

  • TrekkerCynthia
    TrekkerCynthia Posts: 155 Member
    I like the way Popper of Blues Travelers put it: "There's no such thing as a failure who keeps trying. Coasting to the bottom is the only disgrace". As long as we keep coming back, even if we have regained out weight and then some, we aren't failures and have nothing to be ashamed about.

    Okay, this is just a quick pop in, have a paper to write and class to get to. DH has a heart rate monitor I could steal, but I'll wait and see how my weight loss goes. If the current method works and I average 2 lbs/week (at least for now), then I'll keep doing what I'm doing. But it's good to know there are other options to play with if things don't go that way.

    No exercise today so low food day. Lots of fiber and protein planned, though, so I shouldn't get too hungry :wink: Off to write.
  • jeqrosen
    jeqrosen Posts: 26 Member
    A belated happy October to all. What a great month this is--love to see the colors change here in Ohio.
    Goals for this month include starting and sticking with 30 Day Shred. Never have been able to finish. Those jumping jacks just kill my knees and I am in somewhat decent shape!! At the end of the month we leave to winter in Florida so it will be a busy month. Just need to keep the eating on track when I get stressed from not enough time. I enjoy reading the posts and thank everyone for all the encouragement I/we-all get from them. Hope I can contribute from time to time.

  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    Sounds like a great idea - I'm 50. I don't seem to do well with goals unless I have to be accountable to someone.

    Goal 1: Down to 170 by October 31.
    Goal 2: Walking every day - regardless of how cold it is outside.
    Goal 3: Find the bright side - to everything!
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good evening all, I just got home from work about an hour ago. I am exhausted, a lot has happened in the last year. The best thing is DH has been smoke free for 1 year, my house no longer smells like an ashtray. My MIL's health has deteriorated. Cancer is in remission, but now she has Peripheral Artery disease and may have to have her legs amputated if the doctors are unable to do a Bilateral Bypass. Grand kids are getting big, my grandson Matthew, who was born with multiple birth defects will start kindergarten next year. I hope all is well with all of the old gang. I only see a few names I recognize. It truly feels great to read your posts and feel the encouragement. I am going to sign off now and hope everyone has a wonderful evening, Rose
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Monday, Monday!
    The day started great. I weigh in every morning and I was so happy because the number finally started with a 1….. I have been dancing around number all summer ( saw this number once at the end of June) and it’s been frustrating. I hope I am breaking through this barrier. I am expecting to keep moving in a downward direction. Yesterday I wrote about my realization that a blood pressure med that I have been taking to prevent migranes really slows down my heart rate and calories burned on my heart rate monitor. I forgot to take it the night before and yesterday’s workout was incredible in terms of the amount of work my body is doing. I plan to talk to my doctor about it at my next physical. It really gets me that if I have been struggling so hard for so long and maybe a change in med could really help me with this struggle.

    Michele…. Unreal about being charged to be thanked.

    Faye…. Now that you’ve figured out the cleaner to use on the windows, I bet it will go much faster!

    Sissy..how exciting to be getting ready for a cruise!

    Mary..what a busy schedule you have!

    Kackie…. I hope you enjoyed your time on the mountain…and when you get back home you can get back into your schedule.

    Welcome to all the newcomers…this is a wonderful place to drop by!
    Have a great night,
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    I'd like to join too. Goal is to loose 4 pounds, going from 181 to 177 lbs.

    For exercise I am learning Tai Chi, and starting a morning aqua-fitness class this week. It starts at 8 am, so I am going to have to be brave about heading for the water that early, especially that now autumn has declared itself.

    I also get on my treadmill, and use a rolling hills program at a speed of 4 kms that has me grabbing the handrails and pumping those legs as I watch TV! And my dogs, a Llasa Apso and full sized collie demand their walk whenever I can squeeze it in. There is a great walking trail along the river, where dog owners can walk their dogs within designated hours, and it makes for a lovely, contemplative morning walk.

    My goals are weight loss, at a reasonable 1 lb per week, and recovery of my capacity to walk, which I lost in a car accident about 6 years ago. After my accident, I found myself in pain after walking two blocks, and my doctors told me not to push it. I didn't and I got obese. This summer, we took a family trip to Italy, and I HAD to walk. Some good walking sticks, and Tylenol for body pain helped me break through the barrier. Home again, I decided to push through the pain barrier and have emerged on the other side. I don't hurt as much, my endurance has grown, and do I feel good! I've got a long way to go in terms of weight loss before I hit my healthy weight range, and I don't want to stop at the top. So I'm in for the long term.

