"Ripped" in October



  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    I'm about to do it, I'll try to find an exact quote because I usually am too busy telling her off to listen for a quote, hahah. :D My own quote while working out to her is "Damn you Jillian, you crazy b*tch, I love you but I hate you!" haha, with good intention of course.

    I'm not too sore today so I'm going to do the Ripper this morning and then do 6W/6P this afternoon to just burn off some steam as well. But I have noticed since I changed my workout rotation from heavier lifting type routines and less circuit/HIIT style ones like JM that I'm carrying less water and I'm weighing in true to my real weight lately, which is refreshing. Whenever I do heavy lifts for a long time I start to retain lots of water. That's healthy of course because the water is displacing itself to heal hard worked muscles, but it gets old fast and hard on the psyche so I'm quiet happy about that. Hoping to weigh in 142 and change my weight on MFP Monday. :)
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    I ended up doing Day 4 earlier even though I was considering taking the day off. :smile:

    Most of the things Jillian says are annoying, it's hard to choose one. Today I noticed she says something like "Perfect is boring" which really doesn't need to be said, I think we all get it.

    cmDaffy, I do teach yoga, as a volunteer. I usually avoid mentioning that I teach because of liability, the company I insure with isn't keen on anything that might be construed as advice over the internet. I do try and give examples of what I personally do at times though. I've only done hot yoga twice, it was too...hot. lol. The heat does feel good on my muscles and I become very flexible, but that's not always a good thing. You'll have to ask the teacher/studio about it before the class, there's so many different versions of hot yoga.

    charc16, I usually weigh once every couple of weeks, no set time. I'm more interested in firming up so I go by the mirror. I do look in the mirror almost daily, usually right after I finish the DVD. :laugh:

    Ebbykins, I retain water after doing the DVD and I'm only lifting 4 or 8 pound dumbbells. :D It's usually gone in a day or 2, thankfully.

    taralee, Good luck in the morning!
  • Carrotz5
    Carrotz5 Posts: 31 Member
    Just completed Day 4! I did end up taking yesterday off due to some very sore muscles. I figured I should give my body some time to heal a little. I plan on working out Saturday morning and taking Sunday off before starting Level 2 on Monday! It is crazy to believe that we are already nearing the end of Level 1/Week 1 ladies! Good job to all of you!

    I will admit, I did cheat at lunch a little bit today. Instead of eating the grilled steak salad I should have, my coworkers and I went out to Quiznos for lunch. I'll stay under my total calories for the day but went way over the suggested fat. In an effort not to be too hard on myself, that was only 1 meal out 12 meals :)

    Hmmm so quotes of Jillian's.... Jillian does have alot of quotes. I think the comment about perfect being boring is a little annoying. And I'll agree with the previous posts about the talking into the chest thing is a little weird.

    Happy Ripping!
  • hjollyrn
    hjollyrn Posts: 208 Member
    Day 4 complete! Tomorrows a rest day and will get ripped again on saturday!

    "get out your legwarmers!"

    Keep it up ladies!! ;)
  • eatrunstretch
    eatrunstretch Posts: 233 Member
    Day 5 here done :happy:
    I am going to rip tomorrow and take sunday off, well, off Jillian!
    Looking forwards to L2!

    Happy Friday everyone :flowerforyou:
  • pakks
    pakks Posts: 30
    Me too Day 5 level 1
    Feeling much better today
    Cant believe 5 days are over.

    my plan too is to do for 6 days and sunday as the rest day
  • pakks
    pakks Posts: 30
    duplicate post
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Day 5 is done. I need a day off, maybe two. I haven't decided.... Tomorrow is my long run and usually I do both, but my hammies are feeling the "deads" and "good mornings" and I might be wise to give them a complete day of rest.

    I must have really pushed it today. I was actually dripping sweat into my eyes during the second circuit, and generally THAT doesn't happen until circuit three.

    Everyone have a GREAT Friday. High School Football around here. It's going to be warm - I'm excited to go show off my guns!:smile:

    ROCK ON!!! :tongue:
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Morning/Afternoon/Day Rippers!!

    Whoo Hoo! Well DAY 5 is here for most of us, unfortunately I'm running behind and didn't get it in just yet:frown: But I'll blame the hubby, he wouldn't to do a walk around the local track, so Day 5 will be done later and I'll report back!

    So depending on which program you'll do, the 5 or 6 day (followed by rest day) ...Let's make TODAY's QUESTION about reflection: WHAT HAVE YOU IMPROVED UPON OVER THIS PAST WEEK??? and WHAT STILL NEEDS Work?

    Well, me myself :wink: I've greatly improved upon the side planks, Yesterday I actually did ONE without letting my hip touch the ground :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Now mind you it was just one....but I'll take it ! Any victory I can:smokin: I still need work on some of the cardio, when they do the (double time-butt- kicks) I'm ready to PHONE IT IN:sad: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: ....What say you??
  • yad97
    yad97 Posts: 43
    I love this video! I feel great when it's done and really hungry - so that must mean I am burning something!

    My hamstrings are still tight but better than earlier in the week. Love the leg workout. Is it sad that the running man is really hard for me? I feel like I want to do it for 10 seconds and quit.

    Happy Friday!
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    I would say I've improved on the running man. Not sure HOW I started them on Monday, but on Wednesday my smart alec DD was laughing her butt off at me, saying I was kicking back sideways and not straight back. I think today I managed to do some with my legs BACK! (she said, and I quote, "mom, you look like a dancing HillBilly..."
  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    Yo ladies. :) I skipped the home DVD today for my heavy compound workout at the gym today, tomorrow is spin class, sunday is rest, but Monday I'll be right back ripping it up with you guys! :D Have a great weekend.
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    I would love to but I don't finish 30DS until mid Oct. Good luck :smile:

    You could overlap them...
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Rest day. :smile:
  • taralee2001
    taralee2001 Posts: 45 Member
    I slept right through my alarm this morning. :( Not only did I miss working out early, but I also missed my chance to talk to the hubby. :(

    And then after being on the move all day my kids were teaming up to work against me at bedtime. I finally managed to fit in Ripped and just finished up after midnight. Please oh please, let my lovely little monsters sleep in tomorrow. I can't believe tomorrow will be the last day of week 1! Sunday will be my rest day and then on to week 2 on Monday.

    I would say my most improvement is on the side planks too. I can actually stack my legs now instead of doing the modified version. However I am a long, long way from Bee's hardcore version of those! And I still need to work on my pushups, in fact I feel like I'm doing less the "real" way and more "girly" pushups as the week goes on. Part of it is my chest and shoulders are still a bit sore from the rest of the workout, but it's still discouraging.
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Hey Rippers! As promised, I'm checking in, just finished Week 1, Day 5!!

    I have to say, I so prefer morning workouts vs this afternoon/early evening workout....it sucked! LOL
    My goodness it felt so much harder than I remember just yesterday morning....I was sweating buckets and grasping for air.
    Oh well, sooo glad its over! I was so hyped up because I just got my HRM and was all ready to try it out-hooked up and everything- and it didn't record my workout:sad: :sad: :grumble: :grumble: apparently, you have to hit the "start" button in order for it to work (stupid rule) I just knew I burned a gazillion calories! Oh well, there's always tomorrow....Sunday will also be my REST day:drinker:
  • taralee2001
    taralee2001 Posts: 45 Member
    Did day 6 today. Done with week one. My husband requested new progress pictures so I took some, put them side by side with last weekends from right after I finished the 30 Day Shred. Don't see one bit of difference. :( I also always seem to gain a bit when I start a new workout. So that's a pretty discouraging combination. I know it will pay off in the long run, but I am impatient.

    Sorry to be a downer, that's just all I have for today. Obviously I am not having a good day. :ohwell:
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Hey there fellow Rippers!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Week ONE has went DOWN!! Today was day 6 and tomorrow will be a much needed REST day from Jillian:drinker: :drinker:

    For those who are on the 6 day program go ahead and KNOCK IT OUT!! :happy: :grumble: Don't phone it in!! It's funny because all while I'm doing the workout this morning, I'm just listening to all those Jillian Michael's quotes that you all pointed out, and I'm just like...."yep, that was annoying":laugh: :laugh: It's funny how I didn't seem to notice them before! Well, its gorgeous out here in Chicago, hopefully it beautiful wherever you're at too!

    Oh and Taralee, Girl, you are doing well, you know I think its normal to gain a little weight with the new workout especially when its strength training (likely water retention, or maybe even muscle) in any event....You're doing GREAT!! Stick with it and your hubby and you will be thrilled with the outcome!

    See you all on MONDAY! Happy Ripping!
  • Carrotz5
    Carrotz5 Posts: 31 Member
    I can officially cross Week 1 of Ripped in 30 off! I have just completed my last Level 1 workout. I noticed some small changes where some of the moves are easier now than they were at the beginning of the week, but nothing astonishing. I am definitely looking forward to a change in the workout routine starting on Monday with Week 2.

    Taralee - I'm right there with you on the progress pictures. I took mine this morning and compared to last weeks pics (my before pics) there isn't much of a noticeable difference.

    I did see some very small changes in most of my measurements and my average weight has droped by 0.5lbs. I will take these small victories!

    Well now that Week 1 is complete, I just wanted to thank all you ladies for your support! I look forward to reading your updates everyday and celebrating the small victories we have each day. It makes me want to pop in the DVD get my workout done and follow my meal plan. So... thank you everyone for helping me make my first week a success!

    Mocha - Its beautiful here in the Lansing, MI area and I plan on enjoying the day going to ArtPrize in Grand Rapids!

    See you all Monday!
  • pakks
    pakks Posts: 30
    Yesterday did Day 6 of level 1 and comparatively it was less painful.

    A small feel good factor of doing level 1.
    Thought my main victory would be to cross Level 2 as 4 months back I gave up in Level 2
    Waiting for the monday