from the University of Colorado and they had a football game today. For some reason I thought it was at 4:30 but it was really on at 1:30 so I had to cancel and we'll try again another date. You'd think my team could at least have won for me :mad: But instead they lost with about 2 minutes left. :sad:

    But that means I'll be within my calorie goal, especially since I went for an extra walk this evening. My favorite custard place had lemon frozen custard and apparently "I'll walk an hour" for lemon custard. :bigsmile: Oh, and speaking of exercise, does anyone here alter the number MFP gives you for the calories? I really think they are too high so I'll usually multiply them by 0.75 or 0.8, depending on how hard I think I worked. BTW, you should know now, if you haven't figured it out already, that I'm kind of a numbers geek. For example, MFP showed 411 calories for my walk tonight, but I logged it as 328. I'm doing this because I do use them. I guess I'll just see how my weight loss goes over the next month to see if I'm making the right adjustment.

    Now for my goals.
    - I will log in all 31 days of October
    - I will exercise at least 5 days a week in October
    - I will track during my friend's 40th birthday extravaganza over Halloween weekend. He chose to come to Vegas for that one and we like the same restaurants and bars. I sent him a link to the Fetish and Fantasy Ball, very popular here in Vegas even among us normal folks, but he wasn't interested. Thank goodness because you really need a pretty decent body to wear the costumes that normally go to that thing. And for those who like Halloween, you should see some of the costumes on the strip and in the bars. It makes you think someone has raided the Cirque closets.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Marking my spot...AND Happy October. A clean, fresh month!:happy:

    But WELCOME to our new members! This is a fabulous group of women and reading, posting and logging is all worth the time. I wish you all great luck on this journey;-)

    I'll check back in soon,
  • randylevy
    randylevy Posts: 67 Member
    Marking my spot. Hello to all and excited that October is here. I love the fall. Even though we don't see much of a season change in South Florida.. It brings memories of my 35 years in NY, beautiful color leaves and apple picking.. real pumpkin farms and large piles of leaves to jump in. A touch of cool air that makes you want to take a deep breath and go for a brisk walk.

    My goals for October are to lose a minimum of 5lbs, do some exercise everyday, log my food everyday, and drink 64 oz of water everyday. My wish for each and every one of you is that you achieve you goals and may your results be even than expected. Stay Strong, Stay Motivated.

    Looking forward to sharing much more in October with all of you.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,119 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I love the feeling of a new month and new page on the calendar. We bought bulbs and potting soil and started planting today in pots. Until we have a better idea of what we want to do with our yard and get some stuff cleaned up, we decided that by planting in pots we can figure out the best place for the bulbs by moving the pots around as needed. We didn't finish the planting because it started to rain. i did finish trimming some dead branches and saving the twigs for kindling for the wood stove and did some more clearing of some more weeds and vines. the dogs and I had a more than hour long walk this morning and another twenty minutes this afternoon just before dark.

    :bigsmile: welcome to all the new members :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Marking my spot.

    I just got back from seeing Jamie Farr in Lend Me a Tenor at a dinner theatre. We all had a great time. It's hard to believe he is 77. He was such a hoot in Mash. Our grandson went with us. He has always liked all the characters in Mash and "Klinger" in particular. He has a box set of the series. He really enjoyed the show too.

    I'm tired - didn't sleep very well last night. I think I will make up for it tonight.

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    BTW - I was wrong. It's 3 am and I'm still awake.:huh:

    I am so thirsty I can hardly stand it. I had eggplant lasagna and salad for dinner, no dessert. It didn't taste too salty but I am certainly paying for it now.:ohwell: Even when we try to make the healthiest choice when eating out it can still backfire with sodium. I really wanted some sleep. Oh well, this too shall pass. I finished my library book - I guess I'll play online dominoes until I can get enough water down. Oops, I better stop whining. I already had one glass of wine tonight; two would be too many. :wink:

  • randylevy
    randylevy Posts: 67 Member
    Good Morning Ladies.

    I have not written before about my weight loss efforts. Today I want to share. I started my efforts in earnest in February 2011. I actually was doing it for my daughter was 195 lbs at 16. I was 187.6 and almost at my heaviest. We made a pack to do this together and we joined the Quick Weight Loss Center. Quick Weight Loss is a roller coaster. It does work but it is unconventional and if you don't follow it to a T, you will be in for a very bumpy ride, I lost half of what they told I should lose in the time frame they gave me and wanted me to pay more. That is when I joined MFP. I still go to Quick Weight Loss because my daughter is still on the program, and I can still weigh in and get some nutritional advice for up to a year. It's part of the original cost.

    MFP has been slow and steady. I have mostly lost a pound a week since I started. I hit a little plateau recently so I've been trying different things to break through; adjusting my goals, more water and exercise, etc. I am extremely happy with MFP.

    As of today, I am down 34 lbs. I have 16 to go to reach my goal and..... for the first time ever.....

    I just bought my first pair of skinny leg jeans. My mom would be so proud of me.

    Thank you for letting me share and have a wonderful day.
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Barbiecat you are awesome
    You keep us going.
    Just wanted to welcome all the newcomers.
    Sept. down 4 lbs for that month.
    I'm going to clean the garage and have a space just for exercise equipment.
    Got some free weights and a bench and a rolling macine
    Going to look on craigs list for elliptical.

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    I've been MIA for so long, although I have been logging my food most days - missed a couple because I was so disgusted with myself with the amount I'd eaten.

