Team UK - October 2011



  • moonlightuk
    moonlightuk Posts: 42 Member
    Hope everyone is having a great Sunday...its raining here :( but still warm. Just been for a morning swim so I can eat my Sunday way am I giving that up!! lol, Susan
  • Molly_Louise
    Happy sunday everyone!

    Still bright and warm here, it reached 29C yesterday so I was boiling. I've never been a fan off exceptionally hot weather so I'm willing the rain to come!

    Lost 1lb since yesterday so already a great start to the week in my eyes, bring on the next few days.

    Have a great day all x
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    am stuck at work till 6pm but in between serving customers and mooching around mfp i'm trying to plan next weeks meals, so far i think we are having balsamic pork with pear spinach and feta, although i'm going to have to tinker with it to get the other half to eat it lol
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    bump for later
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    Hope everyone is having a great Sunday...its raining here :( but still warm. Just been for a morning swim so I can eat my Sunday way am I giving that up!! lol, Susan

    Definitely shouldn't have to!

    Well I've had a lovely day walking through Hyde Park and had half hour on the paddleboats (pedaling the whole time). Paddleboating was in the database which I was surprised at haha not sure it would be such a good burn if you just rested half the time like some people seemed to be. If you haven't done it before, the pedaling bit is quite a bit harder than it looks, lots of resistance! Then finished up with lunch at the pub. Hubby is cooking a roast for dinner so looking forward to that :)

    How was everybody else's Sunday?
  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    Hope everyone is still enjoying the lovely weather! Woke up feeling so so ill today - sore throat, headache, earache & cold :(:( had some lemsip and taking it easy today, back shredding again tomorrow hopefully
  • moon_light10
    Hope everyone had a good w'end, and everyone is enjoying the lovely weather, Just wish it'd cool down at night time so I can get some sleep. Am hoping its here for a bit longer, as we're meant to be getting SNOW at the end of the month (so they say)
  • stargirl99
    Hi everyone,

    Had a lazy day today, feeling a bit delicate after being out last night. Done plenty dancing to burn off some of the calories from the alcohol which will hopefully limit the damage but looking forward to getting back to the gym after work tomorrow!

    Going to attempt to make lentil soup for the first time this week - planned to have it for dinner for two days so hoping it works out!
  • stargirl99
    Hi everyone,

    Had a lazy day today, feeling a bit delicate after being out last night. Done plenty dancing to burn off some of the calories from the alcohol which will hopefully limit the damage but looking forward to getting back to the gym after work tomorrow!

    Going to attempt to make lentil soup for the first time this week - planned to have it for dinner for two days so hoping it works out!
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    am stuck at work till 6pm but in between serving customers and mooching around mfp i'm trying to plan next weeks meals, so far i think we are having balsamic pork with pear spinach and feta, although i'm going to have to tinker with it to get the other half to eat it lol

    That sounds delicious :) I am so lucky that hubby will at least try everything and generally eats most things - would make this so much harder I imagine!!
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    Hope everyone had a good w'end, and everyone is enjoying the lovely weather, Just wish it'd cool down at night time so I can get some sleep. Am hoping its here for a bit longer, as we're meant to be getting SNOW at the end of the month (so they say)

    Yes, I haven't been sleeping well either. You are all going to hate me but I'm wishing for the winter to arrive... LOVE the cold (as long as it's sunny haha).
  • nickiw68
    Evening all, what a fab day...been and spent the day on the beach today....along with the rest of the UK or so it would seem!!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    hi all!

    another lovely day here! was nice to chill out, its been my first weekend at home for the month. sept has been eventful with weddings, my 30th, my hubby's birthday and our anniversary as well! so nice to have a weekend where we can both just chill with our daughter!

    my goals for october are to keep running as much as i can with the running club and on my own.
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Hey gang!
    Hard weekend for me, away at the in-laws so lots of food with mysterious/ high content and being honest a bit of 'ah stuff it' snuck in today too. No exercise either :grumble: I am just going to be super-strict tomorrow and kick my butt with exercise and hope it comes out in the wash at weigh-in Tues - I was fine up till Sat, even Sat night so its only really the last 24 hours that went pear-shaped. I would love to get to 2 weeks successfully maintained though!

    My goals for October are:
    maintain for the month
    finish the 200 squat challenge
    Do better with the 100 push-up challenge (I ought to finish it really but am in week 4 and really struggling now)
    Do JM's 6 week 6 pack at least 5 times per week (its my new DVD)
  • moon_light10
    well I managed to get 3 hrs sleep, so am not in a good mood, and I've gotta get me boys ready for school & college, while my OH get himself ready for a day at the golf course, lucky him, he's got the week off. It's my last day at the gym this morning, so going to do a Biggest Lose Last Chance Workout kinda thing, no idea wot to do, part from Cardio, Weights, Cardio Weights, etc...
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Ah, Monday, Monday!

    Just ordered ChaLean extreme so feeling excited about that- am doing Turbo Fire and loving it!

    Seem to have a week of being poked, prodded and injected lined up- that was bad planning on my part :grumble:

    Hope everyone has a great week and enjoys the last hot day- our car therm read 31 yest, I've never seen it that high even in the 'proper' summer!
  • margo36
    margo36 Posts: 222 Member
    Morning All, Manic start to Monday Morning. My phone went flat overnight so the alarm didn't go off. Leapt out of bed at 6.30 and still managed to get OH on the 6.50 train for Kings X and that included getting behind a tractor on the country lanes. Chilling out with a pot of coffee now and planning my day. After four days at work need to do some shopping, cleaning, catch up with the washing, walk the dogs, hopefully fit in some swimming. Busy day ahead. OH has come back from his boys week away looking very chubby and avoiding the scales LOL so healthy eating all round then :happy: Have a good Monday everyone
  • ZoeBZJ
    ZoeBZJ Posts: 12
    Morning all,

    I will be starting C25K today, just thinking of a route to take. I have the week off so hoping to really concentrate on getting the exercise in as I have no excuse.

    Have a good day
    Zoe x
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    happy monday everybody!

    well i've woken up feeling really perky but after being at work for approaching 3 hrs now its starting to wear off a bit lol. hopefully though should only have an hour left (early get away today whoop!) so am planning on going to the gym before i go home to get a bit of exercise in before the dreaded weigh in tomorrow