Skinny Dippers! (Closed Group)



  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Hello lovelies!

    So I'm going to be completely honest and say I did not do near as many burpees as I should.. It was a crazy week with moving into the new place (and I basically had to do it by myself.. :grumble: ) But I haven't gained any weight. I actually lost! Last time I checked I was at 157 and I'm really hoping I can get a little below that by Wednesday. Still no internet at my house but my landlord is working on getting it fixed. (And my washer decided to quit working. Seriously?) Anyways, that is the only reason I haven't been logging. I've been eating healthy (with the exception to a little binge last night.. :sad: ) I stocked the house with healthy food and I'm trying to get the bf to start eating healthier too.

    As for this weeks challenge, I'm not going to do it as a daily challenge. I want you all to run a mile. Time yourself, and tell us how you did. I DON'T WANT ANY OF YOU TO BE SCARED OF THIS! Do not let it intimidate you. Do not think any of us are going to judge you based on your time. DO NOT MAKE ANY EXCUSES! We are all here for the same reason, and that is to lose weight. Of course this is a hard thing to do and there are so many challenges you have to put yourself up against, but how are you going to lose anything if you don't try? You will have the week to improve your time and let us know how much you improved (because you will!!).

    Good luck to you all, and feel free to ask any questions if you have any :)
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    Mile challenge sounds great!!
    I did burpees 3 times last week...pathetic, yes! Reasonable excuse? No!

    I did do the bike leg of a triathlon yesterday and our team came in second! The bike was the most difficult bike ride I have done EVER! I really need to do some hill training!
    I weigh in tomorrow and I am praying for a loss! I have been stuck at 145 for almost a month now... but then I have to think for 200lb I have done very well.
  • I'll be honest, this has been a rough week for me. I did burpees Mon-Thurs. Not Fri or Sat. I plan to do 50 today though. I've been having issues with my boyfriend. Its hard to commit to something like weight loss when you are emotionally in distress. With that being said, I have not lost or gained any weight this week. I am stuck at 131. Not a horrible place to be, but 6 pounds away from my goal weight. Its frustrating. But I am still going to work at this.

    As for the mile challenge, I am really looking forward to it. One day last week I ran 3.75 miles on the treadmill. I was so proud of myself. I am interested to know how quickly I can complete 1 mile.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Lets keep going Skinny Dippers
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    Bring on the mile challenge :)
  • Hello my friends :)

    As long as everyone else is admitting that they kinda fudged on the burbee challenge, I'll admit that I made it through three days. I still got in all of my regular exercise but it's been a hard week. I think I said on here that my daughter and I are training for a triathlon. We just finished Week Six and I have to say, this has been the hardest so far!! I was so frustrated today after our bike ride because I don't feel like I'm getting any stronger (on the bike, anyway). I can see an improvement in swimming because I'm swimming farther in the same amount of time, and the walking/jogging because I'm beginning to jog more.....but the biking is just HARD. (Emma--I smiled when I read about your bike ride this weekend....the tri we are doing has LOTS of hills so we're using a couple of free-way overpasses to practice hills!!) This is, honestly, the longest I've ever stuck with any sort of exercise plan. Usually when it gets hard, I working through this hard part is new for me! Hopefully it will pass soon!!

    I am looking forward to this week's challenge! I'm still walking/jogging, but building up so it will be interesting to see what my times are!
  • mar109
    mar109 Posts: 101 Member
    So excited/nervous for the mile challenge!! In HS I would run for 45 mins every morning at 5 am. Now I don't even know if I could run around my block. This shall be interesting for sure. Good luck everyone!!!!
  • szimba
    szimba Posts: 290 Member
    Well I did 6 out of 7 days of the burpee challenge. I'm pretty excited about the mile challenge, i may make it a goal to do it at least three times this week :)
  • Good morning!

    I wimped out on the burpees...I started to hurt in my hip and leg too much from all the exercise I'm suddenly doing again, so after the day I modified them, I didn't do them again. I am going to the doctor this week to get a full physical and am planning on mentioning my hip as well...I injured it during a relay walk about 4 years ago and I think I did some real damage. I've never had it looked at so it may be time for that.

    I had started running last week, or rather a run/walk program, then didn't know if I was going to continue it this week because I've been feeling like maybe I have taken on too much all at once, and I want to for sure keep on with my Jazzercise and my lunchtime walking. Now, with this challenge, I guess that means I won't be stopping my running just yet!! Last year I could run about 3 miles, though I was very slow. I did a Turkey Trot at the zoo on Thanksgiving morning...then promptly quit running after that. So now, I'm not sure how far I can go. Guess I'll be finding out!

