

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just saw a very inspiring post - check it out!


    I am rushing at the moment and will post more in a little bit. Just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian friends! I actually looked up the history of Thanksgiving in Canada this morning, so I now know that it is Monday, the same as our Columbus Day. I loved the name the French gave "The Order of Good Cheer." (I hope that I have it right.) Have a great holiday weekend!
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Sissy, my husband, son and I went to the Caribbean 3 years ago. I loved it, we went to Peuto Rico, St. Thomas and Tortolla. Your cruise sounds wonderful. Have a great time, Rose
  • Sweetpea3963
    Sweetpea3963 Posts: 16 Member
    Already thinking about our big family Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday.....Hoping I will stay on track and not pig out. I always feel worse when I overstuff myself and wish I hadn't done it. Looking forward to seeing family and celebrating my grandson's 8th birthday as well!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Okay, my promised post. Yesterday it was extremely windy here. When I came home from work, as I rounded the corner, I saw that my mail box had blown open, and saw the last of my mail blowing out of the box. I started trying to chase what I could find of it and pick it up. Mind you, the wind gusts were probably 50mph. Anyway, I got the mail out of my yard, and decided to drive up the block and search for more. I saw one piece of mail a ways up the street in a fenced in back yard, but didn't see any anywhere else. I was preparing to go the home and ask permission to go into their back yard when their teenage son (one of my high school students) walked up. I got him to retrieve the mail, which was indeed mine. I have no idea if I found all of my mail or not. Anyway, throughout all of this, every time I got in and out of the car, the wind was blowing the door shut on my leg. Ouch! I finally parked, and noticed that a plastic pail that we use for dog water was out by the corner, so I walked out to get it. While I was out there, I noticed that off in the other direction, there was what appeared to be an empty box. I decided that I had better walk over to check it out. When I caught up with it, I discovered that it was my order from Crutchfield, an adapter for my car stereo. Apparently, UPS had left it on my back step. (I don't know why they didn't open the door and set it on the enclosed porch!) This whole process took me 35 minutes and left me a bit grouchy. Now that I have recovered from my grouchiness, my question to you is how many calories did I burn? :laugh: I'm sure that if anyone was watching me, it was quite a sight!

    On a happier note, I am leaving for my church retreat after work today, and won't be back here until Monday. Everyone have a great weekend!
  • PrimalMorningMoon
    PrimalMorningMoon Posts: 85 Member
    Good morning! I sure enjoy reading all your notes. Definitely helps create a connection.

    My spouse is on vacation this week. We were initially going to go to a conference in Orlando relating to his work. More recently, and right up until 4am Wednesday morning, we were going to be backpacking in The Enchantments for 5 days. Neither of those things came to fruition and so far we are just hanging around the house, doing some organizing and that sort of thing. He's been going shopping...I don't care much for shopping. :) I keep thinking how these vacation days are just being wasted, even though I like having him around, and we aren't going to do anything fun or exotic or adventurous. I'm trying to think now what we could do in the couple of days left in the vacation time. I'm stuck in a walking cast for I-don't-know-how-long, which puts a horrible kink in my style. :angry: :cry:

    I'm working to get on board with the food thing for myself. I like the site. I'm a sparkpeople refuge, and this way more suits me. :)
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    Mary, sounds like you had a fun time playing "postoffice". Have you thought about putting a simple hook and eye on your box so the wind can't open it all the way?
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Fri.It`s a beautiful day here.A warm fall day.Had my MRI.wasn`t too bad.Saw the dr after.From what he could see on the films,there is a bulging disc.He gets the report on MON.He did have me go in the deep end of the pool for 20 min.The pain didn`t get worse.So we`ll see Mon what else is going on.
    My girlfriend `s grandson is being born today.We`re going to my son`s for dinner.Have a good one.
    Will catch up later.
    Thanks for your love and support.
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Just quickly dropping in. I went to a program for one of my old students today. He is volunteering this year in the Americorp program; working in the inner city with high risk kids. I am so proud of him. Came home...with a fever...feel like something is coming and I am trying to push fluids and rest. I'll be back.

    Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadian friends.
    Enjoy the weekend!

  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies, just finished a rotation of twelve days and fifteen shifts. Feeling good no lazyness or fog in the mind. Keeping on the fasting and supplements, every day feels better. Habit of eating in the morning due to bordom or emotions, still haunt my mind, but I remember that is what put me in the sick house in the first place. Crossing my fingers it will disappear soon, as I inch my way to my goal.

    I have not started to exercise as yet, mind seems to be busy adjusting the body to what I am doing to it. So I will wait untill I know the time is right.

    Autumn is in full swing and Fall is right around the corner. Wish this time of year was a few months longer. All the colours and cool air give me energy! Speaking of which HAPPY THANKSGIVING to those who celebrate it! I have grown out of it or worked out of it, not sure what it is, but I am happy to have the weekend off to catch up on the house cleaning.

    Hope all is well here, keep to your goals and focus on each days activities.

  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    First off, Happy Thanksgiving weekend to my fellow Canadians. We have a long weekend, so that is great. I need it.

    I am still trying to recover from the terrible root canal that I had done; I had to go back to the dentist as the pain got unbearable and I was in tears almost. He put me on an anti biotic and gave me a strong pain killer and it seems once the anti biotic kicked in, things settled down, so I must have had an infection in there, but it was awful. I couldn't sleep or anything. Today I feel almost human :laugh:

    For all you ladies that are about to go on cruises, lucky you. We jusr came back from ours a couple of weeks ago and I wish I were going again already. I just love cruising :love:

    I finally seem to be back on track and losing weight again, which is good after my gaining, so I am happy about that. I sill have a ways to go, of course, but I hope I can stay on course this time.

    I hope everyone is doing well and keeping fine. I will talk again soon.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi All!

    I'm Rita. I've been looking for an over 50 group to get involved with....I'm 55. Many of you have posted about the same weight loss problems I have. I've read the thread from the beginning..you are all so supportive and friendly! I'd love to join in. I've been w/MFP about 2 months and have so far lost 6 lbs. I still have a way to go...35lbs. I'm blessed with 2 sons (27 and 19yrs) and a husband who love to cook/bake and have no trouble dropping a few pounds whenever they want. (It's just not fair!) I have the determination every morning to eat the right food, exercise, drink water....and lose it as soon as I walk in the front door from work to find my husband made an apple/cherry pie. Then I'm done. I'm great at sabotaging myself. "The pie is ok to eat cause it's full of fresh apples and cherries" My mind never once reminds me that it's also full of sugar n butter! I don't feel like I'm 55..but my body sure looks the part and health issues are starting to creep up...and all my favorite clothes are in a bag in the attic. I've been doing this determined/fall off the wagon thing for so long trying to drop my lbs! Anyone have a cure??
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Rita! and welcome to all newcomers. This group is very supportive. Just finding that I can identify with so much that others my age are grappling with.

    - with respect to profile pictures: I currently have a "goal photo" up. I was 135 lbs in the picture and this is what I want to get back to. But I have also put up cartoon pictures, grand baby pictures, cruise picture, etc. It is a personal thing.

    -I have been over my calories lately and some of that is due to an indulgence in walnuts and wine. The food and drink intake overall is quite healthy. Had homemade spaghetti last night, but had too many noodles for my liking. Anyway my diary is open, so feel free to make comments on my page or here on the forum.

    -It is Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada, and I bought a turkey breast roast. Kids are coming for dinner on Monday.

    ttyl :heart: Rebel
  • Sweetpea3963
    Sweetpea3963 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello to Everyone,
    I just attended a child's birthday party and they served hamburgers with cheese and buns and chocolate cake. I didn't want to insult anyone so I ate these items. I have no idea what type of hamburger, cheese, buns or cake it was, so when I added my calories I erred on the side of caution and chose high calories. Just eating these foods put me in the negative calorie count for the day and we have not had dinner yet! To compensate for the high caloric intake, I did some work on the treadmill so now I have a few more calories to use for dinner (not many though). Tomorrow will be another day of eating as we are celebrating our Thanksgiving with family. Hopefully, I can limit my intake to the foods that won't set me back too far. I wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving and hoping you will enjoy time with your friends and family.

