Fit For Future Families - October 2011



  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
  • baloney17
    baloney17 Posts: 73 Member
    Julia - I hope you get another BFP. We're all sending sticky positive thoughts your way. This is good news!
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    Congrats Julia that' SOOOOOOOOO exciting!
  • majaila
    majaila Posts: 40
    Hi ladies! I've been lurking around reading this and other forum boards for a while now, I thought I would finally step up and participate. :)

    Age: 29
    Where you live: Baltimore, MD
    Job: Writer
    Length of time on the board: about a year
    Marital Status: married
    Length of time you've been with SO: together 9 years, married for 2
    Do you have kids: not yet
    Length of time TTC: a year and a half
    Diagnosis: unexplained fertility - personally i think the problem is with my LH surge or lack thereof - regular periods but actual ovulation doesn't seem to happen - weird!
    Do you chart your BBT: not anymore - naturally low body temperature + lack of surge means nothing ever happens!
    Do you use OPKs: nope - tried with them for months and they never showed a thing - we are with a clinic now
    Are you on any meds for TTC: not this cycle
    Height: 5'6"
    Weight: 250
    Goal Weight: under 200 eventually, 225 in the short term
    Strange fact about yourself: I read voraciously and very quickly - I usually finish a full-length novel in about an hour.

    We have been trying to conceive for about a year and a half now; after nothing happened for a year we finally went to a fertility clinic, and they have been great so far even though we have not been successful yet. They started us right off with IUIs with Clomid - I've had two so far, both negative. We took a break this month because we had a much-needed vacation scheduled right when we would have been having the IUI. We came back much more relaxed and are ready to start our third IUI cycle as soon as CD1 shows up (should be next week). The doctor said that if this one doesn't work he plans to start changing out a few things - three is evidently a large enough sample size for him to narrow down what's working and what isn't. The Clomid is definitely working - I have been MORE than ready both times on the first day of monitoring - I grow eggs like a champ, I guess! Personally I think that the problem has something to do with the LH surge - I never have one naturally, even though I have regular periods somehow. For the IUIs they've given me trigger shots of Ovidrel. Either they worked or they didn't, but the IUIs didn't take, so... who knows.

    I keep telling myself 'I'll have a baby on the way by Christmas!' but it's a little hard to believe, since I've been telling myself I'll have a baby on the way by SOMETHING for months and months and the notable occasions keep slipping by. Trying hard to stay positive, though, and we are both making real efforts to continue to have a lot of fun and keep living exciting lives regardless of baby status. Fingers crossed for everybody!
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    Hey all! Can you believe it's already OCTOBER? Whoa!

    I took my last Provera last Thurs and I'm supposed to call the doc on CD1 so I can go in for an US I think on CD3. I'm so worried that I'm going to misinterpret CD1! Yesterday I had some pretty dark spotting, not sure what counts as D1 anymore....

    Day one is the first day of full flow. That's what the drs have me going by. Spotting doesn't count. Might double-check with them if you are concerned about it, but that's what they told me....full flow=CD1.

    Thanks! That's what I was thinking too, sometimes you just need a little confirmation you know? I think I might call anyway just to make sure or see if they have other advice.
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    Maja: welcome and hang in there! You are definitely in the right place and among good company. I keep giving myself deadlines to be pregnant as well but I've been working on trying to just take it easy and know that God has a plan. I thought for sure this was the month but I'm now glad it wasn't because it looks like there are some medical issues I really should take care of being having a LO. Good luck and keep having fun trying!

    I evidently have not been great at staying away LOL I really want to try this month but I know that it's a bad idea until I can get my shoulder fixed. Hubby and I talked about it and he said "I bet you'll be pregnant before you can have surgery." I really wouldn't be surprised if he's right. That seems to be how things go for us. I guess I just gotta take my own advice and remember that God has a plan :)
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Happy october to everyone. I love this month because it means holidays are starting up. I went to my work conf erence this weekend and had good time, learned some things for my classroom and had a blast with my coworkers. Felt slightly nauseous at night but not sure if it was a pregnancy symptom or something i ate or all in my head. Took a preganacy test when i got home and it was a bfn. Took another one yesterday to the same result. Came home this afternoon and BFP!!! It was very very faint, almost hard to see but it is there! Going to take another tomorrow morning to see what it says. Wish me luck!!!

