VERTICAL CHALLENGERS! Home to all shorties out there. (OPEN)



  • jackshortstack
    jackshortstack Posts: 19 Member
    Hi friends and happy weekend. just wanted to send a quick shout out to say THANK YOU for the advice last week - I survived Friday night without any guilt because I had your encouragement to burn it off this morning. And I had an amazing workout today - burn baby burn! I had FUN and stayed on track. HUGE THANKS to your support and inspiration.
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    Saffyra, crepes and strawberries sound delish! Shouldn't be all the bad either, most places make theirs out of thinned down pancake batter because it's cheaper and easier and their usually fried in oil not butter as butter turns brown too quickly. I think your biggest threat is if they put whipped cream and chocolate syrup and stuff like that on them.
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Hello fellow Shorties!

    Checking in with everyone. Did ended the 1st of October with 13 more days left until the end of our challenge. How's everyone doing? Any new ideas for the next challenge are more than welcomed :happy: .
  • I wanted to share that I finally lost a pound after a three week standstill. :heart: So excited!! I worked on 15 separate occassions last week just for the freaking pound. I tried to eat around 1100 and 1500 calories a day, swam 7 times, weight lifting 3 times, and short stints of ab work and other cardio.
    Gosh why is it so hard to lose weight when short? I hate that food really can't go lower than 1200 for nutrients, regardless of size.

    Ahhh! me too! Three weeks with weight fluctuating and i was going crazy trying to get off
    the plateau and I finally did this week put in a bit more effort and started taking a class at
    24hr fitness that includes free weights and I lost a pound too! :)
  • JTThomas
    JTThomas Posts: 69 Member
    Hi everyone! I am 5'2 and am looking to drop about 25 lbs total. I've lost about 4 lbs so far but would love to hear ideas from all of you about how you have achieved success and avoided temptation. Feel free to add me as a friend so us shorties can support each other! :)
  • Hi Everyone. Im soooo delighted to find a group with all the fun-sized people ( can you feel my delight:> ). Im between 5'1 and 5'2. It seems like nobody every could give me the right figure so i decided to round it up so im 5'2 :D. Cant wait to join in with all the challenges and get fit again. Feel free to add me. Have a great day everyone.

    p.s: Im insanely cheerful all the time and i still havent figured out if its the caffeine.
  • JTThomas
    JTThomas Posts: 69 Member
    I agree with you TooFatToFit, I have SUCH a hard time staying on program during the weekends but during the week I'm always under! It's making me a little crazy but I know that I have to plan better for my weekends to continue to be successful. I am a carb lover and I tend to go overboard on the carbs on weekends.
  • JTThomas
    JTThomas Posts: 69 Member
    5'2" Almost done losing (only 3 more pounds) and getting ready to maintain. Being short and looking at the future of how small the amount of calories I will ever be able to eat can look dauting. I little support on that would be good.

    Hi Janine! Congrats on losing all your weight! Would you share some of your tips for success?
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Ahhh! me too! Three weeks with weight fluctuating and i was going crazy trying to get off
    the plateau and I finally did this week put in a bit more effort and started taking a class at
    24hr fitness that includes free weights and I lost a pound too! :)

    Congrats, we've that in common! Loving weights, though I've never done them in my life. Weekends are always a challenge for me with food, hope you and I both can maintain our loss that we worked so hard for. Great job at 24hr fitness.
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Welcome New Members!

    I would like everyone to fill out the roster as you feel comfortable. On the top of the roster we have four names in red, which are the lovely co-leaders in no particular order.

    Not everyone has to participate in the challenges. However, I would love for everyone to still provide at least their profile name. In addition, to separate those who are participating and those who are not, I would like for people participating to highlight their name in blue, while people not participating highlight their name in purple. Our first challenge is to lose 3 lbs by Oct. 14, as the challenge began Sept. 14. Thank you and welcome!
  • tapyas
    tapyas Posts: 5
    For me the worse thing is when i'm at work. My job means i sit on a computer alot of my day and i seem to get the worse munchies at work.....what works for you guys out there to curb the munchies
  • MissD89
    MissD89 Posts: 102
    I hope everyone is ready for the weekend!

    Just remember weekends dont mean you can pig out or slack off!

    I resisted Chocolate Decadence Mousse cake at work today. Everyone around me was moaning in appreciation of its delicious richness and im pretty sure i gained a pound just *smelling* it but i DID NOT cave!

    I am desperate to lose this weight and I refuse to give in just in case I try to justify having more than I should. My biggest problem is not knowing when to stop so if I dont start I'll be okay!

    Im on level 2 day 8 on my 30 day shred and it is still kicking my butt! Im being faithful, though.

    My official weigh in is Monday and Im actually lloking forward to what the scale will say!

    Have a fabulous friday night, ladies!