    Looking forward to being part of the group. I am going to be 62 this month.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Can`t believe the day is almost over.Hubby had a n ok report form the dr.Has to work on his diet more,too many sweets,needs to up his exercise and keep an eye on his blood pressure.
    My dr had me walk in the pool for 15 min.Felt good to be in the pool.So will be doing that for awhile,2-3 xs a week.Had another treatment on the back.seems like every time I go in there`s another part of the back that is painful due to the fall.He``s hoping to eventually have me walking outdoors,but 1st the pool and see how the back tolerates it.Hopefully,4-6 weeks for the healing process if i do what dr says and have no more issues.So It`s 1 day at a time.I have to patient and let the healing happen.
    On a good note,after the drs,hubby and I had a picnic lunch in 1 of our favorite parks.It was so nice out.Sun out.felt so good to be outdoors.
    Welcome to all the new ladies.
    Have a good night.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Faye - I was wondering about chicklet, too. Hope she's ok.

    Melanie - It's NEVER too late to join. Jump right in!

    qofshabe - I never thought about it, but you're right! WW always seems to have some sort of new plan. I don't know about this "points plus", don't know enough about it, I admit. The thing I didn't agree with with the points is that it only took into account fiber and fat. To me, a calorie is a calorie. I have this recipe from a friend for a bran muffin from WW. It's 0 points. But it still has something like 53 calories. It's 0 points because it's high in fiber, but no matter what, it still has calories. To me, you can eat fruit and veges (which WW allows) till the cows come home, but you're still adding calories to your daily allotment. But in the end, I thought that was the best "diet" of all of them, it really doesn't excude any foods.

    Hey there loseforb and grassette. Tell us more about yourselves.

    Did an hour of the extreme pump today. Tomorrow I'll do a step DVD.

    Rose - you sure have a lot going on. Up and down, up and down. Glad you're here.

    jane - is the doctor having you walk in the shallow or the deep end of the pool?

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    I had a great weekend with lots of grand baby time. Had the best sleep Saturday night. Woke up at 9:45 AM Sunday morning!! I think I had almost 10 hours of sleep. Unbelievable. Can't remember a sleep like that since I was probably in my teens. Last night had another good sleep! I am liking it. Hopefully it is a sign of things to come.

    I had a long day at the office today, which is also a sign of things to come for the next 3-6 months. I will need to keep my work/life balance in focus and get out of the office to work out.

    Not sure how much I will be posting and reading posts during the week, but I usually catch up on the weekends.

    :heart: Rebel
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Computer had a hick-up, hence you're seeing me twice :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I got a lot accomplished indoors today and my desk isn't a pile of unfinished "stuff":bigsmile: :bigsmile: didn't get as much exercise as usual.

    :flowerforyou: welcome to all the new members, this is a great place to get the support you need and want :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: After a month of goofy eating, I have had to adjust my ticker up two pounds to reflect the weight that hasn't gone away:sad: I'll redouble my efforts in October (except that we're going away for three days at the end of the week and restaurants are in the plan)
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Just a quick post making pepper jelly,apple butter and drying chaterelle mushroom.
    Welcome all newcomers.
    I put a radio and use my mp3 player.
    I will look for a small tv around the holidays. Don't need anything fancy must be a flat screen.
    already have a space on the wall for it. I hope this works out. I live out of town not cost effective
    to drive everyday to a gym
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Good evening all, I just got home from work about an hour ago. I am exhausted, a lot has happened in the last year. The best thing is DH has been smoke free for 1 year, my house no longer smells like an ashtray. My MIL's health has deteriorated. Cancer is in remission, but now she has Peripheral Artery disease and may have to have her legs amputated if the doctors are unable to do a Bilateral Bypass. Grand kids are getting big, my grandson Matthew, who was born with multiple birth defects will start kindergarten next year. I hope all is well with all of the old gang. I only see a few names I recognize. It truly feels great to read your posts and feel the encouragement. I am going to sign off now and hope everyone has a wonderful evening, Rose

    HI Rose,
    I hope everything goes as well for your MIL.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Just got back from having a hair adjustment. I wanted to get a splash of colour 'teal' because I'm a cervical cancer survivor, but the company doesn't do teal. The stylist said that lots of people ask for it, so I wrote to them when I got home. Perhaps if more customers, rather than just the salon, ask they will make one.

    Weight is improving (going down) since Saturday and my new resolution of watching what I'm eating and trying not to snack late in the evening is working.

    I'm away this weekend, but one of the gals I'm travelling with is also losing weight (with WW), so we will both be looking for healthy food when meals aren't provided by the Conference. I'll talk to the chef (or someone) to find out what I can have for lunch which is scheduled to be sandwiches, but with my food allergies I have to be careful what bread they use, and what they put in the fillings. I'll try for a small salad instead.

    Must go and make my lunch because I have my students here in less than an hour.
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Happy October, Everyone:

    I have finally gotten caught up on all the threads, there were so many!!! What a productive group we are, aren't we?? I was away for the weekend and still logged on to do my food but did not really get a chance to get onto here. There are so many new "faces" as well, Welcome to all of you.

    Barbie, thank you too for setting us up on this new thread for the month; we just assume you are going to take care of everything for us.