    Enjoy your day, All!!
  • skinniewannabe
    skinniewannabe Posts: 106 Member
    So today I made an attempt with this weeks challenge. I jogged or ran for 10 minutes and then I slowed to a brisk walk, I finally made the 1 mile mark at 14:43. Slow I know, but I know I will get better and hopefully by the end of the week I will actually doing the full mile without walking!
  • szimba
    szimba Posts: 290 Member
    So today I made an attempt with this weeks challenge. I jogged or ran for 10 minutes and then I slowed to a brisk walk, I finally made the 1 mile mark at 14:43. Slow I know, but I know I will get better and hopefully by the end of the week I will actually doing the full mile without walking!

    Good job!!!
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    So today I made an attempt with this weeks challenge. I jogged or ran for 10 minutes and then I slowed to a brisk walk, I finally made the 1 mile mark at 14:43. Slow I know, but I know I will get better and hopefully by the end of the week I will actually doing the full mile without walking!

    That's fantastic!
  • So today I made an attempt with this weeks challenge. I jogged or ran for 10 minutes and then I slowed to a brisk walk, I finally made the 1 mile mark at 14:43. Slow I know, but I know I will get better and hopefully by the end of the week I will actually doing the full mile without walking!

    Great job! Your endurance will improve with time :)
  • theologynerd
    theologynerd Posts: 264 Member
    Tonight I hurt my hip in tae-kwon-do, so I don't know how I will be feeling tomorrow. If I just pulled a muscle, then no big deal, I'll just do what I can for my mile. If it's more serious, meh- we'll see. Right now I can hardly walk, but I bet with rest it will be lots better.
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    Hi guys!

    I know I've been absent for a while - crappy week. Two of my great aunts from out of town passed away within days from one another, so I've been bummed, eating crap, and not working out and being really anti-social (which is totally not like me). I know it's a funk and it's temporary, but it still sucks. I'm looking forward to getting back into things this week, and I like the mile challenge since it's not a daily thing. I haven't run religiously since my half marathon in June and triathlon training in July, so it's been a few months that I haven't been consistent with it. Back then, I was averaging a 9:30 min/mile, so I'm hoping that I can do my mile in about 10:30ish! I might even try to get a few in this week, just because I know how amazing it will feel to be pounding the pavement again!!

    Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and keep up the awesome work :)
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Guys! I finally got internet at my house!! :) I'll be a lot more active from now on. And i'll be timing my mile tomorrow! Hope you are all well.
  • mar109
    mar109 Posts: 101 Member
    Hey dippers!!! I have been doing really well the past two weeks, sorry I haven't been posting as much, school is killing me right now (It's midterms...ugh). Don't think I forgot about the logo, I'm still trying to fit in working on it whenever I get a chance, but my computer just crashed over the weekend so right now I'm trying to get a new one (with a new graphics program!). I hope everyone is doing well on our challenge for this week, it's cold and rainy here in Pittsburgh but we're expecting sun on Thursday, so I'll probably try to go make my mile-run then.

    P.S. my best friend, Olivia, is also on MPF but she was just telling me about how she'd like a little more support and motivation so I told her I'd ask you guys if she could join the Dippers! Just let me know what you think!

    Keep up the good work, lovelies :drinker:
  • mar109
    mar109 Posts: 101 Member
    Just did these two in the library instead of studying haha, let me know what you think! I did them super quick. ALSO, let me know if I missed anyone or spelled any names wrong!

    1.) skinnydippers.jpg

    2.) skinnydippers2-1.jpg

    I hope this works, btw haha
  • iamahealthychick
    iamahealthychick Posts: 207 Member
    Mar109-I had to cut and paste them but I like the first one best. (I am not a fan of the phrase in the 2nd one and the white is hard to read) but the first one is great!!!

    Smashlee-sorry about your Aunts! That is incredibly harsh to have them go so quickly together.
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    Hi guys!

    I know I've been absent for a while - crappy week. Two of my great aunts from out of town passed away within days from one another, so I've been bummed, eating crap, and not working out and being really anti-social (which is totally not like me). I know it's a funk and it's temporary, but it still sucks. I'm looking forward to getting back into things this week, and I like the mile challenge since it's not a daily thing. I haven't run religiously since my half marathon in June and triathlon training in July, so it's been a few months that I haven't been consistent with it. Back then, I was averaging a 9:30 min/mile, so I'm hoping that I can do my mile in about 10:30ish! I might even try to get a few in this week, just because I know how amazing it will feel to be pounding the pavement again!!

    Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and keep up the awesome work :)

    Oh gosh! I am SO sorry! How awful!

    I'm glad you are back though!
  • Up until today, I've been walking 2 minutes, jogging 2 minutes and my mile time was about 15 minutes. Today, I decided to see what I could do.....I jogged 5 minutes, walked 2 minutes and finished out the rest of my mile in a jog.....time: 12.5. I'm hoping by the end of the week, maybe I'll be able to jog the whole time!! :):):):):)

    (PS: You should know that before I started this 6 weeks ago, I never....NEVER, ever....jogged.)

    Thanks for this challenge!! :)