    MMMMm... chocolate mouse cake... lol.... You sure do have some strong will power!
    My weigh-in is Monday as well... woohoooo heres to hoping I dropped a number.!
  • MissD89
    MissD89 Posts: 102
    I wanted to share that I finally lost a pound after a three week standstill. :heart: So excited!! I worked on 15 separate occassions last week just for the freaking pound. I tried to eat around 1100 and 1500 calories a day, swam 7 times, weight lifting 3 times, and short stints of ab work and other cardio.
    Gosh why is it so hard to lose weight when short? I hate that food really can't go lower than 1200 for nutrients, regardless of size.

    Hey!! That is soogreat to hear!
    It just takes us shorter ppl a bit longer.. n I'm not really sure as to why, myself.. I'd like to know too.... but, wow working out that much is sure to show results! good for you
  • MissD89
    MissD89 Posts: 102
    Hi, I just heard about this site today and being 5 foot one inch , I think this is the group for me. I am also almost a senior and a 3 year breast cancer survivour taking meds that inhibit weight loss , so I need alot of help .

    Hello, Glad to have you! Congrats on your victory with breast cancer! You've come to the right place.. we are hre to support eachother.. you can do this!
    Please fill out any info you'd like to share on this roster to be an official vertical challenger..
    highlight your name in blue if you plan to participate in challenges.. purple if you do not... No one is REQUIRED to do ANY challenges. Welcome to the team! =D
  • Shellitz
    Shellitz Posts: 188
    Confession time - I had a BAD weekend food wise. It was our football grand final and my team was in. We lost, but it was a big drinking and nibbling day on Saturday. Plus, the beginning of daylight savings here on Sunday meant bbq dinner with friends. Thankfully I steered clear of the bread but the meat wouldn't have been all that lean.

    On the plus side - I did go to the gym on Saturday cos I knew what was in store and put in a good hour long effort. personal challenge is to have a good exercise week this week, must go to the gym on my way home every day! Make me accountable people, I need a virtual smack if i don't hold up this bargain!
  • MissD89
    MissD89 Posts: 102
    I wanted to share that I finally lost a pound after a three week standstill. :heart: So excited!! I worked on 15 separate occassions last week just for the freaking pound. I tried to eat around 1100 and 1500 calories a day, swam 7 times, weight lifting 3 times, and short stints of ab work and other cardio.
    Gosh why is it so hard to lose weight when short? I hate that food really can't go lower than 1200 for nutrients, regardless of size.

    Ahhh! me too! Three weeks with weight fluctuating and i was going crazy trying to get off
    the plateau and I finally did this week put in a bit more effort and started taking a class at
    24hr fitness that includes free weights and I lost a pound too! :)

    Good for both of you!! Hard work pays off... eventually!! =P haha
  • MissD89
    MissD89 Posts: 102
    Confession time - I had a BAD weekend food wise. It was our football grand final and my team was in. We lost, but it was a big drinking and nibbling day on Saturday. Plus, the beginning of daylight savings here on Sunday meant bbq dinner with friends. Thankfully I steered clear of the bread but the meat wouldn't have been all that lean.

    On the plus side - I did go to the gym on Saturday cos I knew what was in store and put in a good hour long effort. personal challenge is to have a good exercise week this week, must go to the gym on my way home every day! Make me accountable people, I need a virtual smack if i don't hold up this bargain!

    Hey Shell,
    Don't worry too much. If you're doin fine 80% of the time, then 20% won't really hurt you. Especially since you pu in that hour of exercise. But, Since you asked.. You make sure n get ur butt to that gym this week! =P ;)
  • Shellitz
    Shellitz Posts: 188
    Can I suggest we open a Vertical Challengers Recipe Thread?

    I find i go through fads where I find something good and I make it every week and my fiance gets sick of it and I'm not allowed to cook it anymore! haha. There are so many of us shorties here that I am positive we have a load of recipes between us :)

    And a separate thread would save us trawling through our current home in search of something to cook! Whaddaya think? xo
  • TooFatToFit
    TooFatToFit Posts: 285 Member
    Can I suggest we open a Vertical Challengers Recipe Thread?

    I find i go through fads where I find something good and I make it every week and my fiance gets sick of it and I'm not allowed to cook it anymore! haha. There are so many of us shorties here that I am positive we have a load of recipes between us :)

    And a separate thread would save us trawling through our current home in search of something to cook! Whaddaya think? xo

    Not that I'm opposed to the idea, but there's a recipe forum here which has lots of good ideas. What's good for the tall people is good for us too. :)

    What I do in case anyone wants to get the recipe for what I've had is to add it to my food diary, complete with the name of the recipe and the site that I got it from. (Every recipe I make I get from the net). That way they can look it up on the appropriate site by name.
  • 5'2" and 180 or so pounds (don't have a scale in my dorm)
    count me in!