    So, a new month, a new attitude. I actually gained a few lbs during Sept so I have to work on those to get back to the figures shown on my ticker.

    Lawn bowling has finished for the season and I'm now into my aquafit classes on 3 days a week and on one day an hour of knee strengthening. On the other weekday I teach in the afternoon, so don't have time for a formal course. I must try, at least until the winter weather arrives, to do a bit of a walk that morning. I will do this week because I'm going to get my hair cut on Tuesday, so will walk to the hairdressers and back.

    I'm going to Ithaca, N.Y. next weekend for a Lace Conference. My sister will be one of the teachers so I'll get a chance to meet up with her. This week is busy getting things ready.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: I also love the fresh start of a new month! Mine will be starting off with a bang; i.e. birthday party (Oct 1) and Canadian Thanksgiving (Oct 10) - not necessarily conducive to healthy eating choices. However, what I intend to do is determine ahead of time what I will and will not eat. Yesterday, for example, I decided I would include wine and dessert (cheesecake). Strategy being that I want to reduce/eliminate the sense of deprivation I feel when I do not participate, but then secretly have some after everyone has left. I want to break free from the secrecy and eat openly and log honestly.

    -Joice – Creating space in the garage for exercise equipment is a great idea. Would you have a tv to watch while you exercise? If I had space I would love to have an elliptical and treadmill while watching tv.

    -Faye – I love the way you post and sorry to hear that sleep left you thanks to the lasagne. I agree with you about eating out, and I must get better at picking the right foods. Goes to show you that nothing beats home cooked meals. What a good idea to get that water down while playing computer games. I thought it such a good idea, I immediately got up to get my water bottle and am drinking water while I am posting!

    -genealace - Good for you starting with a new attitude! How I know the feeling of gaining instead of losing. I also go MIA at times. Then make my way back to MFP. I need all the good ideas my friends so generously share and it is helpful to know what their struggles are, as I can identify, which gives me the courage to go on. I recently made my profile picture the 'slim me' to work towards to.

    -Cynthia - I also think some of the exercise calories are overstated. Interesting to note how you adjust them. I will experiment with that.

    For those who asked about grand baby Zachary. Test results won't be known until another 10 days. I will let you know once I find out, but anticipate that nothing is wrong. Meanwhile, I had a good dose of Zachary time last night. DH and I are crazy crazy crazy about him :love: :love: :love:

    Now I will put my money where my mouth is and enter the foods I am going to eat today!

    :heart: Rebel
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Randy- I just had to stick my nose in to thank you for posting about you success. It is a good reminder to me that slow and steady wins the race!

    Everyone have a great Sunday!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    I have not written before about my weight loss efforts. Today I want to share.

    MFP has been slow and steady. I have mostly lost a pound a week since I started. I hit a little plateau recently so I've been trying different things to break through; adjusting my goals, more water and exercise, etc. I am extremely happy with MFP.

    As of today, I am down 34 lbs. I have 16 to go to reach my goal and..... for the first time ever.....I just bought my first pair of skinny leg jeans. My mom would be so proud of me.

    Thank you for letting me share and have a wonderful day.

    -Randy- Thank you for your post. Congratulations on your weight loss! Slow and steady wins the race. I also went the quick route (in 2005 on Sureslim) and was considered slow for the program, but successful (see my profile picture). Unfortunately, I gained back the weight and then some. This was not the program's fault, just me making wrong choices during times of stress. MFP makes sense to me and I incorporate the lessons I learned with the Sureslim healthy eating program.

    Keep on doing what you are doing! I am proud of you too. And the skinny jeans - omg - that must feel so good :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    :heart: Rebel
  • 79smudge
    79smudge Posts: 26 Member
    Age 52. I'd love to join. Fall is always a refresher for me, as summer is over, routines are back in place and it feels like time to turn over a new leaf. I joined MPF on Sep 4, and am finding it very helpful to keep me on track. Wanting to loose a few more pounds but mostly wanting to get back into the best fitness level I can.

    We have two disabled adult sons, and for them, I need to be as strong and healthy as possible.

    My October goal is to lose 5 lbs, although with Thanksgiving (Canadian) and Halloween, this may be a challenge!

    Kudos to everyone for their enthusiasm and support on the forums.


    Height 5'2"
    HW 134 lb
    SW 128 lb
    CW 123 lb
    1st GW 120 lb
    2nd GW 115 lb
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    For October I am going to buckle down and get back to the basics I did to get this far. I bought Yo Plait Chrunch for breakfast this week and soup for lunch. Dinner with be what I make for the family, but I hope to make it healthy choices for me.

    It is going to be exciting to see how many we have for our contest at work. It is nice to not be the lead communicator and just one of the lead planners. Another lady is taking the lead on all the Emails and an real skinny lady offered to be the official record keeper as she will not be competing. We are doing two sessions, so this will take me through Easter but miss any holidays. We are just to much the party pot luck people in my office.

  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Count me in. I'm new to MFP and am looking forward to taking advantage of the support. I am at my heaviest ever. I have severe arthritis in both my knees and my spine. Makes excercising difficult. I finally got my 23 yr old daughter to join me in doing the 30 day shred. She's at her heaviest as well. I feel so guilty that I'm a horrible role model for her.

    My Oct goals are, sign in every day to monitor my food & excercise. To lose 6 lbs and to excercise in some for every day.