Sexy in Six R2 *closed group* Wk 2

Alright, we made it through week one! Most people seemed to say they've been lagging, stressed, sick, etc. so I'm hoping we all get back on track and kick some booty this week! I know I need a kick in the butt!

So here's our results chart for the week. It's my first attempt to post my spreadsheet so I hope it turns out alright! Anyway, to read the chart: Each section is a team. You'll see your username, followed by your starting weight (that you gave on your registration form, or for round 1 members it's your last weigh in from round 1). After that is your goal weight for the end of the challenge, so you can constantly see what you're aiming for! Next is your current weight, what you listed on the most recent weigh in. Then you see your pounds you either gained or lost that week, and finally your TOTAL percentage of your bodyweight gained or lost. The percentage will be cumulative, meaning next week it will be the percentage of weight lost this week AND next. You'll notice some pounds/percentages have an asterisk (*) and that means you had a GAIN. If your weight loss in pounds and/or percentage are highlighted, YOU had the biggest loss for your team! So congratulations :smile: Next to your team name, you will see the totals for your team: just like your personal info, but for the whole team. Anyone who has a question with the data on the chart, just email me.


((TanyaPearce and laughingatchu, you both submitted your weigh ins, but I had questions and hadn't heard back from you when I posted this. Neither of your weights were counted for your teams.))

We *DID* lose several members of Sexy in Six already. I'm working to replace them currently. The loss of a member does not affect the team's total losses, as the percentages were NOT calculated with their data.

Our challenge this week is to move TEN MILES. You can do 2 miles a day, ten miles in one day. How you break it up throughout the week is up to you. Wanna walk? Run? Bike? Swim? A little of each? Move however you want. Anyway you wanna do it is fine! Be sure to keep track of how far you went each day in your exercise notes, that way at the end of the week you can add it all up. And finally, the questions this week go to:
MON- TanyaPearce
TUES- chocolattahottie
THURS- drgirl1023
FRI- heaverchell

Have a great week guys! Lets really kick it up a notch!

********************This is a reminder that anyone who does NOT submit their weigh in by the deadline will be removed from the challenge!!!! Also, you are supposed to be interacting on the Questions of the Day EVERYDAY! If you aren't active on our thread, you may be removed as well. It takes 5 minutes to anwer a question. If your teammates are taking the time to follow the rules, be considerate and show them the same respect!********************


  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Everyone please give sarahkatara a warm welcome! She's our newest Team Yellow member!
  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    Way to kick butt TEAM YELLOW and welcome to our new member sarahkatara!! I just had my birthday celbration this last weekend so it is going to take everything I have to lose this week but I promise to try my hardest!!!
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    Awesome job ladies, looking forward to week 2. And a big yellow warm welcome to sarahkatara.
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    Thanks peanut, great chart!!

    Ok Black Team. let's move our butts and kick some butt this week :laugh:
    Thanks peanut, great chart!!

    Ok Black Team. let's move our butts and kick some butt this week :laugh:

    Yes Ma'am =) I'm going to do as much as I can! I'm hoping to get to the doctor this week sometime to see if it's ok to work out with my knee the way it is, and to see what's going on (I think I may have aggravated a meniscus tear from the past winter.. fun stuff) But I PROMISE I won't let you down again!
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    I'm hoping to get to the doctor this week sometime to see if it's ok to work out with my knee the way it is, and to see what's going on (I think I may have aggravated a meniscus tear from the past winter.. fun stuff)

    that sounds painful :sick:
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    Well done everyone! Well done Team Yellow - and apologies for my holding you back - though with Jelly bean looks like that wasn't a problem!

    I feel much more motivated today...but then I read ten miles!!!! Ok ten miles it is..... wonder what the distance is round my office?.....
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    Oh, this IS motivating :)

    Okay, my tooth has been pulled, and it is pretty much healed. I'm ready to get in some serious workouts!

    Sorry for the gain, Blue Team, but I will turn it around...I promise!
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    I'll be better this week. I weighed myself on Saturday because I was out of town for business on Friday and finally had a loss! Down 1.8 pounds. Hopefully that weight stays off! My husband is home for the weekend on Friday, so I'm hoping I can be good this weekend... :) Already planning ahead on that one. Have a good week everyone!
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    Feeling refreshed and ready to get back on the wagon . . . . . . embracing the challenge and setting a challenge for myself to log all food all week, NO CHEATING :) We got this :) Welcome to sarahkatara, its gonna be a fun ride!!!
  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    Oh, this IS motivating :)

    Okay, my tooth has been pulled, and it is pretty much healed. I'm ready to get in some serious workouts!

    Sorry for the gain, Blue Team, but I will turn it around...I promise!

    Same here blue team! Although usually my gains are followed by a big loss. 'Tis the water weight!

    Although I did splurge this weekend (and am paying for it dearly). Back on track today!
  • heaverchell
    heaverchell Posts: 513 Member
    WOW...there were some GREAT results this week. I plan to be the one highlighted in Yellow this week :glasses:

    Oh a serious note...welcome to the new members. To my team GO TEAM BLACK--I will be working hard for ya this week. We can do this!
  • 160poundgirl
    Go Team Yellow!! Welcome sarahkatara :) Looking forward to my name being highlighted in yellow- 10 miles? its on!!!
  • StacyAS999
    StacyAS999 Posts: 107 Member
    Good job Team Yellow and Jelly! Welcome Sarah!
    I'm hoping to get to the doctor this week sometime to see if it's ok to work out with my knee the way it is, and to see what's going on (I think I may have aggravated a meniscus tear from the past winter.. fun stuff)

    that sounds painful :sick:

    it was when I initially injured it, but not real bad now, it's just swollen and hurts on occasion throughout the day, but it's enough to bother me/worry me so I want to get it checked out.
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    Ouch. My hubby had to have his knee operated on because of a meniscus tear, just look after yourself TORIEELIZABETH :smile:
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    Accidental double post. Oops
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Thank you everyone! I'm so excited to start this challenge and give and get support. Let's do this, Team Yellow! We got this! :happy:
  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    Hi :) hope everyone had a good weekend and that the Canadians had a great thxgiving!! I totally had a bad eating weekend yikes! Ready to hop back on that wagon. What's the question of the day?
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Great job ladies! Love the 10 mile challenge!! I am doing another Leslie Sansone challenge (thisone is only 14 days thank goodness!) so I *should* have the 10 miles in the bag, but need all the motivation I can get. I will work very hard to be more consistently present, time management is not one of my best skills. But, as this is about the rest of my life, I will make every attempt to make this a top priority :)