Summer 2009 WILL Be Different Challenge!



  • jWhit
    jWhit Posts: 15
    Since my last post I lost 1.5 I am down to 134.5. I have been trying to get below that pesky 135 for awhile now and I finally broke through. Barely...:laugh:

    I am going to sign up to run the 5K for Relay for Life in May and am going to start training right away. I used to run cross country in high school, so hopefully I can channel that energy and motivation and get a good time! :bigsmile: And it's for a great cause!
  • TamaraRR
    TamaraRR Posts: 93 Member
    just had the most amazing meal at a carribean resturant, and i dont think imade a bad choice, i had chicken breast and rice, carrots and peas, and for dessert i shared cocconut ice cream n a tiny brownie with my bf, n luckily he ate more. lol hope everyone has a good day tomorrow
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    I haven't lost anymore weight this week but I have done sooo much better with everything. I started drinking my water again and got back onto eating better so that's a plus. We also invested in a Wii. I am going to look into the fitness games for it soon. I played last night until my arm and back hurts. It was so much fun though. I am wanting to check out the Jillian Michaels game for the Wii. I hope everyone is doing good this week!! Good luck to all!!!!
  • Good morning! Just got back from the gym where I killed myself on arms and cardio but it felt great! Have a busy day planned so hopefully that will help control the eating. Going to a wedding tonight and I am a bit concerned about the food....:grumble: I have been doing well the past couple of days and really don't want to screw it up. I want the scale to go down this week!!!
  • smithiekat
    smithiekat Posts: 112 Member
    I haven't lost anymore weight this week but I have done sooo much better with everything. I started drinking my water again and got back onto eating better so that's a plus. We also invested in a Wii. I am going to look into the fitness games for it soon. I played last night until my arm and back hurts. It was so much fun though. I am wanting to check out the Jillian Michaels game for the Wii. I hope everyone is doing good this week!! Good luck to all!!!!

    Ooh I'm so jealous!!! i want a wii. every 10 year old i know has one, and for some reason i don't :grumble: oh well. here's to a good weekend everyone! :drinker:
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    Hey everyone hope your weekends are going well. This week im really going to try and get things going in the right direction cause time is closing in fast! I put my goal in this thread now i have to find it lol. Im glad to see that there is weight loss out there wat to go everyone!
  • cloverluv
    cloverluv Posts: 413 Member
    Good morning! Just got back from the gym where I killed myself on arms and cardio but it felt great! Have a busy day planned so hopefully that will help control the eating. Going to a wedding tonight and I am a bit concerned about the food....:grumble: I have been doing well the past couple of days and really don't want to screw it up. I want the scale to go down this week!!!

    Good luck (hoping the food isn't all that good at the wedding)

  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    how is everyone doing this weekend? i am sticking to my calories, not great with the exercise as i am in my inlaws house this weekend, but im going to do my yoga later and i have my laptop with me, so will be going on later on

    stick with it guys! :flowerforyou:
  • doing pretty well so far. Last night I could feel boredom coming on which was about to mean "hey, why not eat!" but I managed to get to bed early with good book and a bottle of water instead. I think I need to rearrange my schedule or something so I'm doing something productive or fun during the evenings or I just go to bed earlier! Evenings are my roughest time for me. Also, I've been taking a rather intense yoga workshop at 4 p.m. each day that is 90 minutes long. By the time i get home it's six and I'm pooped and starving. So i start eating....and sometimes can't get stopped. I think it would be better for me to take a later class in the day...maybe that will be my personal challenge this next week.

    Have a great rest of your weekend everyone.
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    doing pretty well so far. Last night I could feel boredom coming on which was about to mean "hey, why not eat!" but I managed to get to bed early with good book and a bottle of water instead. I think I need to rearrange my schedule or something so I'm doing something productive or fun during the evenings or I just go to bed earlier! Evenings are my roughest time for me. Also, I've been taking a rather intense yoga workshop at 4 p.m. each day that is 90 minutes long. By the time i get home it's six and I'm pooped and starving. So i start eating....and sometimes can't get stopped. I think it would be better for me to take a later class in the day...maybe that will be my personal challenge this next week.