  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i need to catch up but i don't feel the greatest so i just going to bump this to my topics. take care everyone.
  • 3ricaAnn
    3ricaAnn Posts: 288

    3rica- fully understand how frustrating unexplained infertility is! I have been trying for over three years and they finally think “they” found the cause ( I say “they” because I’m really the one that figured out I was ovulating late by tracking my temps and OPK) Like you, I have never had a positive HPT but based on tracking temps I’ve probably had 4 early MC. This will be my second month on progesterone and I hope it finally does the trick.

    there has been a few times when I think I may have had an early mc but was too afraid to test. When I am late I wait until I am 4 or 5 days late so I won't know if there was an implantation then a loss. I just don't understand how we can not be pregnant yet. We are doing evrything right even did some wives tales to no avail. I'm really nervous about starting this week and I am praying that I don't. According to my app on my phone i can test in 3 days and I want to go buy an early pregnancy test so bad but I don't want to be disapointed.
  • Lilylove86
    Lilylove86 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi everyone!!!

    I just found you guys through someone's suggestion and I'm SOOOO happy =D

    Age: 25
    Where you live: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
    Job: Military (for now, I'm a reservist)
    Length of time on the board: not sure what board this is.... if its this one, today is my first day!!!!
    Marital Status: married since 4 June 11 =D
    Length of time you've been with SO: We have been together since Jan 09, were seperated for 6 months when I went to Afghanistan so it was long distance for a bit
    Do you have kids: not yet
    Length of time TTC: trying but not really trying I guess....I want to lose weight before really TTC
    Do you chart your BBT: no
    Do you use OPKs: no
    Are you on any meds for TTC: nope, just multivitamins!
    Height: 5'3
    Weight: 176 =(
    Goal Weight: 130
    Strange fact about yourself: I'm air force working on an army base and I really don't like it! lol.
  • APO_Katie
    APO_Katie Posts: 79 Member
    Bump for later
  • jsmith2377
    jsmith2377 Posts: 208 Member
    still had the VERY faint line this morning. Going to buy a more sensitive test today and hope for the best. I'm at 10 DPO and 6 days late so really really hoping!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    still had the VERY faint line this morning. Going to buy a more sensitive test today and hope for the best. I'm at 10 DPO and 6 days late so really really hoping!

    Good luck!!!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Julia :ohwell: You're 10DPO AND 6 days late???????? You mean from a normal cycle or is your LP usually 4 days only???? If you O'd only 10 days ago, I think you should be expect AF your normal LP later (so probably 14-19 days)...Maybe I read that wrong though.....What is your normal LP?

    Hello you newbies!!!!! Welcome to the board!!!

    AFM: Had my next clinic appt today. Doc is really concerned about the BP (which really is borderline) and wants me to be checked out by a high-risk specialist for a pre-conception evaluation. Only things to do differently are diet & more focus on both of those from me. Not sure yet when our specialist appt will be, but we're pretty well on hold until then (still have to call in with my Day 1).

    Since I've been off the pill (for all of 10 days), my hunger seems to be back to normal although I'm having normal cravings not "if I don't get a FULL bar of chocolate with a FULL bottle of pop to wash it down RIGHT NOW I'm going to have a tantrum worthy of a 2 year old tantrum right here in the store" kind of cravings.....I have to still work on the energy, but I'm hoping that the time off work right now will be fully worth it in recharging the old batteries. Fully restocked my pantry so with the exception of a pub crawl tomorrow night (in honour of a beer maker's birthday - which is apparently a very big thing...LOL Alexander Keith) with my family, we're planning to not eat out anytime in the next two weeks. With Thanksgiving this coming weekend though, I have to be careful....going to focus on the healthy sides though.