    I got to see my son and DIL and granddaughter on the weekend. It was so good to spend some time with them. My DIL has a lot of class, she let my son and I have the most of the day on Saturday to ourselves with the little one, which was great. I never asked and she certainly would have been welcomed with us and I really like her, but it was so nice to spend time with him when he could talk freely with me as his mother about his upcoming mission that he might not want to talk to his wife as he does not want her to worry about him - as if he thinks I don't worry as his mother:huh: He is worried, of course, and he will be away for a few months and he was asking me to keep an eye on her and the litle one for him and things like that. My DIL also is employed by the Canadian Forces, but her job is more a daytime job so she is home everynight with my granddaughter and she does not get sent out on combat missions like my son is being sent on, which is very good.

    I ended up having an emergency root canal last night too, of all things :sad: I have had a root canal before and never had a problem with it at all but this one is giving me a real pain, literally!!! I could hardly sleep last night for the pain and even today I have had to take Tylenol to keep the pain down. I hope it settles down soon.

    I love the fall, it is my favourite time of year, actually. I love Indian Summers and all the gorgeous colours, so I hope we get one here this year.

    I am trying to get back on track and am certainly tracking my food every day and trying to get exercise every day.

    It seems like so many of us are struggling this month, but that's okay, we are in this together and we will all do this together, don't worry, we will succeed. Despite setbacks, we WILL GET THERE :wink:

    See you later, my Friends. Have a great day.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    Feeling down. I just mailed off a thanksgiving (Canada) parcel to my son at university. He can't come home as he is in mid terms. This is the first time in his life that we have not sat down to a thanksgiving meal as a whole family . I think it's going to be a hard weekend. A year of firsts - he won't be home for his birthday either, I won't see him again until Christmas.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Happy October, Everyone:

    I have finally gotten caught up on all the threads, there were so many!!! What a productive group we are, aren't we?? I was away for the weekend and still logged on to do my food but did not really get a chance to get onto here. There are so many new "faces" as well, Welcome to all of you.

    Barbie, thank you too for setting us up on this new thread for the month; we just assume you are going to take care of everything for us.

    I got to see my son and DIL and granddaughter on the weekend. It was so good to spend some time with them. My DIL has a lot of class, she let my son and I have the most of the day on Saturday to ourselves with the little one, which was great. I never asked and she certainly would have been welcomed with us and I really like her, but it was so nice to spend time with him when he could talk freely with me as his mother about his upcoming mission that he might not want to talk to his wife as he does not want her to worry about him - as if he thinks I don't worry as his mother:huh: He is worried, of course, and he will be away for a few months and he was asking me to keep an eye on her and the litle one for him and things like that. My DIL also is employed by the Canadian Forces, but her job is more a daytime job so she is home everynight with my granddaughter and she does not get sent out on combat missions like my son is being sent on, which is very good.

    I ended up having an emergency root canal last night too, of all things :sad: I have had a root canal before and never had a problem with it at all but this one is giving me a real pain, literally!!! I could hardly sleep last night for the pain and even today I have had to take Tylenol to keep the pain down. I hope it settles down soon.

    I love the fall, it is my favourite time of year, actually. I love Indian Summers and all the gorgeous colours, so I hope we get one here this year.

    I am trying to get back on track and am certainly tracking my food every day and trying to get exercise every day.

    It seems like so many of us are struggling this month, but that's okay, we are in this together and we will all do this together, don't worry, we will succeed. Despite setbacks, we WILL GET THERE :wink:

    See you later, my Friends. Have a great day.

    Love, Cathy xx

    cathy, what a lovely gesture on your DIL behalf....i know how precious those one on one are(i have 3 sons)....the best to your son on his deployment....
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Feeling down. I just mailed off a thanksgiving (Canada) parcel to my son at university. He can't come home as he is in mid terms. This is the first time in his life that we have not sat down to a thanksgiving meal as a whole family . I think it's going to be a hard weekend. A year of firsts - he won't be home for his birthday either, I won't see him again until Christmas.

    benji49, i am sorry you are feeling low...i remember when i oldest left for college and having the first of things start...all i can say is that after a while it does get better....:flowerforyou:
  • GrannyKathy123
    GrannyKathy123 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I'm 55, and I just started a little over a week ago. I'm hoping to be below the "overweight" mark by the end of the month.
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    Feeling down. I just mailed off a thanksgiving (Canada) parcel to my son at university. He can't come home as he is in mid terms. This is the first time in his life that we have not sat down to a thanksgiving meal as a whole family . I think it's going to be a hard weekend. A year of firsts - he won't be home for his birthday either, I won't see him again until Christmas.

    benji49, i am sorry you are feeling low...i remember when i oldest left for college and having the first of things start...all i can say is that after a while it does get better....:flowerforyou:

    Thanks Pam, that's what everbody says. I'll just enjoy the one son that's left at home all the more - man he is starting to hate being the "one left behind" as he puts it.:ohwell: