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40 and older with 10lbs or less to lose



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,868 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement duffy and Swissmiss. I agree, duffy, that Colorado is a healthy environment. We're spending this weekend in Denver (where my sisters live) and then going to Colorado Springs to attend a conference. My sisters are great, and I had a long talk yesterday with one of my sisters who was planning the dinners for while we are there, making sure I'd be able to eat what she is serving! I love my sister! So that part of the trip is well taken care of, thanks to her. And last night I was looking for health food stores and restaurants in Colorado Springs and there are plenty, so when we have free meal in Colorado Springs (like breakfast), we should be okay.

    My biggest concern is that there are three catered buffet-type evening events in the week, and I have absolutely no clue what will be served. I might be able to find out once we get to Colorado Springs, but as of right now, the event organizers seem to be having difficulty sharing simple things like what the attire for the events are, so I'm thinking asking about the menu might not get me too far. I've been to some similar events where they serve fresh fruit and vegetables. And I've been to others where all of the food is fried. So......

    I guess I'm just kind of frustrated because I would like to think I could count on healthy options (especially given how much the events cost!) but last time I believed that (just last month), I ended up spending the evening watching other people eat fried foods while I got increasingly hungry--and then had to eat a healthy dinner at 11:00pm after I got home! So I'll probably try to eat before I go to these events, which just increases my frustration level a bit because, again, they aren't cheap.

    But these are simple problems in the big scheme of things, and I recognize that. But I just wish healthy eating options were something I could rely on, and they, very sadly, aren't.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Ah yes the rule of buffet dining - Fat makes even the cheapest meal taste better. Here's hoping at least the veggies aren't overcooked. My husband has very similiar issues when he attends work events. Last year he had a week long training and we ended up sending a cooler full of healthy options. Now mind you his biggest concern is getting the 3500 - 4000 calories he needs to maintain his body mass. So lots of protein bars, shake supplies. We also packed instant oatmeal and hard boiled eggs. His system cannot handle fatty foods so he ended up increasing his carbs just to maintain the calories he needs.
  • smbenns
    smbenns Posts: 3
    I'm in. I need help, support and suggestion on meals.:happy:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Welcome smbenns! Let us know a little bit about yourself. I'm sure we can help.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Hi alf!!! Not sure when you're getting back, but here's a welcome home greeting!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Good morning singfree
    duffy..I can't imagine eating 3500 - 4000 calories. I know that they are needed for him but they would kill me.:laugh:
    I did a very bad thing last night. I ate cookies. Well, today is another day.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Hi swissmiss...don't beat yourself up over a treat now and then. Today I had a slice of birthday cake here at work. Did I need it? No. Did I enjoy it? Yum. Will I do it again soon? Of course! I do have willpower, but I am also going to enjoy a few simple pleasures.

    PS- The cake was Chocolate with Chocolate Frosting...need I say more?
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Chocolate is certainly one of my downfalls. I am eating cantaloupe and cottage cheese for lunch.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hey gang!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had a great time in Puerto Rico. It is always so hard to leave especially to leave my parents there. They need so much help now that they are older. I ate sooooo much!!!!! And I enjoyed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: Now back to my old habits...I did gain 3.5 lbs according to the scale but that is ok...I exercised 7 times in the 13 days I was there. That is not counting the walking while sightseeing and swimming. I am not sure what fitness program nor eating program I will be following now. I want to make some changes...In the meantime while I decide I am going to zig zag calories and do my cardio and regular strenght trng routine. What are you guys up to?? I am sure I have missed a lot of good info...:flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Hi alf! Yes, we certainly missed you, and we're glad that you're back safely. Hey, what are vacations for? Relaxing, savoring the wonderful times with family and friends, eating, drinking and savoring every moment. 3.5 lbs is not bad at all...I could do that in one weekend. Jump back in the saddle, we're here for you. If you look back thru the thread, you'll notice a lot of really nice people joined our group when you were away. Glad you had a chance to see the folks again.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Frank, I have noticed that if I gain a couple of pounds over a few days that all I have to do is be careful for another few days and they are gone. They come off a lot easier then the first time.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,868 Member
    Welcome back, alf!! I'm happy to hear you had a good time in Puerto Rico. Don't worry about the 3.5lbs...I bet they are gone in no time. I'm impressed you worked out so much while you were gone!!

    Busy day (again!), but finished my first STS cycle this morning (I did the eight week rotation in seven weeks because of leaving town on Friday). I couldn't be happier with the results I've had, and can't wait to get to the muscle building phase (which is next) to see what happens. I was telling a friend of mine today that I had lost all of the weight I had gained through injuries and moves and such over the past three years, and it feels so good to feel like me again. And part of that is I feel really strong, and after losing the use of my left arm for a number of months three years ago, I never thought I'd feel that way again. But here I am...and it's just the best feeling. :drinker: Now if I could just rid myself of this carrot cake craving, and I'd be all good. :tongue:
  • MrsDanceBartley
    MrsDanceBartley Posts: 78 Member
    Hey I'm not saying a lot but checking in every day and getting to know y'all!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Hi to you RunningRatty2----Is that actually your rat? My oldest son raised them. Make great pets. When he was about 10 years old he had one that went everywhere with him. Rode on his shoulder.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Becky, it's amazing that our bodies will easily shed those extra vacation lbs, but trying to get rid of the last few lbs of fat....well, that's a different story!

