Today I Burnt ______ Calories Doing _____!



  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Today I burnt 557 calories doing....

    15 minutes of jogging in place
    47 minutes of Tae Bo

  • 742 calories split mostly between:
    45 minutes of 4 mph walking
    18 minutes of fast jumprope
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Today I burnt 582 calories doing 95 minutes of lifting and 10 minutes of abs.
  • mererusso
    mererusso Posts: 4 Member
    Today I burnt 330 calories riding my spin bike and lifted weights for 15 minute,.

    You all motivated me to get off the couch and do just a little bit!!! My pedometer says I took 5665 steps today which also contributes to extra calories! Thanks for the motivation to make me move!!!
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Ok, I went to to see if my calories burned for tae bo was correct.. it wasn't according to (entered my height & weight)
    I actually burned 666 cals for doing 47 minutes of Tae bo so my total is 779 for yesterday (including 15 minutes of jogging in place which is 113 cals burnt):glasses:

  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    Today I burnt approximately 1200 calories: Bicyling for 30 minutes, Elliptical for 30 minutes, strength training for 60 minutes.

    And: today was assessment day and I've lost 6 pounds and 4.75 inches since my last assessment!!!!

    Yea! I am now a HUGE beleive in strength training.
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Today I burnt 653 calories walking. 1 Hour on a fairly flat surface and the other on steep hills.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Today I burnt 908 calories doing:

    80 min. lifting
    10 min HIIT (high intensity interval training) on the stairstepper
    10 min treadmill @ 3.5 mph
    10 min biking

    and 3 sets of abs.

    Tessar, GREAT job!!! I also am a huge believer in strength training hehe :bigsmile:
  • Well since I worked out today i feel it's my turn to brag about the calories i burned too....
    I did the treadmill for 1 hour and 20 mins and I did the alpine pass program on 3.9 speed and 9.0 incline and I burnt..................(drum roll please!!!!!).......997 calories!!!!!:drinker: :laugh: :happy: :tongue: :smile: :noway: :huh:
  • WOW ladylaycee!!!!!! great!!

    I didnt do as much.. burnt 320 calories on the eliptical for 25 minutes..
  • LightenUp_Caro
    LightenUp_Caro Posts: 572 Member
    Everyone is doing so well!
    I went back to the bootcamp class, and I don't know how many calories i burned, but I do know that it hurts to walk...
    i take that as a good sign.
    so yay for me!
  • I burnt 550 a hour of Tony Little's Gazellr'd like a ski machine and really make you sweat. It offer 6 different exercise on one machine and you can change positions without getting off the machine. I work out on the machine 2 hours a day. Burning 1100 calories. :smile:
  • RKJR925
    RKJR925 Posts: 254
    425 lifting weights and 290 on the treadmill

    Ran a mile non-stop for the first time since high school 11:45 min.
  • kmaloz
    kmaloz Posts: 12
    Y'all are all doing so great! I took a break from working out today and instead walked for thirty minutes for a whopping 200 calories. Maybe one day I will have the strength and stamina to even compete with those numbers!
  • REB89
    REB89 Posts: 493 Member
    I did 60 minutes on my stair stepper at home (i guess around 400-500 calroies?) and 15 minutes of sit ups, puh ups etc. It feels good to finally get back to exerrcising!!! :happy:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Today I burnt 748 calories doing:

    45 minutes powerlifting (maxed deadlift @ 225 lbs and bench @ 120 lbs, new PR's!)
    20 minutes running outside
    15 minutes stationary bike
    4 sets of abs
    10 min dynamic stretching
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Today I burnt 400 calories sledding for an hour!

  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    Good morning,

    I burnt 590 calories doing Turbo Jam and Hip hop abs hip buns and thighs.
  • kris23
    kris23 Posts: 44
    I burnt 1505
    with a one hour walk (to a friend house and back to work out), 60min Get Ripped 1000 dvd and 25 mins of yoga.
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    I burnt 1000 calories today doing 1 hour on the elliptical (my gym put in Precor and I love it), 20 minutes on the bike and 15 minutes of strength training.
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