    Have a great rest of your weekend everyone.

    well done for not giving in to temptation, i love to read also, so reading to keep my hands busy is always good! want to start yoga next month hopefully, how do you find it?
  • i love my yoga class but it's bikram yoga (done in 105 degree room for 90 minutes at a rather intense pace). I find it very very challenging but very rewarding. For me, I had a lot of aches and pains in general and then, in particular, with any exercise. But something about the heated room allows me to get much more range of motion and I really feel like my body is healing not to mention I'm seeing some definition that I haven't seen for 30 years! I'm taking a 60 day challenge where I go for the 90 minute class every day for 60 days in a row. I'm learning a LOT about dedication and determination. I won't go this much after the 60 days is up. I just want to see if I can do it. Everytime I do something I didn't think I could do, it carries over into the rest of my life's possibilities. (I was NEVER athletic as a kid because I just didn't think I was!) Now I'm learning I am what I think I am so I'm trying to change my thinking!

    P.S. even though I've changed my eating habits way for the better too (through mfp), I'm not sure I would have dropped the weight i fif sincd january without that class. Plus I really have to eat healthy to keep up the stamina for the class so it's worked out for the better all around.

    take care
  • Good morning! Just got back from the gym where I killed myself on arms and cardio but it felt great! Have a busy day planned so hopefully that will help control the eating. Going to a wedding tonight and I am a bit concerned about the food....:grumble: I have been doing well the past couple of days and really don't want to screw it up. I want the scale to go down this week!!!

    Good luck (hoping the food isn't all that good at the wedding)


    thanks! the food actually was good but i remained in control....somewhat! i didnt eat much (although i did have cake!) but what got me was the wine! :blushing: it was my first time drinking in well over a month and i just decided that i would have fun. didnt wake up with a hangover though so that was good. and today i was at a camp smile meet and greet where i ate a hot dog with bun and a bag of chips and that put me WAY up there on my alloted weight watchers points! so, today i am really suffering but thats what i get. as long as i dont go over i am happy. no work out today though which is very sad. not going to happen tomorrow either because i have to work on a grad school project right after teaching and then i have class till 830. grrrrr. i might be able to go if class gets out early.... oh well. tuesday and wednesday i will have to hit up the gym for sure! hope everyone had a wonderful sunday!
  • blueyed_blond
    blueyed_blond Posts: 156 Member
    I was really really really bad this weekend....too much wine..too much food......shame on me!

    Tomorrow is a new day....will get back on track.

  • I can't seem to stay with the amount of calories I'm given. I'm eating healthy foods (well, except for dinner today), but I still go over a lot. I have to eat small meals throughout the day or I get dizzy. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  • hi lauren

    don't know if this will help but sometimes I enter all my meals ahead of time on mfp to add up to my daily allotment. So when I've eaten all my meals, I know I'm out of calories. When I enter what I've eaten in a day at the end of the day, I often go over.

    Hope that helps.

    I think mostly we just need to be patient with ourselves, try something new when we get stuck...experiment and try to enjoy the journey. best wishes
  • lauren,

    oh, and i forgot. I was getting dizzy and kind of anxious between meals too until I upped my water intake considerably. I keep a big jug of water with a slice of lemon in it near me all the time and it's really helped. I think I was getting more dehydrated before than anything...just didn't know it. good luck
  • Hi guys! I'm gonna be Leo the Late Bloomer here and join this group if it's still ok. :happy:

    My starting weight was 250.2
    I'm 5'9
    My goal for now is to get down to 200.

    I'll re-evaluate then. As for the goal by April 30, I would like to be down 15lbs.
  • Hello friend!:laugh:
  • cjm0014
    cjm0014 Posts: 118
    i don't necessarily have a goal weight, i just want a perfectly flat tummy. it has a little pudge right now. i also want my thighs to be more toned. i want to be rockin the bikini come summer :smile:

    i want to eat right now but dont need to and am gonna hold off till dinner! ah i hope anyways,n:laugh: talk to you guys later
  • blueyed_blond
    blueyed_blond Posts: 156 Member
    Had a MUCH better day today...i think my mini-roadtrip got me off schedule and I ended up relaxing my diet after that.....

    But today was a good one..worked out...ate well...yay! My friend made a "you look thinner" comment today which was FANTASTIC :heart: :happy: :heart:

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