    Alf, we have a very nice new member with us from your great state of TX (via England)! Jane (runningratty2), I hope you stay with us for a while.

    Stiringwendel, I know how tough cravings can be. I go through phases where I can pass up treats for months, then...wham! I can't take it anymore. In those times I have seemingly no willpower at all.

    I've been thinking about Alf's visit to PR. When your family and friends are so far away, you cherish the small things in life and brings every aspect of your own being into clearer focus. Thanks for sharing a glimpse of your life with your friends.

    I feel motivated now to do the right thing. That is, become the healthiest, fittest me...so I can be around a long time for my family.
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    I weighed in yesterday and didn't lose, guess i need to tweek my diet some. trouble is my Bday is tomorrow and i'm going out to eat, oh well. :sad:
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Good morning singfree
    duffy..I can't imagine eating 3500 - 4000 calories. I know that they are needed for him but they would kill me.:laugh:
    I did a very bad thing last night. I ate cookies. Well, today is another day.

    I'll see your cookie (mine was snickerdoodle) and raise you 2 pieces of pizza. I'm not gonna beat myself up over them - They were crappy choices but I didn't go over on calories yesterday so I'm going to just move on to healthier choices today. I think I need a little food comfort before my MRI. I'm not extremely fond of small places so I wasn't looking forward to it. Actually, it ended up being no big deal. Due to my neck pain I haven't been sleeping well and I was extremely comfortable in the machine and actually found it relaxing. Thank goodness for a year of meditation classes with visualization.

    Welcome back Alf! Glad to hear you had a good trip. 3.5 is nothing and I am so proud of you for all of your exercise while gone. As you can tell we are building steam as a group. Do you think it is time to start a new thread? I was thinking tomorrow's Friday check-in would be a good time.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    singfree,, I have to hand it to you. You can remember everyone here.
    duffy...I may still have you beat. I left out the pizza that my kids made.
    mnichol..birthdays only come once a year..enjoy.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    I wish it would warm up here in PA. Not too bad, just a bit cool for bike riding. I've been tracking cals burned during my previous 3 rides. If I keep the intensity high, I am averaging around 700 cals per hour (according to my HRM). My area has a lot of rolling hills which makes for a heart-pounding workout. This sure beats the treadmill or spinner bike anyday.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,868 Member
    Hey all.

    I'm in a weird mood today. I got on the scale this morning since I'm leaving tomorrow, and I'm 1/2 pound away from my goal weight, which I pretty much think means I've reached my goal. And on one hand, I'm celebrating. I can't believe I'm at 120 again. It has been years. But on the other hand....I don't think I'm mentally ready to be 120 again!!

    That is so hard to explain, but the thought of maintenance scares me to no end. I suppose that makes sense since it is in 'maintenance mode' that I've managed to gain weight so very often. In other words, I actually don't quite know how to maintain weight. This is going to be a challenge. It's a positive challenge, but I think it is going to be a challenge nonetheless. I think checking in here with my weight on a weekly basis will really help me.

    I'm actually glad I'm going away for a little while right now because I think it will give me a chance to think about it a bit and see how having a more 'normal' lifestyle feels. As my sister said the other day, she's curious to see how I do 'off the ranch' (a Biggest Loser reference), and so am I.

    So, anyhow, because I'm leaving tomorrow, here is my check-in. I'm down 1.3 pounds this week, to 120.5 (I still can't believe that). My hips and waist are exactly where I want them to be (35" and 25" respectively). The chest....not so much. :tongue: I feel strong, fit and healthy. And despite the fact that maintenance scares me, I'm so incredibly happy to have achieved these results (23 pounds lost, four inches off both my waist and hips) over the past 2.5 months, especially at my age (43).

    I did an upper body workout this morning (chest, shoulders and biceps) which was a repeat of the workout I did on Sunday, but I wanted to do it again because my back was so sore on Sunday that I didn't feel like I gave it my best effort. Today was much better. Next week is my 'recovery week' for STS, so I'm hoping to do some light aerobics while in Colorado (treadmill or exercise bike) and lots of walking. At that altitude, walking will be a challenge for me for a couple of days!

    I won't have my computer with me, so I probably won't be able to check-in while I'm gone. But I hope everybody has a good week. And cross your fingers that when I get back in a week, I'm still in maintenance mode and not in weight loss mode again! :flowerforyou:
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