  • TrekkerCynthia
    TrekkerCynthia Posts: 155 Member
    Lisa, yep, scone is used here as well.

    My profile is to remind me of what happens if I say “Oh I can start tomorrow”. It is a picture of me on our flight to Barcelona, we are about to take off and in my hand is my complementary glass of champagne. Once again I’m off to Europe to overweight and out of shape to really enjoy being there.

    Happy Thanksgiving Bea.

    Enjoy your trip, Genea :happy:

    Very cool pics, Mary, thanks for the link. Oh man, and what a mess with your mail. We get wind like that here in Vegas as well, but fortunately have lock boxes for our mail. And the UPS guy could have been a little nicer with the box placement.

    Oh, new baby on the way, congrats Jane.

    (((Sally))), healing vibes coming your way.

    Marilyn,, glad you are feeling good. I agree, fall should be about 6 months long.

    Cathy, owie, thank goodness the antibiotics worked.

    Hello Rita, welcome. Kinda like fried green beans are good for you because they are veggies.

    Renate, if you are in a situation like that again, party with foods you aren’t really into, then just put some on your plate and push them around. You could take a bite or two out of the burger and then ignore it. Same with the cake, just wave a piece or two around on your fork while talking, make sure people see, then they’ll assume you ate it. You can sneakily throw it away later.

    I’ve had to keep today’s calories on the kind of low side. Tonight I’m meeting some friends for 2nd Saturday – at Fremont street in downtown. It’s a gathering of the food trucks. I’ve checked menus and have planned about 4 to 5 different things to try, plus 2 beers, and will be within my calories. Should be a fun way to spend an evening. If the lines are like I’ve heard then I may be under for the day (oh, who am I kidding, I’m make hubby stop and In-N-Out in that case). Got in my exercise for the day and I’m ready to go.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI! My girlfriend became a grandma last night.Her and I have been friends for 30 years.Her and my kids grew up together.It`s so awesome to see new life.
    My baby went to Homecoming today.Can`t believe she is growing up so fast.My DIL did her hair and makeup as mom has no clue.
    Spent the day with my 3 year old grand daughter.She even gave grandma a makeover,3 year old style.
    The weather was so nice and can`t wait to hear how the dance was.
    Happy Thanksgiving to those who are celebrating.
    Welcome any newbies.
    Will try to catch up in the am..
    have a good night!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,376 Member
    Rebel - good for you going to yoga. I like it especially for the stretching. I really should do it more than once/week, but sometimes I just can't find the time.

    Lisa - great choices on your breakfast! Personally, I like photos of people, makes it easier to put a face with a name.

    Today (Fri) did 1 hr of HIIT on the elliptical (30 sec sprint, 1 min recovery) and then about 30 min of tai chi. Tomorrow...yoga after the farmer's market.

    Sally - Hope you feel better fast.

    Rita - welcome to a supportive group. No secret to losing weight, I think it gets harder the older we get (boo!). Just keep trying your best, that's all I can say

    Renate - I know that I have those days. I sometimes will eat something just not to hurt someone's feelings. What I try to do is have just a small portion and then maybe have something like veges when I get home just to fill up. As long as it doesn't happen all the time, I think you're just fine. Happy Thanksgiving!

    Did an hour of yoga today (Sat.). I'll probably do an hour tomorrow on the Wii of balance games, haven't done that in a while.

    Had some kale in my soup tonight. Not too crazy about kale. I'll finish what I have, but for now at least I don't think I'll be buying any more. Made some pureed butternut squash tonight. Put a little cinnamon in it for flavor. Tried a little bit and the sample tasted good.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • PrimalMorningMoon
    PrimalMorningMoon Posts: 85 Member
    Just a quick note to say hi to you alls! :)
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I hope my ticker doesn't reset the days. It was right at the stroke of midnight in my time zone when I finally got on today. It is way, way past my bedtime and I hope to catch up on the posts tomorrow.

    I hope everyone is well and may I be the first to wish everyone a Happy New Day.

  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member