    Also, I'd like to put a challenge out there to everyone as I have for myself. Sometimes I feel like I'm getting stuck in a rut foodwise, which can lead to crazy cravings for old standby junkfood options. I'd like to submit a challenge that everyone try one new food this week - in a recipe of your choosing - and share your thoughts with the group. Variety of healthy food can only make us stronger in our quest to conquer the crap food. My food of the week is: Sweet Dumpling Squash. It's a little bigger than a lg. green pepper and I found a recipe to make like stuffed peppers, but with the squash. DH and I are going to have it for dinner one night and see what we think......wish us luck. So far I am okay with butternut and spaghetti but beyond that my squash trials haven't gone well. It's very pretty - green & white speckled so hopefully that will entice me!
  • jsmith2377
    jsmith2377 Posts: 208 Member
    Julia :ohwell: You're 10DPO AND 6 days late???????? You mean from a normal cycle or is your LP usually 4 days only???? If you O'd only 10 days ago, I think you should be expect AF your normal LP later (so probably 14-19 days)...Maybe I read that wrong though.....What is

    I havent been off the pill in about 9 years with the exception of my pregnancy (and i got preggo while on the pill) so im not sure how long it should be. Before the pill i was uber regular, like i knew when my period would down to the hour. Seriously, 28 days, second period of high school. I used the opk's to determine ovulation so not sure when af is coming. We will just have to see.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Julia :ohwell: You're 10DPO AND 6 days late???????? You mean from a normal cycle or is your LP usually 4 days only???? If you O'd only 10 days ago, I think you should be expect AF your normal LP later (so probably 14-19 days)...Maybe I read that wrong though.....What is

    I havent been off the pill in about 9 years with the exception of my pregnancy (and i got preggo while on the pill) so im not sure how long it should be. Before the pill i was uber regular, like i knew when my period would down to the hour. Seriously, 28 days, second period of high school. I used the opk's to determine ovulation so not sure when af is coming. We will just have to see.

    Fair enough - I'd be expecting AF in about 4-7 days (which would give you a normal LP - if it actually is 4 days then I'd be a little worried) It's still a little early, but who knows. Maybe with the faint line, I'm just being overly cautious :) Personally, I always see a second line though when I test but it's really faint and I've never actually been pregnant, to our knowledge. If you want to be really sure, they have the tests that have it written out...they're a little more pricey - but if you're coming up with faint lines, maybe the crazy making knowledge is worth it. If the OPKs were right - you could actually be pregnant, but you're not late yet then in that case.....My fingers are crossed that you caught the eggie!!!!
  • jsmith2377
    jsmith2377 Posts: 208 Member
    Took another test this afternoon and it had a faint but obvious double line! Going to test again in the morning and depending on the result going to get a blood test. Wish me luck!
  • Choirgirl37
    Age: 39
    Where you live: OH
    Job: Mortgage Banker
    Length of time on the board:
    Marital Status: Married
    Length of time you've been with SO: 10 +
    Do you have kids: No
    Length of time TTC: 1 + yrs
    Diagnosis: PCOS
    Do you chart your BBT: No
    Do you use OPKs: No
    Are you on any meds for TTC: No
    Height: 5'7
    Weight: 205ish
    Goal Weight: 145
    Strange fact about yourself: I love chidren, the hardest part about ttc for me is that dh is always travelings and when he is home, there is elderly care related stress to contend with. I was on MET., but I didn't like the side effects so now I take chromium OTC which seems to work just as well. But don't stop your meds because of me!!!! I love to laugh with people and I enjoy writing. At times, I get sad at the idea of never having my own kids. Maybe we will pursue adoption...but, then there is the county to deal with. They get all in your business, and who wants that? Not that we have anything to hide, but I'm a private person. I may still go through with it. We'll see. I may just hire an adoption attorney. Nowadays, I'm scared of being in the high risk catagory. I've watched so may birth videos, that I've nearly scared myself away from the idea! Looking forward to meeting you'll.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Took another test this afternoon and it had a faint but obvious double line! Going to test again in the morning and depending on the result going to get a blood test. Wish me luck!

    Awesome!!!! Congratulations again!!!
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    Ok, so many people on MFP have been talking about it so I finally caved and bought the 30 Day Shred DVD. Today was Day 1 for me. I'm proud to say I made it through the entire workout, but it seriously kicked my butt! I'm going to do my best to stick with it. Here's a toast to new challenges! :drinker: