October Whole 30 for Paleo/Primal Support Peeps



  • racmac
    racmac Posts: 81
    How do I change my targets for protein/carbs etc?

    I think I will aim for 100-125grams of carbs and 80grams of protein - does this seem about right anyone?
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member

    I have just found out abour primal eating and Im not ready to jump in 100% yet but thought maybe I could hang around here!

    Be very careful. I tried to only observe my Seattle and internet Paleo friends and got sucked in and converted. We're an addictive, magnetic lot. Seriously though. Took me 6 years to realize gluten was not my friend. Took me 2 years to attempt Paleo. Been primarily Primal/Paleo since April and I'm in for life.

    You are most welcome here.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    Spaghetti squash lasagna turned out better than expected. Hubby wanted more veggies in it, but it was just the right amount of mushrooms, red peppers & onions for me (so I could pretend they weren't there.) It was a real hassle though, and we should get 5 meals out of it, so I've got to look on the brightside. Bringing some for lunch today, with my two hard boiled eggs, scoop of cream cheese and handful of grapes for breakfast, I should be good until dinner, which will be some pan fried chicken in garlic butter with a side salad of romaine lettuce and olive oil/vinegar dressing. Usually bring almonds and an apple just in case. Still used to snacking all day, so it's tough to break that habit. At least with the IF, I know that it's all mental and not physical hunger, but that might be harder to get over.

    Really having a hard time getting motivated to work out. Going to try some heavy weights tonight after work to see if that's a better time for me than morning. Just when you're maintaining, it's so tough to find motivation. I need some sort of a deadline or reward to encourage it. I do walk quite quickly to and from work (2.3 miles each way), so I do always get some exercise.
  • bassettpig
    bassettpig Posts: 79 Member
    How do I change my targets for protein/carbs etc?

    I think I will aim for 100-125grams of carbs and 80grams of protein - does this seem about right anyone?

    Click on "Home", then choose "Goals", then choose "Change Goals", then choose "custom". Once you get to that page, set things the way you want them. I did this also, as I didn't want to keep hearing about how I was eating too much fat and not enough carbs...

    Best wishes!
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    I use heavy cream instead of milk, and I cook with coconut milk, organic butter, coconut oil most of the time.

    I eat allot of fish, meat, eggs, squashes with olive oil or butter like zucchini, butternut, acorn, spagetti. I also love having bell peppers and avacado. Stay away from fruit or really limit the fruit until you get your carbs under control. I love soaked (rehydrated) raw pecans and almonds with raspberries, strawberries, blackberries for snacking.

    Saugage and onions and eggs is my typical lunch (with spices like cilantro, salt) or paleo pizza crust (just egg whites peaked, with yolks folded in) cooked, then add toppings. Sometimes lunch is last nite's leftover.

    Stay away from yogurt! Get your diet tweeked first on the carbs. It's really important to make sure that you are getting enough fat in the diet, which will completely help curb your hunger! You will loose weight eating fat, just stay within or under your calorie goal.

    This am, carb loading with my biggest carb intake of the day at 44g. I finish with 0 g carbs for my last meal. My breakfast is french toast:
    1 tblspn butter, 1 egg, 2 tblspn heavy cream, 2 slices odough's GF flax loaf bread. Yummy! With coffee, heavy cream, and stevia.
  • racmac
    racmac Posts: 81
    What i need suggestions for is lunches - I can not eat salad everyday but am running out of ideas because i would normally have sandwiches.
  • racmac
    racmac Posts: 81
    Well I have changed my goals to 120g carbs, 86g protein and 61g fat - do you think this is okay?
  • TheGlen
    TheGlen Posts: 242 Member
    What i need suggestions for is lunches - I can not eat salad everyday but am running out of ideas because i would normally have sandwiches.

    Here's a link with some ideas... http://goo.gl/JdSCu

    Personally, if I don't make enough food the night before to have left overs for lunch the next day, I really struggle with bringing my lunch. I'll end up going out and getting something, leaving me very few choices. Today I had grilled chicken on a greek salad from a little greek restaurant up the street...but again, it was a salad (and the cost adds up if you do this all the time).
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    Adastra47 posted this in another thread, but it's so true:

    "The goal should be to use diet and exercise to cure the disease, not to go on a bunch of medicine and then adjust your diet so the meds will work properly! If your body doesn't create or process insulin correctly, then your goal should be to stop burning the sugar & carbs that require insulin. Start getting your energy by burning fat & protein instead. If you do that, you won't need any injections of insulin or any drugs to control it. If your body doesn't detect sugar & carbs in your system, then it won't need or release any insulin: problem solved.
    ...you can live a perfectly normal, healthy and DRUG-FREE life. My doctor has patients who have been on this type of diet for decades & have never had any problems with it.

    Here are more links with info on low-carb diets and Type II diabetes:

    now, get to work my friends! :)
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Well I have changed my goals to 120g carbs, 86g protein and 61g fat - do you think this is okay?

    Personally I would swap the protein and the fat gram amounts. Protein can convert to glucose and can be insulinogenic (causing a blood sugar spike) in which your body will react as if it had more carbs and store the protein away if it is not burned right away.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Question guys: I get that the paleo lifestyle cuts out the grains legumes dairy and, for many, root vegetables but HOW on God's Green EARTH are some of you managing on 50-100g of carbs/day? I burn out and totally lose energy, focus, power and drive if I cut back that steeply. I try to keep it under 150g on training days less, if I can, on off days but even then I get worn out and get a serious case of "Eat all the things!" especially nearing my "off" days (meaning days I'm not training). Training sucks and I have no energy if I don't carb up a little before I go workout. (No it's not psychosematic I had to try a bunch of crap to firgure out why I was feeling so gawd awful).

    What is your routine like? What kind of training do you do? Are you doing extensive cardio? Strength Training? How are you preventing burn-out?

    Ok, that's more than one question but enlighten me...

    For me, more fat, less carbs.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    What i need suggestions for is lunches - I can not eat salad everyday but am running out of ideas because i would normally have sandwiches.

    Mainly leftovers (cook extra steak, chicken, etc) but I also do wraps with romaine lettuce leaves (similar to a salad, but decidedly different) and fill it full of meat, veggies, cheese (if applicable) and a homemade oil/vinegar dressing. Very tasty. The other option is snacky type foods all together like some meat, hard boiled eggs, cut veggies, etc. I'm trying to find a way to use mayo but every one I've found has soybean oil as the first ingredient, and if I can ever find a half decent "creamy" style dressing, I'd do a mix of that in with some chicken or egg (or you can use tuna/salmon if you like) and put on to celery sticks. Nice and crunchy & filling.

    If I honestly can't think of anything, i do IF once every couple of weeks and tell myself that I had a "bad hunting day". I haven't been super hungry yet, but I imagine if I was, it would make the salad the next day taste even better!:wink:
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    My current diet is very closed to paleo, so I would like to do this as well!!!
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    My current diet is very closed to paleo, so I would like to do this as well!!!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    What i need suggestions for is lunches - I can not eat salad everyday but am running out of ideas because i would normally have sandwiches.

    Mainly leftovers (cook extra steak, chicken, etc) but I also do wraps with romaine lettuce leaves (similar to a salad, but decidedly different) and fill it full of meat, veggies, cheese (if applicable) and a homemade oil/vinegar dressing. Very tasty. The other option is snacky type foods all together like some meat, hard boiled eggs, cut veggies, etc. I'm trying to find a way to use mayo but every one I've found has soybean oil as the first ingredient, and if I can ever find a half decent "creamy" style dressing, I'd do a mix of that in with some chicken or egg (or you can use tuna/salmon if you like) and put on to celery sticks. Nice and crunchy & filling.

    If I honestly can't think of anything, i do IF once every couple of weeks and tell myself that I had a "bad hunting day". I haven't been super hungry yet, but I imagine if I was, it would make the salad the next day taste even better!:wink:

    Make your own mayo with coconut oil, olive oil or grapeseed oil.
  • Hoping everyone is have a great Primal day. Played ultimate football with my fellow Air Force comrades for half hour +. Great sprinting and just a whole bunch of fun. Only chick out there, but they made me feel welcome and an "equal" player. Did some rowing in the gym before the game, and it was nice to work out at a moderate effort rather than trying to kill myself and get my heart racing like what I used to do before going Primal. I think it works and boy do I enjoy it more. Been doing Primal for 15 days now; and have dropped a pant size in my uniform. Yay!
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    What i need suggestions for is lunches - I can not eat salad everyday but am running out of ideas because i would normally have sandwiches.

    Mainly leftovers (cook extra steak, chicken, etc) but I also do wraps with romaine lettuce leaves (similar to a salad, but decidedly different) and fill it full of meat, veggies, cheese (if applicable) and a homemade oil/vinegar dressing. Very tasty. The other option is snacky type foods all together like some meat, hard boiled eggs, cut veggies, etc. I'm trying to find a way to use mayo but every one I've found has soybean oil as the first ingredient, and if I can ever find a half decent "creamy" style dressing, I'd do a mix of that in with some chicken or egg (or you can use tuna/salmon if you like) and put on to celery sticks. Nice and crunchy & filling.

    If I honestly can't think of anything, i do IF once every couple of weeks and tell myself that I had a "bad hunting day". I haven't been super hungry yet, but I imagine if I was, it would make the salad the next day taste even better!:wink:

    Make your own mayo with coconut oil, olive oil or grapeseed oil.

    I still can't find coconut oil -- I live in Canada's largest city (around 4 million people) and still can't find it anywhere. I have bought olive oil & grapeseed oil though. I really hadn't even considered making my own because honestly it seems like such a hassle for a topping -- I haven't really made any condiments myself before (more challenging than my mixing of 3 parts olive oil and 1 part vinegar), but I'm a big girl and I can make mayo!!

    OH YEAH! Now I remember why I haven't made it. It has raw egg in it, so I'm concerned about making a big ole jar of food borne bacteria. How do you avoid that?
  • Hi everyone, hope all is well.
    I saw this recipe on smitten kitchen's blog and i've been reading good reviews about it. I'm hoping to try it this weekend over some leftover spaghetti squash and probably some chicken sausages on the side.

    Tomato Sauce with Butter and Onions
    Adapted from Marcela Hazan’s Essentials of Italian Cooking

    28 ounces (800 grams) whole peeled tomatoes from a can (San Marzano, if you can find them)*
    5 tablespoons (70 grams) unsalted butter
    1 medium-sized yellow onion, peeled and halved
    Salt to taste

    Put the tomatoes, onion and butter in a heavy saucepan (it fit just right in a 3-quart) over medium heat. Bring the sauce to a simmer then lower the heat to keep the sauce at a slow, steady simmer for about 45 minutes, or until droplets of fat float free of the tomatoes. Stir occasionally, crushing the tomatoes against the side of the pot with a wooden spoon. Remove from heat, discard the onion, add salt to taste.

    My menu for today:
    Bfast - honey crisp apple, raw almond butter, buffalo jerky, coffee
    Lunch - leftover soy chorizo, fried eggs, roasted seaweed (weird combo i know)
    Dinner - roasted spaghetti squash, beef bolognese
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    jamk1446 - my friend who is on Paleo mentioned carb cycling to me. Basically eat more carbs on the days you work out. Hope to hear some of your thoughts on that... =)

    Sorry to respond so late, I've been at a seminar all day and then football game. I know others do carb cycling, I tried that at first but it seemed like I did better just raising my carb level a little bit overall rather than forcing myself on specific days. I like sweet potatoes but I don't want to HAVE to eat them when I'd rather have spaghetti squash or roasted broccoli. Carb loading just felt a lot like binge behavior and that's something I'd do best to avoid but it's certainly a valid way of doing things. But I can tell if I go too low for too many days and then I have to compensate. I think there are some threads here asking specifically about carb loading if you are looking for more info.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Make your own mayo with coconut oil, olive oil or grapeseed oil.

    I still can't find coconut oil -- I live in Canada's largest city (around 4 million people) and still can't find it anywhere. I have bought olive oil & grapeseed oil though. I really hadn't even considered making my own because honestly it seems like such a hassle for a topping -- I haven't really made any condiments myself before (more challenging than my mixing of 3 parts olive oil and 1 part vinegar), but I'm a big girl and I can make mayo!!

    OH YEAH! Now I remember why I haven't made it. It has raw egg in it, so I'm concerned about making a big ole jar of food borne bacteria. How do you avoid that?

    I buy the best quality eggs I can or use the pastured eggs from my sister's chickens if available and I've never had a problem with salmonella. I personally feel the problem is with low quality battery eggs. I've been making mayo every week for several months now, I can't imagine ever buying store bought again. I use light olive oil since extra virgin is somewhat overwhelming. I've used macadamia nut oil once but my family preferred the light olive oil mayo better. I use some of the mayo as a base for salad dressings.